THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, March 3, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, March 3, 1970 IRCH 11.14: ENACT asks artists for teach-in LSA faculty drops credit for ROTC OPEN SESSION: (Continued from Page 1) ealth, Education and Welfare, id Ralph McMullan, director of e state natural resources depart- ent. Mayor Robert Harris, Rep. Mar- .n, Esch, State Senator Gilbert ursley, State Rep. Raymond nit and Pioneer High principal heodore Rokicki will participate a panel following the speeches. An outdoor "eco-rally" is sched- ed for Friday; March 13, with tertainment by local bands. Hart id ecologist Hugh itis will be e main speakers on the pro- am. That night there will be a panel scj ssion at Pioneer High School Sthe causes of the environment- . crisis followed by an address y Muskie. Panel members will include Unit- Studoent ed Auto Workers president Walter Reuther, Dow Chemical Corp. pre- sident Ted Doan, microbiologist Rene Dubos, Prudential Insurance vice president Morton Darrow4 population expert Ansley Coale, author Murray Bookchin, and ecol- ogist Lamont Cole. The final day of the teach-in, Saturday, March 14, will feature afternoon addresses by McGov- ern, and consumer advocate Ralph Nader at Hill Aud. Admission will be 50 cents. Culminating the four-day edu- cational effort will be a speech by Gary, Ind. Mayor Richard Hat- cher and a panel on the future of man and his struggle for survival. Consolidated Edison board chairman Charles Luce, Rep. John Dingell, Friends of Earth presi- dent David Brower, economist Kenneth Boulding, and ecologists Richard Levins and Lawrence Slo- bodkin are scheduled to take part in "the panel discussion. Dozens of workshops are plan- ned for the week of the teach-in on subjects ranging from the fu- ture of the Great Lakes to theen vironmental problems that will be caused by'the supersonic transport (SST). On March 10 the law school is. ;sponsoring a symposium on en- vironmental law while the public health school is planning an "en- vironmental scream-out" on alleg- ed diversion of public concern from the Vietnam war and the problems of the cities caused by the ecological movement. The trial and execution of an automobile will beheld on the Diag on March 11. Money received from individuals for smashing the car with sledge-hammers will be con- tributed to the defense fund for those arrested in the General Electric recruiter lock-in. The state natural resources com- mission will hold a public meet- ing on the morning of March 12 while the League of W o m e n Voters is sponsoring a panel on "the bridge between ideas and ac- tion" in the afternoon. On Friday, March 13, the State House conservation committee will hold a public hearing on propos- ed environmental legislation, in- cluding a bill written by law Prof. Joseph Sax, in ,the Union ball- room. The next morning, E N A C T plans a Huron River walk to clean up litter along the banks of the stream. In the afternoon, mathe- matics Prof. AIlatol Rappoport will lead a discussion on the Viet- nam war, national priorities and the environment. SACUA, students discuss policy of traditional closed meetings (Continued from Page 1) sions with the Defense Depart- ment was tabled. History Prof. Arthur Mendel said the faculty was not going far enough. "What was important was to eliminate ROTC, not to improve its quality," said Mendel. "That's why I eventually voted against the motion.- Dean William Hays said last night that the decision to abolish credit is technically subject to Regent approval, but he added the Regents virtually always accept faculty recommendations on aca- demic matters. The student-faculty council pro- posal passed yesterday specifically said: -That a student faculty com- mittee to develop a structure for a student-faculty council; would be established; -That the council be a repre- sentative, democratic council com- posed of an equal number of fa- culty members and students; -That the council exist as a standing committee of the gov- erning faculty. Classics Prof. Howard Cameron, who introduced the proposal, said the council would serve as a "for- um for discourse between stu- dents and faculty." "The council would be an in- stitution by which students can sit and talk with faculty like men," said Cameron, quoting a student, "rather than play poli- tics in the newspapers." LSA Student Assembly chair- man Ken Lasser expressed the hope that the council could as- sume "much of the traditional work of the faculty", though the faculty, under the current propos- al, would retain final decision- making authority. Lasser said, the student drafters of the proposal hope that the council can serve as a p 1 a c e where literary college committees can funnel their reports before they reach the LSA faculty. In this manner a student voice will be heard other than that of student members of individual commit- tees, he added. ORGANIZATION NOTICES Society of Classical Liberalism, on Tuesday, March 3, 7:00 p.m. Aud. B, Angell Hall, Movie: George Orwell's "Animal Farm." 4 icket Oppose protest tactic could not sell stock if it wanted to sell it. Griffith said his offices chooses to keep the shares of Dow be- cause it is a good investment. "We are doing what we think is best purely from an investment point of view," he said.' Griffith recommended t h a t those interested in changing t h e policy work through Pierpont's of- fice and ultimately present their demands to the Regents. (Continued from Page 1) But other than that, he says, it doesn't really do any good at all. What does do "any good at all"? , Most of the twenty couldn't say. "I guess nothing you do is go- ing to help anything," shrugs one. "There just aren't any alter- natives," another says. And still another: "Oh, I don't know. I don't really think about it much." But some are still seaching, still listening for a suggestion, a pos- sible solution. "If they could just do some- thing constructive." A bearded student in the fish- bowl observes, "The 60's were the protest years. People aren't going to protest anymore." Just another voice that must be heard. By ROB BIER Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) met with several students for over an hour yesterday to discuss the com- mittee's policy of closing its meet- ings to the public, but no agree- ment was reached. The meeting came in response to two attempts last month- by students to attend the traditional- ly closed meetings of the faculty senate assembly's executive com- mittee. SACUA Chairman Joseph Payne said the matter, would be on SACUA's agenda "in the near future." Just before the meeting closed, SACUA member Maurice Sinnot of the engineering school, warned the students present, "If you dis- rupt our meetings from now on, we're going to take legal action." Payne said later, "There is no promise of what will happen, but SACUA is determined to carry on its business." Steve Nissen, '70, replied, "Be- fore, we felt only a small dele- gation was necessary. If it be- comes necessary to defend our- selves, we'll have to bring a hun- dred." Draft ease age limit set (Continued from Page 1) In another decision, the Su- preme Court rejected yesterday the contention that draft boards have no legal grounds for requir- ing conscientious objectors to do alternative civilian service. By a 7 to 1 vote the court re- jected the appeal of Vincent Joseph O'Connor, who was con- victed in U.S. District Court for northern California of willful fail- ure to report for civilian service as an alternative to military service. O'Connor had been granted con- scientious objector status because of his Catholic religious training, but he also refused any one of three civilian service jobs. In a letter to his draft board O'Connor said the Selective Serv- ice law has no moral or legal basis to require him to serve in the armed forces and therefore did not require him to do sub- stitute civilian work. On Feb. 9, about 15 students at- i tempted to attend a SACUA rmeet- ing, but the faculty group ad- journed rather than open its meet- ing. At the Feb. 23 meeting a group of students and faculty members were allowed to attend while Senate Assembly's Student Relations Committee presented its proposal for a moratorium on clauies, suspension of recruiting and a University forum on job recruiting.{ At yesterday's meeting, SACUA members maintained that the na- ture of their business was such that it could not be effectively Daily Official Bulletin (Continued from Page 2) Miss Nancy Martin; Senior Lecturer, Extension Department, Victoria Univ., Wellington, New Zealand. Mar. 8-11. General Notices Summary of SGC Action, Feb. 26: Approved: That SGC will not ap- point anyone to the Committee on Communications or University Coun- cil until the remainder of the Regental By-Laws are passed in a manner satis- factory to SGC. Approved: That the Legal Defense Center be recognizd as a student or- ganization. Approvd: That the Ad Hoc Committee for Student Regents be recognized as a student organization. Approved : That International Social-' ists and Student Mobilization Commit- tee will occupy the room previously oc- cupied by Black Students Union;, and That Black Student~s Union will occupy the room previously occupied by Inter- national Socialists. Approved: That $100 allocated to Student Mobilization Committee for the GE Strike and not used at that time, be now allocated to the Commit- tee toward expenses for the morator- ium next Tuesday on campus recruit- ing. Approved: That referenda on hous- ing, the academic calendar and minor- ity-group admissions appear on the SGC spring election ballot. Approved: Changes in the election rules concerning campaign ballots, era- sures on ballots and ballot wordings. Approved: WHEREAS: There has been too little publicity concerning the opening of petitioning for SGC execu- tive offices and Council seats; MOVE: That the campaign will be- gin the Wednesday after the Spring Break instead of Monday. Approved: WHEREAS: On Saturday, February 21, 1970 explosives were de- tenoated on Swiss and Austrian civil aircraft; and WHEREAS: To this date, there h a s been no official Arab Government re- sponse to discourage these acts; WHEREAS: In fact the official re- sponse has been to encourage s u c h attacks; and WHEREAS: The Israeli Government has already moved to guarantee th e carried out- at an open meeting. Law Prof. Robert Knauss said SACUA spent much time discuss- ing personalities while considering names to recommend to the Sen- ate Assembly for election to vari- ous committees. "The possible* divisiveness you have when you discuss personalities is so great that you have to close the meet- ings," Knauss said. The students disagreed, espe- cially with Norman's last point. They said while SACUA may notop make decisions in many instances, their recommendations to the Sen- ate Assembly carry a great deal of weight. safety of all passengers flying to Israel; BE IT RESOLVED: That SG of the University of Michigan firmly believes, that in this case, pressure on the Arab Governments is necessary and that it should immediately be applied; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That SGC urges all airlines to stop flights to any Arab country which refuses to guaranteed the safety of passengers of any ,flight; FURTHER MOVE: That the Admin- istrative Vice President of Student Government Council be mandated to implement this resolution. ROLL CALL VOTE YES: Anderson, Brand, De Grieck, Farrell, Martin, Scott Van Der Hout. ABSTAINED: Nelson. Approved: WHEREAS: Registration for the April Ann Arbor City Elec- tions closes on March 6; WHEREAS: There will be a referen- dum on the Viet Nam War on the ballot as w711 as Council races in all wards. WHEREAS: The new city clerk and attorney will be using a new standard- ized questionnaire in registering stu- dents; RESOLVED: That SOC appropriate $105 for five Daily ads to run from February 7 to March 4 encouraging ' students to register so to be able to vote but more important to be able to serve on juries in the continued court repression that students will be fac- ing. FURTHER RESOLVED: That SGC en- courage all eligible students to regis- ter and to vote. Approved: That SOC allocate $125 to the LSA Student Assembly to be used for publicity and administrative costs in its elections/referendum this spring. Placement Service GENERAL DIVISION 3200 S.A.B. The next interview bulletin will reach registrants March 9, covering inter- views week of March 18. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE 212 SAB, Lower Level Watch this column first of next week for interviews later in week. ® i e. Systems programmers at RCA get somewhat involved with hardware. There used to be a theory that systems programmers didn't talk with hardware designers. out their problems together. The results seem to be proving us right. We call it "total people synergize with each other. There are conflicts, but it's producing results. For instance, " 0 This was like-a husband and systems architecture." we are already a generation wife living ink Wq separate houses. We believe the programmer ahead of the major competitor We believe in interface- must get involved with the total in time-sharing systems. programmers and engineers work problem-software and hardware There are other benefits. We 4 Responsibility?- You'll never believe! Involvement?- Up to your neck! Advancement?- Fast. If you work for it! Learning? - Learn while you do! And you get paid for it. Well paid I DO YOU NEED ANY MGRE REASONS To COME AND SPF WHY NUNCIl JOSEPH