See Editorial Page.
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Cloudy with chance
of showers
dal. LXXX, No. 120 / Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 22, 1970 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Stink bombs
hit S. Quad,
UGLI, Union
At least four incidents of "stink bombing"
occurred yesterday on campus. Two of the
incidents were reported in the Michigan
Union, and one each in the Undergraduate
Library and South Quad.
All of the bombs contained butyric acid,
an organic solution which produces a per-
sistent, extremely unpleasant odor which
spreads rapidly over large areas. Butyric
acid is "deleterious to health when breathed
in or exposed to the skin," according to
chemistry Prof. Danial Longone.
No group was identified as having been
involved in any of the "stink-bombings."
However, rumors circulated that Black Stu-
dents Union (BSU) members were follow-
ing up their Thursaay and Friday Under-
graduate Library "protests for increased
black admissions with new tactics.
BSU President Ron Harris could not be
reached for comment last night, but BSU
member Dave Lewis scoffed at the rumors
and disclaimed knowledge of the incidents.
"It's just not the sort of tactic employed by
BSU," Lewis said.
The first reported incident occurred early
yesterday morning in the Union, where
A butyric acid was found on the building's
third floor. Head engineer Lonnie O'Brien
said the entire building was quickly affected
because the smell entered the building's air
circulation system.
The smell of butyric acid was also re-
ported to be very strong in South Quad
V yesterday morning.
"It smells like somebody's thrown up,"
South Quad resident Susie Boschan said. "It
was set off in the elevator where anybody
could have done it."
Yesterday afternoon at about 1 P.M.,
butyric acid was splashed on the third floor
of the Undergraduate Library. The smell
spread ,through most of the building but
was "particularly obnoxious" in the lobby,
a staff member said.
"We saw an individual leaving, and then
the smell came. He was carrying a paper
bag," said a third floor librarian. "But that's
all we know."
Police were on duty in the building at
the time, but no suspect was apprehended.
According to the head librarian on duty,
there was no plan to close the building as a
result of the incident, and desk workers on
all floors indicated that most students re-
mained in the building despite the odor.
Another "stink bomb" incident occurred
in the Union about the same time as the
smell appeared in the UGLL The smell re-
mained in the Union all afternoon as work-
ers. were unable to locate the remains of
the bomb.
The bombs were dropped in the Union's
k vending machine room as well as the guest
A Union clerk estimated 90 per cent of
the Union was affected.
"We opened all the windows in the build-
ing, but you can still smell the acid," the
clerk added,
Local police are not investigating the in-
cidents, Ann Arbor Sgt. D. Murray said yes-
--Daily-Dave Schindel
After the ball is over
Special To The Daily
Major demonstrations occurred yesterday
in Washington, Chicago, and Detroit in
protest against the verdicts in the Chicago
conspiracy trial.
In Chicago, about 5,000 people assembled
at the Chiacgo Federal Bldg. and later re-
assembled at the Cook County Jail, where
the conspiracy trial defendants are cur-
rently being held. At least six persons were
arrested there for disorderly conduct.
In Washington, thousands of marchers
coursed through the streets moving from a
gathering point across from the Justice Dept.
Bldg. to the grounds of the Washington
Monument, across from the White House.
A heavily reinforced contingent of helm-
eted riot police blocked the marchers from
crossing Constitution Ave. toward the White
House. More than a dozen persons were
arrested as police tried to break up the
The Chicago demonstration began at noon,
with protesters massing on the plaza in
front of the Federal Bldg. Nancy Rubin, wife
of defendant Jerry Rubin, spoke to the
crowd, accusing the government of attempt-
ing to divide the people and turn them
against one another. She told the crowd
that unity was necessary before the "peo-
ple" could win their battle. She urged the
crowd to protest the trial, saying, "When
there is no justice in the courtroom, the
only justice is in the streets."
Douglas Dowd, a Student Mobilization
Committee (SMC) officer who was intro-
duced as the person who will take over
leadership of the "movement", stressed that
frustration and rage were not constructive
emotions. He warned that if rage is the
dominant force governing the action of the
movement, then the protesters would be
playing into the strength of the govern-
ment and would be 'destroyed.
A collection for the Chicago 7 defense
fund was taken in the crowd. Dollar bills
were passed hand to hand to the front of
the crowd, and shopping bags full of money
were collected.
The crowd then broke up, and traveled by
bus, subway, and car to the Cook- County
Jail nearly six miles away, causing a tem-
porary traffic jam in the area. There they
were met by 150 county and city police lining
the steps of the Cook County Criminal
Courthouse and both sides of the street.
The demonstrators milled around a n d
chanted slogans, occasionally throwing snow-
balls at the buildings and police cars. It
was here that the six persons were arrested
for disorderly conduct.
Chanting "Free Bobby Seale" and "Con-
spiracy Eight, we're with you", the crowd
remained in the area until about 5 p.m. and
then gradually dispersed without further
In Detroit, about 200 demonstrators pick-
eted the Federal Bldg. They spattered red
paint on the building, and disrupted traffic
and shopping in the area.
The group then moved up to Kennedy
Square, and up Woodward Ave. to the J.
L. Hudson department store, where a plate
glass display window was broken.
Police arrested 13 persons as a result of
the protests, including one black youth
who was selling an underground newspaper
on the corner across from Hudson's. When
the youth was handcuffed and placed in a
police cruiser, the vehicle was pelted with
The arrested persons will face charges
ranging from malicious destruction of pro-
perty to assaulting an officer to disorderly
Under police surveillance, an ROTC cadet and his date leave the Military Ball last night while a group of picketers protests against
ROTC in front of the Sheraton-Ann Arbor hotel. The protesterswho were peaceful, chanted slogans and taunted the cadets, calling
them "killers." See story on Page 3.
-Associated Press
Illinois and shout "riot," to mock fed-
eral anti-riot law under which five of
the Chicago 7 were convicted.,
New vofaculty
group takes.
radical stand
Some 70 professors and teaching fellows
have organized the Radical College with
the announced intention of providing "an
alternative faculty and staff voice other
than the Senate Assembly."
The College, which held its first full meet-
ing last Sunday, has demanded that Presi-
dent Robben Fleming suspend all job re-
cruiting on campus, and has called for a
one-day class moratorium in which the
University community would attempt to
formulate a policy on the University's in-
volvement with corporations and the mili-
Psychology Prof. Richard Mann, one of
the founders of the Radical College, says
Assembly and its executive body, the Senate
Advisory Commitee on University Affairs
(SACUA) don't adequately represent faculty
views. "There remains .an unorganized con-
stituency of radical faculty that had no
where to go to take concerted action," he
History Prof. Arthur Mendel says the
College will act as a center "for galvanizing
and propogating" radical views among mem-
bers of the University community. "It will
present a segment of the community that
is not currently being seen and should coun-
ter-balance the pressure to the Regents
from SACUA," Mendel said.
Mendel and Mann assert the Assembly is
inadequate as a faculty voice. "Because of
the undemocratic way in which Assembly
members are chosen, the Assembly con-
sists mainly of those professors who have
the greatest seniority," Mann says. Assembly
members are chosen as delegates by their de-
partments and colleges.
Because of its membership, Mendel says,
See RADICAL, Page 3
Expressing s h a r p criticism of recent
education school executive committee faculty
promotion decisions, education school stu-
dent leaders are demanding that "a team of
impartial evaluators- from outside the Uni-
versity" review the decisions.
The demand was expressed Friday in an
open letter from the executive committee
-of Students for Educational Innovation
(SEI), the education school student group,
to Education Dean Wilbur Cohen.
'he letter claims that, in several recent
promotion decisions, the school executive
committee has not "objectively applied"
criteria it agreed to in December for the
evaluation of faculty. These criteria, which
were accepted by the committee and two
fectiveness, research and scholarly writing,
public service and service to the education
school and the University.
The letter especially condemns the execu-
tive committee's decision last week to deny
promotion to Associate Prof. Byron Mas-
siales, who, the letter claims, was amply
qualified by all these criteria. The letter ex-
pressed "shock and dismay" at what it
called "this lamentable action," and con-
tinued, "%re . . . pledge ourselves to take
whatever action necessary to assure" the
review of the decision by an impartial group
from outside the University.
Dean Cohen was unavailable for comment
on the letter last night. ,
Executive committee member Prof. Finley
Carpenter said yesterday he was- "hopeful
that an outside review committee will be
invited and that we will take advantage of,
their evaluation' on the case of Prof. Mas-
sialas. "I'm hoping the decision is not final,"
said Carpenter. "I suspect the - executive
committee will agree to a review."
Carpenter said the Massialas case was a
"sensitive case" about which the committee
had had difficulty assessing objectively. He
said that Massialas, though a productive
scholar and a hard worker was not a
"politic" man, and tended to arouse strong
feelings of like or dislike.
SEI President Michael Vander Velde said
Cohen told him the executive committee's
vative, and most of those denied promotion
recently have been very liberal," said Van-
der Velde. "It seems that faculty members
who have strongly supported students serv-
ing on committees have been penalized by
being denied promotion."
On Monday at noon, SEI plans to hold a
inass meeting at University High School to
plan future strategy, said SEI member
Nancy Sprague.
The SEI letter presented evidence indi-
cating Massialas' ability by each of the es-
tablished criteria.
In teaching effectiveness, "student evalu-
ations of Dr. Massialas' courses during the
past year place him in the top quartile of
all School of Education faculty" said the
In research, the SEI letter said Massialis
has published seven books in the past five
years. "Several of these are landmark treat-
ises," it added.
The letter noted that Massialis was elect-
ed last year to the steering committee of
the College and University Professors of the
National Council for Social Studies. Also,
the letter said, Massialas was a founder of
the American-German Pedagogical Society
and is currently on the editorial board of
Education and Social Science.
And, the letter states that Massialas has
"worked literally day and night with several
SEI members to develop an experimental
teacher education program in inquiry teach-
As chairman of the personnel committees
of the department of behavioral sciences,
the SEI letter said Massialas has "pushed
for a set of procedures for directly involving
the Black Caucus in the recruiting and hir-
ing of black professors."
The executive committee's decisions on
promotions, if not changed by the commit-
tee itself, could be appealed to Senate As-
sembly's Review Committee and to Vice
President Smith.
Gray highlights
tenant c
A provocative speech by Harlem rent strike
leader Jesse Gray and the heated discussion
which followed, highlighted the second day of
the International Conference on "Students and
the Tenants' Rights Movement," yesterday at
the Michigan Union.
. Workshops were held throughout the after-
noon covering many facets of tenant unions. .
After dinner, over 200 persons, representa-
tives of tenants unions from Berkeley to Boston,
gathered in the Assembly Hall to hear Gray,
board chairman of the National Tenant Organi-
zation (NTO) who is challenging Adam Clayton
Powell for his Harlem congressional seat.
"The Nixon administration has decided that
the poor are no special class in the country,"
said Gray. "The government at this stage is
saying to them 'we don't give a damn about
n ference
ants are difficult to organize because they don't
believe the average person can solve their prob-
lems. But organization is the only answer to
build the kind of movement needed to deal with
the system."
"Organized tenants can make slumlords obey
the law," he said.
Gray warned those students present that the
organization is a time consuming affair. "Most
of us don't want to hear 'time' as related to
struggle," he said. "Revolutions aren't from eight
to five; revolution is every minute of every
He called rent strikes "just the glamour of the
struggle-a struggle that requires a revolution-
ary patience."
Regarding the future Gray said that "in-
stead of Nixon putting a brake on the econ-
omy-we ought to."
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