siur Sfriganau ai Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHER Hoffman is trying the right to dissent THE JURY goes out today in the trial of the Chicago 7. It is now the time to demonstrate against this perversion of American justice manifested by the very existence of this highly political trial .n a nation which professes to be- lieve in freedom of speech and assembly. Indicted under the "Rap Brown clause" of the 1968 Civil Rights Act, the s e v e n defendants are charged with having con- spired to cross state lines with'the intent of inciting a riot at the 1968 Dempcratic Convention. No one with any degree of familiarity with the new left could pos- sible believe that the seven (or, with Bobby Seale, the original eight) defend- ants could ever have managed to achieve the degree of coordination necessary to plan the Chicago riots. Besides the conspiracy count, five of the defendants - Mobilization leaders David Dellinger, Rennie Davis, and Tom Hayden, plus Yippies Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin - are also charged with the "overt act" of attending meetings a n d making speeches. The other two, J o h n Froines and Lee Weiner, are alleged to have taught and demonstrated the mak- ing and use of "an incendiary device" in a presumed unsuccessful attempt to fire- bomb the underground garage at Grant Park. Add Black Panther Seale - drop- ped from the trial and sentenced to four years for contempt by Judge Julius Hoffman when he'insisted on his right to defend himself - and you have the most improbable bunch of conspirators since the Spock-Coffin trial. THE CHICAGO TRIAL has been charac- terized as a "theater of the absurd" - which indeed it often seems to be. Judge Hoffman has refined the role of judge-as-prosecutor to a fine art, and the defendants have responded with . overt .manifestations of their disrespect unpre- cedented in an American court. They have seized upon the trial as a golden opportunity to publicize their politics, reasoning that, sihce political prosecution is illegal - or at least im- moral - the only honest response is to treat the whole proceeding as (for Rubin and Hoffman) a joke or (for Hayden and Davis) an affront to their basic dignity and humanity. THPEATER OR NOT, this trial may rank as one of the most important - if not the most important - single trial of this century. If these men are convicted, and if their conviction is upheld by the ap- peals court, First Amendment guarantees of speech and freedom of assembly will be effectively voided. Most of the egidence presented by the government attorneys was garnered by spies: undercover policemen, FBI agents and paid informers. The extent to which the radical movement is infiltrated by such types is reminiscent of Czarist Rus- sia at its worst, and is quite enough to give anyone in the Movement an acute case of paranoia. Speech cannot be truly free in a society which sends police to spy on its citizens and then uses them as witnesses to prove that those citizens were, as Rubin has said, "guilty of thinking bad thoughts while crossing state lines." In addition to the undercover agents the government based much of its case on testimony by police and city officials. There was much of what appeared to the defendants, and others, to be blatant ly- ing on the witness stand, but challenges by the defense were generally overruled, usually on technical grounds. Similarly, defense lawyers were not able to question fully their own witnesses, while the testi- mony of others was excluded by the judge. Truth, it seems, was unimportant, ir- relevant to this trial. FURTHERMORE, THE government will have succeeded in its goals even if the defendants are acquitted for it has ef- fectively harassed some of the most dy- namic leaders of the anti-war movement by diverting their time and energies away from new radical activity. It is a testi- mony to the strength of the anti-war movement that two highly publicized and well-atended actions - the Oct. 15 mora- torium and the Nov. 15 Mobilization and March Against Death - occurred while these (supposed) key leaders were all tied up in court. Nonetheless, the trial itself - regardless of the verdict'- may have served as a deterrent for radical action by others. Finally, the seven defendants and their lawyers face as a result of this trial and of the blatant bias of Judge Hoffman, summary jail sentences for contempt of court whether they are acquitted or not. If the judge imposes the threatened sentences this will open up a whole new possibility for political persecution: the trying of dissidents on trumped-up charg- es under circumstances sure to make them react in a manner which can be judged contemptuous. Thus the Chicago 7 might be the first of many political prisoners in prison despite direct or ap- pealed acquittal on the original charges. THIS TRIAL cannot pass ignored into history. The New Mobe has called for nationwide demonstrations when the jury returns its verdict. Ann Arbor, which sent 5000 people to the Nov. 15 march on Washington, should be in the forefront of this national action. We have a moral imperative to hold demonstrations if the seven are convicted, or if they are sen- tenced to prison for expressing their rightful contempt of Judge Hoffman's court. More - much more - than seven men is on trial. Dissent, freedom of speech, truth itself will not mean very much if these men are condemned for taking the Bill of Rights literally. If the government succeeds in Chi- cago, none of us will ever again be free to take effective political action against a system which is unresponsive 'to t h e will of the people. -JENNY STILLER Editorial Page Editor Ghicago, By 'BRIAN SPEARSl ALTHOUGH THE verdict isn't in yet, the Chicago Conspiracy Trial is al-r ready over. Regardless of the final out- come in the case, the knowledge of what has happened in that Chicago court, and what the trial symbolizes and forebodes, is haunting. The events which have taken place during the course of the trial have been shocking, intimidating, and enlight- ening. A wide range of legislative, police, and judicial resources were combined to con- duct the prosecution: the Anti-Riot Act, the Conspiracy law, scores of police in- formers, illegal wire-taps, the jailing of defense counsel, denial of Bobby Seale's right to have the lawyer of his choice, jailing of Dave Dellinger for saying "bull- shit" to an FBI agent's testimony, re- fusal to hear testimony from former Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark, and more. The Conspiracy trial, from its incep- tion, has reflected the insanity of a poli- tical and economic establishment which has found itself confronted by a social movement demanding an end to foreign and domestic exploitation, and to the war and misery which is bred by that ex- ploitation. On January 24, 1969 - four and a half months ago - the trial began. Judge Julius Hoffman strode into the c o u r t on the 23rd. floor of the Federal Build- ing of Chicago ready to hear evidence in proof of a conspiracy to intend to en- courage riot at the Democratic Conven- tion. He knew his was to be to3e first case involving the 1968 Anti-riot Act. SITTING .ON his high, imposing chair, he saw yippies, a black man, two uni- versity professors, three anti-war organiz- ers and their two attorneys. Judge Hoff- man's purpose as he faced those men was to maintain order over an explosively poli- tical trial. He consistently ruled that testi- mony on the war in Vietnam or on youth culture was not relevant to the case. But for the defendants the opposite was the case. They knew their indictments were the result of their political outlook and be- liefs. Therefore, their purpose was to present to the jury and to the nation the range of issues which had originally com- pelled them to come to the Chicago con- vention. Bobby Seale, chairman of the B 1a c k Panther Party, made two speeches during convention week, 1968: Julius Hoffman asked that Seale stand before his court to be charged with conspiracy. "Remember Mr. Seale, I'm one of the best friends your race ever had," Judge Hoffman s a i d . Bobby Seale was refused the right to The verdict doesn't matter have Charles Garry as his lawyer; when Seale later demanded the right to con- duct his self-defense, he was chained and gagged so that, as the Judge said, he could "have a fair trial." Dave Dellinger, an avowed pacifist since he refused ind'uction in 1943, placed him- self between Bobby Seale and the Federal marshalls when Judge Hoffman ordered Seale gagged and chained. Dellinger, along' with Tom Hayden and Rennie Davis, had worked for months to obtain permits for the Convention Demonstrations. He and Davis were beaten during the course of those demonstrations. The court structure which had cooperated in refusing to grant the parade permits was now trying him for inciting the violence that occurred. Dave Dellinger for his insistance on the right to demonstrate peacefully was de- signated in the original court indictment as the "prime architect" of the police violence. He has been in prison before; he neither fears the power of the state, nor believes that the authority of this poli- tical state deserves respect. Last week, when Judge Hoffman or- dered the immediate revocation of bond, and jailing of Dave Dellinger, Abbie Hoff- man refused to let the Federal marshalls get to the 54-year-old pacifist - Abbie was thrown into the chairs of the press section of the courtroom, and slammed against the wall. Abbie was a civil rights organizer in the early 1960's, learned that black people in America must make their own destiny, and then evolved into a cultural revolu- tionary. He and Jerry Rubin (Jerry was an early leader in the Berkley Free Speech Movement) came to the public eye most brilliantly during their appearances be- fore the House Un-American Activities Committee, and their much heralded de- bate over whether to raise the Pentagon 10 feet, or 300 feet into the air. When defendant Hoffman took the witness stand to testify, the Judge bemoaned the fact that "You have no respect for me." When Judge Hoffman ordered the jail- ing of defendant Dellinger, Abbie call- ed to the Judge, "You're a disgrace to the Jews, you runt! You're a fascist! Why don't you work for the Nazis?" JUDGE HOFFMAN complained that the defendants have not conducted themselves in a responsible manner in his court. "I have never in all my life been exposed to such behavior," said Hoffman. William Kuntsler, an attorney for the defense, who, incidentally, will likely be jailed for sev- eral years for contempt, responded to the Judge's complaint. "Your Honor .. . you're not used to dealing with free men." pi b The Conspiracy trial has shown us condition us to intimidation - to inculcate something of the legal system in the Unit- ed States, and the political and social system which it reflects. Judge Hoffman is a particularly over-zealous representa- tive of the legal system; his general prior- ities are the same which the system re- wards and promotes in other men. The character of Judge Hoffman is not at issue; the issue is the American court system and its role in serving power and wealth, instead of human rights. A haunt- ing and sobering thought is that if Judge Hoffman is a judge of the U.S. Federal District Court, then what happens on a day to day basis in night recorders court in Detroit, or in the station houses of Watts, or the prisons of Appalachia? The court system of the United States in- corporates within it certain priorities, certain values - the essence of which is becoming increasingly clear. THE SYSTEM is an arena for social conflict - the sort of conflict our society finds rising out of social injustice, racism, and a cruel, alienating culture. But, rath- er than resolving conflict, our court system functions to repress certain social and political behavior. As with other policing, coercive institutions, the courts try to maintain order in an inconsistant, unjust system. One of the purposes of repression, as can be seen from the Chicago trial is to in people a feeling of powerlessness. The inherent contradiction, however, is that if the Movement were powerless, if it were not finding support from a wide range of people, there would be no "need" for repression. The court system, like the politically rigged two-party system, functions out of our control. But cases like the Conspiracy 8 will not let us stand idle. Our need for a sane and human society will remain. THE SEVEN MEN presently on trial in Chicago will likely face many years in jail - for contempt. Yet their trialhas served as a rallying cry, as a means of expanding the movement. The slogan, "Stop the Trial", succeeded in exposing a legal system which has been seen as "neutral territory" for too long. T h e defendants are men who chose to be a part of the current social movement. They, like Huey P. Newton, minister ofadefense of the Black Panther Party, are not martyrs, and do not wish to be so; they are examples of courage. They symbolize those who know the need for a new and human society and have struggled for it. Their faith in the ability to change our society does not come from their trust in the existing institutions. As Jerry Rubin said at the Teach-in on Repression, their trust is in "the people; that's you, all of you - in the schools, in the factories, in the jails, in the streets." 4i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR TU:, Fighting the power structure To the Editor: THE ANN ARBOR Tenants Un- ion has been involved in a politi- cal struggle for power for over a year. For Carla Rapaport to have basedher analysis of the Tenants Union's present position without consideration of this struggle is to either purposely obfuscate the radical nature of the group's ac- tivity or to basicallyushow misun- derstanding of the union. Know- ing Miss Rapaport's integrity, I must believe the latter. Two points should be emphas- ized: First, a political struggle en- gaged in by a loosely-knit, radical group, illegitimate in the percep- tions of a community, will be long and difficult when waged against the collusive forces of corporate landlords, courts, banks, and the University. This group not only rules the housing market, it has the power, respectability, and fi- nances to dictate policy in eleven other community areas as well. When threatened, their response will manipulate that power until said threats are removed. Thus, for example, you have the courts' reversal on summary judg- ments, a tactic originally disal- lowed by our "objective" judicial system. The legal sophistry is quite cute: if a landlord sues for possession of an apartment, he is entitled to full back rent, regard- less of the merits of the tenant's case. If the landlord sues for both possession and back rent, there may be reductions, f o r tenants may have been justified in their withholding of rent. Seven months ago, District Court would o n 1 y hear the lattercase, using that strange ethic of weighing b o t h sides of an argument before giv- ing judgment. This is no longer necessary; when you've got the power to control, baby, flaunt it! THERE ARE OTHER examples, ranging from t h e impotence of the new housing code in protect- ing tenants' rights to the shrink- ing housing market. All of them imply the far from delicate bal- ance between the control of land- lords and the needs of tenants. Naturally, no group will be "vic- torious" in one year in such a sit- uation. Incremental changes in housing codes and maintenance procedures are viewed by the un- ion as sops,, not substance. Why Miss Rapaport wrote we were con- tent with such actions is incred- ulous. Secondly, the misquoting of me, "We overestimated the strike... we ... were on the verge of col- lapse" points to further misunder- standing. As I pointed out to Miss Rapaport, we misjudged the rent strike as the only necessary tactic f o r union recognition. It would have led to our collapse if that tactic had remained as our only, all-inclusive strategy and union function, for the power arrayed against us is too complete. But tactics are means, not ends. There is no such thing as a "suc- cessful" rent strike; there are rent strikes, period. If the organization is successful through such a tac- tic, it will be recognized m o r e readily as a collective bargaining agent for tenants. If not, then you, merely put the tactic in a lower priority. As the struggle is over power, the strategy is one of adap- tability to situational and or- ganizational needs, not over the number of cases won and lost in court or whether maintenance improves. Liberals worry over such issues; we adamently refuse to. NEW TACTICS must not ob- scure thereality around any of us. Next year, as the University population increases and t h e housing market remains constant, there will be an absolute shortage of housing in the entire city, and people will have to live in other cities. On top of it, those staying will not be able to find two room apartments for less than $300.00. Happy? Of course not; there is too much to do. As long as we are able to crystalize the dichotomy between tenant and landlord, re- gardless of the tactics being em- ployed, we remain a threat to the corporate power structure in this community. And while we remain, more and more people recognize their tenancy rights, their differ- ences with landlords, and their lack of protection due to such dif- ferences. And one day they will demand a change in that power arrangement, a little lessening of the corporate claw around their lives. Then, and only then, will the Tenants Union think of vic- tory. -Steve Burghardt General Co-ordinator Ann Arbor Tenants Union Feb. 12 SGC and SDS To the Editor: The following is a copy of a letter sent to John G, Young, di- rector of the Engineering Place- ment Service. WITH REGARD to your letter concerning the alleged disruptive activities sponsored by SDS, let me repeat some of my reply to Mr. Ardis' letter. SoC is not a judicial body. Withdrawal of recognition from an organization for disrup- tive actions is clearly a penalty which should not be imposed with- out judicial due process, which in this case means conviction and sentencing by CSJ. Procedurally your only redress with the student body is to bring action in the stu- dent courts. Let me also make it perfectly clear, for myself personally-I do not speak for Council on this- that even were CSJ to convict SDS an ddemand revocation of their privileges as a student organiza- tion, I would vote against it. I feel there is a great deal of moral legitimation for the kinds of ac- tions you mentioned, regardless of +he nronrtd amnLp invnlved. They had to To the Editor: TENANTS UNION and sym- pathizers take note. It is a state law, I repeat, a State Law that any person can freeze another per- son's bank account merely by starting a lawsuit. , The Ann Arbor Bank has no control over this tactic whatso- ever. Every other bank in the area has complied with the court- ordered garnishment in exactly the same way the AAB has, I've talked to them. They sympathize with the AAB againts the gross slander being perpetrated against it. It is further a state law that a bank must disclose to the person who started the garnishment pro- ceedings the amount in the ac- count to l% garnished. THE TENANTS UNION main- tains that the AAB has willfully neglected to inform their custom- ers of the freezing of their ac- counts (The dirty fascists.) Does this make any sense? It is cer- tainly not to the bank's advantage to irritate its customers, and couldn't possible be to the land- 'lord's advantage (supposing the bank and landlords' were partners in some sinister plot to overthrow the Tenants Union as radical mentality automatically assumes.) A more likely story is told by the Senior Vice-President off AAB, Bruce Benner, who attributes the lack of notification to student transcience. Students move and forget to notify their banks or the post office of their new addresses. Benner, of course, has proof. He has copies of the letters sent to all students dated the same day as the bank received its injunctions. Tenants Union: Think twice. Rather, think. -Robert Loewenstein, '71 Tenure To the Editor: THE PEOPLE should be inform- ed that tenure has been denied to Dr. James F. Verdieck of the Chemistry Department. Dr'. Ver- dieck is an outstanding teacher and a sensitive individual, as any of his students will testify, but his tenure committee apparently could not care less. As always, student opinion was not so solicited in making this de- cision; without any decision-mak- ing nnwer, there is no reason to If A new abyss in the credibility gap ALTHOUGH THE nation is still split over the role of the United States in Vietnam, poll after poll has shown that an overwhelming majority of the popula- tion believes we should never have gotten involved there in the first place. Pre- sumably, there would also be strong op- position to involving American troops in another Southeast Asia abyss - like Laos. In his most recent news conference President Nixon assured reporters there were "no troops in combat" in Laos. Whe- ther or not this statement is technically accurate, the nature of American involve- Editorial Staff ment and the commitment of U.S. troops in Laos remains unclear. Apparently no administrative branch of the government is willing to explain exactly what we are doing in Laos. Last December, Senator Fulbright's foreign relations committee debated our role in Laos. The following is what the public has the right to know - as printed in the Congressional Record, Jan. 21, E155. Mr. FULBRIGHT. Nearly everyone that has spoken out recently has said that they think it was a mistake to become involved in Vietnam or, in this instance Laos. (Deleted). This is a major operation. (Deleted). Mr. ELLENDER. (Deleted). Mr. FULBRIGHT. (Deleted). Mr. ELLENDER. (Deleted). Mr. FULBRIGHT. (Deleted). 1\A'.. V U Yr WU fW m " % a^- jr ' P, i 00, i HENRY GRIX. Editor Sit j-44 i I