hr THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 11, 1970 ~ht THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 11, 1970 Landlords, tenants cool on new code (Continued from Page 1) The escrow accounts are very important, said Burghardt, be- cause they "give tenants leverage beyond the legal system that has done nothing for tenants bene- fits." One of the weaknesses of the ordinance, Burghardt added, is its failure to do anything about gar- nishments and liens on the bank- ing accounts of tenants who are withholding rents or, in the case of under-age students, their par- ents' accounts. Until controls on such practices are enacted, Burghardt said, the balance of power still rests with the landlords. Burghardt would not speculate on the effectiveness of the code and said this depends' largely on enforcement. In the past, he claimed, land- lords have been given preferential reatment in questions of faulty maintenance. Fleming gives Dean Hays list of r I 'disrupters (Continued from Page 1) 1 (against those identified) in one form or the other" (the municipal courts or the University's judicial system). As of yesterday, only one per- son, Richard Feldman, '71, has: been arrested on charges stemming from the disruptions. Feldman has been charged with creating a contention during the block-in of a recruiter from the LuPont Corp. in the West Engin- eering Bldg. Feldman, a member of SDS, was arraigned Monday in Ann Arbor District Court and pleaded not guilty. Currently free on $25 bond, he faces trial Feb. 26. The University has still not made public its specific course of action against 'the 12 students, although they were presumably among the names forwarded to Dean Hays. Hays declined yesterday to re- i may prosecute 12 lease any of the names. He also rules can be shown in all of the would not say whether any cases." charges had been prepared by the Although the 21 University staff administration f o r prosecution members did not endorse SDS within the University judicial sys- tactics, they pointed out that tem. many of their colleagues side with Possible courses of action are administration in opposing SDS: prosecution before Central Stu- only because they disagree with dent Judiciary (CSJ) or referral SDS's methods of opposing alleged of the cases to the literary college 'military and corporate "violence." Administrative Board. The board They said, "The administration is empowered to handle cases in- has undertaken a broad range of volving violation of rules govern- punitive tactics which, if success- ing academic or non-academic be- ful, would have the effect of driv- havior. ing SDS off campus." Ryan explained that the "case Psychology Prof. Richard Mann, is clearer" against the 12 using one of the 21 faculty members, internal regulations because "their said that i the past radical fac- coverage is broader than is the ulty had just gone from issue to contention statute." He wrote that issue, "from ad hoc group to ad hoc group.' He said a permanent his "examination of the evidence group "would be able to initiate indicates that a violation of these rather than just respond." I WRITR 1W I' Teaching fellows union forms steering committee By TAMMY JACOBS from the University community Approximately 60 teaching fel- for the union; and lows last night discussed strategy -To assess its members a mem- and elected officers for the Uni- bership fee and dues to pay for versity Teaching Fellows Union, a secretary and office supplies, which is trying to gain legal re- and possible legal fees in the fu- cognition as an official bargaining ture. agent. The union, which filed a petition The group, which has offices in for recognition with the S t a t e the SAB, also elected a 15 mem- Employment Relations Commission ber steering committee to act as last Friday, formulated plans to the union's government for an in- mobilize teaching fellows and their terim period of six weeks. families to be present at a con- sent meeting with a state media- Paul G. Kauper, one of the best tion board in Detroit Feb. 25. The known law professors at the Uni- consent meeting is the next step versity and an internationally re- in the teaching fellows' effort to cognized authority on constitu- unionize. tional law, has been awarded an The University can then either honorary doctor of laws degree by grant or deny permission for a the Heidelberg University in West vote by teaching fellows to auth- Germany. orize the union to act as their Kauper holds a distinguished agent.Kproe os a ithenLawshool Of the University's approximate- professorship at the Law School ly 1400 teaching fellows, over 30 as the Henry M. Butzel professor per cent - a number required by of law.{ law - have already signed the pe- tition to the employment corn- mission, according to union mem- AIRPORT bers. At last nght's mass meeting, the LIMOUSINES group also voted: -To voice support the protest frifraincl moratorium of the political sciencefornormaon call teaching fellows; 971-.3700 -To continue a massive mem- bership drive for the union, which Tickets are available now includes mostly teaching fel- at Travel Bureaus or lows from social sciesnce depart- the Michigan Union mn statagnra h ihia no -To start a general petition 32 Trips/Day drive to gain a show of support _ I I AND (Students, Faculty, Everybody) THE MICHIGAN, DAILY, MAGAZINE. a new, monthly in-depth look at society, politics and the culture, literature and the arts WANTS:'* feature articles I I * essays " book reviews , poetry CALL 764-0562, 764-0552 or visit 420 Maynard SOON No 213 S. 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