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January 13, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-13

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C, C -

411 t 4bp


Partly sunny
and cold



Vol. LXXX, No. 85 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 13, 1970 Tdn Cents

Ten Pages


Nixon to ask'
end ofIl-S
WASHINGTON (R)-Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird
disclosed Sunday that the Nixon administration is planning
to propose elimination of student and occupational draft
Laird said he believed these deferments can be gradually
phased out. According to spokesmen for the Pentagon, the
new policy would not affect people now classified II-S.
The administration will present proposals for changing

Blaf ranr





the dieferment system and for implementing a volunteer army
to Congress next month at hearings of the Senate Armed
- ---Services Committee.
, "The President wants to move
..so that all young people are
b treated equally and fairly. And I
believe we will move in the direc-
tion of eliminating some of the
' occupational deferments, student
deferments and other types of de-
ferments.. ., Laird said in an
i !interview on the CBS television-
radio program, "Face the Nation."
K c r1L1U1LrUGraduate deferments except for
medical and divinity students
By RICK PERLOFF !were eliminated in 1968 by Presi-
dent Johnson on the advice of a
A proposed ordinance which presidential advisory commission.
would abolish the present Hu- Johnson also canceled an official
man Relations Commission and list of occupations which war-
establish a Human Rights De- ranted deferments.
partment met sharp opposition Occupational deferments, which
during a public hearing at City are granted at the discretion of
Council last night. local draft boards, could be ended
The Human Rights Ordinance by presidential directive, Pentagon
would create a new city Depart- sources said yesterday, but it
ment of Human Rights which, would require congressional action
like the present commisison, would to eliminate deferments for under-
handle investigations of alleged graduatesstudents.
"'discrimination. But the depart- : 2ongress wrote into the 1967
ment would have the additional draft extension law a provision
authority to subpoena records and that prohibited the President from
witnesses, ordering an end to undergraduate
The department would present deferments.
cases of alleged discrimination to ae mhnwolsdntdrft-
s proosedgrou of umanage men now hold. student defer-
a proposed group of Human Im t.
Rights Examiners who would de- mLaid also said Sunday that the
Tde if the discrimination existed. U.S. commander in Vietnam, Gen.
The decision of the examiners, Creighton Abrams, would be an-
who, would have cease and desist CegtnArmwudb n
and fining powers, would be bind- nouncing within 48 hours the units
ingunlssappald i Ci rc i that will be leaving Vietnam un-
Ing unless appealed in Cir c ui t der President Nixon's already an-
Court. nounced plans for the withdrawal
At present HRC can only recom- of about 50.000 men.
mend action to the city admin- "He will be announcing the re-1
istrator, and its powers, according ,moval of one Army division from
to Commissioner Theodore St. Vietnam, one brigade, one Marine
Antoine, a University law pro- regiment, several air squadrons as
fessor, are limited to "persua- well as some Navy supports units,"
sion." Laird said.
The proposed ordinance was Laird said another Army division
drafted by Mayor Robert Harris will be deactivated as a result of
in consultation with City Attorney the new withdrawals. Previously
Jerold Lax. It passed council on deactivated were the Army's 9th
first reading Dec. 23. Infantry Division and the 5th
Last night's criticism varied Marine Division, both activated
from charges that the ordinance for the Vietnam war.
would pose a threat to free enter-
prise to objections from the,,Ann
Arbor NAACP that the code would U AT
prevent it from providing infor-
mation to businesses concerning
the recruitment of black persons.
Officials from the Ann Arbor A
Chamber of Commerce, which en-

. i 4
JUBILANT NIGERIANS cheer yesterday in the country's ca
surrender of the rebel Biafran forces.

LAGOS, Nigeria (R) - Bia-
fra's surrender after 30
months of war was accepted
last night by Nigerian federal
leader Maj. Gen. Yakubu
The capitulation ended a seces-
sion that wiped out nearly a gen-
eration of Ibo tribe children-
perhaps two million lives over-all.
A massive international effort
took shape to care for perhaps
four million hungry Ibos expected
to emerge from within Biafra's
dwindled boundaries following the
Maj. Gen. Phillip Effiong, a
minority Effik tribesman 1 e f t
in charge when Biafra's leader,
Gen. C. Odumegwu Ojukwu, left
the country Sunday, capitulated
in a broadcast at 4:30 p.m. -
10:40 a.m. EST. He agreed to dis-
cuss terms in tha framework of
e a united Nigeria.



-Associated Press
pital of Lagos as they read of the

CONS TITUTIONAL AMENDMENT: He ordered his troops dsen-
.Igaged and appealed to federal
leader Gowon to cease fire while a 4-O
settlement was negotiated.
Accepting the surrender, Gowon £>
1 "li '4 l"saidSin a 10 minute broadcast that
State egi lator P I ads £to there would be a general amnesty
"for all those misled into attempt-
ing to disintegrate the country." Associated Press
"Adequate care will be given to NIGERIAN FEDERAL LEADER Maj. Gen. Yakubu Gowon ae-
's' tLd e n' t fl t all civilians." Gowon said. He cepted Biafra's surrender last night and declared a general am-
nstyfaddedaththe d instruct nt 'or all those misled into attempting to disintegrate the
field commnders to put into ef- country."
A state, representative may in-' which would create in each state Fie indicated that the herings feet a contingency plan for mass
troduce an amendment to the college a student-faculty c o in- would play an important role in surrender. He asked Biafran
state constitution which, if pass- mittee to review grievances con- determining the extent of the leaders to send delegates to field VP SMITH:
cerning certain decisions made by grievance committee's jurisdiction. headquarters to work out terms.
ed, would result in the addition the college's administration. State Atty Gn Frank Kelley He said army units accompan-
of a student to the University's Vaughn said. the jurisdiction of lasdmonan used that the resit- by police would "establish ef-
Vaugnesads.teferisdctio ofederamlnnpresencetht"tieinlsan
Regents. the proposed committee was still nation of a student to serve on thencve "e l take al a
Rep. Jackie Vaughn III (D- somewhat nebulous. governing board of his state uni- enclave. "They will take all care
Detroit) said last night he was "At the least it will explore pos- versity would violate the conflict . . . and shoot only if they en-
"exploring the possibility" of sible redress for students from de- of interest passage in the State counter resistence," Gowon said.
woul alo ad a tudnt o th Va~hnsaidhe illholdpubic owevr, augn inicaed Gewon ainghe aUc epe -
proposing the amendment, which cisions they oppose," he said. Constitution. oo faid E sclra- T M
would also add a student to the Vaughn said he will hold public Heer augondote e d faith.. . Effions declara-
governing bodies of all other state hearings in several parts of the would include in the amendment tin of the OaU.zto of
colleges and universities. state on the two proposals before a section altering the conflict of sAlution of the Organization of
In addition, Vaughn is study- introducing them in the Legisla- interest passage to conform with Afr an Unity stipulated a unit-
ing an amendment proposal ture. his proposal. When Biafraseceded Mayu30, By JUDY SARASOUN
In addition, Vaughn said, the 1967 to safeguard the security of
creation of a student-faculty body Ibo tribesmen, the rebel nation No final action on controversial plans for itramural
to review University decisions spanned the entire Eastern Region construction involving funding by a student fee increase
would require alteration of a pass- of Nigeria-30,000 square miles. is likely until late spring, Vice President for Academic Affairs
age in the constitution which gives By the end of the ensuing civil Allan Smith said yesterday
the Regents, along with the gov- war it covered less than 1,000
toernors of Wayne State University' square miles. Smith said he believes there will not be any final decision
and the trustees of Michigan State Biafra's last link to the world- until the State Legislature indicates how much the Uni-
University, "general supervision" the Uli airstrip-was pounded toI versity's appropriations will be. Also at this time, the Uni-
muster the 2/3 majority in both ment on the ballot which the peo- of the institution, rubble yesterday by Soviet-built versity will consider a general increase in tuition,
houses which is required to place ple appeared not to favor. The passage, contained in arti- bombers and fighters. Hea "Thedecision may not be madey
an amendment on the statewide The legislators who support the reads: "Each board (The Re- sides as Biafrans futilely resisted until May," said Smith. Noting
ballot. amendment believe it has a better gents governors and trustees) to the end that the Legislature does not us- gs Ioa '
However, other supporters of the chance at the polls this November. shall have general supervision of Meanwhile, a search was onJ for unl June itsaidrtheiUi-nI
proposal were less confident. "It's Craig said the campaign will be its institution and control and di- Ojukwu who put his white Mer- until June, Smith said the Uni-
going to be a tough fight," said aided by the increased participa- tr versity may have to act when one
conered ritcIteinstton'slfupndits." romchamberstapassesontherabill.
House Speaker William Ryan (D- tion of those most concerned with the institution's funds." plane Sunday and went, he said, to chamber passes the bilo. Thensaarhm11Cnerdadwteat
po , 21 ea mndms pThe universities contend this speak with Biafra's friends about Although Smith said the Uni- " The Supreme Court fals to
posal 21 year olds. paragraph bars the following re- peace. He promised to return versity has no interest in post- announce a new decision
Sen. Roger Craig D-Detroit) "The kids appear to be concern- cent legislative actions: Effiong's broadcast on Radio poning action, Student Govern- on the pace of school. de-
said he believed the amendment ed more than they were in 1966," -Barring the University from Biafra, a mobile station playing ment Council President M a r t y segregation in the south.
proposal would get through the he said. "They appear -to be more increasing the percentage or the Beethoven and funeral music all McLaughlin said the delay is "an However, it agrees to de-
House but not through the Repub- enthusiastic about this issue." number of out-of-state students. day, was brief, obvious attempt to avoid being Howevethestoe y
lican-controlled Senate. Craig said several high school ' -Requiring the architects and The 45-year-old chief of the the brunt of student dissent.d
Craig said many state legis- groups and youth organizations all construction plans for new general staff said: "I am convinced In last November's SGC elec- keep "subversives" f r o m
lators were in favor of the 18-year- have indicated their intention to building projects to be'approvedby now a stop must be put to the tions, students voted 3-1 in favor practicing law or bar Con-
old vote in principle, but felt it lobby for the voting amendment the Joint Senate-House Committee bloodshed that is going on as a of a referendum for student con- munists from running for
was useless to place an amend- after it is introduced in the Legis- on Capital Outlay before funds result of the war. I am also con- trol of student fees. But Smith public office.
lature. would be released. vinced that the suffering of our said his recommendations will not
'f Should the amendment's sup- -Requiring the University to people must be brought to an end. be controlled by a student refer- " State Senator Sander Le-
porters be unable to muster" the enter into collective bargaining "I have . . . instructed an order- endum. vin resigns as State minor
two-thirds majority of both houses with unions representing its non- ly disengagement of troops. I am "We can't accept the idea of ity leader so he can "have
necessaryfor placing it on the bal- academic employes. dispatching emissaries to make 'their money,'" said Smith, "be- time to explore the pos-
lot, che youth group plan to or- The first two are currently being I contact with the Nigerian field cause the budget does not have sibilities of running f o r
ganize a statewide petition drive ;contested in court. A suit on the commanders in places like Onit- earmarked dollars."
on the amendment proposal. The third was dropped last August. See 30-MONTH, Page 10 See VP SMITH, Page 10 governor."o
signatures of eight per cent of the -
voters in 1966 gubernatorial elec- ARY TO SPEAK
tion would then place the amend- LL 1% 1 11 .
ment on the November ballot.
After being introduced into the /W (r " " 44 'IF

dorsed the ordinance Saturday.
said the human rights department In what has become an annual
should not nhavethe authority to affair, the State Legislature will
subpoena witnesses. The officialsagicosdrpcngnthN-
also recommended that a code of again consider placing on the No-
conduct be established for exam- vember ballot a constitutional
iners. amendment which would lower the
In additions, they suggested that voting age to 18.;
bot complainant and respondent Rep: Jackie Vaughn III (D-De-
o a discrimination charge be able troit) said yesterday he plans to
to choose the examiners who would introduce the amendment proposal
preside at a hearing. Under the by the end .of this month. The
present wording the examiners for Legislature reconvenes tomorrow.I
a case are chosen by lot. The proposed amendment was
Jack Garris, president of the defeated both times it was placed
Concerned Citizens of Ann Arbor, on the ballot by the Legislature.;
blasted the proposed ordinance The last time it was on the ballot,.
saying it could bring the city to in 196, the amendment lost by a'
the "brink of disaster." When vote of 1,270,000 to 703.000.
Garris finished his talk he received Vaughn predicted the amend-
See CITY, Page 10 ment proposal would be able to

House, the amendment proposal
will be sent to the Committee on
Revision of the Constitution.
The amendment proposal was
announced along with several pro-
posed measures which. Vaughn!
said are part of a campaign to1
encourage young people to be-
come more interested in politics.
The other measures include:
-A bill which would allow peo-
ple between the ages of 18 and
21 to circulate petitions for poli-
tical candidates.
-A bill which would allow
people between the ages of 18 and
21 tonserve a"precinct rdele- !

f'Jree inclawr' benejits pianneat

Leaders of the White Panther
party announced in a press con-
ference yesterday wide ranging
plans to raise support for their
imprisoned chairman John Sin-
The plans center around the
designation of Jan. 24 as an
"International Day to Free John
Sinclair and End Marijuana
On that day, the third anni-
versarv of the mass arrest which

bands he is appearing with, the
Stooges, the Up, and Teegarden
and Van Winkle, will donate
their earnings for the evening
to Sinclair's legal defense.
In Jan. 24 and 25, major con-
certs and radio programs are
planned in support of Sinclair in
New York, Detroit, Chicago and
In Detroit there will be bene-
fit concerts both nights at the
Grande Ballroom. Among those
who will speak at the Detroit


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