See Editorial Page
Lilt iOa
-Cloudy, not as cold,
chance of snow
4Vol. LXXX, No. 126
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 1, 1970
Ten Cents
Eight Pages Plus Supplement
CHICAGO (P-The seven defendants in
the Chicago conspiracy trial were released
from jail yesterday after the 7th Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals granted their request
for bail.
The seven were placed in a police van and
driven to the Federal Building where they
were required to sign their bonds, a routine
procedure, after which they were released
from custody.
In overruling the refusal of Judge Julius
J. Hoffman, to grant bail, the appeals court
set bonds of $25,000 each for five of the
seven who were convicted of inciting riots
during the 1968 Democratic National Con-
Bond was set at $15,000 each for the two
other defendants who were acquitted of all
charges stemming from the convention dis-
turbances, but cited for contempt of court
during the turbulent five-month trial.
The appeals court also fixed bonds ofY
$15,000 each for two defense lawyers, Wil-
liam Kunstler and Leonard Weinglass. also-
sentenced for contempt. Hoffman stayed
execution of their jail sentences to May 4
to permit them to carry out appeals for the
In granting bail, the appeals court rejected
the government's contention that bail should
be denied the defendants because they "pose.
a danger to the community" and because
appeals of their convictions were frivolous.
'As to the five defendants convicted of
violating the federal Anti-Riot Act," the
court held, "the government has failed to
show that said appellants are dangerous
within the meaning of the Bail Reform Act.
We are not persuaded by the record before
us that existing laws are inadequate to deal -
with any danger which appellants might
pose to the community."
The jury acquitted all seven of the govern-
ment's main charge that they conspired to
cross state lines to incite rioting.
Contempt sentences imposed by Hoffman
on the seven ranged from 2% months to 2%I
years. Kunstler drew a sentence of 4 years.
13 days and Weinglass 20 months and five B
Originally there were eight defendants Eight na
charged with violating the Federal Anti- claims were
Riot Act, but Bobby Seale, national chair- of photograp
man of the Black Panther party, was sepa- yesterday to
rated after courtroom demonstrations. (sJ)ao
On orders of Judge Hoffman, Seale was (CSJ) for p(
bound and gagged after repeated outbursts. It is not cl
Finally, he was removed from the trial, to the four
sentenced to four years for contempt, and list of 12 c
tr ordered tried separately at a future date. Fleming.
re leased
-Associated Press
Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman after being released
mes, which the University
obtaineddfrom identification
'hs taken during the lock-in of
cruiter Jan. 29 were turned over
the Central Student Judiciary
ossible prosecution.
ear at this time what happened
other names on the original
ompiled by President Robben
Reaction mild to Fleming
c~~~~~en ir a e actt
names g
Fleming turned the list over to William
Hays, dean of the literary college, who sentc
the names by registered letter to the CSJ.
Dean Hays was unavailable for commentt
on his decision to refer the names to thet
CSJ, rather than to the college's Admin-
istration Board, which also has procedures
for handling disruption cases.
The eight persons were charged with in-
terfering with the interviews of job appli-
cants by the duPont recruiter. Over 150
people took part in the disturbance. They'
suceeded in preventing three out of fourt
interviews during the three-hour blockade.
Ed Kussy, chairman of CSJ, received
Hays' letter yesterday afternoon.
"We are going to consider the complaint
on Tuesday," said Kussy. "I'm not sure
from the letter if Hays wants to press
charges; that is not quite clear at the mo-
ment " The meeting will be held to decide
whether a trial is in order.
"The importance of this case to us is
that it means the University is effectively
recognizing our authority," he said. "Thist
is something that has not been apparentz
in the past."
Kussy said that if tried and found guilty
each of the eight individuals face a maxi-t
mum penalty of a $50 fine and a warning.
Last fall, four members of SDS were tried
by the CSJ over a similar incident involving1
the obstruction of a naval recruiter. In thet
verdict handed down, SDS was fined $25c
and one of the four defendants was found
guilty and received a $2 fine. The other
three defendants were cleared of the charges.j
One of the duPont eight, Chris Fry, is not
sure whether CSJ will go, through with the{
"It should be an interesting trial if they
The administration will recommend that
the Regents double the enrollment of black
students by 1973, William Haber, adviser to
the executive officers said yesterday.
Haber's comments in an interview yester-
day are the first public administration re-
sponses to the demands of the Black Action
Movement (BAM). However, the enrollment
increases Haber suggested fall short of ful-
filling those demands.
The responses came as a result of meet-
ings between Haber and BAM representa-
tives on Thursday and President Robben
Fleming. Haber and the representatives
The BAM demands call for a black enroll-
ment of 10 per cent by 1973 and annual in-
creases after that until the proportion of
blacks at the University at least equals the
proportion of blacks in the state.
As a first step, the BAM has demanded
the admission of 900 new black students
next fall. Present black enrollment is esti-
mated at 1,100-1,200.
Other demands include a tuition waiver
for all needy in-state black students, in-
tensive recruiting of qualified minority stu-
dents, increased counseling and supportive
services, a black community center, increased
financial aid, an aid appeal board, revamp-
ing of the Parents Confidential statement,
and a re-appraisal of the black studies pro-
"The University is prepared to give ex-
ceptionally high priority-perhaps highest
priority-to enlarging the number of black
students," Haber said.
Haber named six points to what he called
the "general thrust of the University's po-
-"The University is eager and anxious
to move immediately toward the objectives
of increasing the number of black students
on the freshman, transfer, and graduate
-"It is prepared to take immediate steps
to enlarge the staff of recruiters working
under Vice President Stephen Spurr and
Mr. George Goodman (assistant director
of admissions), so that this goal may be
-"It is certain that by 1973 or 1974 with
the present financial resources, by arrang-
ing priorities, the University can make it
possible to double the present number of
black students (estimated at 1,100-1,20G this
-"The University thinks that a goal of
10 per cent black enrollment is desirable
and we ought to seek to achieve it as
quickly as possible; many of us doubt
whether it is a realistic objective for '73-'74
with the present financial situation;
-"The University also understands the
importance of proper 'supportive services'
(counseling ,tutoring, etc.) to assist those
who need help and is prepared to take the
necessary steps towards that end; and
-"It is not unaware of other issues such
as the need for Afro-American studies pro-
grams and a black students center and is
William Haber
President Robben Fleming's decision to
report the names of students convicted of
contention for the September LSA Bldg. sit-
in to state scholarship authorities has evoked
generally mild reactions from the students
affected by the scholarship cuts.
While the students-who comprise less
than 20 of the total number convicted--ex-
press opposition to Fleming's decision, there
is little indication that any active protest
will result.
By reporting the names, Fleming was
complying with a state law which cals for
the termination of state financial n-d to
students convicted of participating in uni-
versity disruptions.
The students affected all are appealing
their convictions. Atty. Donald Koster, who
is handling many of the appeals, declined
comment on their chances of success, but
the defendants appear generally optimistic.
"I think the appeals will win, though I
don't know what will happen after that,"
says defendant Tom Abbot.
Some of the defendants who will be af-'
fected by the scholarship withdrawal contest
Fleming's claim that he must obey the law
despite his opposition to it.
"Fleming says the law is immoral, but
then he complies with it," says Gune Spaca.
"To me, this makes him sort of immoral.
"I think he has good ideals," she con-
tinues; "but he doesn't act on them. I'm very
disappointed, but I've been expecting that
Fleming would do this for a long time."
"If you don't . believe in a law, you
shouldn't obey it," says Thomas Corbett.
And Fleming's decision seems to have
spurred neither protest nor changes in the
defendant philosophy on participation in
future demonstrations.
"I would like to see something done, but
I suppose nothing will happen," said Peter
Selton. "There are too many other things
going on now and much of the campus is
not in the mood to react to old issues."
Both Corbett and Miss Spacs felt that
hope that a petition contesting Flemings
compliance to this "immoral" law would
soon begin circulation among Radical Col-
lege members. Unfortunately, Mendel felt
this matter was not a priority of the Radi-
cal College,
Another member of the Radical College,
History Prof. Sam Warner expressed his
discontent in more positive terms. "Dis-
cipline of the stulents should be through
the Central Student Judiciary (CSJ)," said
Warner. "Academic groups should not pass
on non-academic offenses."
Marty McLaughlin, SGC president, had
a response similar to Warner's. SGC passed
a motion a while ago saying, in effect, that
Fleming shouldn't turn the names in," said
McLaughlin. "All student penalties should
be decided by a student court." McLaugh-
lin was unable to forecast any further action
that SGC would take on this issue.
do," he said. "It will provide us with an-
other opportunity for good politics."
A registered letter was sent to each of
the individuals yesterday, informing them
of the charges.
The eight persons are: Randall Clarke,
72; Clarke Cogsdill, '71: Christopher Fry,
'71; Jerome Goldberg, '71; George Miles,
'71; Robert Parson, William Sack, '71 and
Andrew Schecter, '72.
All the eight are students at the Univer-
sity, and all are enrolled in the literary
college, with the exception of Schecter, who
is in Engineering.
Poll supports
job recruiting
A majority of the chemistry graduate
students polled in a referendum last week
favor the continuation of job recruiting on
campus, but about 20 per cent would like
military recruiting conducted off campus.
About 93 of the department's 150 grad-
uate students responded to the referendum,
conducted by the chemistry graduate council.
Fifty-two students or 55.9 per cent said
they would like to see job recruiting con-
tinued on campus in some form. Five stu-
dents, 5.4 per cent, favored eliminating re-
cruiting from campus facilities.
And 20 students or 21.5 per cent said "I
would like to see industrial and academic
job recruiting continued on campus in some
form, but military recruiting conducted off
The choice of "other" was checked by 16
students, 17.2 per cent.
Dow Corp.
6 0
to participate
in debate
Three representatives from the Dow
Chemical Corp. have agreed to participate
in a public forum Tuesday on "The role of
the chemical company in social and pole.
tical problems of the day."
The forum, to be held from 11:30 a.m. to
1 p.m. in the Michigan Union Ballroom,
will take the form of a panel discussion
between the three representatives from Dow
and representatives' from campus radi-
cal groups. Questions and statements from
the audience will also be included.
Acting in accordance with a recruiter pol-
icy set up by the Regents in April, 1968,
Radical college member Robert Vander-
Meulen collected the signatures of at least
one per cent of the student enrollment of
the Ann Arbor campus and presented this
to Acting Vice President for Student Af-
fairs Barbara Newell.
Mrs. Newell then called the company.
asked it to participate in the forum, and
Dow agreed.
Under the policy, Dow was not obligated
to participate in the forum, and would still
have been allowed to recruit on campus if
it had refused to participate.
Speaking for Dow at the forum will be
Dr. Etcyl Blair, manager of research and de-
velopment of the agricultural products de-
.partment; James Campbell, director of sal-
aried placement; and William B. Seward,
manager of public relations for the Mid-
land division of Dow.
Representatives from groups including
Student Mobilization Committee, Students
for a Democratic Society, ENACT, New
University Council, and the Mobilization
Committee will meet Sunday to discuss
participation in the forum.
The Dow debate: Some
Are Dow Chemical Corp. herbicides responsible
for ecological damage when used to defoliate Viet-
namese jungles?
Is Dow responsible for promoting U.S. imperial-
ism through its acceptance of government contracts
and extensive investment overseas?
Does Dow exploit the American labor force?
Campus radicals say yes.
Dow says no.
"We are a hell of a good company, with good em-
ployment and good practices and products," says Dow
President Herbert Doan.
Dow representatives are coming to campus tomor-
row and Tuesday to recruit and, in doing so, will
provide the University community with a confronta-
tion between this "yes" and "no."
Campus radicals are trying to convince people that
their position is based on facts. Members of Students
for a Democratic Society and ENACT have prepared
a nn_. Oha irl Vdn . C ant"i W i . n.t.Pm_1
foliation Team slogan "Only we can prevent forests"
is being carried out quite well in Vietnam with Dow
herbicides. They point to an article in the New
Yorkers which said that defoliation operations in
Vietnam now are destroying the ecology of almost
five million acres or about 12 per cent of South
Citing other publications, the "Fact Sheet" also
suggests that the use of Dow herbicides may be
harmful to fetal babies, people and animals, and
may have "irreversible" effects on the world's ecol-
The "Fact Sheet" points to the label of one Dow
herbicide which warns, "Seller makes no warranty
of any kind, express or implied, concerning the use
of this product. Buyer assumes all risk of use of
handling, whether in accordance with directions or
Dow does make herbicides which are used ex-
tensively in the U.S. and other countries, including
2, 4-D, 2, 4, 5-T and Picloram (sold under the trade
charges an
the original experiments which suggested the pro- "
ducts might have these effects now indicates that
these effects may have come from impurities in the
research samples. A more conclusive report is ex-
pected soon. Doan says..
On this whole subject Doan says, "Charges and
countercharges are many and the facts are few."
The "Fact Sheet" outlines the military contracts
held by Dow. It says that Dow ranks 75th in defense
contracts with about six percent of its b u s i n e s s
going to the military.
Some of the contracts mentioned are for alum-
inum airfield landing mats, rocket ammunition, and,
Dow denies none of this.
Dow also admits to operating the Rocky Flats,
Colo., Atomic Energy Commission facility which pro-
duces nuclear warhead components.
On Dow's "imperialistic" interests overseas, the
"Fact Sheet" says that Dow has plants in 22 foreign
countries and that 26 per cent of Dow's sales are
"Facts show that GNP goes up."
The "Fact Sheet" claims that Dow exploits labor
and is an uninterested and unequal employer. Dow
laid off 600-1000 workers in Midland in 1968 for
"economic reasons" according to the "Fact Sheet."
The "Fact Sheet" also says that "although it is
not a written policy, few women advance and few
blacks get jobs: At a recent meeting of the top 50
executives there were no blacks or women."
Dow officials say there was a rather larger lay
off in 1968, but would not release any statistics, say-
ing only that it was "not of that magnitued."
Doan says, "We are one of the most stable em-
ployers in the U.S."
Further, he says, "Our employment in Dow is al-
ways rising. We are always laying off people and
hiring, firing people and hiring them."
Because Midland is a rather small and closed
community, Doan feels that the people there were
particularly upset during the 1968 lay off. He says,
however, that when people are layed off, Dow tries to