SUNDAY DAILY See Editorial Page Sir 43 CU 471 at ty SNOW High--2 Low-8 Cloudy, cold, chance of snow I M - ''Vol. LXXX, Na. 84 Ann-Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 11, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages F -Iht P -41- I New PhD's face tighter job market in academia By STEVE KOPPMAN While the Christmas break was a welcome vacation for. most students, many doctoral candidates found the recess with its attendant professional meetings a traumatic experience. At these nieetings, customarily a place where hopeful future professors meet department chairmen to discuss job prospects, many graduate stu- dents had their worst fears about the tightness of the academic job mar- ket confirmed. A survey of department chairmen here indicates that while in some fields the demand for new professors still outpaces t h e supply, doctoral. candidates in most departments face a job market tighter than any in re- cent years. The chairmen attribute this large- ly to the increasing number of stu- dents receiving doctorates, at the same time that undergraduate en- rollments a n d government support of universities have begun to level off after large increases in recent years. What the situation seems to mean, they say, is that in m o s t depart- ments, many doctoral candidates will have to accept jobs which seem less desirable than a job they would have received five years ago, and to some extent, even last year. Department chairmen emphasize that while in most disciplines the market for doctorates in major uni- versities isn't expanding to meet the increased supply, there is a growing need for qualified people to staff the numerous n e w four-and-two-year colleges springing up across the country. "It's a very lean, grim year," says English department Chairman Rus- sell Fraser. "Some good places aren't hiring any one - at the Modern Language Association convention, some of our candidates didn't even get an interview." "On the other hand," notes Fras- er, "there are many more institutions of higher learning than people real- ize. Things are tight in a b o u t 50 schools, but there are plenty of jobs after that." "The odds were more in the stu- dent's favor in the p a s t," agrees Sidney Fine, chairman of the history department. "The history job mar- ket is very tight - we're producing more PhD's than ever The overall upward graduate enrollment has come at a time when the total re- source allocation to education is not increasing commensurately." The sciences have been heavily hit by the job squeeze. "Largely because of shrinking government support, which has cut jobs in research, stu- dents are really having to work hard to find a job - and it's often not go- ing to be in the line they're trained for," says physics chairman H. R. Crane. Chemistry's Charles Overberger cites budget cutbacks in federal funding for research and a levelling off in chemical industrial research as crucial factors. "Five years ago," he says, "it was not uncommon for a PhD candidate to get five or six job offers. Now, it's more apt to be one or two." "Jobs are harder to come by than they were three or four years ago," concurs chairman William Kerr, of nuclear engineering. "Five years ago, someone might have three or four job offers. Now he's more likely to have one or two." Mathematics Chairman William LeVeque says many more students will end up teaching at junior col- leges than has been the case in re- cent years. Many might teach at ma- jor universities for a couple of years. he says, but few will stay. "Ten years ago, when schools were doubling their enrollment, if some- one could do a good job at Michigan he might stay," says LeVeque. "Now we're not really expanding, and there's no great need for new people, so departments look for on I y the really outstanding candidates." In foreign language departments, too, the sellers' market of the last years has given w a y to a buyers' market. "In Romance Languages," says Prof. James O'Neill, "there are probably more good people available than there have been in the'last few years. The situation isn't desperate - our students all have options - but it is harder than at any time in the past five years. The mediocre candidate has no chance for a good job." "There's more competition t h a n two years ago," says far eastern lang- uage chairman Charles Hucker. "In- stead of having the choice of a good many jobs, their selection is much more limited," But many disciplines, both in pro- fessional schools and in graduate so- cial science departments, a r e un- touched by the squeeze, and in fact say they cannot satisfy the demand placed on them for more and more PhD's. "Most social work schools are anx- ious to get PhD's a nd frequently they're not able to," says Associate Dean Phillip Fellin. "There's a short- age of doctorates in social work: "We get 10 times as many requests to recommend people for jobs as we have people to recommend,"' s a y s psychology department chairman Wilbert McKeachie. "Students from See PhD's, Page 8 -Associated Press 'Conspirator' speaks at MSU Jerry Rubin, co-defendant at Chicago enospiracy trial, speaks to Michigan State University students yesterday. The Yippie leader lampooned court procedure and de- nounced conspiracy trial Judge Julius Hoffman. DEPARTMENTS CO-OPERATE New environmental-maor considered professors Thriving U' store seeks new branch By LYNN WEINER The University Store released a financial report yesterday showing the store's solvency for the fall term and proposing significant operational changes, including expansion to a branch at Bursley Hall. The report will be presented to the Regents for consider- ation this week. The statement showed a net profit of $4,118.44 for the period from January to December 1969, with gross sales of $161,000. These figures indicate a change from last summer, when the store was running a deficit. Business picked up considerably in September and October. "The Regents were skeptical about the project at the beginning, and wanted to see an accurate financial statement," said store manager Dennis Webster. "This report shows that the students really are behind the idea of a discount store." Proposed modifications for the winter term include expansion of the store, revision of the inventory ceiling imposed by the Regents, operational changes, and the con- tinuation of rental services which the store provides. The question of a Bursley branch of the discount store has been discussed for several months. "Better than half the students at Bursley petitioned for a North Campus branch of the store, but due to an admin- istrative mistake the Regents did not act on the issue earlier," Webster said. The report recommends that the store expand to areas like Bursley where students are far from campus stores. "We have proposed a branch in Bursley and possibly the Hill area, where basic sup- plies such as notebooks, bluebooks, pens, and a limited selection of records and toiletries could be sold, said Student Government Council Coordinating Vice President Bruce Wilson. "Expansion wouldn't guarantee corre- sponding increase in revenue, but a store would probably justify itself," Wilson added. The report argues that the inventory ceiling is impractical because it limits the amount of items the store can stock. The ceiling is a specific restriction on the amount the store can 'spend on inventory. The $25,000 inventory ceiling was imposed by the- Regents when they approved creation of the store a year ago. SGC currently sets policy for the store in conjunction with Webster, and, respon- sibility and control of the store will be transferred to the Bookstore Policy Board when the two stores are combined. The store operates on a non-profit basis, with the net gains going to expand in- ventory and increase discounts. By HARVARD VALLANCE continues, it is only beginning tos A major in environmental studies? now due to the increasing interes Very possibly, if the efforts of eighteen ernment, foundations, students an professors who met yesterday to discuss in a better co-ordinated approa improved approaches to co-ordinated study study of environmental problems. in the field, bear fruit. The University would not be th One of the group, Geography chairman devise a program dealing specifi Melvin Marcus, says "it may be possible as the environment. Other universiti early as next autumn" to either concentrate Johns Hopkins, offer degrees in in an interdepartmental program in the liter- mental"-programs geared primar ary college, or combine another major with engineering aspects of the prob a specialization in environmental studies. as pollution control. Yesterday's preliminary meeting will be Though the University already folowed by larger planning sessions to which 50 courses relevant to environmen representatives of most schools in the uni- lems, Sussman argues that "thev versity will be invited. ness of our offerings, and the sel According to a resume prepared by LSA ment of the departments in w: Dean*Alfred Sussman, "any program to be are offered, has militated againstt developed must be interdisciplinary, and in- opment of coherent, yet broad, pr terf aces with other colleges should be ex- the kind that are needed present plored. This involves environmental educa- Funds for additional faculty fo tional (Education), urban studies (Engin- mental studies, says Marcus, mi eering, Public Health, Law and Natural Re- from government or foundation gr sources), resources and resource planning Rockefeller Foundation has alread (Engineering, Natural Resources and Busi- the University $750,000 to suppor ness), population studies (Medicine, Public in this area, he adds, and the fund Health, Natural Resources). The idea of a program in environmental yet been earmarked for any spe studies has "been in the back of many minds but, he says, "it's still far too early for quite some time," says Marcus, but, he exactly where we're going to go for Space shor tage: show itself st by gov- ,nd faculty ch to the he first to cally with es, notably "environ- ily toward lem, such has over tal prob- very rich- f-contain- hich they the devel- ograms of tly." tr environ- ght come rants. The dy granted t projects s have not ecific use, yto decide x money." -Daily-Richard Lee The 'Bird' flies Michigan's 6-1 forward Richard 'Bird' Carter shoots over a Purdue defender for a two pointer during yesterday's game at the Events Bldg. The Boilermakers rallied from a 10-point halftime deficit to defeat the Wolverines 103-96 in overtime. See Page 7. END TO WAR SEEN Nigaerianf' troops capture vital IBiafran crossroads VP choiee key to role of students By JIM BEATTIE Daily News Analysis The naming of a new vice president for student services, a move the Regents may make later this week, will have broad im-. plications for the future of relations between students and the University administration. Both the administration and students have an obvious stake in this appointment which could, for example, determine the na- ture and direction of the struggle over student decision-making power at the Uni- versity. Stude'nts interested in influencing Uni- versity policies have, in fact, taken great interest in the appointment. For example, when President Robben Fleming first at- tempted to set up a committee to nominate candidates for the vice presidency, Student Government Council refused to participate for over four months, until they were given half the committee's votes. Not believing thathe vice pr Mdf Mt actu- ally can make policy on most matters af- fecting the quality of their lives, students are most interested in the manner in which the vice president will present the students' case to those who do have final authority- the executive officers and the Regents. "The new vice president should have the ability to see things the way students would -to make decisions that turn out the same way as students' decisions would," says SOC President Marty McLaughlin. "The primary loyalty should be to students. We want the vice president to be on our side, not on theirs." Not all students see the role of the vice president as quite so limited, however. One student who has been active in University affairs for several years, Michael Davis, be- lieves the vice president can, if he wishes, be an active decision-maker for the .admin- istration. "The vice president can be either .im- portant or popular," Davis says. Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell "has largely served as an administrator for the small decisions affecting student life and as a conveyor belt back and forth- be- tween the students and the Regents-and she is very popular," he adds. "But Richard Cutler (Newell's predeces- sor) was important," says Davis. "He asked to make decisions and made them." Cutler was the subject of much criticism from stu- dents for his actions in a number of areas, including student discipline. "The policy changes that were made were his, and people knew it," says Davis. "But he knew what the Regents wanted, and, worked within their boundaries. If the new vice president is to be good for students, he must have a way of expressing the radical perspective." However, history Prof. Arthur Mendel, a member of Senate Assembly's Student Rela- tions Committee, believes the vice president should take a more active position. "The vice president should be 100 per cent student advocate," he says. "But most Im- portantly he should go out of his way to find out what is happening on other campuses and not wait for political issues to arise at the University. Rather he should go out and stimulate them." "The vice president should keep abreast of the ranges of student sentiment and should come to some decision on the direc- tion student action should make. If the students are apathetic, then he should foster the view of participation among the major- ity and take the lead to present the students' case strongly to the administration," Mendel adds. *, LAGOS (k') - Nigerian federal troops have captured the vital Biafran crossroads town of Owerri and are moving on the Uli air- strip, the secessionist's link to the outside, a reliable military source said yesterday.. Observers report that the war appears to be at a climax, which could lead to vic- tory for the Nigerian government after over two and a half years of war with the seces- sionist state of Biafra. There was no official confirmation of the capture of Owerri. The federal govern- ment has been reticent about releasing war news recently, Diplomats in Lagos expressed concern about the plight of an estimated 500-1,000 No room at the °U' Europeans and North Americans who could be trapped in Biafra if Uli fell. Most of these people are working on relief operations. Relief officials say agencies have generally instructed their people to use their own discretion and come out when it seemed" necessary. The Paris newspaper France Soir report- ed Saturday that Uli was within two days of capture. Federal television quoted French papers without comment and there was no official Nigerian reaction. A war communique late yesterday con- firmed only news earlier reported: The 1st and 3rd divisions had linked up, splitting up Biafra. The bulletin said Arochukwu and two smaller towns were taken with heavy Biafran losses in men and weapons. Federal losses were light, it added. Third Marine Commando Division troops have been within striking distance of Owerri since before Christmas and were reported awaiting two more brigades to link up before' pushing on.' The Nigerian army captured Owerri once earlier in the war but lost it again. The last major town in Biafra, Owerri is regard- ed as an extremely important psychological obj ective. Biaf ran units have been firmly resisting advances toward Uli on two fronts - above Nnewi to the north and below Oguta to the south. From Owerri, there is a third access. Federal forces are advancing behind new Soviet 122mm artillery pieces with a 13-mile range. They were brought in recently and were believed destined to shell Uli as soon as troops were close enough. By JANE BARTMAN Harried administrators plagued by scheduling difficulties and de- mands for more space, are real- izing that they have fewer rooms to shuffle with than ever before- and students and faculty members are unhappy with the hands they have been dealt. The squeeze is on again t h i s year with the annual shortage of classroom and office space. As a result, problems are cropping up in all corners of the University. "There is no question that class- room and office space is a very tight commodity," says Robert Sauve, administrative assistant in the Office of Academic Affairs. work. "We h a v e professors, re- search assistants and teaching fellows squeezed into every nook and cranny on campus," Sauve says. And some have been forced to use rented space off-campus. Space is an especially serious problem for professors, since it di- rectly affects their professional activities, from writing and re- search to teaching and counseling. Not all faculty members n o w have their own offices and many find sharing an office with one or more other professors makes it difficult to carry on their own re- search work or to advise students. "You can't do scholarly work when someone is counseling a stu- r~af ;.r fn+ ~tac " nya Ca~sr when offices become scarce, while others move staff-into various odd corners around the University, making it difficult for professors to maintain contact w i t h their colleagues. Mathematics is one s u c h de- partment. Its offices and class- rooms are located in both Angell Hall a n d the West Engineering Bldg., as well as smaller groups in the computer science department offices and East Engineering Bldg. "This is deleterious to our re- search a n d teaching purposes," department Chairman William LeVeque says. "There is no space 'for any extra activity at all. We have had to look around in other m