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February 24, 1970 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-24

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UGLI calm after a

SDS reaffirms militant tactics

(Continued from Page 1)
confused about the tactics as she
leafed through a book near the
first floor catalogue. "I guess if
it's the only way to get people to
listen to demands, it's okay. As
long as they just took the books
off the shelves and didn't destroy
them," she said, "at least I'm
aware of what they're asking for."
"They've alienated a lot of peo-
to convene
(Continued from Page 1)
the committee might be asked to
leave when specific promotions
were discussed.
In response to SEI's charge tha'
their criteria for promotions were
ignored, Dimond said the executive
committee's action was "the fair-
est appointment of faculty I have
ever experienced in 42 years of
Meanwhile the promotions com-
mittee of the behavorial sciences
department of the education
school decided to "appeal to the
executive committee to reevaluate
the decision and, unless they
change it to urge them to join us
in going to an outside review com-,
mittee such as the SACUA griev-
ance committee" said dept. chair-
man Loren Barritt.
Of four _faculty members the
deparmental committee recom-
mended for promotion, none were
"The people we recommended
met the criteria for promotion. We
don't understand how these people
were not accepted for promotion,"
Barritt explained. He plans to sub-
mit a memo to Cohen stating his
The annual University of Mich-
igan Community College Counsel-
or-Student Conference will be held
here today and tomorrow. Through
this program the University and
community colleges attempt to
maintain and improve their close
working relationship.
Counselors and faculty mem-
bers from the 29 community col-
leges in Michigan will interview
students who have transferred
from the community colleges to
The University. Such interviews
with students provide the "feed
back" which is, the community col-
leges and the University need in
evaluating programs and services,

ple," said Jim Anderson, an econ-
omics student. I don't khow what
better tactic there is but there
must be. I think they could find
some way for constructive partici-
pation, but not this." He added,
however, that he is now more
aware of the effort.
Another girl, in the second floor
record room, was generally annoy-
ed but not completely certain. "I
don't see what they expect people
to do. It's perfectly reasonable
to step up minority admissions, but
wow, throwing books around.
doesn't help.
"You get into this 'books are
my friend, I Will not mistreat
them' thing; it doesn't seem too
groovy to throw them around. But
there's a real bind-what kind of
Find 'bomb'
in 'library
A stink bomb was discovered late
last night inthe stacks room at
the UGLI. At about 10:30, a li-
brary worker found the bomb, re-
ported it to his supervisor, and the
bomb was then turned in to the
"The bomb was probably put in
about dinner time," he said, but
added that he had no indication
of who deposited it.
Another bomb had been discov-
ered Saturday at the UGLI, as
well as in the Michigan Union and
South Quad. The bombs contained
butyric acid, an organic solution
which produces an unpleasant
odor which spreads rapidly over
large areas.
(Continued from Page 1)
fellows are supposed to teach and
they defeat their purpose when
they are not teaching."
Professors of courses with can-
celled recitations were reluctant to
discuss their personal view of the
moratorium in the hope that no
misunderstandings develop.
Professor Alfred Meyer, director,
of the Center for Russian and
East European Studies and lec-
turer in -polic sci 101, declined
comment on the dispute in inter-
est of settling the disagreement as
soon as possible.

protest would have an effect?"
Another boy said, "I think it was,
a good idea that black students
weren't going to give into the Re-
gents. I don't remember what the
Regents said but this showed them
they would put their foot down."
One girl on the third f lo or
paused when asked her response.
She had one but "I don't feel like
going into it," she sighed as she
continued to walk.
"Very mixed feelings, very
mixed feelings," she echoed as she
approached the elevator.
Bus ad gAup
award given
The 1970 Business Leadership
Award was presented last week by
the business administration school
to Joseph Wilson, chairman of the
Xerox Corporation.
Wilson, a trustee of the Com-
miteee for Economic Development,
the Carnegie Endowment for In-
ternational Peace, and the Alfred
P. Sloan Foundation, and director
of the Council for Financial Aid
to Education, introduced the copy-
ing process known as xerography
to the Haloid Corporation in 1948.
The business has since become a
billion-dollar enterprise.
The 21st Annual Advocacy In-
stitute, the largest teaching opera-
tion of its kind in the nation, ex-
pects some- 3,000 attorneys from
the U.S. and. Canada to meet here
on March 6 and 7.
They also will see trial demon-
strations with comparative cross-
bxaminations, a teaching technique
originated at the institute.
The meeting is sponsored by the
Institute of Continuing L e g a 1
Education of the University of
Michigan Law School, Wayne
State University Law School, and
the State Bar of Michigan.

(Continued from Page 1)
SDS members said they under-
stood that a blow-by-blow account
of an all-collective meeting last
Thursday was being transmitted
over police ban radio. And they
said several people had been eject-
ed from a mass meeting last week
after they were seen talking with
Some members questioned whe-
ther a security committee could
really be effective in keeping po-
lice out of meetings, but there was
general agreement that something
had to be done about the feeling,
as several members expressed it,
that they were continually look-
ing over their shoulders to see
who was listening.
During discussion of the GE in-
cident, members commented that
the group had acted pointlessly
in attempting to block the arrest
of SDS member Susan Eisenberg
after she had been secured in a
police van outside W. Engineer-
ing Bldg. Miss Eisenberg was the
first person taken into custody
during Wednesday's demonstra-
They agreed, however,. that
they should keep in close touch
with people in their groups and
attempt to free them should they
be grabbed by a policeman.
In planning for the demonstra-
tion against the Dow Chemical re-
cruiter next week, SDS members
outlined a broad plan for action,
but agreed to leave specific plan-
ning up to a five-man committee.
Members were urged to get friends
with apparently legitimate reasons
U of M Teaching Fellows Union music
school teaching fellows meeting, Feb.
24. 12:30. 2044 Music Bldg.

for meeting with the recruiter to
sign up for appointments.
SDS members said they hoped
to see faculty members from the
Radical College in the "front lines"
because this would show that the
issues involved do not relate only
to students..
Underlying much of the discus-
sion throughout the evening was
the concept that SDS must win a

defensive "military victory" over
the police by acting collectively to
prevent the isolation and arrest of
demonstrators by the police.
And with the experience they
say they gained in the GE con-
frontation last week, SDS mem-
bers apparently believe they will
now be prepared to deal with the
police effectively if they are called
in on the next action.

Tuesday,;February 24, 1970
ail O ficalRuassociated Newspapers, 'Wayne, ?Mich.,
Daily- Official Bu letIn ,re ^2rta d e p annn,
liti rprtr prefer bckgrndls. in journ. or
related seas, will consider new grac]
ai:d exper. persons.
Day Calendar Economic Opportunity Committee, of
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Wayne County. Executive Director, ex-
tensive and recent exper. in admin.
Council for Exceptional Children: capacity in fiells rel. to public or pri-
Dr. Frank Hewett, U. of Calif.. will " vate soc. wel., health, educ. or bus..
speak and show film. "The S a n t a degree, pref. MA in above areas.
Monica Project" Sch, of Educ., RIm. Research Group Inc.. Ann Arbor. le-
1405, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. gat secretary. typ. - 60-65 wpm, short-
Dept. of Computer & Communica- hand 100-120 wpm, 1-2 yrs. legal sec. wkl%
tion Science: H. Wm. Buttelmann, U. pref.
of N.C., "Generalized Automata and
Phrase Structure Sets" Rm. 4051 LSA, SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE
4:00 p.m. 22SB oe ee
Physics Seminar: Joel Feigenbaum. 212SAB, Lower Level
Cornell, "Correction to the Goldberger FESB.24-25:
Treiman Relation" P & A Colloq. Rm., Camp Chi, Wisc.. Soc. Wk. coed camp.
4.15 p.m. Gen. Cuns. (n). Spec. in skiing, water-
445 PIXEfront, & sailing. (m&f I.
FEB. 25:
General Notices Camp Sea Gull, Mich., coed, P.M*
only. Couns. (mainf waterfront dir. (mn
Regent's Meeting: Wed., and Thurs., or f), & nurse.
Mar. 18 and 19. Communications for Irish Hills Girl Scout Council, Jack-
consideration at this weeting must be son. Mi, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. asst. dir.,
in the President's hands no later than bus. mgr., nurse, wrtfrnt staff, unit
March 5. idrs,, couns., cook, handyman and
May Teacher's eCrtificate Candidates: kitchen asst.
All requirements for teacher's certifi-
include material for Placement Office '
and the teacher's oath; oath should be "
taei 00Ui.Sho we and 12, Mon. - Fri. All fees must be JA P A
takenin 200Univ School between 8
paid before degree and certificate can sUMMER -4 COLLEGE CREDITS
be granted. DSTE COLLE

Radical college plans
to join bus ad meeting

(Continued from Page 1)
action came from faculty mem-
bers, many of the faculty later
said they felt pressured towards
more militant actions by the stu-
History Prof. Arthur Mendel
said at yesterday's meeting that
the goal of the college "is simply
enlightenment" and warned that
too militant actions would turn
faculty members away until the
college consisted only of students.
Mendel said the college was or-
iginated to be a new faculty voice
and not "just to lend faculty sup-
port to student actions."
Sunday the college agreed on a
proposal by Mendel to circulate a
petition cansuring President Rob-
ben Fleming for., turning in the
names of the students arrested in
the LSA sit-in to Lansing.
As a measure towards educat-
ing and radicalizing the Univer-
sity community philosophy Prof.
Frithjof Bergmann proposed set-
ting up a "radical information
theater." This would involve put-
ting a large movie screen on the,

diag and loud speakers around the
campus and downtown areas to
broadcast information on radical
Bergmann suggested that the
idea of a radical information the-
ater might spread to other cam-
puses, just as did the concept of
the teach-in.
Several faculty members sug-
gested requesting a campus-wide
referendum on recruiting as a
follow-up to the college's demand
that Fleming immediately end all
recruiting on campus.
Many others, however, said there
was no real purpose to a referen-
dum because it bound no one to
abide by the majoity opinion, and
that they themselves would not
agree to abide by the results of
a referendum.
Jim Forrester, a member of Rad-
ical Caucus, said that although
"deciding by referendum would be
a step towards democraticizing the
University, the interests of the
majority of this school may be
counter to the interests of the
society as a whole."

Placement Service
3200 S.A.B.
Late Announcement of interview at
General Division :
Barton-Aschman Assoc., Inc., open-
ings in Chicago and 'Wash. D.C., MA
ano PhD in areas of transportation and
Urban planning from any adv. degree
prog. in these areas at U of M. Call 763-
1363 for appts.
Current Position Openings, come in
and browse through others:
U of M Personnel: Staff Assistants in
Financial and Business. Operations, ac-
count., financial anal., personnel, gen.
bus, areas; degrees in acctg., gen. bus.,
finan. or mktg.

In depth vacation enjoyment and study
of Japan's history, politics, economics,"
education, religion and arts. SFSC pro-
fessor administers classes, but lectures
are by leading Japanese educators.
Enroll for credit or as auditor and re-
quest pass/fail or alphabetical grades.
Price includes Oakland/Tokyo round-
trip via jet charter flight (based on
100% ocrupancy), first-class hotels,
train and motor coach Japan travel,
transportation and admission to Expe
170, extensive sightseeing, guides,
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Hong Kong optional. Land arrange-
ments operated by:
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Special Ei

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If you're interested in joining a small fast-moving research firm
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' (i





This album
is dedicated to those people
who make sleeping around
a pleasure.


For Lisa, Jay, Joe, Bob,
Danny, Nancy, Rick, Ron,
Joanne, Victoria, Terry and the Rest...
The Fifth Dimension-
who sent four of my songs on ;
Stoned Soul Picnic B-Side Trip...
A Midnight Cowboy who took two,
A Famous Myth, and Tears and Joys
to ease the torment of Ratso.

Sure Hope You Like It,
By Jef frey Comanor
(Who Sure Hopes You Will)

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