THE POLITICS OF RECRUITING See Editorial Page 5k r~i~x 4E1aiq WINTERIZED High--33 Low--12 Cloudy, colder, chance of flurries I.. a t.t~tt fl a -- LXXX, No. 4 L2 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 25, 1970 Ten Cents Fiaht Pnnae i _ ..... _....... 4 Poli sci TF crisis resolved , Grad studentunit accepts proposal of ad-hoc group By ART LERNER Political science graduate s t u d e n t s last night over- whelmingly accepted proposals which clarify their standing in the political science depart- ment. The proposals were formulated 4 by an ad hoc faculty"- graduate student committee on Sunday night and have already been ap- proved by the department's execu- tive committee. Political science teaching fel- lows had cancelled their recita- tions the week of Feb. 9-14 to ,protest the executive committee's decision to reduce the depart- ment's appropriations for teaching fellowships in order to permit the hiring of additional faculty. The acceptance of the proposals by the graduate students "ends the present ' crisis situation," said John Pammet, president of the Graduate Student Association in Political Science. "For now, things will go back to normal," he added. The proposals include: -That "no teaching fellow will be required to teach more sec- tions for the same or less salary" next year; -That the political science de- partment "will maintain as a mat- ter of policy the small discussion group in the 100 level courses as a vehicle for quality undergradu- ate education," -That "all recipients of one- quarter time teaching fellowships receive a grant sufficient to cover tuition costs...." One-quarter time teaching fel- lows have three sections per year, and one-half time teaching fel- lows have five sections per year. ' These job definitions will remain the same next year. -That "an objective of depart- mental policy will be the estab- lishment of an aid program that would eventually provide suffic- ient financial support for at least a three year period for all gradu- ate students who qualify academi- cally.and in terms of need," and -That "the Graduate Affairs Committee in the future will con- sider all general policy matters pertaining to financial aid for graduate students." The teaching fellows have con- tended that the reduction in fel- lowship .appropriations was not adequately compensated and that the original decision had been* made without the knowledge and consent of the department's grad- uate students. An amendment to the propo- sals stating that the graduate stu- dents "assume that there will be no recriminations against students for participation in the morator- ium" was defeated. There was also disagreement on allocation of certain fellowships within the political science de- partment. However the discussion did not affect the eventual passage of the proposals. The moratorium was designed "to demonstrate our capability for collective action," one graduate student said. But a motion to boycott their own graduate classes was defeat- ed because the students believed that attending classes was t h e "best way to raise the issue among our peers." Ed group postpones decisions Hears demands from students on promotions By PAT MAHONEY In a closed meeting yester- 'day, the education school's executive committee postpon- ed action on demands present- ed by Students for Education-. al Innovation (SEI) u n t i Friday afternoon. Yesterday SEI demanded t h e executive committee support the establishment of a review commit- tee outside the school to reeval- uate recently made promotions. The student group claimed the committee ignored its own criter- ia established last December when it decided on faculty promotions last week. These criteria include teaching effectiveness, research and schol- arly writing, public service, a n d service to the education school and the University. Several faculty members of the executive committee have said the promotions procedure was the fairest they have ever known in the school. Dean Beach, who is not a member of the executive committee, but often attends i t s meetings, said he was impressed by the committee's fairness. The executive committee took no action on a memo from behav- ioral sciences department chair- man Loren Barritt who recom- mended that Senate Advisory Com- mittee review the cases of four members of his department denied promotion. All four had been recommended by a departmental promotions committee. "The executive com- mittee's decision to respond nega-, tively to all (four) in the face of their fine records raises serious and disturbing questions about ap- plication of the published criteria for promotion," Barritt stated. After the meeting yesterday,; Cohen refused to comment onE SEI's demands because he was leaving immediately for Washing- ton D.C. He is expected to return Friday.t Executive committee member Prof. Gertrude Scholl said Deant Wilbur J. Cohen opposed the es- tablishment of a review committee1 during the meeting, Executive committee member Prof. Stan Dimond said the pur-A pose of Friday's meeting will be "to keep the channels of com- munication open." Today SEI is sponsoring a mass meeting at noon to discuss futurel strategy. Fleming refers recruitment to U' panel The text of President Fleming's open letter appears on today's editorial page. By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Editor President Robben Fleming yesterday said he would refer the issue of on-campus job recruitment to the Committee on Communications, a student - faculty - administration panel created by the Regents last week to help resolve conflicts in the University. At the same time, Fleming turned down proposals made by the Radical College and Senate Assembly's Student Rela- tions Committee for a suspension of recruiting, and a one-day moratorium on classes for a campus-wide debate on Univer- -Daily-Jim Judkis Spring, on the Diag Over two hundred students participated in the first annual rites of spring as they gathered around guitarists and sang frivilous songs to fit their mood. SENATE PASSES BILL: Hawaii to liberalize state abortion laws HONOLULU ( - The Ha-, A joint Hawaii Senate-H o u s e wai Senate approved 15 to 9 Conference Committee concluded, "The subject of abortion should and sent to the governor yes- not be a matter of legislation but terday a. bill making most should be left as an individual abortions legal. Gov. John A. matter of conscience and choice." Burns has said he would allow Most of those in favor said it to become law without his abortion should be left to individ- ual conscience, and also cited the -Daily-Jim Judkis OVER 30 MEMBERS of Radical College sprawled on the floor and chairs of Guild House as they discussed plans for attending a conference on the penetration of foreign markets. I~ } Radical College sends conference delegates, By JIM McFERSON Radical College, a newly formed coalition of faculty and students, will have two representatives attending a confer- ence on international licensing and joint ventures with foreign countries tomorrow and Friday. The conference, sponsored by the Institute of Interna- tional Commerce, was originally opened to only businessmen, but the institute's Director Robert Adams agreed to allow two professors to speak at the end of the conference. After formulating demands last night at a meeting, the Radical College phoned Adams and asked to be allowed to send two of six rotating delegates to the conference and that they be allowed to participate in discussion by asking ques- tions during the conference. Those at the meeting generally agreed that Adams' earlier offer could best be countered by capitalizing on the political position or the Radical College. "We have the implicit threat that we're going to do everything to make what sity ties with the military and with corporations. The president's statements came in the form of an open letter to history Prof. Arthur Mendel, a member of SRC and Radical Col- lege, who had urged in an open letter to Fleming last week that he accept the recommendations of, the two groups. In an interview last night, Flem- ing said he would still consider accepting the proposals if they were supported by Senate Assem- bly, the faculty representative body. "I'd certainly think very serious- ly about it," he said. Assembly will meet in special session tomorrow to consider the question. The question of recruiting, and the largersquestion ofUniversity ties with corporations and the U.S. military were first raised this year by Ann Arbor Students for a Dem- ocratic Society in a "winter of fen- sive" against recruiters they con- sider "imperialist" or "racist." Using a variety of militant tac- tics, SDS has recently prevented recruiters from five institutions- the U.S. Navy, Allied Chemical Co.. Dupont Co., Chase Manhattan and General Electric-from inter- viewing University students. In his open letter Fleming gave several reasons for declining to suspend recruiting: -That recruiters whose ap- pointments were cancelled might not be able to reschedule a visit to campus this year. -That "the number of students who disrupted interviewing at En- gineering is tiny as compared with the hundreds of Engineering stu- dents who are now saying . that they have a free right to in- terview," and -That ''there are a very large number of people who feel strongly that a decision on whether or not to interview is a matter of individ- ual choice." On the question of cancelling classes, Fleming wrote: "It would not be difficult to obtain from school and college faculties, and from school and college govern- ments which exist in most of the colleges, an expression on this question. In the absence of any such expression, one wonders whether there is justificaiton for a moratorium on classes for the 32,000 students who are here in Ann Arbor."' Fleming wrote that the suggest- ion that recruitment should be done off campus would not solve the problem for the University. Fleming said that when he was chancellor of the Madison campus of the University of Wisconsin, a controversial recruiter had at- tempted to work out of a hotel, but his reservation was cancelled after the hotel learned of a plan- ned disruption. Radicals discuss demands By DAVE CHUDWIN About 100 people mulled over proposed demands for a spring radical offensive last night but came to no conclusions at a meet- ing sponsored by Students for a Democratic Society. During the session the possibi- lity of a student strike was raised as an eventual objective but no action was taken in that direction. After two hours of general dis- cussion tIhe participants broke up into smaller group to discuss their individual points of. view. An SDS member earlier read a seven-point program which in- cluded demands that the Univer- sity end ties with ROTC, war re- search and corporate recruiting, and support minority group re- quests for increased admissions. The list also called for freeing six arrested Black Berets and an end to the "exploitation of women, the oppression of youth and the rape of our planet." "The initial idea of issuing a program was to say what we're about and what we want to move on," said one SDS leader. "We now need a specific lists of demands." Along that line another person read a list of specific requests on preserving the environment. These demands, include that the University sell its stock of cor- porations that pollute and estab- lish an ecology department, .and that the city commit itself to stop building structures and to provide mass transit. A statement by Women's Libera- tion called for, among other items, a University clinic to distribute birth control devices and perform abortions, a child care center, a women's study department and 51 per cent faculty and students. The group also demanded an end to clothing restrictions on University employes, maternity leaves for employes, an equal amount of financial aid to women and free self-defense instruction. During the meeting an SDS leader said that organization would "follow the lead of the Rad- ical College," a group of faculty and non-academic University em- ployes, in planning protests for a conference on penetrating inter- national markets which will be held tomorrow and Friday at the Sheraton Hotel. signature. California also has recentlyj passed a liberalized abortion laws.I Abortion reform proposals, i n - cluding one that could allow a woman pregnant for lessathan. three months to undergo the op- eration in a private clinic. w e r e prepared for introduction in t h e Michigan Senate yesterday. The bill, approved 31 to 20 by the House last Friday, stipulates that abortions must be performed by licensed physicians in licens- ed hospitals and that the woman certify she has been an Hawaii resident for at least three months. It also stipulates that no phy- economic factor. They said econ- omically disadvantaged women cannot afford to go to Japan or other countries where abortion is legal. The state's present 101-year-old law permitted abortion only .to save the life of the mother. Tenants group seeks injunction to prevent credit withholdings i I; . i 1 sician can be required to perform By DEBBIE THAL an abortion and no hospital be The Baits Tenants Union is cur- required to admit a patient to rently seeking an injunction to have an abortion. prevent the University from with- M~aximum penalties of $1,000 holding transcripts and prevent- and five years imprisonment a r e ing registration of union members set for performing an illegal abor- who continue their rent strike. tion. Their rent strike began last The abortion question likely will month when approximately $2000 be taken into court. Robert Pear- was placed in an escrow fund by son, a Maui Island contractor who residents of Baits housing. led the anti-repeal forces, said he February's rent is due this Sat- will take it all the way to the urday and union leaders hope to U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. have the injunction in court be- fore that time to encourage more students to join the strike. The injunction is regarded as important by union member re- gardless of whether the University is successful in fighting it. "If we win, we expect more peo- ple will join the rent strike and the University will be shown that they cannot use this type of threat against us," says Chet Kulis, union president. "However, even if we lose, they (the University) will have to show their hand and clearly reveal themselves as the bad guys." Feldkamp doesn't feel that the proposed court action is anything to get excited about nor is he con- cerned over the proposed picketing or tent-in. "We do have a basic disagree- ment over withholding grades-we consider tuition and residence fees to be just parts of a single ac- count. To separate the two would be both a major policy and a major mechanical change," he said last night. "I think there are strong reasons not to change." they're doing as public as pos- sible," said one member. "That's exactly what they don't want - bad publicity." Specific action for the confer- ence will avoid disruptions and instead concentrate on questions asked by Radical College dele- gates on particular points during discussion. "My only action will be to listen to the plans of the conference and ask questions when something should be made clear,",said Harry Bluestone, Grad, who will be one of the delegates attending the conference. "We have no responsibility for disruption," added Architecture Prof. Joseph Wehrer, "the disrup- tion will be the responsibility of other groups. Persons at a Students for a Democratic Society meeting last See RAD, Page 8 600 WITHHOLD RENT Housing woes keep strike alive By CARLA JANE RAPOPORT Although landlords claim they have im- proved maintenance service and tenants no longer have flagrant violation cases against them, 50 per cent of students who were rent striking last year are still striking today. In fact, the Ann Arbor Tenants Union agreed to no. longer stress the rent strike as their main offensive in their war against the outragious housing situation which they claim exists in Ann Arbor. So, why are nearly 600 students still strik- ing? While the Tenants Union admits that maintenance service has been quasi-improv- ed, building faults still head the list of rea- November and I think I still have a cold," sneezed a striking sophomore. Reasons for striking also include, besides maintenance problems, the students' general dissatisfaction with their rents, leases, dam- age deposits,, and what they see as com- plete landlord control over housing in Ann Arbor. "It's really our only way of getting back at the establishment, know what I mean?" queries a graduate student. And a senior adds, "Ann Arbor is turn- ing into a regular Howard Johnsons. We really should do something about g i v i n g more control to the students." Most strikers express satisfaction with the help and advice they have received from many strikers feel they will will not strike again, "The union has been very efficient in my case," says Enderleck. "However, al- though I am in sympathy with the Union, I don't think I would strike with them again. I think I can handle the problem myself now." "If we had some real grievances and were renting from one of the larger management companies, we might strike next year. Other- wise we could do without the legal hassle," said a senior. Two students who began striking 1 as t November "just to protest our high rent" said, "We probably won't strike again. The landlord wasn't hurt, just pissed off. There Tonight at 7:30, the Baits union will hold a meeting to discuss the facingSDS the union.denies A plan to hold a tent-in protest- ing living conditions and rents at Baits will be considered. The site in. SJ Udii of the tent-in-to be named Baits III---would be the Diag, or the By LARRY LEMPERT backyai of President Robben Fleming ar Housing Director John ;Students for a Democratic So- Feldkamp. ciety last night responded to amp. charges filed with Central Stu- The union also hopes to set up c a picket line at the LSA Bldg. on dent Judiciary charging SDS with Friday to "remind University disruption in an actioaast onth housing tenants of the great deald te ctlDm h they're getting." A letter to CSJ from SDS "We've talked to them, but stated. "Concerning the complaint nothing is being done. Feldkamp made against SDS by the Engin. won't even let us see his budget for people, we hereby deny all 15 next year," says Kulis. d points. See you at the hearing." Kuli says Kais. tIn a complaint considered by seriusaly dist bedbyt he re CSJ last week the Engineering serousy dstube bytherecntPlacement Committee and the Ex- Ihouin~rg deposit. increase from 95 _.___._ . i disruption charge ont recruiter case fied and the plaintiffs will make a preliminary presentation. However, SDS will not be re- sponsible for defending itself at that time. The points of the complaint de- nied by SDS include: -That some of the individuals who came to the West Engineer- ing on Jan. 29 "for the activity sponsored by SDS, entered the in- terviewing room and interrupted the interview process without authorization; shoved, pushed or physically prevented p e r s o n s scheduled for interviews from at,- of the Student Government Coun- cil concerning student conduct." SGC rules prohibit acts that "destroy University property or significantly interfere with the free movement of persons or things, on the campus," as well as "intentional disruption of Univer- sity functions." --That the action "was intended for the purpose of and did in fact disrupt the Placement Service in- terview function of the University of Michigan;" -That SDS was responsible for the action in that "handbills and