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February 18, 1970 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-18

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news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Service
SEN. JOHN STENNIS (D-Miss) said he was pushing an
amendment for uniform national enforcement of school desegre-
gation policies.
Stennis said he wanted people in the North to find out what
"massive integration" means. He declared that the South has been
the scene of an all-out attack on school segregation while virtually
nothing had been done in the North.
While Sen. Jacob Javits (R-NY) conceded that segregation
caused by residential patterns was a serious problem in the North, he
said Stennis' proposal would do nothing to help the situation.
clared it is up to the Big Four powers to take strong measures to
avoid new catastrophe in the Middle East.
Thant said the U.N. cease-fire proclaimed at the end of the 1967
Arab-Israeli war was now "totally ineffective."
Meanwhile, in Israel Prime Minister Golda Meir proposed that
in the absence of peace, Israel and the Arabs should adopt a reciprocal
observance of the cease-fire.
Thant and Mrs. Meir expressed their views after Israeli planes
struck Egyptian depots storing Soviet-supplied missiles within 20 miles
of Cairo.

Fruehauf Corp. picket continues

"My husband's sick and I'm
not getting any money-it's
really hard to continue striking,
but we want our rights," said
one picketing woman at Detroit's
Fruehauf Trailer Corp. yester-
Thirty-five members of the
Women's Liberation Coalition of
Michigan joined the striking
clerical workers yesterday on the
picket line.
Eighty per cent of the 300
striking office w o r k e r s are
women. They have been striking
since November.
"It's certainly no lark; the
weather's cold and lots of peo-
ple just don't seem to care but
I'm going to stay until I'm

forced to go," another striker
The protesters milled around
the entries to the factory's
parking lot chanting songs and
trying to prevent "scab" work-
-ers' cars from entering. The
police, armed with clubs, forced
the strikers back, but several
times the protesters managed to
force cars away.
Antagonism towards the po-
lice ran high. "They like to hit
us just to see us buckle," one
man said. Another woman
striker said, "One cop kept
shoving me in the breast, trying
to make me move."
At present the strikers' future
looks grim. Fruehauf Corp. has
refused to negotiate with them
either personally or through the

local UAW 889, and the company
is now trying to get an injunc-'
tion to limit the picketing.
"If they get the injunction
we're just as good as finished,"
said one striker. "With just a
few picketers, everyone will ig-
nore us."
"We need all the support we
can get," another striking work-
er said. "We really appreciate
Women's Liberation and other
groups coming in to help us."
-Women's Liberation became
involved because the strike is
an attempt to unionize clerical
workers, most of whom are
"Few office workers in the
country are organized, which
means most women workers
have no means to fight the

pervasive discrimination against
them which exists in the labor
market," a Women's Liberation
statement read.
The strikers' demands include
equal pay for equal work, pro-
motions "according to ability
and senority," better working
conditions, increased retirement
benefits, increased health in-
surance, guaranteed maternity
leave, higher wages, the right to
unionize, and ending sex dis-
Many strikers feel their ef-
forts have been hampered by
inadequate news coverage. "The
Detroit papers are 'afraid to
write about us," one woman said.
"If their office workers find out
that we're striking they'll prob-
ably join in too."



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with the United States and the Soviet Union apparently in agree-
ment concerning nuclear weapons.
There is, however, broad disagreement on the question of bio-
logical and chemical warfare. The U.S. is backing a British treaty
draft that would ban the manufacture, stockpiling and use of bio-
logical weapons. The Soviet Union is insisting on a blanket treaty
banning both chemical and biological weapons.
Western officials regard the Soviet stand as extreme and un-
realistic because of the impossibility of barring chemical agents-
such as tear and riot-control gases-which are already in tactical use
among the armed forces.
said the South Vietnamese are "very close" to the point where
they could handle the Viet Cong if the North Vietnamese with-
drew their forces.
He declined, however, to estimate how long it would take the
South Vietnamese to control the country against the North Vietnamese
and the Viet Cong if the United States withdrew its forces.
Asked if they could achieve this within 10 years, Colby said: "I
think they could if nothing else arose.'
many Detroit-area organizations in urging Sen. Robert Griffin
to change his mind about supporting the nomination of Judge
G. Harold Carswell to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Griffin has said he will support Carswell because he sees no
no question of ethics, as there was in the case of Haynsworth,. whc
was accused of conflict of interest.
In his letter to Griffin, Conyers asked: "Should not racism in
a nominee's background be just as disqualifying as conflicts of

Wednesday, February 18, 1970

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Page Three


page three



Students seek
re ental
The Ad Hoc Committee for Stu-
dent Regents will seek recognition
as a student organization at to-
day's Student Government Coun-
cil meeting.
The purpose of the committee
is to seek nomination by the Dem-
ocratic party of students as can-
didates for the Board of Regents
of the University, Michigan State
University, and Wayne State Uni-,
However, a student may not
serve as a regent of the school
he attends, so any University stu9
dent would have to run for the
board of another school.
Anyone interested in running or
working on the petition drive
should call David Loveridge, 764,

-Daily-Jim Judkis

Neal Bush addresses Law Quad rally

150 students hear speakers
on law schools and repression

Approximately 150 s t u d e n t s
heard four speakers on "Law
Schools: Institutional Repression"
at a rally held in the Law Quad
yesterday at noon.
The rally was organized by the
ad hoc committee against repres-
Neal Bush, a member of the
National Lawyer's Guild, discussed
the contempt sentences of the Chi-
cago 7 defendants and the rela-
tionship of the law school to na-
tional and local incidents.
He accused the school of pro-
ducing lawyers concerned only
with corporate and property law
instead of political law, citing the
fact that the University was not,
one of the five universities who

sent professors to work on the
Chicago trial.
Bush also criticized the Law
School for not giving credit to stu-
dents for trial work as other'
schools do.
"What we are asking for is a
place in the Law School to teach
about political trials," he explain-
"We must be committed to pro-
ducing the best political lawyers.
There are at the most 40 political
lawyers in the country now. Two
of them will be in jail in May."
Ted Spearman, a member of the
Black Law Students Alliance,
(BLSA) declared, "We are dealing'
with a morally corrupt society. We
must assault them; the time for
asault is near. It begins with notj

Fleming sets search committee
for new medical school dean

being friendly with those who do
not adhere to your morals. What
I'm saying is don't be a hypocrite."
The third speaker was Don
Koster, an Ann Arbor lawyer who
described himself as "a law stu-
dent taking exams every day be-
fore some pretty strange people."
Koster cited instances in which
representatives of the law, suchas
Judges and police officers, have
not been responsive to the rights
of individuals. He said Michigan
is still the only state to allow
"legal search and seizure."
"It's time that the poor should
be allowed to come to this insti-
tution; they are not be definition
stupid," Koster said. "They should
get involved with the law.,
"I also think you should take a
look at the law itself. Might not
law students get involved in try-
ing to change parts of it? The area
of compromise in this school is
turning out nice, complacent law
students to go into law firms to
maintainthe status quo."
The rally was part of National
Anti-Repression Week, which be-
gan on Feb. 14. The week will end
with a Malcolm X Memorial on
Feb. 21, which has been designated
as National Conspiracy Day.
An informational and tactical
meeting on conspiracy trials in
general and organized by the Na-
tional Lawyers Guild will be held
today at 12:30 in room 100 of
Hutchins Hall.
Speakers will include Law Prof.
Arthur Miller, who will comment
on the contempt charges of the
Chicago 7 Trial, and Profs. David:
Chambers and Jerry Israel who
will talk on the constitutionality
of the conspiracy statute.
Speakers from the Laywers
Guild will include Neal Bush, Tom
Jennings and Dave Berry.

Backs vote for
18-year-olds in
federal elections
tice Department spokesman
told a senate panel yesterday
that President Nixon favors
a constitutional amendment
permitting 18-year-o 1 d s to
vote in national elections.
Deputy Atty. Gen, Richard 0.
Kleindienst testified that such an
amendment would be the best so-
lution to lowering the voting age
while still allowing the states a
free hand in setting the qualifi-
cations for voters in state and lo-
cal elections.
The legal age for voting In na-
tional elections now is 21. Klein-
dienst rejected arguments that
younger persons cannot be trust-
ed to exercise the responsibility
of the ballot.
He said many of the persons
associated with campus rebellions
and disruptive political activism
are well past 21 and represent on-
ly a small percentage of young
"The vast majority - both in
school and at work - are living
responsible, constructive lives,"
Kleindienst said. "These mature
young people should not be pen-
alized for the actions of a few."
Klendienst said the Nixon ad-
ministration believes that giving
young persons the vote and a re-
sponsible role in the political pro-
cess may eliminate what he called
a sense of frustration and nonin-
volvement that has possibly led
to the irresponsible behavior of a
"The ballot box is the best place
to channel the opinions of such
people within - not without --
the existing political frameworks,"
Kleindienst said.
Klendienst said however t h e
administration believes this should
extend only to elections for pres-
ident, vice president, U.S.' sea-
tors and members of the House of
"The voting age for participa-
tion in all remaining elections -
both state and local-should con-
tinue to be a question for each
state to determine," he said.
Except for these 537 federal of-
fices, Kleindienst said, "we feel
voting age qualifications a r e
questions of legitimate local con-
cern best resolved at the state
Kleindenst testified before the
Senate subcommittee on consti-
tutionalamendments which has
been taking testimony from sup
porters and opponents of a pro-
posal to lower the voting age in
all elections.
University employes interested
in copies of the proceedings of a
symposium on "Imagery in Med-
icine" held here last spring can
obtain them for half price until
Feb. 20.
The 275-page volume includes
reports on the economics of de-
velopment and marketing of bio-
medical- engineering product,
new developments in imagery,
holography, neutron radiography,
medical television a n d teaching
aids, computer graphics, and nuc-
lear medicine.
Ernest E. Sellers, a co-editor of
the volume and research engin-
eer at the Institute of Science and

Technology, said University em-
ployes can buy copies of the re-
nnrt for 7 hv nntacting him at

President Robben Fleming yes-
terday named 12 persons includ-
ing three students to a committee
to help choose a new director of
the Medical Center and dean of
the medical school.
Dr. William N. Hubbard Jr., di-
rector of the Medical Center since
last July and dean since 1959, will
leave the University on March 31
to join the Upjohn Co. in Kala-
The committee is to submit sev-
eral names of possible successors.
Fleming will t h e n choose one
name for submission to the Re-
Dr. John W. Henderson, chair-
man of the ophthalmology de-
partment, is head of the search

committee. Other members in-
Dr. Horace W. Davenport,
chairman of the physiology de-
partment; Dr. E. Richard Harrell
Jr., chairman of the dematology
department; Dr. James V. Neel,
chairman of the department of
human genetics; Dr. William D.
Robinson, chairman of t h e de-
partment of internal medicine.
Dr. Ralph M. Gibson, associate
professor of psychology in th e
pediatrics department, Dr. Jan
Schneider, assistant professor of
obstetrics and gynecology and
former head of University Hospi-
tal's junior medical staff; Ed-
ward J. Connors, director of Uni-
versity Hospital, and Prof. Wan-
da E. McDowell, associate dean of
the nursing school.

The student members of the
committee are Milton Lee, Frede-
rick Miller, and Eugene R. Pass-
Besides specifying the qualities
which a new dean-director must
have and listing candidates for
the post, the committee has two
additional assignments f r o m
"Devise methods to bring to the
committee and the. president the
desires and thinking of the faculty
with respect to the position.
"Determine and advise the pres-
ident concerning t h e immediate
and long-range problems facing
the school and the Medical Cen-
ter against which the qualifica-
tions and interests of prospective
candidates can be judged."




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8 P.M.

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