MALCOLM X: IN MEMORIAM See Editorial Page Y L lflh:43Ut ~tait6j AVERAGE High-33 LOW-20 Fair to partly cloudy 4ol. LXXX, No. 119 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 21, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages 5-Y R SE TE CES ORDERED I CHIC GO * * * * * * * * * * * * 100 black meeting x ith state :S resume library disruption after with law Regents; cutting Fleming to comply tid to LSA protesters; dorm UGLI hit in protest by blacks' By LARRY LEMPERT and CHRIS UHL Thousands of books in the Undergraduate Library w e r e rearranged for the second day in a, rowt by a group of over "00 black students yesterday afternoon after they walked out of a meeting with the Re- gents on increasing minority enrollment. The students had demanded the ,egents give proof of a commit- ient to increased minority en- rollment by agreeing to meet in two weeks to discuss the possibil- ity of tuition waivers to minority group students. When half an hour of argument failed to get that meeting scheduled, the stu- dents left. At a short rally held outside the Administration Bldg. Ron Harris, president of Black Stu- dents Union (BSU), said to "go do your homework." The group proceeded- to the library. The students went to each floor of the building and removed books agrom the shelves at random. Some books were thrown on the floor. some were replaced on different shelves, and others were piled on tables and in wastecans. Last night, on the request of President Robben Fleming, police were stationed in the undergradu- te, graduate, and law libraries to prevent further disruptions. Minor disturbances were also reported yesterday in Angell Hall and the graduate library in con- nection with the protest. After meeting once with the Regents on Thursday, the students said they had returned yesterday because they :believed the first meeting had decided nothing. Harris demanded a definite "sense of commitment" and raised the possibility of tuition waivers as "a radical new approach to meet- ing or solving the problems of in- reasing minority admissions." Tuition waivers had been pro- posed at the meeting Thursday. but the Regents had decided to postpone consideration of tuition waivers until the University had a chance to investigate their feasi- bility. When the issue was raised again 'yesterday, Fleming tried to explain that the Regents could not con- sider tuition waivers immediately. "The fact is that the Legislature passed last year a clause saying that we should not give a tuition waiver." Time is necessary, said Fleming, o explore the possibility of get- ting enough support in the Legis- lature to change that clause. Fur- thermore, the University needs some time, he said, to calculate possible costs to the University. Theblack students had alleged that the tuition waivers would cost the University nothing, for the additional students would be taking up classroom space that is presently usable but is not in use. Fleming, however, said that tui- tion waivers would cost money, See DISRUPTION, Page 8 r 1 fees hiked; 2 bylaw sections adopted $95 room and board t . increase By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ The Regents yesterday authorized a $95 increase in a residence hall rates. The in- crease will go into effect at the start of the 1970-71 aca- demic year, which begins in s August. The hike in dorm fees will raise the annual room and board of stu- dents occupying a single room to $1,225. Occupants of double rooms will be charged $1,135 and triple rooms will cost $1,046 per occu- }H pan-. The Regents gave unanimous r Aapproval to the fee Increase at their monthly public meeting yes- terday. The increase was recom- mnended by acting Vice President for S t u d e n t Affairs Barbara Newell, and the Board of Gover- y } yinors of Residence Halls. In related action, the Regents } also authorized several changes in the distribution of male and fe- male housing spaces among the residence halls. S-ally-Thomas R. Cop The alterations were recom- UGLI after disruptions mended by Mrs. Newell and the Board of Governors in what they said was an attempt to avoid the severe housing shortage which occurred at the beginning of last term. The Regents approved plans * which would provide about 500 -'u-l-m -I- additional spaces in the residence rek Ijjhalls for male students, who were principally affected by the hous- ing shortage. The Regents yesterday created a tri-partite University- Under the plan, Couzens Hall wide body to formulate and propose uniform regulations and Oxford Housing, previously governing the conduct of students, faculty members, and occupied only by women, and West adminstratrs. 3Quadrangle, formerly an all-malel hall, will all house both men and 3 In a unanimous vote at their monthly public meeting, the women next fall. Regents adopted a bylaw which delineates the structure and The final report of the Resi- powers of the body-University Council (UC). dence Hall Rate Committee, issued last December, states that the in- !Composed of students, faculty members and adminis- crease in residence hall rates is trators, UC will propose rules which apply equally to each of required primarily because of these segments of the University community., wage increases for employes of the Office of University Housing, and The Regents also adopted a bylaw which creates a Com- inflation on non-salary costs. mittee on Communications. Also composed of students, faculty In addition, certain items which. members, and administrators, the committee will attempt to in recent years, have been paid for facilitate the resolution of differences between members or by the housing office's reserve segments of the University community - such as over the funds, will be returned to the current issue of on-campus job recruiting. uopeta is housing fes The two bylaws - 7.01 and 7.02 - are the first of a series This transfer of funds accounts of proposed bylaws concerning the student role in University for $15 of the $95 increase. decision-making to be givenmorearrained by Student Government Council F iveOmgrela and Senate Assembly, the faculty; representative body, the bylaws have since been the subject of contention for G siderable controversy between stu- dent leaders and administrators. By W. E. SCHROCK and i Bob Parsons, arraigned before : The dispute has centered around, JIM McFERSON Judge Pieter Thomassen, was re- SGC's opposition to the regental Five more people were arraigned leased on $100 bond. drafts of the proposed bylaws, yesterday afternoon on charges of which contain several major dif- cneto temn rm te Nasr oule, Randy Clarke n rr sdcontentonstrmmnfroFm theGeorge Miles, and Mike Mayer will ferences from the bylaws proposed lock-in of four General Electric!fctraonFb26 'by SGC and Senate Assembly d face trial on Feb. 26. Corp.. recruiters last Wednesday. The police stationed in the three The bylaw concerning UC, which Although Ann Arbor Police was adopted yesterday, appeared Chief Walter Krasny said last notbudereruo rany to represent a compromise between night that the rash of disturb- not undercover officers. Krasney the student-faculty draft, and the ances seems to be over, he added, said that there is a "possibility of regental draft. :"We have some men in the law someprolem"and tttheFme LSA sit-inE names to1 9o to state By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ President Robben Fleming announced yesterday he in- tends to forward the names of students convicted of creat- ing a contention during the ;LSA Bldg. sit-in, and who are receiving financial aid from { the state, to the agencies ad- ministering the scholarship programs. Fleming's action will be in com- . }{._:X4pliance with a state law which provides for the termination of such aid to students convicted in disturbance cases which stem from the disruption of a college or uni- versity. n ,. Upon final conviction of a stu- dent, the law stipulates, the pres- - ident of the institution must in- form the state scholarship au- aid will subsequently be termin- .,....ated. '~''~~ ~...........'*~ Stephen Spurr, vice president . i..and dean of the graduate school, said last night that it was still --Daily-Thomas R. Copi unclear how many students would ultimately be affected by Flem- THIS HOLE IN THE basement window of President Robben ing's decision..b Fleming's home was probably caused by a bullet fired late Wed- "My guess is that there are less nesday night, according to Ann Arbor police. A metal slug was than 10 students involved, and found in the basement and is believed by police to be a bullet. many, if not all, are appealing the verdicts," he said. As one of his duties, Spurr supervises the Of- 4 fice of Financial Aid. found i Fleming's announcement came at the monthly public meeting of the Regents. He said his decision to forward the names was based on two legal opinions which main- tain that there are no grounds on which the University could chal- lenge the constitutionality of the By TOM WIEDER state statute. Ann Arbor police are investigating the circumstances The legal opinions were obtain- surrounding the discovery Thursday of a bullet in President ed from E. A. Cummiskey, a Uni- versity attorney, and law Prof. Robben Fleming's home. Jerold Israel after Senate As- A piece of lead, believed by police to be a slug fired from sembly's Student Relations Com- a pis orrifleafouindyinabaemetstoreromittee (SRC) called on Fleming a pistol or rifle, was found in a basement storeroom by a -to challenge the law's constitution- University maintenance man. ality. The bullet appears to have pierced a basement window Cummiskey's opinion, which was on the southwest corner of the president's home on South ' released yesterday, stated, "I can University. The slug also traveled through a cardboard box see no valid legal basis for either and made a depression in the wall behind. It was found on a challenging the directive set forth shelf below the box. in the (state) law." MAXIMUM JAIL TERM; $5,000 FINE CIJICAGO (ii - Five Jan e n convicted of inciting riots dur- ing the 1968 Democratic Na- tional Convention were sen- tenced yesterday to five years in prison, fined $5,000 and or- dered to pay the costs of the prosecution. Judge Julius J. Hoffman of U.S. District Court ordered that their sentences run concurrently with contempt sentences he lv- led on the defendants over the weekend. The prison sentences were the maximum the judge could have set according to the 1968 federal antiriot law under which the men were tried. He could have fined them as much as $10,000. Richard G. Schultz, an assistant U.S. district attorney, said after the sentencing that the cost of prosecuting the five-month t r i a 1 would be more than $40,000. The biggest cost of the prosecu- tion was the price of court tran- scripts which Schultz estimated at $35,000 to $38,000. Witness costs could run as high as $20,000. The defendants cannot be assessed for the cost of the jury. Juror's fees and expenses amounted to more than $150,000. There were no incidents or outbursts in the courtroom during the sentencing of David Dellinger, 54; Abbie Hoffman, 31; Tom Hayden, 31; Rennie Davis, 29; and Jerry Rubin, 31. The defendants' families a n d friends were excluded from t he courtroom and the entire 23 r d floor of the Federal Building. De- fense lawyer William M. Kunstler objected to the quick sentencing but Judge Hoffman said that has been his policy for 17 years. "I think it is wrong legally and morally," Kunstler said. "To say I am morally wrong" the judge said, "can only add to your present troubles." Kunstler and his colleague, Leonard I. Weinglass, were sent- enced to 4 years and 13 days, and 20 months and 5 days, respectively for contempt. They are free until May 4 to carry out their le g a 1 duties on behalf of the defend- ants. After the sentencing, the judge again denied a motion to free the defendants on bond. He granted 30 days for the filing of post-trial motions. The government will have 20 days to reply. Prior to sentencing, the defend- ants were given the opportunity to speak and they took nearly two hours to castigate the judicial sys- tem, the judge, the jury and the government. Two other defendants, John R. Froines, 31, and Lee Weiner, 31 were acquitted of conspiracy and a substantive count charging them with teaching the use of an in- cendiary device. They were being " heldr however, on contempt sent- ences. Before the sentencing, J u d g e Hoffman rejected the defense's first point of appeal on the ver- dict. He ruled that the contents of wiretap logs containing con- versations of several defendants did not taint the government's case. The logs were impounded at the start of the trial Sept. 24. Abbie Hoffman, in his state- ment before sentencing said the f See CHICAGO, Page 8 A University statement, issued yesterday afternoon, in- The directive on termination of 31-See TO SEND, Page 8 dicated only that "a thin piece of lead, approximately the size of a quarter, had been found. However, Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny said, "ISR C callsdebate, orappears to be a bullet. It's safe to say it's confirmed." On charges Krasny theorized that the bullet was fired sometime Wednesday kmnght, possibly during the Chicago 7 protest march. ihpsibydrn h Chiago W U!W I In- W1Ti11 T m A I I Fp.... .Jan ., , , ~ .Ylcmin .. . it - i Hv D MKIE 'T'HAI., I i"UJI1 111 n~y lnlnm LJ No gunfire had been reported in T the area of Fleming's house that The Student Relations Commit- should develop and that they were night, Krasny indicated, but "fire- tee (SRC) yesterday called foi a in contact with the state police, cracker-like-noises" were reported University-wide forum to discuss However, no state police were on in other parts of the campus dur- on-campus joberiinrndto alr nAnAbr n h esrto. recommend possible alternatives. alert in Ann Arbor. mng the demonstration. SRC also urged an immediate sus- Krasny believes things have The slug was given to the police pension of recruiting and a one calmed down. "The situation department late Thursday by Uni- day moratorium on classes. seems to be very stable now. We versity officials. The department The group said that the sus- hope that the students realize that is holding the bullet pending a pension and moratorium were nec- certain laws have been broken." decision to send it to the Federal essary "to permit widespread in- Moreover, he believes that the Bureau of Investigation or the volvement and a proper atmos- recent violent incidents were the {,Michigan State Police crime lab- phere for discussion." n ..LI Fir.r .. .f-- ..... ....:2-; rl SIT ., ..4-.. fm.. ,-. nm n'.4rO +nn . 't ' finn , . -CC .... -- -- -A+- "t n Presxdent Robben rFleming has been informed of the recommen- dation, Wehrer said. SRC mem- bers hope to meet with the presi- dent as soon asapossible to facili- tate immediate action on the pro- posal, he added. "This is a situation where the only method is force. That's ridi- culous. There must be some alter- native method to force. They should have that chance," said SRC member Bill Price, Grad. When one member of the com-