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February 20, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-20

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See Page 9 f

5k anFCi


Cloudy, cold.
chance of snow

Vol. LXXX, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 20, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Five more arrested

for recruiter protest,


Police report no more
incidents of trashing
Five more people were arrested yesterday on charges
involving either the lock-in of the recruiter from General
Electric at West Engineering Bldg. Wednesday morning or
the mass march the same night to protest the Chicago 7 trial.
Police also have warrants for three more people and say
they may have other warrants today. They reported no
further incidents of trashing last night.
Twenty-three persons have been arrested thus far in the
two incidents Wednesday. Among those arrested yesterday
was Richard Feldman, a prominent member of Students for
a Democratic Society. He was charged with resisting and
opposing an officer, a high misdemeanor, but was released






End to job
recruiti n
The Radical College, a nAv or-
ganization composed of radical
members of the faculty and non-
academic staff, yesterday demand-
ed that President Robben Flem-
ing immediately suspend jobi re-
cruiting at the University.
The college, which has about
70 members, also called for a
moratorium of classes to allow the
University community to form-
ulate a policy on the University's
involvement with corporations and
the military.
In a presentation atf the 'he-
gents open hearing yesterday, the
college also demanded t h a t
--"Endorse Central S t u d e n t
Judiciary (CSJ) as the only ap-
propriate University body for
dealing with student violations of
non-academic University rules,"
-"Reorder University priorities
with respect to minority group
The demands were presented in
response to Wednesday night's
disturbances near City Hall.
Following the presentation,
members of the college discussed
their demands with Fleming.
Psychology Prof. Richard Mann,
a member of the group, said that
the president seemed to inclined
to go along with the proposal for
a campus-wide debate. Fleming
was unavailable last night for
comment on the demands.
Earlier this month, after the
organization was formed, it is-:
sued a statement criticizing the
administration for taking what
they said were "repressive" meas-
ures against Students for a Den#
ocratic Society.
At that time, the administration
had announced its intention to
proscute SDS before CSJ, and seek
a withdrawal of the militant
group's recognition as a student
Mann said last night, "In the
name of punishing SDS members
and SDS as a group, they are un-
raveling a whole student judiciary
system and destroying it" by not
allowing all disruption cases to be
tried only by CSJ.
According to history Prof. Ar-
thur Mendel, the demands were
"drawn up by a general consen-
sus" among about 50 members
present at a meeting in Guild
House. -
Mann said that the college will'
meet at 8:00 p.m Sunday in the
East Quad dining room to discuss
the four demands and form "ac-
tion plans for the immediate fu-

on $500 bail.
Feldman was also arrested Feb.
9 on charges of creating a con-
tention during a block-in of the
recruiter from DuPont Corp. Jan.
26 in West Engineering Bldg.
Although a rally was called for
yesterday noon on. the diag to
consider further action, the crowd
of about 200 quickly dispersed
without making any plans.
Later last night, an SDS spokes-
mnan announced after the group's
meeting that SDS is planning ac-
tion nest Thursday against the
re'ruiter from Dow Chemical. The
group has not decided what type
of action they will take, however.
SDS also gave its support to the
Black Action" Movement's (BAM)
demands for. increased minority
admissions and aid and to the
BAM rally scheduled for 3 p.m.
today on People's Plaza.
At about the time the meeting
ended, two vans carrying about 20
Ann Arbor policemen drove up S.
University Ave. toward the shop-
ping; area between E. University
and Washtenaw.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
Krasny said police had beeri sent
to the area because there had
been reports that a group was
planning to march up the street
to trash store fronts.
Police declined to comment fur-
ther on the amount of manpower
they had stationed at City Hall
or on what areas and buildings
near campus they had placed
maximum security.
Krasny also said yesterday that
over $5,000 worth'of windows were
broken during Wednesday night's
march, with most of the damage
at the South University and Med-
ical Center branches of the Ann
Arbor Bank.
The bank did not have its own
estimate yesterday, however.
The following people were ar-
rested Wednesday afternoon fol-
lowing the West Engineering
Mark Welman, resisting and opposing
an officer, $1000 bail; Paul wilson, re-
sisting and opposing an officor, $500
hail; Gerald Shifer, '72. resisting and
opposing an officer, $500 bail; Mark
Ross ,- resisting and opposing an
offio, $MO bail; James Kirk, resisting
"V See FIVE, Page 10

Police su

East La
Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING - Scores of
state and city policemen and Ing-
ham County sheriff's deputies pa-
trolled the downtown streets here
early this morning following a
march and scattered window-'
smashing by Michigan State Uni-
versity students in protest of the
verdict in the Chicago 7 conspir-1
acy trial.
In other cities across the na-
tion, including Washington, D.C.,
Boston, and Los Angeles, groups1
of demonstrators also battled with
police while protesting the con-
Over 120 protesters were arrest-
ed in Washington as police dis-
persed about 300 persons who had
gathered outside. the apartment
complex where Atty. Gen. John N.
Mitchell lives.
About 25 persons were arrested

Managing Editor
The Undergraduate Library
was closed at 10:30 last night
after some 25 black students F
x peacefully took hundreds of
books off the shelves and re-
arranged hundreds of others.
The demonstrators said they
were protesting a lack of com-
mitment from the University
to increase aid tominority ad-
missions and black studies
The action followed a meeting
-Daily--Thoarns R. Copi between the Regents and black
trround protester in East Lansing students concerning minority ad-
missions. Regents requested Pres-
1sident Robben Fleming to report
next month with a proposal for
funding increased minority ad-
o utstudents"'flmissions.
It was not known whether the
demonstrators at the library were
0 among those who had attended
nsing protests the Regents hearing.
~ PiO LestLibrary officials said they did
-~ - not know if the library could be
re-opened this morning.
as a result of the MSU march and at any time, also joined the others. From 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. approxi-
will be held in Ingham County The total number of law en- mately 1,000 books were taken off
jail, a city police spokesman said forcement officers was estimated the shelves on the second and
last night. at 200. basement floors, one library stu-
The demonstration organized by Following the charge on the dent supervisor said. He said the
the MSU Students for a Demo- crowds, the marchers split up, and students were peaceful througul....
cratic Society, began earlier in the size of the group dwindled. t evenin.
the evening when about 1,500 de- The main group lingered near At 10 p.m., students again be-
monstrators marched two blocks the union, charging the police oc- gan removingsandrearranging r .v fi
from the student union to City casionally, taunting them, and 'k stud t en hon egen
Hall. There they broke windows, running. The police used no tearF studynat
proptin polce o ener te !to leave.
prompting police to enter t h e gas, but a number of persons, in- A rdgta udrs'
streets. cluding a photographer from the , ording tora stuenr su -
visor, there were some angry dis-
As the marchers began to move MSU student paper, the State- " cussions between black and white
back towards the campus, they News, said they were beaten by students. "We became afraid that r
smashed storefront windows at police. there might be a bigger confron- r
Jacobson's and the Campus Book- Around 11:30 p.m., MSU presi- tation, so we asked students to THE UNDERG
store and other businesses. dent Clifton Wharton spoke to leave," he said black students R
The East Lansing police report- the crowd at the union, which by Four Ann Arbor policemen cameb ty er
edly charged into the crowd at this time numbered about 200. to the library but the student theywere prote
this point to break up the march. Wharton, who had just met with supervisor told them they were aid minority ad
They called for assistance from a group of student leaders, urged not needed so the policemen left
campus, county, and Lansing po- the crowd to leave and employ con- the building. University Security
lice. State police, who have the structive means of protest. Chief Rolland Gainsley and -some
authority to come onto the streets "If you really want to have an of his officers arrived at the i-
- ---- Iey th-brary and surveyed the building.
et,'heco u u nepdr ra Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter1
velop wKrasny last night said an uniden-
I -bylaw s, jctve.conu eot ogrtodom
w i s enyu rob tified person called the police and
anything smashing windows If reported that people were tearing .
societ willconst i e steps the The student supervisor said that
R egen'ts,, none of the library officials had
won't.called the police, and President
His pleas were repeatedly mt Fleming said he did not call them.
Council resolution prejudiced the with cat-calls from the crowd and Library officials said there was
integrity of the court. Wharton entered the union with no damage done to the books as
In another proposal passed several aides. far as they knew, and that they
unanimously last night by Council By 1:15 this morning the down- did not know how long it wouldt
called:fortthe creation ofeadoGC-
called for the creation of a SGC- town district was relatively quiet take to put the books away. There The Regent
sponsored student committee to as the police patrolled the streets was no estimate late last night
selection of the Regents.t and a remaining 75 protesters of how many books were taken off to submit to t
sjeered and taunted them. the shelves after 10 p.m. creased minorit
The proposal attacked the pres- Many black students said they Their reque
ent selection as based on "politi- There were also demonstrations were taking the books off the issue. During t
cal hackism." It also charged that from coast to coast yesterday to shelves in protest of University d ds fr
the present system for choosing protest the convictions in the trial priorities on funding when minor- eman rom
Regents has resulted in a "bad of the Chicago 7. ity admissions and black studies creased minorit
assortment of unqualified and un- In Boston's Hub, police clubbed were concerned. aid and suppor
informed" Regents. a dozen demonstrators to the Some demonstrators said the coalition of blac
The proposed committee will ground when they marched up University spends more on main- The deman
look into selection criteria and Tremont Street after a rally of tenance then on minority admis- president has s
make known its evaluations of 5,000 persons that began on the sions or black studies and that
regental candidates. Common. they were protesting that funding. the proposals b




blasts Fleming o d rc p elt

Student Government C obu n c i 1
last night blasted President Rob-
ben Fleming as "the bottleneck"
preventing adoption of , new re-
gental bylaws, and agreed to at-
tempt to submit the bylaws
directly to the Regents.
Council said, in a unanimous
resolution, that it would first
meet with the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs,
the top faculty body, and then
submit to the Regents the draft
of the bylaws that was approved

last summer by SGC and Senate
SGC condemned Fleming for hisI
argument that he could not select 1
a new vice president for students
services until the roles of the vice
president and a proposed student
services policy board were agreed

Van Der Hout cleared
of contention for sit-in

The question of control of policy+
in the Office of Student Services
is one of several issues involved
in the controversial bylaws. Others
include the question of University-
wide conduct rules, the authority
of student judiciaries and the
powers of SGC.
Under the student-faculty by-
law proposal, policy for the office
would be set by a student-domi-
nated policy board.
Last night's SGC action follows
the breakdown last week of nego-j
tiations, between student and fac-
ulty representatives and Fleming.
"Fleming is probably working to
prevent the adoption of the orig-
inal bylaw proposals and is ignor-
ing the year-long work of the by-
law committee," said SGC mem-
ber Bob Nelson.
In other action, Council unani-
mously voted to publish a reply to
a widely - circulated statement
written by the University admin-
istration on Wednesday's protest
of a General Electric Corp. re-
cruiter. The demonstration led to
a violent clash between demon-
strators and police. At least 14;
,,a--nc.vp hn hPnn a ,rrla4 in


-Daily-Jim Diehl
GRADUATE LIBRARY was closed last night after
removed books from the shelves. The students said
sting a lack of commitment by the University to
gents se ek
1 1 11i
iissi on plan
ts yesterday asked President Robben Fleming
hem a proposal for a five-year plan on in-
y admissions at their March meeting.
st came at the close of an open hearing on the
he hearing, black students repeated a list of
the Black Action Movement (BAM) for in-
ty admissions accompanied by more financial
tive services to minority students. BAM is a
ek student groups.
ds were presented to Fleming last month. The
ince expressed agreement with "the merit" of
ut warned that funding them would be "very
- -difficult."
The black student demands call
for an increase in minority enroll-
ment at the University to 19 per-
cent by 1973, with succeeding an-
nual increases until the proportion
of black students matches that of
ed the proportion in the state. They
also ask for more black faculty
senior editors of members.
orial staff last The requested increase in finan-
I the appoint- cial aid would be required to al-
dio hedint for low many of the additional minor-
nr ity students to afford enrollment
.chman, a jun at the University.
om Glen' Oaks, At yesterday's hearing a pro-
e the duties of posal for funding increased min-
n will head an ority admissions was presented by
verseeing all of Walter Lewis, a member of BSU
rations of the and Student Government Coun-
cil. His plan called for tuition


Marc Van Der Hqut, executive
vice president of Student Govern-
ment Council, was acquitted last
night of charges of contention for
his part in the LSA Bldg. sit-in
last Sept. 25.
The acquittal came after a tu-
multous two day trial in which
Gov. William Milliken and three
others failed to answer subpoenas
to appear as witnesses for V a n
Der Hout, who acted as his own'
District Court Judge S. J. Eld- j
Pn txhn ,-nPnc.4AnA ann.the n no o

and "court statutes were not ad-
hered to."
Both Steve Nissen, '70, who serv-
ed the subpoenas on Milliken and
University Atty. Peter Forysthe;
and Julia Wrigley '70, who served
the subpoenas on Theron Klager,
manager of the University build-
ing services and Roland Gainsley,
chief of University security, failed
to give the subpoenaed witnesses
the required fee to appear in
After the ruling, Van Der Hout
asked "Does this mean that only
!nItwn aha i hs.O 14 et -t


Daily edtors appointE

The outgoing s
The Daily edito
night announced
ment of the ser
the 1970-71 year
Martin A. Hirs
ior in history fr
N.Y., will assum
editor. Hirschma
11-man staff, ov
the general ope

"' _'mm an

ofnf :,

-..am m am m a

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