Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. - . ~t74 ii SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDY SARASOHN i' Minority admissions: Time for action DESPITE THE massive financial diffi- culties involved in their implementa- tion, the demands of the Black Action Movement for greatly increased minority admissions deserve t h # support of all members of the University community. Under the BAM demands, which are now being analyzed by the University ad- ministration, the enrollment of b 1 a c k students would take a significant jump next fall with the admission of 450 black freshmen, 150 transfer students and 300 graduate students. The proportion of black studepts would continue to grow, reaching 10 per cent of the student population by 1973. Addition- al increases would then be made until the percentage of black students in the University at least approached the pro- portion of blacks in the state. In order to give these students a good chance of academic success, meanwhile, the University would institute a massive program of supportive services. Reforms yin the financial aids procedures would al- so be undertaken.. En toto, of course, these demands are aimed at helping to end the tragic in- equities involved in the status, economic social and. political, of the vast majority of black people in the United States. DESPITE AN increased awareness of black problems, blacks still face sub- average family incomes and have an un- employment rate nearly twice that of whites. Education, it has long argued, is the key to ending the cycle of poverty that is the prison of many of the nation's black citizens and the fate of their children. But progress in .this area has also been slow. At present, blacks constitute an esti- mated 1000 of 32,000 students at the Ann Arbor campus. Although this number has increased five fold in the last five or six years, it is typical of black enrollment at many of the nation's colleges and uni- versities. But it can hardly be argued that this volume of commitment by the' University will go as far as one would hope toward helping to equalize the status of blacks in the country. Since education is only one of the prerequisites for moving to- ward this kind of equality in the next generation, it is difficult to see how less than equal educational opportunities will be sufficient. THERE ARE, of course, major obstacles -mostly financial - blocking the im- plementation of the BAM program. The intensive supportive programs that BAM envisions are necessary to supplement the academic life of new studentswhose pre- vious education has been seriously defi- cient. So too is it necessary for the Uni- versity to increase its pool of financial aids monies if there is to be any hope that large numbers of black students will be able to enroll. Unfortunately, few avenues for obtain- ing the money which will be needed for these purposes are open to the University. In the near future at least, b o t h the state and federal governments seem too obsessed by "fiscal conservatism" to make massive contributions for an increased black admissions programrat the Univer- sity'- STUDENTS FOR Effective Action, re- cently suggested a plan for financing the BAM program which seems to put the emphasis in the right place. If the University is to undertakea mas- sive black admissions program in t h e near future, SEA argued, it will have to be financed by those students who can afford to contribute - there is simply no source of revenue other than tuition pres- ently available to the University. Objections to such a proposal have b e e n raised on a number of grounds. Some for example, argue that it is some- how unfair if some students must carry, the financial burden of the education of others. Unfortunately, not much that is likely to convince proponents of such a view can be said in response. Of course, the "unfairness" they decry already ex- ists to an extent in that tuition revenues are used to subsidize the financial aids program. Beyond that, the "unfairness" argument is simply grounded in an ana- lysis of society which does not recognize that it is more unfair for people to be denied an education because of their race and their lack of money than it is to "ov- ercharge" students who can well afford the extra fee. More subtly conservative is the argu- ment that, by raising tuition to fund in- creased black admissions, the University will be excluding middle income students. A number of remedies could be applied to avoid this admittedly real possibility. For example, a system of graduated tui- tion levels based on ability to paytcould be instituted. Alternatively, the tuition could be increased enough to provide fi- nancial aids monies for middle - as well as lower income students. Possibiitieskfor funding thergreatly in- creased* black enrollment are feasible ones and the problems they- will create can be handled. The University has a re- sponsibility to move rapidly in the area of minority admissions. Agreement by the Regents to t h e demands of the BAM would be an appropriate first step to- ward fulfilling that responsibility. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN "..andleave- - -r- - - ---iotos ... . a nd leave desegregation to us. The Mardi Gras: Journey to the past By STEVE KOPPMAN Thousands of outstretched hands shoot up along the parade route as the big masked people on the big beautiful floats toss the necklaces and doubloons out to the screaming crowd. The people on the streets are loud, drunk and joyful - they laugh and shout and when the beads hit the ground they knock you over if you stand in the way. The crowds in the French Quarter of New Orleans on the nights leading up to Mardi Gras are packed in tight. Every other guy has a bottle in his hand, the streets are thick with beer cans, the sidewalk hawkers tell you to ("be a man") and get inside the bar. There are twice " as many men on the stfeet as women, and lonely sailors gaze hopefully at every passing female. Every so often there's a little fight and then there's the loud singing of old songs and people are all pushing and drinking. CERTAIN THINGS -you notice about the carnival city if you don't live there. Most of the people walking the street during the day are black and most of them look really poor. During most of the parades, blacks carry torches up front, drive floats and trucks, and lead the horses. But during the Zulu parade Mardi Gras morning, the blacks take over center stage. The floats are smaller and shabbier than in the other parades, and the people on them throw out cocoanuts instead of beads, and some of them wear grass skirts instead of long gowns. But the thing that really caught my eye in the Zulu parade was a float called "Martin Luther King." This featured a black guy bouncing around on this float, laughing and throwing out cocoanuts and doub- loons, with a sign "Mayor of Africa" in front of him. "Hey, big shot," the crowd shouts up to him. I asked the Southern girl I was with how blacks could conduct a parade like that. She didn't understand my objection, and I suggested it was degrading. "They seem to enjoy it," she said, and I had to agree that was the way it seemed. IF YOU'RE NEW to the city and to the South, and you look around New Orleans and the Mardi Gras, you start thinking maybe the whole festival is this enormous parody of what the city is like all the time. You look at these rich people sitting on these floats throwing down necklaces and phony coins to this mob of people - all begging and grabbing and fighting for every bead. And you start wondering what would happen if you took all the resources that are diverted for the hundreds of floats and the balls and the liquor and the beads and hotels. and put it to work to relieve the poverty half the city lives in. But that's not very likely. New Orleans ("society"), which puts on most of the festivities, would be deprived of any apparent function if it were left without its annual gift to the city. And people seem to love Mardi Gras. They talk for hours about the days they spent drunk and the nights they spent vomiting and the beads they caught. People of more modest means seem to take an obnoxious sort of pride in any direct association they get with the Mardi Gras. We were walking by this enormous hall where a ball was apparently in progress - the men had the tuxedoes, the women had these dresses down to the floor. I've never been to a ball, and I was curious, so I walked up to one of the policemen who was standing at the entrance, guarding against unwanted guests. He fit the stereotype of a Southern cop - he wasfrowning and fat and you had to be conscious of his nightstick. "Sir, what sort of thing do they do in there," I asked, "dance and stuff?" He looked really angry and he sounded like he couldn't be bothered with such stupidity. "It's just an ordinary ball," he said, I bet he'd never been to a ball either. THE POLICE, the newspapers and the other'"'arms of the estab- lishment" look with tolerance on the excesses of Mardi Gras celebra- tion. The Marti Gras seems "safe" - it appears as a massive redirec- tion of energy away from the problems of an ugly and oppressive so- cial order to the harmless diversions of drink and play. And it is highly unlikely that New Orleans "society" would support any reductioh in the intensity of the celebration or any redirection of its energy into more productive channels. Because once you start giv- ing credence to theidea that the quality of everyday people's everyday lives is really what matters, there's no telling where you're likely to stop.; Letters to the Editor Clarification To the Editor: ALTHOUGH THE article "Rent Strike: The landlords speak" in this Sunday's Daily seemed, for the most part, to be a fair repre- sentation of their views, there were several points raised. which need further clarification. Louis Fiegelson of Ambassador Co. claims that the Tenants Union is "undemocratic and dishonest." He is seconded in this opinion by Tom Burnham of Apt. Ltd. who stated "They represent nobody but themselves." I would like to call to the attention of these gentle- man the fact that the policy- making group of the Tenants Union is madesup of a Council of Representatives elected to this body by members of the Union in the buildings they represent. Up until now, all members of the Union were people who were on strike; however, this represent- ative body has voted to expand the membership to all tenants in order to make the union repre- sentative of all tenants. Organ- izing will be centered around get- ting 50 per cent plus 1 of all ten- ants of a particular landlord to join the Union. This is what has been done with Associated Apts. and the Union is now in the pro- cess of setting up negotiations with them. AS TO Mr. Schram's allegation that "They're unreasonable peo- ple," the people that he apparently found so difficult to deal with, (I am assuming that he meant the Steering Committee), are no long- er with the Union. The member who has been on the Steering Committee the longest, at this point, has only been on it since June, and most everyone else has been elected to it since this fall. In addition, the majority of these people have been elected from the representative body-all have been elected by democratic vote. Mr. Schram of Charter Realty further claims that "the people who are heading the Tenants Union don't have the tenants in- terest at heart." This seems to be a rather strange statement, as the people who "head" the Tenants Union are not a disinterest group of strangers brought in from the outside, but are themselves, ten- ants. I can think of no group that could have more interest at heart than this; or does Mr. Schram, whose business is to be a landlord, believe that he is more representa- tive of tenant interests. If this is true, why were there enough griev- ances to start a Tenants Union to begin with? He also says that he recognized some of his strikers as participants in the LSA sit-in. I'm not exactly sure what Mr. Schram means when he says this, unless he is trying to imply that the Tenants Union is made up of irresponsible, professional agitators. Members of the Tenants Union are free to par- ticipate in any activity, political or otherwise, which they wish. Just as the Union does not feel it has thehright to tell them what they may take part in, nor does it tell them what they must take part in. MR. 'FIEGELSON goes on to spin a sad tale of how his repeated efforts in the spring to negotiate with the Union (if it were repre- sentative of his tenants) were re- buffed. However, he does not men- tion that when the same plan was offered to him this fall by the TU general coordinator and lawyer, he rejected the offer. I was, however, gratified to see that some landlords are honest enough to admit that, even though unrecognized by themselves, the Tenants Union has brought about some useful changes. I am refer- ring, in this case, to Mr. Paup who feels we have helped improve mainenance and Mr. Terril who feels we have "put a lot of people on their toes." -Lynn Hallen, '70 Tenants Union Feb. "1 French university reforms sour Students hshouldbe consulted about the University calendar THE UNIVERSITY Calendar Committee, after long and exhaustive study, has recommended the retention of the tri- mester system. The committee, composed of faculty, students and administrators, h a s con- cluded that: -the University is providing at least 3 per cent more service in terms of credit hours taught annually due to the trimes- ter system; -students, faculty and the University benefit financially f r o m the trimester system which allows students to work for a longer period during the summer, fac- ulty to earn additional money yithout losing a summer vacation, and the Uni- versity to receive additional appropria- tions; -the period devoted to teaching under the trimester system is not "significantly shorter" than the average at comparable institutions and that student perform- ote Monday ance "does not differ appreciably" from performance under the University's pre- vious calendar. Senate Assembly will resume consider- ation of the report at its meeting Mon- day, and it appears that the faculty rep- resentative body may recommend to the Regents a change to a semester or quar- ter system. Unfortunately, t h e r e is no comparable institutionalized means for students to have their interests on this matter represented. - AS WAS DEMONSTRATED in a survey taken last year, the trimester system has proved generally popular among students, largely due to the greater flex- ibility it permits in planning the aca- demic year, and the lengthened summer vacations, which' provide greater time for travel, work and other non-academic pursuits. In addition, the trimester sys- tem has provided a Christmas vacation which can really be called a vacation, free from the burden of finals to fret over and papers to work on. Any change in the University calendar must take into vital consideration this student interest. To this end,, in the event (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is a literary college junior and former Daily writer who left his native Ann Arbor for the year in order to study-among other things- on the Cote d'Azar.) By BILL LAVELY (First of two parts) FRENCH UNIVERSITIES are facing their worst crisis since the mini-revolution of May 1968. Students, reforms, and educational quality are being squeezed out by a lack of money. Slowly, steadily, and seemingly inexorably, the government of President Georges Pompidou is carving away more and more "excess fat" from the educational budget. Ending up in the pile that the government labels waste is a sizable - chunk of the heart of the university: namely the- students. Budget cuts, whether by conservative state legis- latures or by modern western governments, are no strangers to colleges and universities. But today in France, large university departments are literally being cut down to economy size in the name of expediency. UNDER A PROGRAM called the "politics of austerity" the French government has initiated a series of moves to solidify the ailing franc. The measures, designed to curb inflation and improve the lagging balance of payments, range from the mun- dane and expected (devaluation, raising taxes) to the extraordinary and debated (de facto modification of the Middle East arms embargo for the sale of Mirage jets to Lybia). But the stiffest measures have been reserved for the educational system. Just at the moment when the newly reformed French university was emerging from the rubble of 1968 and general chaos caused by the resulting re- forms, the government slashed the education budget back to the bare bones. The effects of this economy measure were felt im- -mediately. Dorm fees went up, tuition was hiked one hundred per 'cent and construction on badly needed dorm and building space was slowed or halted. But the most devastating effects of the austerity policy did not emerge until classes began last November. Only then did it become apparent that the government, in its drive for economy, intended to alter the very makeup of the university itself. The governments new policy - as it continues to emer'o'e and devlo-aims at. thinning university enroll- toward university reform was the ritual firing-in- humiliation of education minister Alain Peyrefitte and the hiring of reform-minded Edgar Faure. Faure's efforts, although far short of student hopes eliminated several of the most odious pillars of traditional French educational philosophy. Thrown out with Peyre- fite were the mass lecture course, the single "guillotine" final exam at the end of every course, and the closed, overspecialized curriculum. FAURE PROMISED a more modern system, borrowing heavily, in' fact, from the United States. -A type of credit hour system was adopted (called "unites de valeur") that would allow students to have a more flexible curriculum and more optional course selections; -Mass lecture courses were replaced by smaller reci- tation classes, allowing real student-teacher exchange for the first time; and -The regime of final examinations was made op- tional, coexisting with the alternative of three less demanding proofs of the student's mastery of the course material. This later system, (called "control continue des con- naissances"), requires that the student gain an average grade on a midterm exam, a paper, and an "expose"- a lecture prepared by the student and delivered to the class., IN THEORY, these new measures are more or less like the system used in the United States. But in practice they are less. Consider for a moment the results of dividing a large lecture class into six smaller classes. With a professor for each class, that means the addition of five new professors-or else one professor that teaches six times as many classes.I That is exactly the problem that the French univer- sities faced last fall when classes began. More professors cost more money. But this year, the government is giving less. Attempting to make the reforms work with the mate- rial and money at hand, university administrators made the recitations "slightly larger" than planned, and doubled the course load of the professors. The result has been chaos. The "slightly larger" recitations, often with fifty students, have frustrated the teacher-student exchange they were supposed to en- from the universities takes an altogether different form. Last fall, the government started to reduce student enrollment in selected schools. The tool for this adjust- ment is selection; that is, raising standards so that many students will fail and be forced from.their studies. The first impact was felt in the school of medicine where this new standard will cause nearly 50 per cent of all medical students to fail their studies in any given year-causing most of those to leave the university. Guichard, for a moment at least, dreamed of calling this measure another "university reform." But the term "economy measure" became definitely attached to the move in the midst of the furor raised by Frenchmen who are well. aware of the doctor shortage in France{ But after a long fall of protest and debate, the order survived with only slight modifications. ANOTHER UNEXPECTED and totally unwanted uni- versity "reform" announced by Guichard on January 2 would significantly lower university enrollment. The "circular of Jan. 2" declares that a student who suffers a failure in a single course would be barred from pissing into the next year's courses. Although similar in effect to the ruling in medicine, nobody'' can even guess what the actual result of this selection will be. But it is obvious that it will cause thousands of students to fail and leave the university-at a substantial saving to the government. It is little wonder that this whittling down of the university has caused so much debate here, in recent months. Yet the government continues to insist that these cutbacks are necessary to strengthen the economy. And defends its position saying that the university is not the only place where the belt is being tightened. True. All Frenchmen are groaning under increased taxes, added to a cost of living that has risen at six per cent per year, all of which has made talk of the 10 per cent wage hike gained in 1968 merely a bad joke. IN FACT, many Frenchmen believe the unspoken maxim that seems to permeate many government pro- nouncements on the austerity program-that the people must now pay for the benefits they reaped from the mini- revolution. And while Pompidou endeavors to close the gap between spiraling prices and economic growth, that bit of peasant logic serves as a handy justification for the "politics of austerity." A I