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Partly cloudy,
no rain or snow.
Vol. LXXX, No. 130
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 11, 1970
Ten Cents
Ten Paes
Ten Cents
ITG 1r uPniJ
RC meets
to change
Session marked
by disagreemneiot
on new proposals
A general. student - faculty
meeting of the Residential
College to discuss major cur-
riculum changes broke into
sharp disagreement last night
after what appeared to be
near unanimous support ear-
' lier in the meeting for liberal-
izing core curriculum require-
The recommended changes were
contained in a report by the Core
Curriculum Review Committee re-
leased last month. The report sug-
gests doing away with many of
the presently required core courses
in the RC ip favor of increased
flexibility to allow students to
"pursue their own educational
Some of the specific options
suggested by the report are al-
ternatives to the two-year lan-
guage requirement, such as stud-
ies in computer langauge, mathe-
matics, art forms or linguistics.
The RC's core curriculum, which
is analogus to LSA's distribution
requirements, would be changed
to include only one required
course while setting down broader
guidelines designating major areas
of study.
Opposition to the report was
voiced last night by philosophy
Prof. Carl Cohen who called it
"intellectually scandalous." He
expressed concern that the lack
of specific core requirements in
the proposed curriculum would
"wash down the drain" the edu-
cational goals of the Residential
Cohen criticized the language re-
quirement alternatives, hitting the
committee's idea that they of-
fered study in "a formal system
of symbols." He said the lack of
a natural .science requirement
made it possible for students to
graduate "withhaut even smell-
ing" the natural sciences.
Supporters of the report point-
ed to the need for flexibility and
the lack of it under the present
program which requires students
to take specific courses with the
rest of their class.
James Lang, an RC teaching
fellow, said, "I lose sleep over the
capable people who leave h e r e
because they can't find the flexi-
bility they need in their program.
t The RC should provide a place
for them."
Review Committee Chairman
Prof. Theodore Newcomb explain-
ed the report to the over 200 RC
students and faculty members. He
pointed out that under the pro-
posed curriculum, students would
be allowed to meet the core re-
quirements over a four-year period
rather than the current two-year
"The most important thing."
Newcomb said, "has to do with
engaging the student's aims and
Director of the Residential Col-
lege Dean James Robertson em-
phasized "it is up to us to show
LSA that these modifications are
logical changes so that we can
continue to offer the bachelor of
arts degree."
Robertson said the differences
0 would be ironed out in conference
with the Review Committee, the
lift. Si
Central Student Judiciary
last night "ordered" LSA Dean
William Hays to temporarily
lift the. suspension of Robert
T. Parsons. Parsons, an SDS
member, was summarily sus-
pended from the University
for allegedly striking Prof.
John Young in a recent pro-
test against General Electric
Co. recruiters.
Hays declined to comment last
night on CSJ's decision. The Uni-
versity has never recognized CSJ's
authority to take such an action.
CSJ Chairman Ed Kussy justi-
fied the court's action. "Parsons
presented evidence of a violation
of the SGC Student Bill of Rights
and we are duty bound to enforce
that document," he said. "Respon-
sibility for the enforcement of our
edict lies with SGC and, ulti-
mately, with the student body."
An ad hoc group of students is
planning a noon rally tomorrow,
to be followed by a sit-in in Hays'
us pension
-Daily-Jim Judkis
Arting around the Film Festival
Art students decorate the lobby of the Architecture and Design Bldg. to highlight the opening of this year's Ann Arbor Film Festival.
The fesitval which began yesterday will run through Sunday. See review, Page 2.
office to protest
The decisions
sons' suspension
CSJ determined
diction over the
cases only when
Parsons' suspen-
concerning Par-
were made after
they had juris-
case. CSJ hears
a student is in-
See related story, Page 6
The question of individual or
corporate responsibility for pollu-
tion was the main topic of debate
last night as more than 300 peo-
ple attended an "environmental
scream-out" sponsored by the pub-
lic health school.
The "scream-out" was one of the
first of over 125 workshops to be
held during the five-day teach-in
on the environment.
"I think the major causes of
pollution are not people, but the
institutions of society that allo-
cate its resources," said Joseph
Even if funds were available to
cure environmental problems, he
added, present government andl
corporate institutions are inade-
quate to tackle the job.
"The problem with pollution lies
with the American people," a
member of the crowd in the Nat.
Sci. Aud. argued. "Corporations
are not going to be the leaders in
this and you can't force them into
doing anything the people don't
The exchange touched off a
lengthy discussion on Who is to
blame for the deterioration of the
"Your choices are limited by
what is available," Falkson said,
of car you want is conditioned by
the corporate structure through
{ the media."
"Let's recognize our own re-
sponsibility," an older man in the
audience countered. "We can't go
off and blame a corporate bogey-
Earlier in the program Dr.
James Kimmey, director of Com-
munity Health Inc., a consulting
organization, spoke on the state
of public health in this country.
"We find ourselves, on the
threshold of the seventies, a sec-
ond-rate health power," Kimmey
said. He pointed out that in the
last decade the United States has
dropped from tenth to seventeenth
in nations having the lowest in-
fant mortality rates.
the public health referring to automobiles and the
pollution they produce. "The type
300 attend symposium to discuss
role of lawyers in environment
Recent concepts in health cares
such as neighborhood health .en-
ters were criticized by Kimmey as
inadequate. "Even if a compre-
hensive health insurance plan
came down the pike, no one could
come forward with an equitable
plan to provide health services,"
he claimed.
In a theme mentioned by many
at the event, Kimmey said it would
be tragic if attention given to the
environment detracted from the
problems of the Vietnam war,
racism and poverty.
"We find ourselves in a situa-
tion where groups trying to do
good things are in conflict," said
history Prof. Sam Warner, the
second speaker on the formal pro-
gram. Warner called for alliances
between concerned organizations.
Marzi Schorin, a member of
Women's Liberation, urged aboli-
tion of abortion laws, claiming
that one million illegal abortions
were performed in this country
last year.
"The problem of population
growth is crucial," she said. "We
will not be able to feed the world's
people in a few years.",
It was incorrectly reported in
The Daily yesterday that Sen. Ed-
mund Muskie would appear at
Pioneer High School on Thursday
night and that Ralph Nader would
speak on Friday afternoon.
Muskie, in fact, will speak on
Friday night following a panel
discussion which beins at 8 p.m.
at Pioneer High School. Nader will
deliver an address at Hill Aud. on
Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
Parsons voluntarily withdrew
from the UniversityrM o n d a y
morning. The court ruled it had
jurisdiction in the case, however,
because he was enrolled in the
University when he was suspended.
Since Parsons is no longer en-
rolled, the suspension affects anly
his academic record, which re-
mains on file with the University.
He feels the suspension on his
record may harm him in the
Explaining why he believed his
rights were violated, Parsons said
"A hearing normally comes before
suspension. I don't really know
what a hearing means when it
comes after the suspension."
"I've been tried, convicted, and
sentenced without a hearing," he
In a second decision last Bight,
CSJ decided not to proceed with
the case against nine students
charged with disruption in an ac-
tion against a DuPont Co. re-
cruiter unless the proper plaintiff
appears. Charges were brought
against the students by Hays on
behalf of the literary college.
Hays had ordered the Parsons'
suspension on the basis of allega-
tions that he struck Prof. Young
when demonstrators entered the
engineering placement office Feb.
18 to protest the GE recruiters.
Young is director of engineering
student placement.
In a letter to Parsons, Hays
told him he was entitled to a
hearing on the action, probably
before the LSA administrative
board. However, Parsons will re-
main on suspension until such a
hearing is held.
Parsons claims that his suspen-
sion prior to a hearing violates tha
SGC Bill of Rights.
Article 16 of the Bill of Rights
guarantees "the right to an in-
See CSJ, Page 10
as guaranteed by the LSA
Constitution and the SGC Bill
of Rights and is an academic
penalty issued for a non-aca-
demic o f f e n s e. It further
states that Hays has estab-
lished "a dangerous- precedent
of employing university judi-
cial action prior to related
civil court action."
The statement concludes by re-
affirming the assembly's commit-
ment to the "principle that mat-
ters of non-academic discipline be
handled exclusively by an all stu-
dent judiciary," and pledges as-
sembly support for the sit-in
planned for tomorrow if Hays
does not immediately reinstate
Parsons in the college.
Assembly members heavily de-
bated the statement of support
for the sit-in and the need for a
suggestion of alternative action
Hays could have taken. Several
members opposed the original
statement supporting the sit-in
which was without the condition-
ary "if Dean Hays refuses to re-
San Francisco
protesters hit
recruiter group
demonstrators, p r o t e s t i n g the
presence of military recruiters on
campus, threw rocks and bottles
at police yesterday as violence re-
turned to San Francisco State
College, calm since a four-month
strike led by minority students
disrupted the campus a year ago.
One youth was arrested for
throwing a rock at an officer
guarding the gymnasium foyer,
where a military recruiting table
had been set up.
Five more were arrested when a
crowd of more than 1,000 moved
off campus on police orders and
surged to a nearby shopping cen-
ter. No injuries were reported.
The 10 recruiters -- two each
from the Army, Marines, Air
Force, Navy and Coast Guard -
remained on campus under guard
after the demonstration subsided.
-Daily-Jim Judkcis/
RICHARD RYAN, right, attorney for the prosecution, and Rol-
land Gainsley, Chief of University Security observe the CSJ
meeting last night.
LSA unit condemns
arsons suspension
The LSA Student Assembly has condemned Dean William
Hays' suspension of Robert Parsons for allegedly striking en-
gineering Prof. John Young Feb. 18 and is demanding that
Hays immediately rescind the suspension.
In a statement! drafted last night, the assembly said the
action by Hays "makes manifestly clear the University's dis-
regard for personal rights and attempts to utilize the harsh-
est form of academic repression to stifle dissent."
The statement also says the Hays action violates the
student's right to due process$
Over 300 persons attended a
symposium on the "Environmental
Lawyer" in Hutchins Hall last
night as the five-day environ-
mental teach-in began.
The symposium was sponsored
by the Environmental Law So-
ciety, an organization of Univer-
sity law students and faculty, and
moderated by law Professor Arthur
The first speaker was Victor
Yannacone, a New York attorney
active in environmental litigation.
Yannacone outlined a $30 bil-
lion litigation proceeding against
major manufacturers of DDT that
he is currently pursuing.
He stressed the importance of
litigation in fighting pollution and
environmental abuse. "While the
door to the courthouse in open,
the door to the streets is closed,"
he said. "Litigation is the civilized
answer to revolution."
Yannacone, said concerned law-
yers must "find legal ways" to at-
tack polluters, and if that fails,
they must 'invent ways.'"
"Don't just sit there and bitch
about your problems. Sue some-
body!" he concluded.
David Sive, a procedural expert
on environmental law and an at-
torney with the Scenic Hudson
Preservation Council, spoke about
the realities of environmental liti-
Sive pointed out some of the
difficulties the environmental law-
yer must be prepared to face.
He urged those in attendance to
join in the struggle "to keep life
livable and a fair amount of the
earth green."
David Dominick, director of the
Federal Water Pollution Control
Administration, outlined efforts
presently being made to meet
water pollution problems.
Dominick described legislation
drafted by the FWPCA that
would extend federal jurisdiction
in pollution control.
He noted, "The environmental
crisis is going to be here for a
long time. It's not going to be
solved by fadists, it's not going to
be solved by fair weather soldiers;
it's not going to be solved by
April 22; it's going to be solved
over the long run, if at all."
The last speaker, Donald Harris,
attorney and chairman of the
instate Parsons."
P roscautious in backing Has.
Faculty members have voiced mixed re-
actions to LSA Dean William Hays' su-
spension of Robert Parsons, but generally
combine support for the dean's decision
with emphatic disapproval of Parson's al-
leged crime.
H a y s summarily ordered Parsons'
suspension on the basis of charges that
he struck engineering Prof. John Young
during a protest of General Electric Co.
recruiters in the engineering placement
office last month.
Parsons denies the charge.
The susnension will have little immed-
(the alleged striking of Young) is going
a bit too far. This is out and out vio-
lence and I can't condone it."
But Brazier admits to. having doubts
over "the sequence of events" - whe-
ther Hays should suspend Parsons first
and then turn the case to the college
administrative board or vice versa.
English Prof. Lyall Powers, a member
of the board - which generally has heard
such cases prior to suspension - sup-
ports Hays, but expressed some linger-
ing questions. "I hope that he hasn't done
this without reasonable grounds for doing
so. Otherwise, it's like a fascist gesture."
Powers helies Hv was iutified in
Knauss has some questions'about whether
the Parsons' case involved such circum-
However, another faculty member, Prof.
Joseph Payne, chairman of Senate !As-
sembly, the faculty's highest decision-mak-
ing body, would take no position on the
issue, explaining that he wanted more
time to consider it.
A more definite response comes from,
psychology Prof. Richard Mann, a mem-
ber of the Radical College and one of
the few professors to emphatically oppose
Hays' decision.
"I feel very critical of the action, very
.. ._ .: