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January 11, 1970 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-11

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Sunday, January 1], 1970


Page Se







Sports Editor
Rick Mount doesn't ike com- d a y
bination box and one zone de-
fenses. He says "you gotta try|4
up a lot. They play a box on me
a lot but they're going to get NIGHT EDITOR:
Purdue Coach George King PHIL HERTZ
tried the box and one defense
against Michigan's Rudy Tomjano-
vich yesterday afternoon and was However, King's tactical maneu-
getting beat, to the tune of 10 vers wouldn't have been news-
points at halftime. worthy if it had not been for some
But then King did something. he last-minute heroism on the battle-
hasn't done all season, he went to ground by his two guards, Mount
a man-to-man defense with a and Larry Weatherford.
"smaller line-up' which sent Mich- With 44 seconds left"cf regula-
igan reeling to a 103-96 overtime tion time, the Wolverines had the
loss in the All Events Building, ball and a two-point edge. Guard
MICHIGAN Rick Bloodworth was dribbling the
fg It r 1 tp ball when Mount decided to en-
Toinjanovich 9-19 12-16 16 5 30 gage the. enemy, Mount made.:'a
Carter 2-6 0-1 '2 '44
Ford 7-11 4-4 4 3 18 motion which was almost. a steal,
Fife 9-19 1-1 9 4 19 almost a foul, but vaguely similar
Bloodworth 2-6 3-3 0 2 ' to a neat ju-jitsu move. Anyway,
Grabiec 5-9 0-0 3 2 10 both Mount and Bloodworth fell in
Hayward 0-1 1-2 0 1 1
Henry 3-5 1-2 0 1 7 a tangled heap to the floor.
Hart 0-0 0-0 1 6 0 The Michigan bench &reamed
Totals 37-76 22-29 40 22 96 "Foul on Mount!", the Purdue
PfRDUE t r tp bench screamed "charging on
Faerber 9-13 2-3 14 3 20 Bloodworth," and 13,317 spectators
Ford 2-8 5-5 11 5 3 just screamed. But the ref whistled
Franklin 3-5 1-1 3 1 7 traveling on Bloodworth and Pur-
Weatherford 6-12 7-8 10 2 19 due was back in the ball game.
Mount 16-32 7-8 5 2 39
Johnson 0-2 0-0 0 0 0 It took just six seconds for
Bedford 2-3 2-3 6 3 6 Weatherford to do his bit. He
Rogers l-o w-0 0 11 0 dribbled up to within 25 feet of the
Kaufman 0-0 0-0 0 0 :0 Boilermaker basket and launched
Kroc 1-1 0-0 0 0 2 a ground-to-air missile which
Totals 39-80 25-30 53 21 103 would have made Melvin Laird and
MIChIGAN 49 34 13 96 the Joint Chief green with envy.
PURDUE 39 44 20 10 3 It swished through to send the
Attendance: 13,317 ball game into over-time, 83 all,


massacre which occurred
the next five minutes
be investigated by the Pen-

The Wall


Daily-Thomas R. Copi
Dan Fife (24) and Larry Weatherford (11) leap for the tap


It was a jubilant scene in the
Michigan dressing room 1 a s tj
For the first time this season
the icers put it all together. Mich-
el Jarry, the freshmen defense-
man from St. Laurent, Quebec told
the story in a few words, "Every-,
body did it." He was exactly right.
The defense, with Jarry block-
ing numerous shots, was flawless,
aiding Karl Bagnell in his f i r s t
shutout of the campaign.
Michigan's offense was also su-
perb in the 6-0 battering of a frus-
trated Colorado College squad. Not
only did the front lines display
an explosive attack, they played
great defensive hockey. T h ei r
forechecking was so tenacious that
the Colorado attack was silenced
to a mere flicker. "There was great
organization." Bernie Gagnon ut-
tered with delight.
The wings played their posi-
tions and there was the look of
crispness that hasn't been seen all
In goal Bagnell, was a complete'
reversal of Friday night when
Michigan barely won, 8-7. His ma-
jor improvement was clearing re-
bounds. "Doug (Hastings) a n d
Bill (Busch) spoke to me about,
that last night (Friday). I did
kick a few out," related a proud
-The Tigers got the first oppor-
tunity of the contest when Punch
Cartier was sent off for charging
at 1:21 of the first period. Bob
Winograd, who played a fine game
for the Tigers, let loose with a,




Before half of the overtime pe-
riod was over, Purdue was leading
93-85, and people were wondering
'how the, game got into overtime
in the first place. Mount said
afterwards that "we felt that once
we get a team into overtime, we
got 'em." Mount should know
about those things, he scored half
of his team's 20 points in the
King says that he didn't have
his players do anything special in
the overtime other than put on a
2-3 zone once they bolted into a
big lead.
"We just hoped to get the jump,
get started and continue to hustle
our defense," King stated. "We
got a' chance dyring the game
to give a little beather to every-
body but Rick. And I thought
we'd be a little fresher than they
would be."
During the first half, it looked
like the Boilermakers were gasp-
ing for air. Michigan's fast break
continually embarrassed Purdue at
its own game, while Tomjanovich
and his cohorts were making
King's abortive box-and-one look
sick with a 54 per cent shooting
Perhaps Michigan's whirlwind
start contained the seeds of their
While King was substituting
continuously throughout the first
half, trying to find the right com-
bination of nine players to stop the
~Wolverine onslaught, Michigan
Coach John Orr kept a pat hand.
With two minutes left, Orr re-
placed injury-hampered forward
Richard "Bird"' Carter with Wayne
Grabiec. A few seconds later Harry
Hayward replaced Rod Ford and
the Wolverines scored 5 straight
points to end the half with a 49-
39 lead.
King's second half "smaller line-
up" actually involved one variation
from the original starting five. A
5-10, 170-pound midget bench-
warmer with the terribly unlikely
name of Steve Longfellow uncere-
moniously moved husky 6-7 for-
ward Bill Franklin off the court.
Actually, Longfellow's tangible ac-
complishments were rather unim-
pressive: no field goals, one free
throw, and four personal fouls.
However, despite Longfellow's
offensive efforts, the Boilermakers
were able to run off 18 points at
the beginning of the second half
while the Wolverines were held to
three free throws 'and no field
goals in five.minutes.
Or said later that King's switch
to a smaller team and a man-to-
man caught him by surprise. "We
had a cold spell and then we came
back. I guess it was their defense."
The Wolverines did battle back
from a 59=52 deficit, with unex-
pected help from reserves Grabiec
(six points) and Mark Henry
(five). For 12 minutes the teams
exchanged the lead like a live
grenade until Bloodworth's en-
counter with Mount.
With 13 seconds left. to play
'Michigan still had a chance to
nail Purdue's coffin. Dan Fife
drove toward the basket and went
up into the air. Three Purdue de-
fenders ' converged upon him but
no Wolverine got open for the pass
Fife wanted to throw. Forced to
put it up while on the way down,
Fife got a lot closer to winning
the game than he should have as
the ball bounced in and then out.
Then Mount began salivating
over the overtime to come.

. meetthe spoiler
BEFORE THE START of yesterday afternoon's basketball
game at the Events Building, everyone cast Purdue's All-
American Rick Mount in the role of the spoiler. If Michigan lost,
so the reasoning went, it would be because of the hot hand of
Mount, who went into the contest averaging 30.6 points for
eight games.
To be sure, Mount's deadly shooting took its toll, as the
Wolverines dropped a 103-96 overtime game to the high-flying
The 6-4 senior tossed in 39 points'for the afternoon, ten of
them coming in the fateful overtime period. Purdue's Golden
Boy hit on 16 of 36 field goal attempts, and sank seven of eight
free throws.
Mount's performance drew praise from Michigan Coach
Johnny Orr. "He's a very fine player," the Michigan mentor
stated after the game.
Despite his praise for Mount, however, it wasn't the Boiler-
makers' Golden Boy whom Orr cast in the role of spoiler, but
rather a lesser known man named Jerry Menz.
Menz doesn't wear the short pants and sleeveless shirts of
the Purdue basketball.team; instead, he wears the striped jer-
seys of the referees, and Orr was vehement in his appraisal of
Menz's job out on the hardcourt floor.

The Wolverines. .

STATISTICS Decks); 5. M-Falk (Cartier, Shaw)
Score by periods: 18:20. PENALTIES: M-Slack (Holding)
Colorado 0 0 0-0 15:37.
Michigan 1 4 1-6 THIRD PERIOD: SCORING: 6. M-
FIRST PERIOD: SCORING: 1. M-- Slack (Skinner, Marra) 18:48. PENAL-.
beeks (Pashak, Jarry) 14:47. PENAL- TIES: C-Winograd (Holding) 7:53; M--
TIES: M-Caritre (Charging) 1:21; C- Pashak (Holding) 15:07; M-Cartier
Yutsyk (Charging) 4:57; M--Gagnon (Holding) 19:14; M-Marra (Interfer-
(Illegal Check) 16.10. ence) 19:56.
Straub (U.) 3:31; 3. -Slack (U) 9:59; OALIE SAVES:
Deeks) Schum, Colorado 12 12 9-33
4. M-Pashak (Perrin) 13:30 (Add: Bagnell, Michigan 4 6 7-17

. to t

whistling 'slap shot that Bagnell
calmly kicked aside. Winograd's
drive was Bagnell's toughest
chance of the evening.
From then on, Michigan dom-
inated the play. Don Deeks open-
ed the scoring at the 14:47 mark
when Barney Pashak set up the
open Deeks at the Colorado goal
mouth. Deeks made no mistake
as he slid the puck under the
sprawling goalie, Doug Schum.
Michigan continued to bottle up'
the Tigers as they skated off the,
ice with a 1-0 lead after twenty
minutes of action.;
The icers broke the game open
in the second period on t w o
solo efforts. The forechecking be-
gan to pay off when Buck Straub
intercepted an errant pass at the
Tiger blue line, and moved in on
Schum to beat him on the stick
In a similar situation six minutes
later Brian Slack intercepted a
pass. He cut across the goal.
mouth and backhanded a shot
over the goaltender's right should-
At 13:30 Dave .Perrin took a
backhander that Schum stopped
but an alert Barney Pashak jab-:

lead. Shortly after Slack went to
the penalty box for holding, All-
American Bob Collyard moved in
alone )on Bagnell but the brilliant
netminder rose to the occasion
and foiled Collyard.
Again the icers successfully kill-
ed off a penalty before Merle Falk
embarrassed the Colorado College
goalkeeper. Falk moved in over the
Tiger line and slapped a s h o t
toward the net. Schum appeared
dto have grabbed it but the puck
dropped in behind him,
The game remained 5-0 until
the frantic final minutes. W i t h
Colorado hemmed in their own
zone Brian Skinner let loose with
a tremendous drive that Schum
managed to get in front of, but the
rebound went directly to Slack who
slapped its by the disheartened
goalie to end the scoring.

"WHEN YOU PAY a guy $110 to referee a game, you ex-
pect him to be on the ball," Orr stated. The obvious implication
was that referee Menz wasn't.
Orr's comments about Menz's officiating stem from a play
that occurred with only 44 seconds left in regulation time and
Michigan holding a two-point lead, 83-81.
Michigan guard Rick Bloodworth was bringing the ball up
the court, with. Mount guarding him. Just past the half-court
stripe, Bloodworth and Mount went down in a heap, stayed on
the floor a couple of seconds, and then, along with the coaches
and over 13,000 partisans, saw Menz call Bloodworth for travel-
ing anditurn the ball over to Purdue.
'I just can't believe that call," Orr told the press later. "I
can't understand it.
"If it had been anyone else but Mount," Orr continued,
"that would've been a foul. He wouldn't call a foul on Mount,
and that cost us the ballgame."
Assistant Coach Freddy Snowden was more poetic, but no
less irate. "The ref choked like he had an olive in his throat,"
Snowden commented.
Continued Snowden, "When two men go down, it's either
got to be charging on one (Bloodworth), or blocking on the
other (Mount) ."
'"THE -CALL DOESN'T mean a thing to the refs," added
Orr. "They just go home and forget it. But it means a lot to
me and Freddie and the team.
The referee's call also brought on the wrath of the Michi-
gan fans, who rose in unison after Menz made his call, and
drowned the second-year ref in catcalls.
The fans quieted down for awhile when Michigan called
time-out immediately after the call. But they rose again ; in
unison after the time-out period as the Boilermaker's brought
the ball in play.
The wrath of the fans, though, like the wrath of Coaches
Orr and Snowden, didn't help the Wolverine five, as L a r r y
Weatherford sunk a 20 foot jump shot to tie the score and
send the game into overtime.
Michigan lost one last opportunity to win the game in
the closing seconds of regulation play as Dann Fife's driving
lay-up appeared to go in but then spun around and came out
again. Then the Maize and Blue got buried in the five-minute
overtime period, 20-13.
Still, as far as Orr and Snowden and a lot of Wolverine par-
tisans are concerned, it was Menz's traveling call on Blood-
worth, and not Fife's missed lay-up or the Boilermakers' over-
time surge that was responsible for the Wolverines' loss.
"I'm sick over that call," Orr stated. Then, a bit more
philosophically, he added, "But I guess that's part of ath-

F =_
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-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
(;rmsby tries to poke one in

' ildcats topple

M' grap piers.

Special To The Daily

bed the rebound home for a 4-C

Illinois whips Ohio State;
Gophers outlast Hoosiers

By The Associated Press
CHAMPAIGN - Rick H o w a t
and Fred Miller each hit two bas-
kets to fire up a surge midway in
the last half that sent Illinois to
a 77-59 Big Ten basketball vice-
tory over Ohio State yesterday af-
The Illini won their 18th con-
secutive game at home and boost-
ed their conference mark to 3-0
and over all season record to 10-2.,
The Buckeyes are now 1-1 in the
title chase and 8-2 for the season.
OSU was ahead 11-6 early on
three outside shots by Jim Clea-
mons. Then Howat scored 10
points in pacing Illinois to a 32-28
intermission bulge.


Ohio State

W L Pct.
3 0 1.000
3 0 1.000
2 1 .667
1 1 .500
1 1 .500
1 2 .333
0 2 .000
0 3 .000
0 3 .000

0 EVANSTON - Michigan's wrest-
lers began the Big Ten season on
a sour note yesterday, losing to
Northwestern 21-16 in a dual meet
at Evanston.
The afternoon started badly for
the Wolverines, as Northwestern's
Mark Massery pined Michigan's
Jerry Hoddy. Hoddy held an
early lead in the match, but Mas-
sery tied the score during the
second period. Massery continued
to gain in the third period, and,
after putting Hoddy on his back,
pinned him with fifteen seconds
Tim Cech, Michigan's 126
pounder, returned the favor by
pinning Northwestern's H o w a r d
Kingry two minutes into the
second period. The next four
matches were extremely close, with
the outcome in all of them being
uncertain until the matches 'were
over. Michigan's 134 pounder Ty
Belknap secured a 6-4 victory over
Wydell Boyd by getting a take-!
down in the final minute, and
maintaining control until the buz-
zer sounded.
The match at 142 pounds had
_the opposite result for Michigan,
t 11as Northwestern's Steve Buttrey
received two points for taking
down Mark King with one second
remaiinng in the contest, and won
tMichigan wrestlers won the next
two matches by reversing their op-!
118 POUNDS Mark Massery (NW)
'pinned Jerry Hoddy (M), 7:45.
126 POUTNDS -- Tim C,, (M)', pinned~

ponents in the final seconds, and}
then holding on to win.
In the first of these boths, Mich-
igan's Lane Headrick overcame an
injured shoulder and beat Clyde
Smith 10-9. In the second, Jim
Sanger decisioned Roger Zeman
The match at 167 was a rout,
as. Northwestern's Bill Laurson
trounced frashman Roger Ritz-
man 11-2.
The 177 weight class featured a
match - up between Michigan's
Jesse Rawle and Bill Pauss. A vic-
tory for Rawls would put Michigan
ahead by six points, and force one

of the last two Northwestern
wrestlers to win by a pin, while
winning the other. A tie would'
permit Northwestern to win with-
out a pin. Pauss did manage to
tie Rawls, in spite of a stalling
warning and a couple : of near
takedowns by the Michigan grap-
The rest was easy for North-
western, as Chuck Arnold easily
defeated Michigan's Therlon Har-
ris, which tied the meet score at
16-16. Northwestern :heavyweight
Bill Galler then proceeded ,to build
a commanding lead over freshman
Rick Bolhouse.

fx T .


95% of the Reading Population ReadsOny 250to

Yesterday's Results
Purdue, 103, MICHIGAN 96,
Iowa 93, Wisconsin 74
Minnesota 77, Indiana 65
Michigan State 98,
Northwestern 93
Illinois 77. Ohio State 59

MINNEAPOLIS -;Minnesota I '~ '"liI31 ,V1V04%Vi
fought off an Indiana comeback Hawkey'es roll
and took a 77-65 Big Ten basket-
ball victory yesterday afternoon MADISON .- Iowa's hot shoot-
behind the rescue shooting of Eric ing Hawkeyes roared to a 29 point
Hill. halftime margin then held on for
The Gophers ahead 53-35 with 'a 92-74 victory over stubborn Wis-
13:32 to play went without scamr- consin yesterday in a Big Ten

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ing for just over six minutes and
watched the Hoosiers tie them
at 55-55 with 6:31 to play.
But Hill choked off the Hoos-
ier rally, putting in 18 of his 22
m. loinlts in the c' .~ond half.

basketball game.
Northwestern trailed at
10:19 mark 78-58 but held
Spartans to only one point
went ahead 8 1-79 with 5 min






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