Thursday, February 26, 1910 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 26,1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY On By MARGERY Ann Arbor Women's SWEDISH WOMEN, being equals in society The bathing suit: Moses to Agnew HIMEL Liberation "The women achieve to that in the ultimate reason w h y have been unable to a status in society equal of men is to be sought traditional division of functions whereby women are by upbringing, habit and tradition assigned the prime responsibil- ity for the care of home and children. It is this so-called primary role which deprives wo- men of equality in vocational training and employment and of equal representation in poli- tical and trade organizations." Sound like a blurb from a Womens Liberation speech? Guess again. It's from a report called The Status of Women in Sweden made by the Swedish government to the United Na- tions. Unlike some countries, Sweden appears to be fully conscious of its women as op- pressed by their sex-role, and is trying, in some ways, to do something about it. In particular, attention is be- ing given to women with child- ren regardless of whether they .are married or unmarried. The most obvious problem is what do women do with their children if they want to work or be trained for work. Each of Sweden's 900 muni- cipalities has a child welfare dommittee charged with the task k of. working for improved child and youth welfare. Sweden sub- sidizes these committees to pro- vide kindergartens for children of employed parents. Children can be looked after half-day or the whole day by qualified nur- sery school teachers and child- Srens' nurses. "The costs incurred by so- ciety in building and running these institutions can pay divi- dents in a number of ways," says the Swedish government. The social acclimatization of the child is stimulated and health is checked through medical exam- inations. "Themother is enabled to make use of her vocational qual- ifications or to acquire the qual- ifications she desires, and she retains her job longer. G o o d facilities for child supervision - are of direct significance to the promotion of equality between men and women in the labor market." In order to further encour- age women with children to work, the National Labor Market Board of Sweden actively solic- its unemployed mothers for its vocational training programs if the women have never worked or have not worked for a long time because of children. During the time a woman is JAPAN i. SUMMER - 4 COLLEGE CREDITS SAN FRANCISCO STATE COLLEGE in depth vacation enjoyment and study of Japan's history, politics, economics, education, religion and arts. SFSC pro- fessor administers classes, but lectures are by leading Japanese educators. Enrol for credit or as auditor, and re- quest pass/fail or alphabetical grades. Price includes Oakland/Tokyo round- trip via jet charter flight (based on 100% occupancy), first-class hotels, train and motor coach Japan travel, transportation and admission to Expo '70, extensive sightseeing, guides, baggage handling, tips, transfers, etc. Hong Kong optional. Land arrange- ments.operated by: HOWARD TOURS OF OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA APPLY: Institute of International Studies; 522 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA '94610 in training, she is paid a sup- plementary allowance - aboye the $180 a year that all Swed- ish children receive from t h e State - to cover the cost of supervision of her children. Many training centers also pro- vide day nurseries so that hus- band and wife can receive train- ing at the same time. The woman who stays home to raise children in Sweden is al- so considered to be a working woman. According to the Swed- ish government "the care and upbringing of children h a v e come to be regarded as essen- tial service to the community which in principle ought to be paid for in cash in the same way as service to an employer." In keep with this, all Swed- ish women receive free matern- ity care and hospitalization, and are paid $190 at the birth of each child, plus a subsequent child allowance until the child is 16. In addition, women who raise children can accrue credits to- wards a pension, similar to American social security, just as if they were employed. Special allowances, above the usual child allowance, are paid to families with small children and/or with two or more child- ren. Also families with two or more children are entitled to special housing allowances, so that the necessity of a larger home for more children does not become a burden on the parents. By giving such allowances, Swe- den is acknowledging that peo- ple have a right to be paid for the children they raise. Finally, Sweden has taken a step forward in understanding that in order to change the role of women in society, one must also change the role of men. Is a feature of The Daily designed to provide a forum for articles about women and their role in society. Articles repre- sent only the individual opin- ions of the authors; this must be noted in all reprints. Letters and articles will be printed at the discretion of the editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all letters or articles sub- mitted. "If women are to attain a position in society outside the home which corresponds to their proportional membership of the citizen body, it follows that men must assume a greater share of responsibility for the upbring- ing of children and the care of the home," says the government. The Swedes call this "male emancipation." Changes in legislation are be- ing made so that fathers in Sweden, like mothers, will be en- titled to leaves of absence with pay when their children are small, and like mothers, be paid for time spent at home with their children. Furthermore, schools in Swe- den are beginning to train boys in the "domestic" arts and childcare, and girls in shop and metalworking etc. Such a pro- gram may become compulsory for all Swedish school-children, which would make a real change in the traditional assigning of skills to one sex only. "The employment service should a c t i v e 1 y contribute towards the eradication of sex barriers on the labor market," states Swedish Labor Market pol- icy. "Male applicants can be offered training and employment within sectors generally regard- ed as exclusively "feminine", e.g, welfare and services." These are just some examples of what governing bodies can do to encourage real emancipation of its citizens. Although Sweden admittedly has a long way to go in this direction, it is putting its money where its mouth is to implement its view that women must become full and equal members of its society. "The Government is well aware that this view appears re- volutionary and unrealistic in the eyes of representatives of many other countries," it says. But this has been the view of Swedish women for a long time they fought to make the gov- ernment see things their way. We women 'here in America, right here in Ann Arbor, must fight for revolutionary changes in the status of women. While tearing down institu- tions that chain women, we must build news ones that liberate her, such as the right to free child-care for all women, and demand that the wealth is our country and our city be redis- tributed to help, not to hinder us. By NADINE COIIODAS The bathing suit as we know it today has had a long and in- teresting history going as far back as Moses, if not farther. First concrete reports of the bathing suit come from the middle of Genesis where Miriam, the sister of Moses, reports that their mother wrapped the new- born baby in a striped woolen outfit and sent him down the river. The exact cut of the suit was not recorded. However, his- torians say it was orobably of the loose fitting type. A gap in firm evidence of the bathing suit's existence occurs until 39 B.C. when Acapathinus, a court scribe in Alexandria wrote in his journal that Cleo- patra took a dip in the Nile in a "finely bejewelled line-con- taining three rubies and an emerald set against a purple field of loose material which draped her majesty's body." Antony's apparel was ignored, however Acapathinus later noted that "the general had removed his entire armour." The history of the bathing suit shifts to Europe during\ the next few hundred years where Chaucer in the 14th century writes in-his Canterbury tales of the Wife of Bath who doubtless needed many suits as her name implies. Late fifteenth century Italy provides the next link in the bathing suit's history through a little known portion of Michael- angelo's diary. While painting the Sistine Chapel in Rome, Michaelangelo admitted that some days the strain, the pressure, the emo- tional trauma and the dripping, gooey plaster and paint were too much. Some afternoons "I bereft my- self of my robes," he wrote, "and then wrapped my loins in a small, thin piece of lambswool and went to the nearby pond." It is not until 1769 that more proof of the bathing suit occurs. This times it comes from the writings of Jacques Quiyoit, a hanger-on in thecourt of Louis XVI, who spied on Marie An- toinette as she took a dip in the Versaille garden pool. Not too many years later, reams of material about llath- ing suits for both men and women began to apear. And by 1863 the bathing suit was firm- ly established' in the United States. The confederate spy from Baltimore, Rose O'neil dreen- how, revealed in her memoirs from prison that she had trick- ed a northern general into giv- ing her battle plans by "re- moving my dirty dress and put- ting on my new yellow one piece outfit. I left most of my leg uncovered and all of my should- ers," she wrote. Since that time, of course, bathing suits have become a household word, perhaps best symbolized by Vice President Spiro Agnew who, on his S.E. Asian trip last month, posed for photographers while wear- ing his newly acquired plaid "boxer shorts for that summer swim." Ii HOLIDAY HAIR "If your hair is not becoming to you.. Shop Monday Nights 'til /alAonj Then you should be coming to US." With Student ID-Frost. special in Feb. and March Manicurist and Hair Specialist on duty V .1K 44 Tt > A ,A rt.>:.* x. 7 ' COR. 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