F page three ar 4c Siti~i!3an D3ait NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 ALICE'S RESTAURANT presents 9:00 P.M. PILOT PROGRAM Alice/Lloyd Hall ewwwn iln o- n - 50c Saturday, February 21, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Police actions provoke charges o brutality TODAY AT 1, 3, 5,7, 9 P.M.. DIAL 5-6290 By RON LANDSMAN Managing Editor. 1969-70 Daily News Analysis Math Prof. Nicholas Kazarinoff saw three policemen walking across the Diag as he went out to lunch Wednesday. Thinking something was amiss, he fol- lowed them over to the West Engineering Bldg. There, Kazarinoff says, as the police attempted to prevent protesting students from leaving the building, he watched Officer Miller, Badge No. 136, hit a stu- dent on the head with his riot stick as three other policemen held the student in the back of a squad car. Kazarinoff, who is also Democratic councilman from the Third Ward, says he will bring the matter before City Council and inform Police Chief Walter Krasny of the incident. Later that same day, Joseph Milder had a problem of a different sort. Sur- rounded by some of the 2,000 students staging a winding march through the city and campus to protest the convic- tions in the Chicago 7 trial, Milder found himself unable to move his car. When he failed to move it after two city police asked him to, they hit the car with their rifle butts. When Milder stuck his head out the window to complain, he says, he got the same treatment. Milder has complained formally to Krasny. The problem-lack of limitations on the police when they use unnecessary vio- lence-is one that continues to confound urban and legal experts. Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are typical in their lack of effective or meaningful sanctions against police or sheriff's deputies who use excessive violence, be it in isolated incidents or riot-type situations. In Ann Arbor, Milder and the dozen or so other people who have called the mayor's office to complain have six pos- sible courses of action, but they range from the difficult and very costly to the absolutely hopeless. The best of the lot is the city's Admin- istrative Review Board-City Adminis- trator Guy Larcom, City Attorney Jerold Lax and Human Relations Commission Director David Cowley. The board, set up in 1964 to hear com- plaints of police misconduct, has done little more formally than recommend that police administrative procedures be changed if they are defective. Although it can punish offending officers, it can- not bring suit on behalf of citizens claim- ing injury. Further, it does even less than it can do. "I view this as an unsatisfactory stop- gap," says Mayor Robert Harris. "It has been called on recently only for lack of an alternative." Adds Larcom, "This is an administra- tive review committee. It can't be any more than that. We can make any find- ing we want," he notes, "but it is pri- marily administrative because it is in the administrative hierarchy of the police. "It is not a perfect or foolproof mechanism by any means," he says. What the committee can do is listen to a citizen's complaint, get the police response and then try to decide where the truth lies. With no power to sub- poena witness or to compel testimony, the committee is helpless in the face of See FEW, Page 8 V Police Chief Krasny I Sit it I I INTEGRATION HIT: 7I the news today, by The Associated Press and College Press Service House, Senate NEXT: CACTUS FLOWER I Read and Use Daily Classifieds "TWO OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST" -Neal Gabler, Mich. Daily "TENDER, LOVING, FUNNY-SAD!" ---NY. Daily News "Besides being one of the truly funny sophisticated" comedies, it starred one of the best looking chicks ever." -Neal Gabler r e mIhhEMDS'ISA WY FUNNYIMMEY APPINI mE...A IHEof REAL ANDUNUUA m r" NL *'GOODBYE. COLUMBUS' IS BOUND TO BE A GREAT SUCCESS!' _ :RtiM.AtMPCTfSP~fSTS. R .s SAT.-Romeo-2:30, 6:45, 11:00; Columbus-5:00, 9:15 SUN.-Romeo-2:30, 6:45 Columus-5:00, 9:15 "DAZZLING! once you see it, you'll never again picture 'Romeo&Juliet'quite the way you did before!" -LIFE -1 PARAMOUNTPICTURESpremat A BHE flits ne FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI Rom% nUL.. h: 4M O i SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MELVIN LAIRD told Congress yesterday additional thousands of American troops can be brought home from Vietnam this year. Laird, reporting on the whole range of defense affairs before the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the Nixon administration will have withdrawn 115,000 troops from Vietnam by April 15. Administration sources reported that Laird found enough progress in Vietnamization-the program for turning the war over to South Vietnam-during a visit to Saigon earlier this month to project the next ordered troop cut in excess of 50,000 men, * * * A NATIONWIDE RAIL SHUTDOWN was again averted yes- terday by a judge's order banning a strike until March 2. U.S. District Judge Howard Corcoran, after hearing arguments by attorneys for the unions and the railroads, kept in force a tem- porary restraining order that had barred a strike since Jan. 31. The arguments were over the railroads' objections to a whipsaw strike in which only one railroad is picketed and the unions' objections to the carriers' banding together and locking out all union employes when one rail line is struck. Edward Hickey, speaking for the unions in the contract talks in Miami, said: "If the unions strike less than all, they are in violation of the Railway Labor Act, but if they strike them all and thereby create a national crisis, they are proceeding carefully. Such an interpretation of a law created and designed to minimize obstructions to commerce strikes us as incredible:" The unions promised there would be no strike until the outcome of the dispute hearings in Washington. U.S. AND COMMUNIST CHINESE delegations met yester- day for an hour in continuation of secret ambassadorial talks. U.S. Ambassador Walter Stoessel, Jr., who headed the four-man American delegation, told newsmen the discussion with Lei Yang, the charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Warsaw, was heldj in a *businesslike atmosphere." In brief prepared statements read to reporters, the two gave no indication of what was discussed, Stoessel said, "as in the past, we have both agreed that our discussion and the topics we covered will be held in confidence." The anbassador told newsmen in the lobby that "these conver- sations have been and will continue to be useful for both our govern- ments." The meeting, the 136th in the series that began in 1955, was held for the first time in the white marble U.S. Embassy. * * * LABOR LEADERS urged' Congress yesterday to substantially raise medical care payments for millions of Americans living on the edge of poverty and to stop doctors found "gouging" under the federal medical care program. The executive council of the labor federation said inflation will soon wipe out all of last year's 15 per cent Social Security hike. "Doctors, insurance companies and, in some cases, hospitals have exploited the law," said AFL-CIO President George Meany. The labor council urged stiffer control on fees charged by doctors, hospital and nursing homes. It further urged abolishing premium payments by the elderly for voluntary coverage of doctor bills saying the federal government should pay all costs. The labor council recommended a minimum Social Security benefit of $90 a month for a single person and $135 for a couple, toi increase to $120 and $180 respectively in 1972. * * * SECRETARY ROBERT FINCH moved yesterday to untangle the second news policy problem that has engulfed his.department of Health, Education and Welfare in recent months. Finch withdrew orders requiring written, detailed reports on contacts between newsmen and officials of the National Institute of Mental Health, one of the many hundreds of bureaus within his department. The original orders, issued by Stanley Yolles, NIHM head, had directed officials-news and non-news alike-to identify reporters they talk to, to detail the questions asked and informations sought, and to list the "specific information given to the reporter." Finch rescinded the directive yesterday, saying in a statement: "This memorandum was issued without my knowledge and is con- trary to departmental policy. I would like to reiterate my full en- dorsement of the principle of freedom of information." -Daily-Jay Cassidy Judge George Crockett curb busing Judge Crockett talks of court experiences l E:#PTH VOrI j lM7M AY.NU. 4 MTY COMING SOON "I AM CURIOUS" (Yellow) By NOELLE NISHIMOTO "The best defense in a po- litical trial is to argue the un- constitutionality of the legisla- tion, the act which your client is supposed to have abused. Un- fortunately, you run into diffi- culties when you confuse this with the interests of your client. This is what happened in my case, and this is what happen- ed in Chicago." The speaker was Judge George W. Crockett of the Detroit Re- corder's Court before 200 stu- dents yesterday at the law school. Crockett compared his own experiences in political trials to the Chicago trial in answering a question of whether political issues can be resolved through the judicial process. In 1954 Crockett was sentenc- ed to four months in prison for contempt of court by Judge Herald Medina in the Smith Act trials of 11 communists. "Conspiracy has been defined as the darling of the prosecu- tor's nursery by Judge Learned Hand," said Crockett. "It's true; there are so few political trials in the country, and in almost all of them, the lawyer ends up in some difficulty with the court because the rules of the court are not designed to resolve the issues with which he is concern- ed in that kind of trial." Crockett discussed the con- tempt charges levied against him and the reasons for his ac- tionsain court. One instance oc- curred which Crockett claimed was clearly an indication of the judge's bias. Judge Herald Medina, after reassuring Crockett that a sec- tion of the evidence would be ommitted from the records, pro- ceeded to read the evidence - including t h e deleted part. Crockett objected to Medina's "seemingly unintentional" re- mark, and was subsequently cited for contempt. Judge Medina levied contempt charges against the defense lawyers after the jury announc- ed its verdict. Reflecting on the activities of the Recorder's Court, Crockett said, "In the magistratial sec- tion you may see 60 to 75 cases in 4 hours. Approximately 30 will be chronic drunks. "During my tenure there I an- nounced that I would not send anyone, any chronic drunk, to jail unless he wanted to go. "Prostitution also falls in this section. I don't think criminal prosecution is t h e answer; I have the feeling that social of- fenses, such as chronic drunk- eness and prostitution should be taken out of the realm of crim- inal prosecution into the ad- ministrative area. In spite of numerous difficul- ties confronting the judiciary, Crockett firmly believes in the system. "I am daily reminded of the inadequacies of the judicial system, but I have faith in the law, in the nature of the con- stitutional process. "I believe that within the Constitution of our country every minority group c a n be represented fair 1y," Crockett said. "The evil lies in the men who administer the laws; our only hope lies in the electoral process." From Wire Service Reports WASHINGTON -Southern Senators and Represenatives successfully assaulted yesterday federal guidelines and busing plans that have been used to promote integration in Southern schools. In a new $19.4 billion health and education appropriation bill, the House incorporated three "freedom of choice" and anti-busing amendments designed to restrict the govern- ment's power to use federal funds to enforce school integra- tion. The Senate included in a new $35 billion educational authorization bill a provision designed to prohibit busing of children as part of federally " approved school desegregation plans. E set The Senate and House accept- ance of the Southern amendments was regarded by liberals as a fur-" ther manifestation of a chang- ing Congressional attitude on the school integration issue. As a way of promoting integra- tion in Southern school districts, corporated integration guidelines in the educational authorization BONN, Germany (M - W e s t and appropriations bills. These Germany and its Communist East guidelines, which empowered the German neighbor removed the last Department of Health, Education visible obstacle yesterday to an and Welfare to withhold funds, unprecedented meeting between were used. in determining which their government leaders, a n d. school districtsdwere qualified to agreed to open preparatory talks. receive Federal aid. The go-ahead signal came in a The guidelines are now being message from the office of East modified in the House and Sen- German Premier Willy Stoph ate as Southerners come forward a c c e p t in g chancellor Willy with amendments that would have Brandt's offer to go to East Berlin the effect of sanctioning plans in mid-March. not approved by HEW. As part A cabled message from Stoph's of their new attack, Southerners state secretary, Michael Kohl; said' are also seeking to have the guide- one of his juniors, Gerhard Schues- lines applied to school segregation sler would be ready to receive a in the North as well as in t h e Brandt emissary at his East Ber- South lin office at 10 a.m. March 2. Yesterday, the Senate adopted Brandt's head of chancellery, an amendment that may prohibit Horst Ehmke, minister without busing as a part of school dese- portfolio, replied accepting a n d gregation in Southern states, de- naming Ulrich Sahm as Schues- pending on how the courts inter- sler's counterpart. Sahm is head pret the language that was written of the political department. of into the bill. . the chancellery. Originally prohibiting Federal The main task of the two dele- officials from requiring "the as- gates will be to set a date for the signment of transportation of stu- Brandt - Stoph confrontation in dents or teachers in order to over- the East German capital. They come racial imbalance," the bill are also expected to draw up a was rewritten by court decision to possible agenda and settle' such apply only to de facto segregation matters as how Brandt will;tra- outside the South, based on resi- vel to East Berlin and where he dential patterns, will stay, if ary overnight stop is The Senate also approved the necessary. establishment of a new bipartisan The East German acceptance committee on equal education op- emphasized the aura of compro- portunity which would investigate mise already surrounding the Southern charges that de facto Brandt-Stoph meeting, which will segregation in the North is as im- be the first betweenheads of the moral as the dejure variety in the two governments since they were South. formed at the indulgence of the World War II victors in 1949. The talk, in which both sides The Michigan Daily, edited and man- will pursue radically different ob- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second jectives,, were first suggested by Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- Stoph in a letter to Brandt Feb. igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, 12. Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- This message invited the Social day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by Dmca hnelrt atBr carrier, $10 by mail. lin Feb. 19 or 26, and at the same Summer Session published Tuesday time made clear Stoph's aim was through Saturday morning. Subscrip- to discuss prospects of Bonn's rec- tion rates: $3.00 by carrier, $3.00 by ognition of the East Berlin re- mail. gime. Program Information 662-6264 NOW SH OWING! SHOWS AT:r 1 :00-3:00-5:00-7:00 & 9:00 P.M. IW TONIGHT JAZZ FESTIVAL ... Part II cannonball adderlev I .- " {%: - : "r : .::S:::x:::;:"%{i;.{}.:}}:{+:;v{"::~.: : O . ~ 'v -'%: : Y%.}.. } ' - I