THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 4, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 4, '1970 Daily picks new business senior staff (Continuedl from Page 1) Craig Wolson, a political sci-I ence major from Toledo, Ohio isf the new retail advertising man- ager and is in charge of sales. Phyllis Hurwitz, a junior in edu- cation from Flint, Michigan holds the position of administration advertising director. She will be responsible for the display, class- ified and national advertising de- partments as well as billing and layout. David Bell was appointed to the{ position of, circulation manager.I The Lancaster, Pa. junior is in charge of directing the selling and circulation of the paper. Prof. Charles Lipson of the University of Michigan mechanii- cal engineering department re- cently presented a seminar on "Good Design Practices" at the Chevrolet Engineering Center. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .I.... (Continued from Page 2) Placement Service GENERAL DIVISION 3200 S.A.B. Further Information on these pro- grams, at 3200 SA$, or call 764-6338. Pace College, NY.C., offers MBA, Econ. and MA Ed. summer and fall '70. Highway Safety Research Institute, U of M, offers Postdoctoral Research Fel- lowships for students from engrg., biol. and health sci., soc. sc., law, and educ. University of South Florida offers scholarship awards to grad students university wide. Apply before April 1. McMaster tniversity, Hamilton, On- tario, offers PhD programs in political theory and res., Canadian/American politics, comparative politics, and in- Iternational politics. Rent your Roommate with a Classified Ad Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany,Holland, taly, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain,Sweden, and Switzerland. V; $110. A Amy Cohen That $110 buys you three weeks of unlimited First Class train travel on 100,000 miles of railroad in all of those thirteen countries. You can also buy a one-month Eurailpass for $140, a two-month one for $180, or a three-month one for $210. All give you too much for your money. And what's more, European railroads are fast, frequent and punctual. You cannot get your Eurailpass in Europe. So see yourTravel Agent soon for complete details of Eurailpass, Eurailgroup for groups of ten or more, and Eurailtariff for specific individual itineraries. Meanwhile, send inthecou. pon belowforyourfree Eurailpassfolderwith railroad map. VOTE AN TI-WAR!!1 EURA LPASS N i The way to see Europe without feeling like a tourist. I EURAILPASS, Box 519, Lindenhurst, New York 11757. Please send me your free Eurailpass folder with railroad map. Name: Street:- I City: State Zip:_ 1 Crag Wolson A Vietnam War Referendum is on the City Ballot. You Must be registered by March 6th to vote against the war. REGISTRATION: CITY HALL: Sat. 2-28, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Mon. 3-2 to Thurs., 3-5, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Fri. 3-6, 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. LEAGUE, FIRST FLOOR: Sat., 2-28, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Mon. 3-2 to Thurs. 3-5, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Fri. 3-6,5 p.m.-8 p.m. Phyllis Hurwitz David bell MI(HIGAN UNION WILL BE OPEN AT REGULAR HOURS DURING SPRING BREAK MARCH 4-8 45 When you know it's for keeps PERFECTO i. All your sharing, all your -- - special memories have grown into a precious and enduring love. Happily, these cherished moments will be forever symbolized by your diamond engagement ring. If the name, Keepsake is in Lthe ring and on the tag, you SPUNWEAVE are assured of fine quality and lasting satisfaction. The engagement diamond is flawless, of superb color, and precise modern cut. Your 9 Keepsake Jeweler has a \J echoice selection of many lovely styles. He's listed in the yellow pages under "Jewelers." REG STERED OIAMgND RINGS Rs ~nofq o ~ nh~v I .t 14 I so r