sikx THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 26, 1970 Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday1 February 26, 1970 On Sisson's able, cautious 'C. H. Sisson, trans., The Poetry of Catullus, The Viking Press, 1969. $1.85. (Hard-cover edi- tion, Orion Press, 1967.) By JAMES ROMANO Charles Hubert Sisson has performed over thirty years in British civil service and is cur- rently Assistant Under-Secre- tary of State, Department of Employment and Productivity. In addition to a translation of some of the political poems of Heine and this one of Catullus (c. 87-54 B.C.), he has publish- ed three volumes of his own poetry, two novels, and a treat- ise entitled The Spirit of British Administration. Bridging his po- litical and literary experiences, is a collection of essays, Art and Action, wherein he praises and advises the accomodation be- tween literature and the "prac- tical life." With the sobriety of a public official and churchman and the pride of a p o e t, he ranges from Andrew Marvell and Charles Maurras to Pound and Eliot in providing exempla of his theme. Presumably, the autobiographical essay at the end of the book is to include the author among the blessed. Yet, as the most interesting in a series of conventional es- says, it typifies Sisson. He is a versatile individual, a dedicated servant to church and crown, a learned poet and critic; still for the most part, his writing, whatever the genre, is dull. Cat- ullus' gibe at Suffenus, a pro- lific but bad poet, well describes Sisson who translates: This expert in civilized con- versation Is about as dull as a row of turnips Once he touches poetry. How- ever He is never so happy as when he is writing it. Sisson's own poetry (The Lon- don Zoo, Metamorphoses) seems to have been composed at the office, amid the sterile f ,rmal- ities of secretarial duties. There is occasional wit a n d satire, though often too pretentious and strait-laced to have proper effect. It is the lack of subtlety in his verse that deprives it of any, sense of lyrical spontan- eity. Though consciously striv- ing for the poetic worldliness of a Yeats or Pound, Sisson has not that special grace to mask his experiences of t h e public world in metaphor. Such defi- ciency, obtrusive in his own po- etry, ultimately brings fault to his translation of Catullus, a fault more regrettable because Catullus means to reveal the private world. Catullus writes about himself. He writes about the world as it affects him personally. Even the "Lesbia poems" concern not Lesbia, but rather Catullus' ex- perience with that woman. In the love context, experience can meanvsuffering. Whencthese poems are not filled with the exuberance and freshness of a love not merely physical, they are tinged by an amorous-mel- ancholy that evokes from the reader memory of sweet promise and quarrel, of pleasure a n d loss. T h at his expressions of love and anguish are so con- vincingly personal, yet univer- sally appealing, is a distinctive quality of Catullus' art. One has to value as well Cat- ullus' contribution to the de- velopment of the lyric genre. By an uncommon plainness and a willingness to unveil his own emotions and personality, he re- shaped the Greek lyric that in- fluenced him. Aside from the formal definition of poetry that is non-epic, non-dramatic, char- acterized by brevity and variety of metre and theme, the lyric essentially is poetry of mood. Whether it be love or grief or anger or disgust, themood is real and endures in the poet's recreation cast into words and images. Catullus is the supreme crafts- man. His premature death meant virtually the early death of the Ronan lyric. Poets after him, though showing his influ- ence, were not able to recapture the simple honesty, clever dict- ion and sensibility of the mas- ter. (Horace's strophes are swol- len, lack easy wit, and are too concerned w i t h stylistic mat- ters.) Both the achievement and poetic temperament of Catullus are unique. Sisson's own tem- perament is too severe to let him translate anything but words. Sisson follows the Loeb edi- tion, and in his own volume, provides the Latin text en face. He does not fail in giving an ac- curate, readable translation. He is closer to the letter, as they say, than to the spirit. Literal- one still wishes for a bit more daring sensitivity than h i s translation shows. Four-letter words do not make it daring. There is an art /to Catullus' obscenity t h a t "dirty" words can misrepresent. Catullus is never vulgar with- out being witty. At times, Sisson is so gratuitously, and when the tongue is loose, it is yet limited to the remorseless monosyl- 'atullus the short lyrical pieces. (In the original, the long poems are mainly showpieces, stylistic ex- periments, heavily ornamented, often tedious.) His formal, styl- ized treatment is appropriate to the hexameters of LXIV and the elegiacs of LXVI-LXVIII. The same scholarly technique, however, is too cumbrous and pedantic when applied to the lyric or epigram. For example, a pungent and clever taunt in Catullus VI becomes, in more than twice as many words: It is obvious to me that you have chosen some female Not quite in condition, and that no doubt makes you silent. Frequently, it is not verbosity that mars the translation, but an overeasiness with which Sisson handles Catullus' appar- ent intent. Vivamus, mea Les- bia, atque amemus is a strong exhortation, meant to provoke immediate excitement, in es- sence: "let us live and make love, Lesbia!" Besides expres- sing Catullus' personal feeling those words represent the spon- taneity and intensityofit h e lyric poem. Sisson's version is impersonal and gnomic: "Liv- ing, dear Lesbia, is useless with- out loving." The impact is gone; so too, intimacy and meaning. Usually, 'Sisson is more careful with the sense of t h e Latin. When he is not, the original text on the opposite page is some compensation, and, of course, always supplies native sound and rhythm. Sisson's is one of five new English translations of Catullus published during the last half of the sixties. Each is distinctive; each has its o w n faults and merits. Sisson's is certainly no worse than the others. On the contrary, in many instances his frankness and clarity outdo the literal or metrical contrivances of those who strain painfully to bring Catullus back to life. Per- haps Sisson d o e s not strain enough, but he shall have serv- ed the purpose of introducing to some an artist whose design upon the fabric of lyric poetry has been indelible. Sisson is a loyal servant indeed. Hype b 0 0. k s b 0 0 k s priest Malcolm Boyd, AS I LIVE AND BREATHE, Stages in an Auto- biography, Random House, $6.95. By MARK HARRIS Malcolm Boyd is such an incredible mixture of hype and hon- esty that any assessment of his life and work is difficult to make. When we remember that his life is not over yet (he is only in his late forties), it might be felt that such an assessment would be not only difficult, but premature. He, like all of us, still has the chance to show himself as that person he shall become. He may yet prove by hit actions that he is either the child of Joy or perhaps the bastard of Despair. Meanwhile Boyd has decided to tell it himself. Like the author, As I Live and Breathe is part hype, part honesty. The dramatist and the sideshow barker are there. Profound insight and foolishness ming- le in this book (life is no different). Beneath the crust of this book there lies more than interestinr autobiographical technique. Malcolm Boyd revealing himself will be interesting to a growing number of people for whom Boyd has been either the prophet or the demon. There is, in this book, the honest at- tempt to show the struggle with self, with world, and with God. Someone wrote to Boyd. "I can relate to you because you wear your psychic wounds showing, maybe bleeding a little." That person said it well. In this autobiography, wounds do show, psyche is exposed This would be of minimal interest if it were not for three important facts that come out of the telling. In Malcolm Boyd's account of his experiences in the Church one can see something of the personal costs involved in the attempt to develop new models for vocation, faith, and action within the Church. Like Boyd. I have gone to seminary, but my experiences were so dif- ferent that I can only conclude that something of this change in sem inary 'life-style' was due to the influence of men like Boyd. Places like Canterbury House exist with some freedom now, yet it was the Boyds of the church who had to start trying it out. This autobiography charts the development of one white man's consciousness of race, and his tortured attempts to deal with what that consciousness required in terms of response. In working out his response, all the elements of human frailty appear: he was unfeeling intolerant, judgmental, brutal (to himself and others), but at the same time he was very much a sensitive man; given finally to a great deal of forgiveness and joy. In his effort to work out his own response to racial prejudice, an important element of Malcolm Boyd's character comes out. He ap- pears finally as an "angry young man.' In his dissatisfaction with his own personality, one can see the need not only for personal change, but for social change as well In that role, with that insight about the personal and social character of sin and guilt, Malcolm Boyd did (and does) us all a great service. Finally, Boyd's autobiography is proof of just how haphazard life really can bet At any number of stages in his life, Boyd's sensitivity to himself and the world could have stagnated. Many men entered the ministry through the same oppressive doors, but for some, oppressio won. Many men had occasion to voice concern for the acute problem of the times, but not all men did so. Some have no guts for it: others have no personality: others simply have no opportunity. Malcolm Boyd saw and acted, but it must humble him (as it should all of us) to realize just how thin a line separates his action from the inaction of others. I approached this book with some hesitation. I have only met Malcolm Boyd on three occasions, and that from a distance. He wa i hype and promoter on two of these. I can not say I really liked him, on the surface of it all. Yet this autobiography says a lot about him, and by reflection, about me as well. Because of this book I wept and laughed a bit about Malcolm and about myself. After all, he is finally a person, and as a person he is both good and bad, consistant and yet bizzare, friend and yet foe. On a deep level, I like him a great deal This is a book that deserves to be read. ism, however, inevitably leaves us with what MacLeish calls "the rags and bones of mean- ings." It is difficult to exagger- ate the problem of translating Catullus whose words are rich- ly nuanced, whose sound and metaphor are intricately pat- terned. Tempering one's criti- cism of Sisson for this reason, lables of English invective. That is to say in comparison, Latin "dirty" words have color and melody. Not surprisingly, Sisson relies on Latin derivatives for his most original t u r n-of- phrase: "matutinal micturi- tions." Sisson is more successful with Catullus' long poems than with Today's Writers. . . James V. Romano is a Doc- toral Candidate in the Depart- ment of Classics. An Episcopal minister, Mark Harris shares the responsibility for co-ordin- ating the varied activities of Canterbury House. p . -0m.-lk 4 la ,1 0 I~rsU Vdi U ___ jp'MES LEO .ERLI Y author of Mid"ght, author ite and ES tarCIe s igh as a O and str3jghtforwar a teSt 1'swritte the great tu1euin gr tite uideTofueU RVOLWTION by WALTER STARCKE The way to a natural high through meditation. Also.. Recent paperbacks of note: Hermann Hesse's third novel, Gertrude, originally published in 1910, has just received its first American publication in a translation by Hilda Rosner. (Noonday Press Paperback, $l.- 95). The creative endeavor of music provides the thematic ma- terial of this novel, and Hesse, as he does in all of his writings, focuses upon the seemingly irre- concilable conflicts between Di- onysian and Apollonian sensi- bilities . . Gerard de Nerval, a man whose exotic, mystic, and poetic spirit may be seen resur- rected in such later artists as Satie and Jarry, was one of the most important forerunners of the =surrealists. Three of Ner- val's prose w a r k s - Aurelia, Sylvia, and Emilie - and a se- lection of his poetry have been just published in an Ann Arbor Paperback ($2.95) by the Uni- versity of Michigan Press. Harper & Row 1817 $4.95 at all bookstores We know wnat youwan to wear. N. . i i " ; r ' ' . : . . , ... ::i" V? It 'Because *you told us. I . " -- . Imw4w ;,A" J, , ,-W477 - 7