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February 25, 1970 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-25

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NOW 2nd

page three




NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Wednesday, February 25, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three
Wallace: Playing the primaries in Alabama

(EDITOR'S NOTE: George Wallace,
former presidential candidate, is ex-
pected to announce tomorrow his can-
didacy for the governorship of Alabama.
To analyze the factors that will come
into play in both this race and in Wal-
lace's political future, Daily Washing-
ton correspondent Walter Shapiro talk-
ed to Alabama political leaders a n d
writers and filed the following report.)
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - By challenging in-
cumbent Alabama Governor Albert
Brewer in the May 5 Democratic pri-
mary, George Corley Wallace will at-
tempt to turn the campaign into a de
' facto referendum on his future presi-
dential ambitions.
As recently as late 1966, few observ-
ers would have thought that Brewer, a

staunchly loyal speaker of the Alabama
House, would become a serious political
threat to Wallace.
But in late 1966, Wallace, unable to
succeed himself as governor, engineered
the landslide victory of. his wife, Lur-
leen, with Brewer handpicked as a run-
ning mate.
And upon the death of Mrs. Wallace
from cancer in 1968, Brewer suceeded
to the top spot, where he quickly won
plaudits for the low-key, businesslike
image he projected in office.
Avoiding the flamboyance and na-
tional spotlight which marked the Wal-
lace years, Brewer has stressed effi-
ciency in government. The success of
Brewer's attempts to promote the state's
industrial development led one Alabama
political writer to 'comment, "In terms

of prestige, Brewer has brought Ala-
bama back into the Union."
Now, with t h e state polls showing
Wallace and Brewer about even, there
is some question as to why Wallace is
risking his career by challenging the
popular Brewer, especially since Wal-
lace, to the surprise of many, has con-
sistently maintained his 1968 national
following in the Gallup a n d Harris
Perhaps the most persuasive answer
is that Wallace, chaffing from idleness,
is pre-eminently a politician who can't
wait until 1972 for another campaign.
Like Richard Nixon, in 1962, Wallace
feels that the role of defeated Presi-
dential candidate does not give him suf-
ficient national exposure.
And despite the steady income Wal-
lace receives f r o m the "Wallace for

President" newsletter, a return to office
would significantlyreduce his financial
As a candidate, Wallace will be vul-
nerable to charges of being a "part-time
governor." From the moment he enter-
ed the 1964 presidential primary to the
death of his wife in 1968, Wallace found
national politics far more interesting
than the day-to-day minutia of run-
ning Alabama.
Wallace's most serious problem is that
he lacks an emotional issue to u s e
against Brewer. The traditional Ala-
bama approach - branding your op-
ponent as an integrationist - won't
work with Brewer, whose outspoken ad-
vocacy of Wallace's racial views is still
remembered around the state.
Working from a sizeable base of loyal
See WALLACE, Page 8

Daily Classifieds Get Results




news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Service



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will not run for governor of Michigan.
At a Lansing press conference yesterday, Kelley said that he
would not seek the Democratic nomination because he "does not want
to be governor."
Kelley said he would probably seek reelection to his present posi-
tion but did not commit himself on the issue.
drug abuse has recommended repeal of the mandatory 20 year
sentence for selling marijuana.
The recommendation, recently released, was made to Milliken
before his Feb. 19 speech, in which he said that he "supported
the complete legal prohibition of marijuana as a dangerous drug."
Milliken has suggested that marijuana be classified as a dangerous
drug rather than as a narcotic.
If marijuana is classified as a dangerous drug it would
be in the same category as LSD, barbituates, and amphetamines.
These have lesser penalties attacked to their use than those presently
applied to users and sellers of marijuana.
The committee said that further study should be done before
additional recommendations could be made.
THE SUPREME COURT decided not to rule on. a decision
by California's supreme court that the state's abortion law -
since superceded - was unconstitutional.
The court made no comment as it rejected an appeal yesterday by
California Atty. Gen. Thomas Lynch of the decision that the old law
was too vague.
The law prohibited medical abortions except when "necessary
to preserve" the expectant mother's life. Violators were subject to
two to five years in prison. The California court ruled the phrase
"necessary to preserve" too vague for a physician to know when
he was acting legally or illegally.
The law has since been amended to permit a board of doctors
to allow abortions if the mental or physical condition of the mother
is in danger or in the case of rape or incest.
* * *
ISRAEL is imposing a curfew on three Jordanian villages
in a hunt for Arab terrorists who machine-gunned a bus of Amer-
ican tourists.
One woman was killed and two others wounded in the ambush
which occurred Monday near Hebron, a major town in occupied
Jordan. The curfew was placed on Hebron and two nearby villages.
Meanwhile, international concern for the lately increased Arab
terrorist attacks on Israeli commercial planes carrying Israeli goods
or passengers is mounting. In Zurich and Geneva, special armed guards
have been posted at the airports. Members of the International Air
Transport Association, including a president of an Arab airline, are
planning a conference to discuss ideas for internationally coordinated
measures to prevent air piracy and sabotage of civilian planes.
* * *
INFORMED SOURCES say North Vietnam has launched
the biggest supply operation of the war in eastern Laos.
The United States has mounted the most concentrated B52
strategic bombing campaign since the beginning of the war in
eastern Laos to counter the offensive.
The sources report 12,000-15,000 trucks were sighted moving
down the Ho Chi Minh trail in December and the number has in-
creased in January and February. Precise figures are not available.

-Associated Press
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MELVIN LAIRD conducts a briefing at the Pentagon. In the foreground
are, from left: Army Secretary Stanley Resor; Director of Defense Research John Roster, Jr.; and
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Earle Wheeler.
Debate continues on the Pill
in Sena te committee hearing

All Campus Theatrical Company

Laird asks
for ABM
Says offensive
base, five missih
sites necessary
agon urged Congress yesterday to
permit expansion of the Safeguard
antiballistic missile system (ABkD
to shield a third U.S. offensive
missile base and start toward
building five additional ABM sites,
including one in the Michigan
Ohio region.
Secretary of Defense Melvin R.
Laird said, "this is the minimum
we can do and must do" in the
face of a growing Sovietand Red
Chinese nuclear threat, while tome
United States and Russia attempt
to negotate arms limitation,
"In view of the contined
growth of the Soviet threat and
the prospect of Chinese deploy-
ment of an ICBM force in the
mid-1970s, we could not justify
delaying a further step to protect
ourselves against these dangers,"
Laird told the Senate Armed Serv-
ices Committee and defense ap-
propriations subcommittee.
"Given President Nixon's de-
termination to postpone additiona
actions on U.S. offensive systems
this year in order to advance pros-
pects for success at the strategic
arms limitation talks (SALT),
further progress on Safeguard de-
ployment becomes the only viable
course available in fiscal yer
Laird said the expansion plans
call for building one additional
Safeguard defense complex at
Whiteman Air Force base in Mis-
souri and advance preparation
work for five other sites-without
a deployment commitment-in the
New England area, the Pacific
Northwest, the Michigan-Ohio re-
gion, the Washington, D.C. sector,
and Warren Air Force Base, home
of other major Minuteman mis-
siles, in Wyoming.
Counting two Minutemen sites
authorized for ABM protectio
last year, this would move the
Pentagon into work on eight of
the 12 ABM positions designed
to give the United States protec-
tion from Soviet or Chinese mis-
sile attacks, starting in the mid-
Laird also recommended that the
defenses at the first two ABM
complexes, at Grand Forks Air
Force Base in North Dakota and
Malmstrom Air Force Base in
Montana, be provided with addi-
tional short range Spring missiles
to complement long range Spar-
tan defensive missiles.
Deputy secretary of D e f e nus e
David Packard disclosed that tlje
price of the full 12-site Safeguard
system has risen $1.6 billion since
last year to .a new total of $11.9
billion. He blamed inflation and a
stretch-out in the progrart for the
Laird also said the Pentagon
will announce a massive reduction
of bases within the next 3 days
during discussion of the Safeguard
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor.
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Unver-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mall.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subs*rip-
tion rates: $3.00 by carrier, $3.00 by


************ ** **** **** ******* ** * ***

WASHINGTON (P) - Two doc-
tors told a Senate subcommittee
yesterday they suspect birth con-
trol pills can cause mental de-
pression so severe it could drive a
user to suicide.
But a woman specialist sharply
criticized the subcommittee and
said earlier testimony linking the
pill to a wide number of other
side effects has created an inter-
national panic and a wave of un-
wanted pregnancies.
"I think much of the previous
testimony has been rather like a
bikini - what it has uncovered
has been interesting but what it
has left concealed is vital," said
Dr. Elizabeth Connell of Columbia
Dr. Connell, who said previous
testimony w a s nearly all com-
pletely unproven, testified before
the Senate monopoly subcommit-
tee headed by Sen. Gaylord Nel-
son (D-Wis).
The subcommittee resumed its
hearings on t h e safety of oral
contraceptives that it began with
five sessions last month. Dr. Con-
nell appeared at the insistence of
Republican members of the sub-
committee, who were openly crit-
ical of the trend of the hearings.
"We are just beginning now to
see the first of the pregnancies of
women who panicked in January,
stopped their pills, and did not
s e e k or use another means of
birth control," she said.

She also criticized some of the
conclusions reached by witnesses
at hearings last month' by t h e
Senate monopoly subcommittee.
Testimony then linked the pill to
scores of suspected side effects,
including cancer, fatal blood clot-
ting, diabetes and heart trouble.
Dr. Francis J. Kane Jr., asso-
ciate professor of psychiatry at'
the University of5North Carolina,
said one study of 50 women show-
ed marked increase in depression

with three suicidal attempts
among the 50.
A third witness, Dr. Philip Ball
of Muncie, Ind., said the biggest
problem caused by oral contracep-
tives which he has seen as a spe-
cialist in internal medicine has
been women "who are chronically
tired, or depressed, or lacking in
libido, or complaining of frequent
migraine-like headaches, often of
incapacitating nature."
He called for an outright ban
on the pill for five years.

New library group
Sto hear student views

''It is the story of a
young girl who is, orwas,
curious about politics,
nonviolence, Zen,
commitment, socialism,
other Swedes,
and, to be sure,


An All-University Student Li-
brary Committee has been estab-
lished by Dr. Fredrick Wagman,
director of the University Library
Wagman says the committee
was formed to give students an
avenue to air their grievances
about the library system and to
present suggestions for improve-
ments in library service. The com-
mittee, consisting of eleven mem-
bers representing various schools,
will act in an advisory position to
"The representatives will find

photo by RICHARD LEE

sex. It is a serious
fihnwith a noble
theme, and,in
dramatic terms,
it is original...
It not only
tells us where we've
been heading sexly,
it shows us where
we've been.'
r __fr r A


March 10-14,1910
Lydia Mendelssohn

out what students think about the
library system and present any
legitimate gripes and complaints
to Dr. Wagman," explains Philip
A. Yannarella, Grad student in
Library Science and committee
Yannarella adds that the libra-
ries are primarily for student use,
students should be able to offer
realistic and constructive criticism
and suggestions.
Frank Greenberg, literary col-
lege representative to the All Uni-
versity Library Committee, has
been selected from the members
of the new committee to represent
students on a committee to study
the need for future libraries on
campus. He plans to attend meet-
ings of this administrative group
and present student opinion.
Other representatives to the All
University Student Library Com-
mittee are: John Willoughby, '73
Dent, Paul Threlkeld, Grad Ed,
James Anthony, Grad Mus, Jean
Keskulla, '72 NR, Rober Van Bem-
melen, '72 Phar, Leon Schmidt,
Grad SW, John Rock, '71 AD, '71
AD, Douglas Johnson, '72 Eng,
and Marsha Luchtman, '71 N.

and JOE

Wednesday Night


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