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February 21, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-21

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. Saturday, February 21, 1970

~ht THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 21, '1970


Chicago defendants get 5 years-

Disruption at library resumed

(Continued from Page 1)

He also compared the judge

Davis told the judge, "I did not cise certain rights that the gov-

(Continued from Page 1) to "get more black people into the
I that the Regents could not mainstream of society," by in-
ke "any type of commitment creasing minority enrollment and
hout knowing what the cost financial aid.
I be. Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Flush-

urrounding the specific issue of
ion waivers were the more gen-
1 issues of commitment and
ing. "You haven't taken any
inite action," said Harris. "We,
it something concrete, not just
a reply to the demand for an
Lcation of commitment, Regent
ert Nederlander (D-Birming-
a) acknowledged an obligation

ing) concurred that he too would
do all he could "as an individual
Regent." He indicated the Regents
had acted concretely on Thursday
when they asked Fleming to sub-
mit to them at their March meet-
ing a proposal for a five-year plan
on increased minority admissions.
Regent Paul Goebal (R- Grand
Rapids) expressed "real sympathy"
with the black demands, but said,

"I cannot give you any commit- admissions. But Fleming replied,
ment today. I'm not prepared to "You can't make a commitment
spend the University's money at to increase black enrollment with-1
this time." out specific numbers. We can't
Fleming said the University promise any number without
might be able to get enough in- knowing the cost."
formation on the tuition waivers BSU member Amar Casey read
proposal to meet with blacks in a statement at that point, in-
two weeks. But he also said that dicating that the black students
the Regents would not be able to were convinced the Regents were
make any decisions until the over- not going to act soon enough. In-
all budget was submitted at the dividuals in the group had become
regular March meeting. increasingly angry, and the group
Some black students demanded then left the meeting.
a simple vote on whether or not Outside, Harris addressed the
the Regents would increase black group. "It's perfectly obvious," he
said, "that the administration will
( keep giving us this same old bull-
n feren ce sHe continued, "We have just be-
gun to fight on this issue. I'm not:
rector of NTO said he believes the telling anyone to do anything rash
housing problem is "abominable -we all know there are laws
and getting worse." against that kind of thing-but
I'm not telling you to go home
"To have sufficient power on a ,ete.

courtroom "was the worst possible with King George III of England, get a jury of my peers. Since I did enment wanted to suspend. We
forum to get the truth. who ruled during the Revolution- not, my jury will be in the strezts knew 1968 was going to be a bad
"I had a great urge to co ary War. tomorrow all over the country." year. I was even told by my tail
fess during this trial because I "Like George III you are trying Hayden said the nature of "this police assigned to watch me on
to hold back a second American gathering is a reflection of how the day the convention opened
heard the prosecution say I am an
enemy of the state and I am," revolution," Dellinger declared. weak is freedom of speech in this that I was going to be indicted
he said. "I'm an outlaw. I always "You are a man who had had country." He said there was free- for inciting rioting."
knew free speech wasn't allowed too much power over too many peo- dom of speech for the judge and "We knew the conspiracy had
in present-day America. You are ple for too long. You are spunky, prosecutor "but little for us." already started. They were bound
allowed to believe in free speech, which one had to admire, no mat- "It was not our intention to to put us away. But they had to
but you can't practice it.'' ter how intolerant you are," Del- come to Chicago to start a riot," do it in such a way as to preserve
Hoffman said he didn't like jail. linger said. Hayden said. "We came to exec- the political system."
"I don't like the food. The bed bugs f 0 0
really bite. It's not a nice place for
a Jewish boy with a college educa- (Li oA'I/y tto , t n oes t to
tion. I'm sure my mother would
say that." s
As the defendants were beingm 0 ' Gction s ln Chcago
led to the cell adjacent to the ofC
courtroom, he quipped: "It doesn't fa ' c i n s i h c g
matter if you win or lose, it's how ATLANTA Ga. (A') - A section "A number of his remarks were of the Lawyers Committee on Civ-
you play the game." of the American Bar Association clearly injudicious," Shestack, a il Rights, said some form of "pro-
Rubin offered a copy of his began an inquiry yesterday into law partner of ABA President fessional censure" seemed in or-
book, "Do It!" to the judge. He the judicial conduct and tempera- Bernard G. Segal in Philadelphia, der, but he was not certain the
read an inscription which de- ment of Judge Julius J. Hoffman, said in an interview during the bar organization has the means to
clared: "You have done more to who presided at the riot conspir- ABA's winter meeting here. do this.
radicalize young people than any acy trial'of the seven defendants Shestack said he did not con- "It is a very difficult problem,"
of us could. Julius, you're the in Chicago. done courtroom disturbances, but he added.
greatest Yippie." Jerome J. Shestack, chairman a trial judge "is supposed to have Shestack said the section he
Rub in told newsmen: "Don'tt of the Individual Rights and Re- the temperament to deal with the heads would consider Hoffman's'
sponsibilities Section, said Hoff- toughest problems in his court- ads the behavior offhe s
salve your consciences thinking man had behaved in an "injudic- rooms " actions, the behavior of the de-
that we like jail. Don't think, man neh"vestinkn ne of the round.rsfendants and their attorneys and
They are revolutionaries, all o.ngeneral subject of courtroom dis-

FU hosts national co

The Ann Arbor Tenants Union
(AATU) yesterday hosted the
opening of the first annual Inter-
national Conference on "Students
and the Tenants' Rights Move-
me.±t," at the Michigan Union.
To send names
of disruptors
(Continued from Page 1)
scholarship' aid is contained in
section 8 of the state Higher Edu-
cation Appropriations Act of 1969.
Specifically, it prohibits the award-
ing of state .aid to a- student con-
victed of "disorderly conduct, vio-
lence to a person, or damage to
property.. while participating in
any disorder, disruption of the ad-
ministration of or the rendering
of services or giving instruction
(at a college or university)."
There had been speculation that
the University might challenge the
constitutionality of the law on
the grounds that it contradicted a
provision in the state constitution
which grants the Regents "general
supervision" of the University and
control and direction of all ex-
penditures from the institutions'
However, Curnmiskey said in his
opinion that he believes "the direc-
tion to presidents of institutions to
report facts which are a matter of
public record to other departments
of the state is not an invalid con-
According to Fleming, Prof.
Israel's opinion, which was not re-
leased yesterday, concurred w i t h
"We will therefore comply with
(the statute)," Fleming told the
assembled Regents, "unless you
direct us to challenge the law."
The Regents, however, indicat-
ed no objection. "That's a good re-
port," said Regent William Cud-
lip (R-Detroit). "Let it stay
Earlier this month, Fleming de-
clined to.forward the names of re-
cipients of federal scholarships
who were convicted in the LSA
trials- to the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare.

The conference, which is being
co-sponsored by the AATU and
the National Tenants Organiza-
tion (NTO), will continue through-
out the weekend. The AATU is
seeking affiliation with the NTO.
About 150 persons registered for
the meeting in the afternoon, with
many more expected to arrive this
morning. The tenants issue is
bringing people together from as
far away as California, Texas,
Colorado and Massachusetts, and
as close as Chicago and Detroit.
The majority of those attending
the conference represent student
tenant groups thoughout the Unit-
ed States and Canada. But there
are also several independent in-
ner-city unions present, as well as
the executive staff of the National
T e n a n t s Organization which
claim 140 member groups in 40
cities around the country.
After registration yesterday the
participants broke up into groups
and held workshops on various
topics. A low cost housing work-
shop featured three radical archi-
tects who discussed the physical
implications of housing.
Stu Katz, AATU organizer, said
the purpose of the workshops is to
"cover every conceivable aspect of
"We want to help people who
don't have any idea where to be-
gin, as well as set up a forum
for discussion," he said.
Katz was pleased with the open-
ing session. "We're getting sone
really good ideas down," he said.
"These workshops are absolutely
Anthony R. Henry, executive di-

local level will not get the job
done. The people realize that what
is needed at this point is consoli-
dated power," Henry said.
Saturday's program begins with
workshops on the third floor of
the Michigan Union. The times
for the workshops are 9:30-11
a.m., 1-3 p.m. and 3:15-5:15 p.m.
At 6:30 p.m. the keynote speak-
er, Jesse Gray, will give a speech
and, lead discussion. Gray is the
New York rent strike leader who
is challenging Adam Clayton
Powell for his congressional seat.

The demonstration at the UGLI
marked the second time in 241
hours that books had been dis-
placed. The UGLI was closed early
Thursady night at 10:30 due to a
similar disruption, but yesterday's
disturbance, according to library
officials, was more extensive.
"The third floor is very grim.
You can't even walk down the1
aisles," said Rose Faucher, head
librarian at the UGLI. "The backs
of many of the books have been
damaged and three catalogue
drawers were broken."

revolutionaries like jail.' We have
tears in our eyes."
"We were on trial because we,
tried to wake up America," he
Dellinger spoke for 20 minutes.;
He criticized U.S. policy on Viet-'

Regents OKL'U' Council

All members of the
community including
faculty, and staff are

invited tos

(Continued from Page 1) } The Committee on Communica- nominate candidates for the 1970
take action only, when lesser legis- ! tions is authorized under bylaw Distinguished Service Awards for
lative units - like dorm councils 7.01 to "encourage complainants instructors, assistant professors,
or college governments - have to use' existing channels of com- and junior associate professors not
failed to make any ruling in the munication and redress." m over 30 years old before next
area in question. If use of the "existing chan- July 1.
Supporters of the student-facul- nels" fails to resolve the disagree- Six awards of $750 each will beI
ty bylaw draft generally believe ment, the committee is authorized made to the qualified facultyI
that the required regental ratifica- to: members who hive made and are
tion of all proposed rules leaves -Set up meetings between the making a major impact on stu-
the mechanism for rule-making at parties in the dispute "for the pur- dents, primarily through excel-
the University essentially unal- pose of encouraging the resolu- lence in teaching and counseling.
tered. tion of their differences;" The announcement and normal
SGC President Marty McLaugh- -Encourage the development of presentation of these awards will
lin predicted that Council will pass channels of communication and be made at the annual SACUA
its own set of rules if UC-proposed redress; and meeting next fall. Nominations
rules which it favors are not ap- -Provide for the dissemination should be submitted to Willianfl
proved by the Regents. of information' on the point of L. Steude, director of the Office
Composed of three students, contention. of Student Community Relations
three faculty members, and three Under the student-faculty bylaw and secretary of the Committee on
administrators, UC has the au- draft, the committee would have Selection, no later than March 2,1
thority to advise the president of played a, larger role in providing 1970.
the University, the Regents, and redress to members of the Univer- Nomination forms are available
other University bodies on policies sity community who entertain at the Student Community Rela-
concerning the use of law-en- grievances against other individ- tions office, 2248 Student Activi-
forcement agencies on campus. uals or groups in the community. ties Bldg.

Jurors accused of
verdict by fatigue
CHICAGO (R) - A juror in the several hours, it was repor
Chicago 7 conspiracy trial h a s the jurors unable to rea
been quoted as saying that fatigue ment.
and the desire to get home caused No ballots were taken
three other members of the jury, when the jury spent n
who were insisting that all the hours discussing evidence
defendants be acquitted, to agree examining testimony of
to a compromise verdict. the witnesses who testifi
The verdict, announced Wed- the long trial.
nesday, found five of the defend- On Monday, the juro
ants guilty of crosing state lines ator was quoted, the in
to incite a riot during the Demo- against the defendants
cratic National Convention in Au- aloud to the three holdo
gust, 1968.-r in hopes they would join
The remaining two defendants jority group.
- John Froines and Lee Weiner On Tuesday morningt
- were acquitted of all charges. holdouts in formally agr
All the defendants were found compromise, but with sor
innoc'ent of conspiracy to incite vations.
a riot. Final agreement came
When the jury began deliberat- night after the majority
ing Saturday, it was learned, eight out for all-guilty-on-a
of the jurors - six women and agreed to the compromi
two men - were convinced the acquitted all seven defer
seven defendants were guilty of conspiracy and convictec
all charges. Three other women inciting rioting,
jurors felt the defendants were in-
nocent of all charges, and the --__
12th juror, also a woman, re-
portedly switched from side to-
The agreement on a split ver- East Huron
pct, one source said, was reached
in a late night conference among
the jurors Tuesday at their over-
night quarters in the Palmer
House Hotel. The official vote on
the verdict was taken Wednesday
morning after the jurors return-
ed to the Federal Bldg.
The juror who acted as the
negotiator has been quoted in
published reports as saying that
the minority favoring aquittalI
were not moved by the arguments
of the majority, but by a desire
that the trial come to an end.
Information gathered yesterday
from informed sources allowed
a picture of the jury's deliberation
to be pieced together.
Three ballots were taken Satur-
day after the jury had deliberated 10:30 A.M.-"T(
6:30 P.M. - "n
Daily Classifieds Speaking: Dr. R
(both sp
Bring Results ! of C

Hoffman sentenced the seven
defendants and two attorneys,
William M. Kunstler, and Leo-
nard I. Weinglass, to a total of
more than 15 years in prison for
contempt of court.
Kunstler's sentence was four
years and 13 days and Weinglass,
rted, with 20 months and 5 days.
ch agree- Shestack admitted three news-
men to the section meeting, but
Sunday, before the discussion began, they
nearly 12 were asked to leave. Ben R. Mil-
e and re- ler, a Baton Rouge, La., lawyer,
some of and Rufus King, a Washington,
ed during D.C., attorney requested the ei-
ecutive session, saying they did &
r-negoti- not w a n t the discussion made
ndictment public..
was read Shestack specifically criticized
ut jurors Hoffman's statement in sentenc-
the ma- ing thehdefendants and the law-
yers. The judge had said:
"I'm one of those who believes
the three that crime, if it is on the rise, is 4
reed to a ' due in large part to the fact that
me reser- waiting in the wings are lawyers
who are willing to go beyond pro-
Tuesday fessional responsibility, profession-
y holding al rights, professional duties in
all-counts their defense of a criminal.
se which "The fact that some defendants
ndants of know that such a lawyer is wait- g
d five of ing in the wings has a strong ef-
feet on the increase in crime."

at Fletcher (behind Rackham)


Few 4 limitations provided for police brutality

(Continued from Page 3)
often conflicting versions of the
same event.
The committee was quite active
when first formed, Larcom says,
but it died slowly as attorneys
warned their clients not to say
anything if there were criminal
charges against them. Thus, when
the complaintant faces charges of
his own, he is effectively unable
to bring a complaint against the
police for fear of prejudicing his
own case.

(Continued from Page 6) Not only is the board generally
view 19 to 5. Openings include general limited in its ability to act for lack
counselors (m), specialists in skiing, of information, it is also slow in
waterfront and sailing (m and f). gettin the iorion and act-
FBERUARY 25: the information and act-
Irish Hill Girl Scout Council, Jack- ing on it.
son, Mich. Will interviey 10 to 4:30. "They're slow, God k n o w s
Openings for asst. director, business they're slow," moaned one city of-
mgr., nurse, waterfront staff, unit lead-
ers and counselors, cook, handyman,
kitchen assistant. the board's activity.
Camp Sea Gull, Mich., coed. Will in- Adds Mayor Harris, "I don't
terview 1 to 5. Openings for couselors know of a case where, there was
(mn or' f), waterfront director (mn or f)
and purse. corrective action by the tribunal
FEBRUARY 26 & 27: (as the board is often referred to).
Camp Tamarack, Mich., Coed, Fresh Most cases stagger to an indecisive
Air Society, Detroit, Will interview 9:30 Conclusion."
to 5. Openings include general coun- All the
selors, specialists in waterfront, a r t s All the cases staggering to con-
and crafts, nature campcraft, tripping, clusions right now occurred last
dramatics, dance, music, unit and asst. fall in isolated incidents involving
unit supervisors, caseworker, truck-bus blacks and the city. Lack of re-
driver, counselors emotionally disturbed
(m), counselors marionette theatre, kit- sponse and conflicting testimony
chenporter (m). University credit avail- have tied up three cases. In the
able. fourth a minor administrative
FEBRUARY 26: change was made and the injured
Camp Skyline, Mich., coed. Will in- chan a madeand the iur
terview 9 to 5."Openings include gen-pio,. 6yerodby a
eral counselors, specialists for water given a bicycle to replace one that"
front, handicrafts, riding, bus-truck was ruined.
driver. New camp- None of the complaints from
Camp Dunmore, Vt, girls, Will inter- the South University Ave. inci-
view 9 to 12. Openings for waterfront'
(WSI, age 20), specialists for dance, mu- dents last summer- a lot of in-
sic, canoeing, sailing. teresting calls and a few letters,"
FEBRUARY 27: Paccording to one source - have
JYC Camps, Phila., Pa.:, Camps Ar-benatduo, lhug te
thur and Reeta, Soc. Work. Will inter-
view 9 to 5. Openings include sr. mayor has referred them to the
counselors, boating (WSI), specialists tribunal,
arts and crafts, canoeing, campcraft. Occording to City Attorney Lax,
.Good Humor, Detroit, Mich., heremotwr dope frlak f
it is, that big money you are looking most were dropped for lack of
for. Openings for men and women. identifications of the accused of-


ficers. One was handled internal- I
ly by the police.
As noted, the city's 'tribunal]
doesn't promise much in the way
of redress for injured citizens.-
Another way that takes as longj
and is much more expensive is]
civil litigation, probably for assault1
and battery. The sole advantage to
a civil suit'is that if you win, you
probably win big.
Notes law Prof. John Jackson,
who heads a police-community
relations committee of the local1
American Civil Liberties Union,
"You have to get your own at-{
torney. It is costly to bring suit,
and a person of ordinary means
simply can't do it."
Jackson noted four other pos-
sibilities: Lodging a complaint
with the police; getting prose-'
cuting authorities to make a,
criminal case; complaining to
supervisory authorities; going to
the press to get publicity.a
Each has serious drawbacks. Go-'
ing to the police themselves is not
all that bad, Jackson says. "It is
not fair to assume nothing will
happen. Co-operation has b e e n
assured (by local units), although1
it is very hard to document," heI

But if the police were conscien-
tious at self-regulation, the prob-
lems still wouldn't be solved.
"Even if the police were per-
fect, they would still lack the con-
fidence of the citizens," says the1
Rev. Russell Fuller, chairman of
the city's Ad Hoc Committee on;
Police-C o m m u n i t y Relations,
which is looking into possible re-
visions of the tribunal system.
Without community confidence,
Fuller feels, a review system is all
but useless.
Trying to get a prosecuting at-,
The Legal Defense Center is
looking for witnesses who ob-
served arrests made during
Wednesday's. demonstrations.
Persons with in f o rm a tion
should call 763-3241 or stop in
at room 1538 in the SAB.
torney to act is equally hopeless.
They rely on the police and must
work with them constantly, and soj
would tend to avoid offending'
Going to supervisory authorities
poses the danger of politics ;e-
placing justice as the criterion for
decisions. And in the case of local

authorities, they are simply not
empowered to bring disciplinary:
action against offending officers.
The virtue of publicity, Jackson
says, is not that it will do the pro-
testing individual any good, but
that it may make both the police
and the community aware of the
Jackson sees the solution inj
mechanistic changes, but only as
they serve to create confidence
between the police and the com-
munity. If a policeman feels an
obligation to use restraint-either
because it is morally right or for
fear of quick punishment-then:
the problem may subside. Not un-
til then, however. .
Which doesn't do Joseph Milder'
or the target Officer Miller's riot
stick any good.

alent"-Calvin S. Malefyt speaking
Marriage and Mental Health" --
Zoger Howell and Dr. Ruth Cumings
)akers are Associate Professors
-ommunity Mental Health)

Here's How To Rent It Quick Through The
Michigan Daily's "Student Housing Guide"


Have you applied to live in one of
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