REGISTER TO VOTE AT LEAGUE TODAY L ilk iAau E aity MEDIOCRE High--30 Low-13 Fair and cold, no chance of snow oI. LXXX, No. 125 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 28, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages ACCEPTS ASSEMBLY PROPOSAL: Lit school ad- board Nat'l I patrol tuard near backs student parity The literary college Admin- istrative Board recommended yesterday that students be: granted parity representation on the board, and on the board's hearing panels. In addition, the board recom- mended that authority to makel regulations governing LSA student conduct be delegated to a proposed LSA student government, on all matters in which authority is not specifically delegated to the Ad- ministrative Board. However, the Administrative Board failed to approve a section of the LSA Assembly proposal which would have granted judicial power over non-academic matters to the proposed LSA student gov- ernment. Thus, there remains no effective means for the adjudica- tion of student-made rules by stu- dents. LSA Assembly, an ad hoc group which is open to all LSA students and which provides student mem- bers for some LSA committees, has, prepared a proposed constitution, for an LSAbstudent government which will be voted on by LSA students during Student Govern- ment Council elections next month. The Administrative Board han- dles disciplinary and administra- tive matters within the literary college. Hearing panels are set up to rule on cases of academic dis- cipline, disputed grades, and con-* tinued enrollment. The members of these hear- ing panels are drawn from thej Administrative Board. Currently, there are no voting students on the Administrative Cal. cam pu~s By The Associated Press National Guardsmen and local police patrolled the streets in the area of the University of California at Santa Barbara yesterday after a night battle between young people and law officers. Some 600 California Guardsmen were ordered into the area to help local police keep order in the wake of what the school's Chancellor Vernon I. Cheadle called "senseless, wan- ton, self-defeating" fighting and property destruction. He placed the university campus under a state of emergency. Elsewhere in the nation, student unrest manifested itself in other ways. Students who had been holding five buildings at the State University of New York at Buffalo left yesterday afternoon, in response to a # -Associated Press A POLICEMAN with a slingshot fires a rock toward student demonstrators near the University of California at Santa Barbara early yesterday morning. Police officials said slingshots are not issued to officers and apparently the policeman found it at the scene. BLOCK PATRONS: -Dally-Thomas R. Copi Protest at East Engin Black students stage SDS members picket Lockheed recruiters By JIM McFERSON and ART LERNERj Students for a Democratic Society led peaceful picketing yesterday against Lockheed Aircraft Corp. recruiting in the E. Engineering Bldg. Nearly 50 protesters carried signs and marched through the hallway, where two Lockheed recruiters were holding appointments with engineering students, carefully avoiding any action which might be construed as creating a disturb- ance or contention. A large number of engineering students and seven Ann Arbor police in riot gear watched the picket line as it snaked down the hallway, outside, and back down the hallway im eiense for over an hour.t disruptions in Un ion 1 Board. The hearing boards are By JIM NEUBACHER A student who said he was a where a buffet luncheon was being composed of two administrators, About 60 black students staged member of the Black Action Move- served. two faculty members, and two stu- a noontime disruption in the ment (BAM). and who other stu-!' They strode in, picked up plates dents. Michigan Union Grill (MUG) and dents identified as their spokes- full of food, mostly desserts, sat Under the board proposal, six the Union dining room yesterday man, declined to comment on the down and began eating. Some of voting student members would to underline demands for increas- disruptions, saying "Read our the food was overturned, and some serve on the board along with six ed black admissions. black demands." The student re- was partially eaten, then put faculty members. The hearing A large group of the students, fused to identify himself, and aside. A plate of green fruit jello boards would consist of three stu- after temporarily rearranging said he was not a spokesman for was spilled on the table cloth. dents and three faculty members. some of the furniture in the: BAM. The students left the dining The proposal now goes to the MUG, gathered at both ends of BAM is a coalition of black stu- room without paying for the food literary college faculty. It will the serving line there, preventing dent groups on campus which pre- after about seven minutes of mill- probably be introduced at the fac- patrons from getting food. sented demands to the Regents at ing around and eating, and moved ulty's monthly meeting Monday, Some the black students loaded their February meeting for in- outside into State St. directly in but no action is expected. Acting trays with food and took them to creased black admissions. front of the Union, preventing Administrative Board chairman the cashier, where they left the s k.affic frompsin,. Dean Baker declined to predict trays without paying for the food. A few of the protesting students last night how the faculty would One of the students removed a commented that the variety of A beverage company truck ap- respond to the proposal, but he plate with two plastic wrapped food offered at the MUG was in- proached the mass of protesters, said he expected the board's rec- sandwiches and left the dining adequate, and did not include then turned around, and headed court injunction. About 150 black collegians from five area colleges moved out of seven buildings at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass. Nearby, in Amherst, residents of a dormitory taken over by some 50 blacks were starting to move out in compliance with the de- mand by blacks that they vacate the dorm by Tuesday, so that the structure could be used as a black cultural center. The University of California at Los Angeles denied permission yes- terday for William Kunstler, chief defender of the Chicago 7, to speak to a'student group. Kunstler, sentenced to 41/2 years in prison for contempt at the close of the Chicago trial, had been tentatively scheduled to speak at UCLA tomorrow. He spoke Wednesday on the University of California Santa Barbara campus, where demon- strators the night before had ram- paged through a student popu- lated residential area nearby. Rioting continued Wednesday and T h u r s d a y nights. Wednesday night, a branch of Bank of America was gutted by demonstra- tors. "The extreme state of tension growing out of the present situa- tion on the Santa Barbara cam- pus and recent actions on this campus, and in this community make it inadvisable for Mr. Kun- stler to speak at UCLA at this time," said Chancellor Charles E. Young. "However, we are prepared to consider his appearance at a dif- ferent time and under more ap- propriate circumstances," s a i d Young. Kunstler also was to speak at San Fernando Valley State Col- lege tomorrow, but college Presi- dent James W. Cleary refused per- mission "because of the probabil- ity of great disorder." California Gov. Ronald Reagan called a state of emergency and activated the National Guard Thursday morning. The initial 300 See DISORDERS, Page 8 ,1 1 Admission policy hit by SWSU By NANCY TARDIFF The Social Work S t u d e n t Union's committee on minority admissions claims the Social Work school's administration is "foot dragging" on the issue of increased admissions for Mexican-American and Puerto Rican students, after the committee met with Dean Fi- dele Fauri Wednesday to discuss this issue. Dean Fauri denied the commit- tee's claim. "It is the last of my wishes to postpone the issue of minority admissions," said Fauri. "It is a serious issue and we have to look at the total problem be- fore we can make any intelligent decisions," Fauri said. Fauri did not make a definite commitment to the committee's demands at Wednesday's meeting. He said the school is unsure of the amount of funds available for stu- dents and ongoing operations. Fauri suggested that another com- mittee of faculty and students be established to study the issue in an organized manner. He set up another meeting with the director of admissions and the assistant director of admissions to review the total minority admis- sions issue as it affects blacks and Mexican Americans. SWSU is seeking the commit- ment of the School of Social Work to increase Mexican-American and Puerto-Rican enrollment by at least 20 students. SWSU also is asking the school to provide finan- cial academic assistance for these students by Fall 1970. Earlier this month, SWSU pre- sented its demands on minority admissions to the dean. SWSU also requested that the dean sub- mit a report explaining any efforts made in the past year and any plans the administration has for hiring of Mexican-American and Puerto-Rican faculty or adminis- trative personnel. In reply to the students' letters the dean said the school is active- ly involved in recruiting Mexican- American applications for the fall term. Fauri also told SWSU in his let- ter that the school has not made any special efforts in the past year to recruit Mexican-American fac- ulty or administrative personnel. He said the school has had no ap- plications for positions from these two groups and they, have no de- finite plan for giving special con- sideration to the hiring of Chi- cano faculty or administrators. "Picketing right now is a hell of ommendation would "carry somejarea. "soul food." e a lot better than other action, weight." The students did not explain After approximately 15 minutes, said SDS member Mike Stedron, Baker said the proposal "was a their actions to cashiers or pa- the students left and proceeded "because we are able to take radi- See AD BOARD, Page 8 trons. upstairs to the Union dining room, . cal action and we aren't getting --- .- ---_ - '- ----- - -- - - Defense attorneys representmg arrested." the Fifth Forum theatre said last -re sa s#- nigt teyhav nt yt ecied Other demonstrators s eemne d I ht se ton thenotetadided walthough in full uniorm Edschool executive com nittee what action they will take in' equally pleased that the police, * Junction order issued by Judge not wearing badges, had no excuse William Ager Thursday agains to make any arrests the showing of "I Am Curious Previous demonstrations againstpto accept f cult anel findi gs (Yellow)." recruiting have resulted in vio-, DefnseAtorny E H Elmanfence, including a lock-in last Defense Attorney E. H. Ellmann, week of General Electric recruiters By PAT MAHONEY acted to revise the promotions education school student group, tbors of theprismntGdothPress) which resulted in a pitched battle Irhprocess. decided to hold the stand-in after tributors of the film (Grove in between protesters and police.d In a compromise it student Two students were added to the the executive committee took no in a number of cases involving Over 20 arrests resulted from the I demands, the education school'sgru' rmtnssbmiteatinnsudndmnsata sny hhGEincident.which now has four professors. Tuesday meeting. film, says three courses of action SDS members are planng mo terday to "implement any deci- This group was asked to "review The students demanded that the are open to them: SDS demonstrations against Senate tAssemb y revieomadm it criteria, procedures and applica- executive committee support the -seeking a stay of the injunc- Dow Chemical Co. recruiting Mon- tSee Assm ly ree mit- tion of criteria in the promotions establishment of a review commit- tion order in the District Court of Do hmia o rcutigMn tee to which faculty members dis- tetlsidentho e vhool omevat- day and Tuesday. satisfied with recent promotion process. tee outside the school to reevalu- Appeals which would allow the Prof. John Young, director of decisions may appeal their cases. Also the ad hoc student-faculty ate promotions recommended last film to be shown until its merits engineering placement service yes-'exesemiyeasoskitteexdeneweek. SEI also demanded that the are ruled upon; terday was stopped from reading The executive committee de- the entire process of student-fac- committee delay transmitting the -moving directly to the trial or. a statement telling the demon- cided to direct appeals of the pro- ulty participation in promotions." names of faculty members it sug- the merits of the film and the ob- strators that "as long as they were motion decisions to the Senate About 150 students held a gested for promotion to Vice Pres- scenity charges; peaceful and did not create a con- Advisory Review Committee in- "stand-in" in the hall outside the ident for Academic Affairs Allan -taking the issue to a federal tention. including disruption of stead of a special committee be- dean's office and the reception Smith until the review group had court and questioning the consti- interviews or loud noise, you may cause "the selection of personnel room of the office for an hour reported. tutionality or Judge Ager's; ap-i protest" by students who yelled and determination of the scope of before and during the committee's Suet lie htteee plication of the state's obscenity that theyalready knew what they the review would take an inordi- meeting.Almost all of the students cuenclam ed that t ienoe law. were doing. nate amount of time to arrange, left within a half an hour after EWCcriteria it had agreed to with The attorneys say they plan to The demonstrators then began Education Dean Wilbur J. Cohen the meeting began, student representatives last De- decide this weekend and hope to the march, encountering only said. On Wednesday Students for cember on faculty promotion deci- take action on Monday. See SDS, Page 8 The executive committee also Educational Innovation (SEI), thes ____________sions. back up State St. Most of the students walked on towards Angell Hall, some of them moving around to the Fishbowl. ,) 1 a Another small group gathered near the large rock, mounted on top of a block inscribed "1867" which sits in the three-sided court between Angell Hall and Haven Hall. Using a walking stick which he had been carrying throughout the 1demonstration, one of the students attempted to lever the black and red-grained rock and with help from a couple other students,' managed to tip it off of its base onto the ground. About ten students in the group I On today's Page Three i attempted to lift the rock, and move it, but were unsuccessful. A Daily reporter said he was' then surrounded by about four of the black students, who de- manded that he stop taking notes, and turn over to them the notes he had taken up to that point. S When the reporter refused, one of the students attempted to grab the notebook from his hand, and a struggle ensued, he said. The reporter saidthe retained possession of the notes, but that he was struck in the face by an- other of the black students, and thrown to the ground by the oth-; ers, where he was pummeed. i President N i x o n proposes new plan to avert transport strikes which threaten the health and security of the nation. The University experiments with "convenience food" at Couzens dormitory. Testing and improvements of the Safeguard antibal- listic missile system are adding hundreds of million of dollars to the ABM de- fense program. MILLIKEN SEEKS PASSAGE TU critical of housing proposal By BOB SCHREINER Many Ann Arbor citizens are express- ing more than token interest in a piece of legislation headed for the Michigan legislature within the next month. The name of the proposed bill is the Michigan Public Housing Code and if passed, its contents are very likely to have a major effect on landlords and tenants in Ann Arbor. Governor William Milliken is seeking an official soonsor for the bill. which was and write beautiful codes, and think we've solved the problem," said Goldstein, "The landlords are not going to comply with it, and the cities are not going to enforce it." The published code 'has not yet been made available to the public on a wide basis, and as a result, it seems most of the landlords in Ann Arbor have not had a chance to read the bill. However, Charter Realty manager Robert Schram says, "all the reports I've heard about it have been "The substantive parts of this bill aren't going to make much difference in Ann Arbor or Detroit because city law is consistent with proposed state law," he said. Goldstein and the Tenants Union are opposing the bill because they believe it to be "against their interests". Two areas of the bill that will affect Ann Arbor, and the prime reason of Tenants Union opposition to its passage, These criteria include teaching: effectiveness, research and schol- arly writing, public service, and service to the education school and the University.t SEI President Mike Vander-' Velde, who attended the executive committee meeting, said the group refused to delay giving names of faculty members recommended for" promotion to Vice President Smithj because letters had already been sentbout.1Executivedcommittee member Prof. Geraldine Scholl said "The people have been rec-: ommended by an orderly process," and added she saw no need for a delay. Reaction to the executive com- mittee's action was generally favorable. "It was a fair and just decision By AL SHACKELFORD The Undergraduate Library is returning to normal after 1 a s t week's disruptions by black stu- dents. Rose-Grace Faucher, UGLI head librarian, estimates the students moved from fifteen to twenty thousand books in the course of protests last Thursday and Friday, adding that it is "hard to tell" the exact number. of President Robben Fleming, po- lice were stationed at the UGLI, General and Law Libraries to pre- vent further disruptions.h No books were damaged in the protests, according to Miss Fauch- er, although three drawers w e r e broken. The main problem caused by the disruptions was the need to "read" the shelves, seeing that every book was in its proper place. This pro- cess takes about seventy hours, "By eleven Friday morning we were finished putting back the books displaced Thursday night," said Miss Faucher. "We were done with the books displaced Friday afternoon by six that night." Miss Faucher estimated it took 67 man- hours to put back the books dis- placed Thursday night. The job of reading the affected shelves is not yet completed. "We will hit the most popular areas, such as psychology and sociology, UGLI returning to normal after disruptions by black students I