MOYNIHAN' S 'BENIGN NEGLECT' See Editorial Page Y Stitr igau :4Ia iti DRIZZLY High--4a Low--28 Occasional rain, fog and mist Vol. LXXX No. 128 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 4, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages CURFEW ORDERED: National ordered Guard, police 750 attend Dow, Radical to Illinois U College forum -Associated Press Nanterre disruptions Clashes took place again yesterday between students of the N Nanterre Faculty and police forces stationed on the campus, in the Paris suburb. Police forces drove the students back into the buildings and here a group of students oppose a policeman. HEW FUNDS: House accepts compromise bi WASHINGTON (A) - The House, obviously tired of its long fight with President Nixon over education spending, voted yesterday to accept a compromise $19.4 billion appro- priations bill passed by the Senate. The bill contains provisions permitting cuts to about 4 $19 billion. The White House, equally willing to end the battle, let it be known Nixon will sign the bill in that form although the total still is about $680 million over his budget. Nixon vetoed an earlier one that was $1.2 billion over the budget. After months of delay, Congress moved swiftly to end the struggle. The House voted, 228 to 152, to instruct its conferees to accept the Sen- CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (P - Na- tional Guard t r o o p s were deployed on the campus of the University of Illinois last night to break up a crowd of some 5,000 milling students and en- force a 10:30 p.m. curfew. State police announced over a bullhorn shortly after 10 p.m. that the mayors of the adjoining cities of Champaign and Urbana had set a 10:30 p.m. curfew. About 200 guardsmen formed a line at the Illini Union Bldg. and began moving the students west along Green Street. The guardsmen were armed with unloaded rifles and tear gas but there was no violence. Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie ordered 750 guardsmen to duty yesterday at the university, where trustees banned a speech by Chicago 7 lawyer William M. Kunstler. A spokesman for the Concerned Lawyers and Law Students, spon- sors of the speech, said that Kun- stler's appearance has been post- poned until next week. Steven Danz, the spokesman, said the group decided to call off the controversial lawyer's appear- ance because of the tension caused by the trustees' action in ruling Kunstler could not speak on cam- pus. Danz said he talked by tele- phone with Kunstler yesterday and the lawyer said he would not appear at an off-campus site. Danz also said the group would go ahead with plans to ask U.S. District Court for a temporary re- straining order against the trus- tees' action. Gov. Ogilvie said the. University of Illinois requested the guard be placed on standby. Some 700 to 1000 students last night marched on the home of the university president in the second straight day of demonstrations protesting General Electric's re- cruitment on campus and the re- fusal of the university board of trustees to allow Kunstler to speak on campus. With 750 National Guardsmen standing by at a Champaign Arm- ory the protestors last night stag- ed a rally at the Union, then marched about a mile to the home of the president. At the house some 50 state troopers prevented the demonstra- tors from entering the grounds. But chants of "We want Kunst- ler", "Off GE and off the pigs" rang out. There was some damage to store windows last night but no esti- mate was available. Four hundred police from Cham- paign, Urbana and the university's security force were called Monday night after 500 students smashed windows in the campus area. There were 21 arrests reported. -Daily-Richard Lee RADICAL COLLEGE MEMBER Seamus O'Cleirecain, an economics teaching fellow, speaks at the forum yesterday between Radical College and Dow Chemical Corp. on "The role of the chemical company in social and political problems of the day." Over 750 persons attended the forum. WITHDRAW PETITION: TF unit faces setback By W. E. SCHROCK More than 750 people filled the Union ballroom yester- day to hear a public forum of representatives from te Dow Chemical Corp. and members of Radical College. The forum on "The role of the chemical company in social and political problems of the day," was arraiged by Radical College, a group of professors, staff members, and students. It was organized by Radical College member Robert van der Meulen with the cooperation of Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell under a procedure set up by the Regents in April, 1968. Literary College Dean William - - - Hayes, moderator of the forum, opened the proceedings by saying "We hope that this will lead to some open, candid discussion." The forum was divided into three, parts: showing of a film, "Accusation", short presentations by each of the panel members, and a question and answer period. The first speaker was zoology Prof. Robert Beyer, of Radical College. He explained that Radi- cal College had organized "to present a view quite different from ; yN that which is usually represented \ by faculty." Beyer's presentation was a de- scription of Dow products th a t have been used as weapons in Vietnam - specifically napalm and herbicides used for defoliant purposes. On herbicides, Beyer said that crop destruction affects people and can result in growth deform- ing, malnutritive effects on chil- dren, "not the enemy. This is a completely misconceived percep- tion." Ih Turning to napalm, Beyer said Ian Wright that "no use has ever been found for napalm in peacetime." He said that although Dow has stopped making napalm, it did so only west coast company. Nevertheless, y hyddbd"n w b s n s l |they did bid." n w iU ll S Then, turning to references of g prosecution of Krupp arms manu- , facturers of Nazi Germany and 'r similar people from World War - II Japan who were found guilty Tmbso The n of war crimes by producing wea- The outgoing memers o pons, he declared, "Gentlemen, Daily business staff last night an- e I accuse you of crimes a g a i n s t nounced the appointment, of the - humanity." Executive Board for the year n William B. Seward, manager of 197071. g public relations for the Midland Ian G. Wright, a senior in Eng- t division of Dow, made his side's lish from Irvington, N.Y. was ap- first presentation. pointed business manager. Wright He opened by saying that Dow directs the entire financial opera- - has participated in many for- tion of The Daily as a student t ums like yesterday's and that operated business. - "this has helped broaden Dow's Mark Walfish, a junior from . perspective." Brooklyn, N.Y. majoring in polit- d He reiterated Dow's attitude ical science, was appointed per- s toward dissent and protest - they sonnel director. Walfish is in encourage it unless it becomes charge of recruitment and train- y violent or infringes on the rights ing of all business staff members. mof others. Vida Goldstein was appointed to - Trying to dispell images of Dow the new position of staff r as an exploiter of third world dinator Miss Goldstein, a junior underdeveloped nations, he relat- athror.ology major from Miami, ,t ed many facts and figures. Seward a.roolg ar om iami, - pointed out that Dow invests more alis in charge of inra-staff - in pollution control work and re- problems and Daily social func- " search than it makes in all of its tions. operations in Latin America. The duties of finance manager :t "I don't think that those people will be assumed by Amy Cohen. s who talk about third world repres- Miss Cohen is a junior in psychol- ision know what they are talking ogy from, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. g about," said Seward, after giving See DAILY, Page 6 d quotations from Latin Aerican - newspapers in support of Dow's e investment in their countries. On today's r On the subject of ecology, Se- t ward said that Dow is "taking the Pa gyg n. lead on pollution." He pointed to i several examples of how Dow is 0 President Richard N i x o n - trying to make its operations po- asks Congress to block a is lution free and utilize its oper- See 750, Page 7 nation-wide rail strike. in attempt to unionize By TAMMY JACOBS Teaching fellows trying to form a union received a set-back yes- terday, when it was discovered that they did not have the required amount of signatures on a petition filed with the state Employment Relations Commission. According to the law, a petition with the signatures of 30 per cent of the constituency a proposed union wants to represent must be filed before the commission will hold a hearing to" consider rec- ognizing the union. When the teaching fellows'r group started collecting signatures, they were told by the administra- tion that there were 1,417 teaching fellows at the University. They collected signatures accordingly, and filed the petition with 450 signatures or almost 33 per cent of the teaching fellows' names, according to Steering Committee Chairman Alison Hayford, a geo- graphy teaching fellow. However, at a preliminary con- ference in Detroit yesterday, the commission tallied the petition signatures against a computer tape of the teaching fellows on the January payroll, and found that the numbe' of names on the peti- tion was insufficient. The Jan- uary payroll listed 1,554 teaching fellows in the University. The group withdrew their peti- tion and will refile it when enough signatures have been collected. Jack Hamilton, the director of University r e 1 a t i o n s, later said that "the reason for the dis- parity in the numbers is that new teaching f e 11 o w appointments hadn't been cleared as soon as we would have liked them to." He said that the 1,417 figure March 6: s day for voter regstration The final date for registering for the April 6 Ann Arbor elec- tions is this Friday, March 6. Stu- dents interested in exercising their vote on the referendum on the Vietnam war or in the city coun- cil races may register at the Lea- gue today and tomorrow from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Friday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Eligible students can also reg- ister at the second floor of City Hall today and tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eligible persons who register by the Friday deadline will be able to vote in the April 6 city council- man elections. Elections for city councilmen are being held for the first, third, and fourth wards. ate version. The conferees met less than an hour later, went through the for- mality of agreeing to the Senate bill, and brought the agreement back. The House voted approval, 324 to 55. The Senate must still take fina) action. Both the Democratic and Re- publican leaders in the House sup- ported the motion to instruct the conferees despite misgivings aboul the Senate bill. The key to Republican suppori was the inclusion of a provision permitting Nixon to withhold 2 pei cent of the funds in the bill for a variety of education programs. This, in effect, amounts to a cut of nearly $400 million from the bill passed earlier by the House. President Nixon had told Con- gress Jan. 27, he vetoed the $19.7 billion HEW appropriation bill be- cause it would feed inflation, foster inefficiency and misdirect money. Congress had boosted the bill See HOUSE, Page 7 was accurate when the teaching fellows first requested it. However the law requires that the 30 pe cent figure be based on the num ber of constituents there are on the day the petition is filed.' According to Miss Hayford, th teaching fellows' group is plan ning to refile the petition as soon as possible. The formal hearing with the commission - the nex step after the petition is filed- has been set for April 22. "We're planning to get the ad ditional names by the end of nex week," she said, adding that sev eral have already been collected However, she added, "he sai there were other problems beside the signatures." Hamilton noted the "temporar nature of the teaching fellows, and said that there was a ques tion of "what constitutes a prope unit of student employes." If the commisison rules tha teaching fellows are "an appropri ate unit," then "we must deter mine what constitutes this unit, Hamilton said. If, at the formal hearing nex month, the commission decide that thetteaching fellows con stitute an appropriate bargainin unit, an election will be hel among teaching fellows to deter mine whether they will accept th group as their union. Fifty pe cent of those voting is sufficien ;o recognize the group as a unin According to Miss Hayford, tih group has "well over 70" dues paying members by now, andt gaining support rapidly. t t CSJ agrees to hear SDS case of alleged violations during lock-in By CARLA RAPOPO Central Student Judici night voted unanimously complaint made by the E ing Placement Committee Executive Committee of E ing Council against the for a Democratic Society. The two engineering cor charged that SDS spon lock-in of DuPont recruite took place last Januar charged that the action direct violation of SGC's tion rule. RT iThey also claimed this action ary last violated "the constitutional rights to try a of free speech and assembly" for ngineer- students who were prevented from and the interviews with the DuPont re- ngineer- cruiter. Students The committees called for the maximum penalty-$250 fine and mmittees four months of recognition cur- tsored a tailment for the organization--to rs which be given to SDS. If curtailed, the y. They group would be unable to use Uni- was a versity facilities or services. disrup- Last fall, four members of SDS were tried by CSJ over a similar incident involving the obstruction of a Naval recruiter. At that time, SDS was fined $25 and one of the four defendants was found guilty and received a $2 fine. A tentative date for the new trial was set for March 23.How- ever, due to equity problems brought up by the SDS legal coun- selor, the trial may not take place until next term. Neil Bush, SDS lawyer, pointed out that a major witness for their defense, SDS member Richie Feld- man, will be brought to civil court on April 9 for his actions with the lock-in. Elden denies motions for mistrial, disqualification in LSA sit-in case WOMEN'S HOURS Fooling your parents and U', By PETER MILLER One rather intoxicated freshman girl prepared to leave a party on Thompson Street at 2:30 last Sunday morning, bound for Bursley. When asked, "Don't you have hours?" she laughed. The girl is one of the few women living in University housing who still have hours restrictions. Or at -least they do in theory. Bursley residents who violate hours re- strictions face no problem at all. Signing out is voluntary, and no one checks to see if women are in the dorm at the proper time, unless it is requested. Very 'few wo- men make the request. "The girls respect their parents' wishes," says Dorothy Saboley, resident director of Rotvig House, Bursley. But one Rotvig resident disagrees. "You can come in at 4:00 Monday morning" and pected to sign out, and they may obtain late minutes for violating the rules. Enough late minutes, and a girl is confined to her room, with no visitors for as many hours on a weekend night. The doors at Stockwell are locked at midnight on weekdays, and a "night lady" takes the names of those who enter after that. But residents have found ways to cir- cumvent the rules. Some girls simply .-.,.1,..- ,'.".,;.,... ,-, + ..-.n.nd cnnf the night in Bush explained that Feldman I would be severely hampered in his By HESTER PULLING testimony in the CSJ trial as any- Motions for mistrial and for the thing . he said could be used disqualification of District Judge against him at his own trial. Feld- S. J. Elden highlighted the trial man's uncensored remarks are ne- of Eric Chester, Grad, yesterday. cessary for SDS's case, Bush in- Chester, a participant in the LSA dicated. sit-in last fall is being tried for Bush also expressed SDS's fear contention., that witnesses for the defense who Before the trial, Chester had discuss their involvement in the gone to Elden with a list of wit- lock-in at the trial will be subse- nesses he wanted to subpoena for' quently summoned to civil court. his defense. Responding to Bush's presenta- "Elden's secretary told me the tion, CSJ agreed to draft a letter judge was out and that he had left to President Robben Fleming word that if anyone wanted to which will list all SDS witnesses. subpoena witnesses they should It will ask the president to state just leave the list with her," Ches- that no witnesses will be charged ter said. t ,s r t said he was unacquainted with the correct legal procedures. "My basis for disqualification is that Elden is prejudiced against 'radicals,'" Chester said yesterday out of court. "He was at a party when news of the LSA bust was heard and I have witnesses who heard him remark. 'Good, now I can get those kids '" Chester continued. "He is obviously biased." Elden was unavailable for com- ment last night. The prosecution called to the stand President Robben Fleming, who has been present at all the LSA sit-in trials. to do damage to the building or to any persons in there," Van Der Hout said. "I did not see Eric do any damage." "Elden appeared prejudiced to me," Van Der Hout said later in an interview. "He wouldn't let Eric bring out important points saying they didn't pertain to the case." "Then Shea started asking me irrelevant questions like: 'Do you belong to SDS?'," he added. After the witnesses testified, the trial was adjourned until Monday, 9 a.m. By then, Chester said he would have had the time to subpoena