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March 11, 1970 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-11

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Siriti an


NEWS PHONE: 764-0552


Ann Arbor, Michigan

Poge Three


Protesters sue Harvey


hair cuts

Eight protesters arrested Feb. 18 have
filed suit against Washtenaw County
Sheriff Douglas Harvey and two of his
deputies for cutting their hair while
they were in jail.
The $200,000 suit, filed Monday in
Detroit Federal District Court, alleges
that the protesters were "compelled to
have the hair on their heads totally
clipped or shaved to the scalp."
Ernest Goodman, attorney for the
eight said in an eight-page complaint
that the shearings violated his clients'
constitutional rights under the first,
fifth, eight, ninth and 14th amend-
The five University students and three
former students were charged with mis-
demeanors during a demonstration

against a recruiter from General Electric
on campus. They were given the hair-
cuts "against their will and in spite of
their objections" while waiting to be
released on bond, Goodman charged.
Paul Wilson, '72 LSA, Robert Parsons,
'70 LSA, suspended Monday by LSA
Dean William Hays, Fred Miller, '70
LSA, Glenn Mitchell, Mark Moss, and
former students James Forrester, James
Kirk and Mark Wellman, are seeking
$15,000 actual damages and $10,000
punitive damages each.
Sheriff Harvey could not be reached
for comment yesterday. However, he
said Monday the suit "is ridiculous. The
hair will gi-ow back in three days."
"The fellow who did the cutting was

an inmate and he's out of jail now,"
Harvey added. "All I know is he was
supposed to treat everybody the same."
Miller said yesterday the inmate was
not alone when he cut the protesters'
hair. "There were three deputies stand-
ing- around," Miller said. "I assume it
was not the inmate's decision to cut it
as short as it was. He didn't seem very
excited about cutting it."
Forrester, who had his hair cut Feb.
19 said an officer pointed to his license
and said, "'See that. That's how your
hair's going to look.'"
Although Forrester said his head was
not completely shaved, he said "I was
unlucky that I got a haircut at all. It
wasn't necessary. There was no justifi-

cation for it other than that they don't
like protesters."
Goodman said the right of prisoners
to keep their hair has not yet been
tested in the courts.
"We've had a number of cases deal-
ing with the right of college students to
wear their hair long," he said. "In most
of them, the courts ruled in favor of the
kids. But it's hard to tell how they'll
rule on people who are under arrest.
"I'm sure the sheriff will argue that
the cutting was necessary because of
the danger of lice. But why don't they
cut women's hair the same way? Don't
women get lice?" Goodman added.
The case will be heard at 11 a.m.
March 23 by Federal District Judge
Lawrence Gubow.







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At 7:10 and 9:00

Program Information 662-6264 1:15-3:45-6:20 & 9 P.M.

news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Service
THE SENATE rejected an amendment to the 1965 Voting
Rights Act that would have removed most of the Southern states
from automatic coverage but would have brought in other parts
of the country.
The 60-26 vote was the latest in a series of turned down amend-
ments by Sen. Sam Ervin (D-NC) to soften the law's impact on
the South. Ervin has been losing despite administration support
for broader legislation that would treat all states alike.
Opponents of the amendment said it would leave only Georgia
and South Carolina completely covered among the Southern states.
"That is not the question," Ervin said. "A question of principle is
The 1965 Act provided for automatic coverage of any state or
county using a voter literacy test on Nov. 1, 1964, if less than 50
per cent of its voting age population was registered to vote or voted
in the presidential election that year.
THE ARMY filed new charges of murder, assault and rape
in connection with the alleged massacre at My Lai and added
five more soldiers to the list of men accused in the incident.
Among those charged yesterday is Capt. Ernest Medina, a former
commanding officer of Lt. William Calley, who goes to trial May 18
on charges of premeditated murder in the deaths of 102 Vietnamese
civilians at My Lai.
The Army charged Medina with three counts, one of maiming
and murder, one of murder, and one of assault with a'deadly weapon.
The Army released the names and charges of the others accused
but would not release further details because public disclosure might
prejudice the rights of the accused, an army spokesman said.
The five charged yesterday now face investigations to determine
whether they will be brought before a court-martial for prosecution.
THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION overrode the governor of
Mississippi's veto of $4.2 million in federal funds for three Head
Start programs.
The action was a victory within the administration for James
Farmer, assistant secretary of welfare in charge of Head Start and
one-time civil rights activist as head of the Congress on Radical
Farmer has been challenged in recent weeks by leaders of such
groups as the NAACP to prove his civil rights credentials by forcing
the administration to override the Mississippi veto.
Secretary of Welfare Robert Finch brushed aside the objections
of Mississippi Gov. John Bell Williamsand started new money flowing
to pre-school projects that enroll 2,819 children, most of whom are
black, in that state.
* * a*
FARMERS DEMONSTRATING for higher prices for their
crops burned three million pounds of potatoes.
The potatoes were dumped in a field near American Falls, Idaho,
saturated with 300 gallons of diesel fuel, and then set on fire. The
bonfire was the biggest demonstration so far in a 2;12-week campaign
by the National Farmer Organization.
Last week, one-million-pound batches of spuds were burned by
farmers in two cities in Idaho, the nation's largest potato producer.
LAMAR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, closed a week ago after angry
whites attacked buses carrying black pupils, reopened as Na-
tional guardsmen and state police stood guard.. .
Only 76 of the approximately 1000 enrolled showed up. 52
of those were black.
The school area was heavily patrolled by guardsmen and
police armed with rifles and tear gas launchers. Two National Guard
helicopters and a spotter plane flew overhead.

proposal to fund'
blacK admissions
Students for Effective Action (SEA) is withdrawing the
proposal it made early last month to fund increased black
and minority admissions through student fees.
Andy Weissman, '71, said SEA decided in conjunction
with leaders of the Black Action Movement (BAM) to with-
draw the proposal because "We feel that the responsibility for
meeting the black demands should be entirely on the Univer-
sity at this point."
The proposal had called for a student referendum on a
$15 tuition increase to be ear-marked for funding minority
admissions. The proposal also

-Associated Press
'Uncle Ho'
A statue of North Vietnam's late president, Ho Chi Minh, stands
in the People's Army Exhibit in Hanoi. Behind it is the star of
the North Vietnamese army and the hammer and sickle emblem
of communism.
History dept. may

asked that the faculty vote to
assess themselves $25 a year.
According to Weissman, SEA
and BAM now feel the University
can find the funding necessary to
increase black and minority ad-
missions by reallocating its pres-
ent funds.
"Existing programs which de-
serve a lower priority must have
their level of funding cut, a nd
some programs which do not' be-
long at the University at all must
be eliminated entirely," Weiss-
man said.-
However, Weissman added SEA
may reintroduce its proposal at
some later date, once BAM's in-
itial list of absolute minimum de-
mands has been met by the Uni-
versity. Weissman said this would
be done "only to provide funds for
increasing the number of black
and other minority students on
campus over and above what BAM
has initially called for."
BAM demands include the ad-
mission of at least 900 new black
students next fall, including 450
freshmen, 150 transfers, and 300
graduate students; an increase in
the proportion of blacks in the
university to ten per cent by 1973-
74 and additional annual increas-
es until the proportion of blacks
"shall approach, if not exceed"
the proportion of blacks in the to-
tal state population.
Weissman said SEA believes
that funding for a minority ad-
missions program will eventually
have to be partially supported by
student fees.

The history department's cur-
riculum committee has issued a
proposal recommending t h a t
"graduate students have a greater
part in designing their overall
program" within the department.
"The primary aim of the pro-
posal as I see it, is for the stu-
dent to be able to arrange for
himself a more individualized area
of specialization," history Prof.
Arthur Mendel said yesterday.
"Each student would choose a ma-
jor area of concentration for the
first year. Thereafter, he would
continue to work in that area
while pursuing studies in three or
more other subjects."
"These subjects, in contrast to
the present system, would not be
limited to the usual chronological
and national divisions," Mendel
If the proposal is put into ef-
fect all history majors will discuss
their programs with' a committee
of three professors.
This commitaee will t h e n
judge the proposal "in light of its
rigor, integration, and general ap-
propriateness to the student's
abilities and interests," the pro-
posal states. "Thereafter the com-f
mittee will guide the student's1
A forum to discuss the commit-
tee's proposal will be held tonight
in Rackham Amphitheater at 8:00
"The plan does involve a rather
radical change in the present de-
gree requirements," department

chairman Prof. Sidney Fine said.
"The forum will present an op-
portunlty for all interested persons
to discuss the plan and voice their
The forum can not make any
decisions. "Degree requirements
must be de'cided by the entire de-
partment which will have its meet-
ing in April," Fine said.
Both professors declined to
speculate on the proposal's chance
for success. "It would be unfor-
tunate to load the meeting in ad-
vance," Fine said.

kills two
BEL AIR, Md. (A)-Two black
men, one identified as an asso-
iate of militant H. Rap Brown
and the other still unidentified,
were killed when an explosive de-
stroyed their car as it traveled on
U.S. 1 south of here.
Whether the second man was
Brown, who is on trial here on
arson and riot charges, has not
been positively determined al-
though a state medical examiner
announced a tentative finding,
based on photographs, that it was
not Brown.
Brown's whereabouts remained
a mystery. His attorney for the
trial here, William M. Kunstler,
the second victim but added that
he did not know where Brown
Kunstler said that in the past
Brown never let him know until
the last minute what his plans
were. He said he thought Brown
is "laying low" but that he has
not reached, him yet. "I don't
think he is even in Maryland,"
said Kunstler.
Proceedings in Brown's trial
were put off until next Monday.
Arguments on motions by the de-
fense started Monday and are in-
complete. A jury will then have
to be selected.
Brown had been scheduled to go"
on trial this week on three
charges: arson, inciting others to
riot and inciting others to com-
mit arson.
Kunstler said today he would
propose an indefinite delay in the
When asked whether it was be-
cause of the explosion and deaths,
Kungstler replied, "The atmos-
phere here is so bad that nothing
can make any difference."
He said he would renew his mo-
tion that Judge Dyer vacate the
order which had transferred
Brown's trial from Cambridge
across Chesapeake Bay to Bel Air.
Brown's indictment was based on
a speech he made in Cambridge in
July. 1967, after which blacks set
fireswhich burned out two blocks.

Teaching fellows to
receive merit awards

Ten teaching fellows have been
named as recipients of the 1970
Distinguished Teaching Fellows
They will be honored at a lunch-
eon today, when they will receive
the awards from President Robben
W. Fleming. The awards carry
$500 stipends.
Teaching fellows, who teach some
sections of undergraduate courses
while working on graduate de-
grees, are nominated for the
awards by students and faculty
members. Selections are made on
the basis of teachingexcellence.
Associate Dean James H. Rob-
ertson, chairman of the selection
committee, said that special em-

phasis was placed on imaginative
and resourceful teaching, special
interest in students and student
concerns, and interest in educa-
tional issues as well as factual in-
The selection committee includ-
ed students as well as 'faculty
This year's recipients are Max
Apple, of the English department,
Lynn Fichter, geology, Douglas
Gill, zoology, Arthur Hanson, na-
tural resources, William Horwath,
English, Tamerra Moeller, psy-
chology, Lawrence Lippitt, educa-
tion. Robert Petters, music, Steven
Schwartz, psychology, and Robert
Wozniak, psychology.





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