page three
NEWS PHONE: 7634-0552
Saturday, January 10, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three
Giap predicts long fight in South
SAIGON (A{-Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap,
North Vietnam's chief war strategist,
has delivered some chilling news to
his nation's 21 million people: The war
in the South is far from over, far
from won, and needs more of their
sacrifice and effort.
Giap indicated t h a t the military
strategy he developed after fashion-
ing the defeat of the French at Dien
Bien Phu in 1954, and used in South
Vietnam almost ever since, may be
Oiap presented to t h e people of
North Vietnam, on a war footing for
nearly three decades, the prospect of
more of the same grinding conflict
and even greater sacrifice. Already the
war has cost the lives of about a half-
million North Vietnamese men.
These unusually frank views of Giap
appeared in seven essays published
last month in a Hanoi newspaper.
Giap is N o r t h Vietnam's defense
minister and a contender for the pres-
idential seat left vacant by the death
last year of Ho Chi Minh.
Experts in Saigon lent to Giap's
seven essays the same kind of impor-
tance that was placed on his famous
"people's war, people's army" speeches
of the 1950's and his "b i g victory,
great task" articles of 1967. The
speeches became a kind of textbook
for guerrilla warfare and the articles
are considered a major formulation of
Communist party military doctrine in
the war now under way in the South,
But there also is a difference. The
works of the 1950s and 1967 abounded
in confidence of ultimate victory. The
seven essays lack the old patriotic fer-
They speak of victory only on a
gradual basis.
"There exists a great imbalance of
numerical strength and population,
and also a great imbalance of techni-
cal equipment," Giap wrote in differ-
entiating his forces and those of the
United States.
"Under these circumstances we must
have t i m e to gradually exterminate
and weaken the enemy forces, to re-
strict his strength, and aggravate his
weaknesses, to gradually strengthen
and develop our forces and to over-
come our deficiencies .. .
"In general, the process of a pro-
tracted struggle is that of successively
attacking the enemy, gradually re-
pelling him, partially overthrowing
him, defeating every one of his strate-
gic schemes, gradually scoring victo-
ries, and moving toward defeating him
completely . .."
Giap seemed to be informing his na-
tion of the n e w situation in South
Vietnam. T h e heavy influx of U.S.
troops in 1965 snatched victory from
the Viet Cong. The Tet offensive of
1968 may have been a blow to the al-
lies, but the United States is s t i11
there, building a South Vietnamese
fighting machine.
Wrote Giap: "The length of the war
depends on changes in the balance of
forces between us and the enemy and
on the war leadership of both sides.
Our people's experience shows that in
the long war process, when the war
moves f r o m one phase to another,
there are often fluctuations by leaps
and bounds in the outcome either of
our efforts or of the enemy's mis-
takes . ..
Giap referred frequently to the "art
of using a small force to fight a big
force." The North Vietnamese have
used this tactic since late in 1968 -
small groups attacking large installa-
tions to inflict maximum damage. This
has reduced North Vietnamese casu-
alties sharply.
"Using a small force to fight a big-
ger one means using a small force to
win big victories," he says. "It does
not mean carrying out only small of-
fensives, but also medium and big of-
fensives . .
"When it is necessary, we m u s t
change in time outdated forms of war-
fare, taking new ones which arn more
_appropriate . .. We should not ap-
ply old experience mechanically, or
reapply outmoded forms of warfare.
What he seems to be saying is that
the strategy laid down after defeating
the French may have to be abandoned
because of what he called this war's
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We- think we're interesting-
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news to day
by The Associated Press and College Press Service
A SOVIET COMPLAINT of "military psychosis" and "anti-
Soviet slander" in Red China indicated yesterday that the secret
Soviet-Chinee border talks in Peking have run into trouble.
While neither side has given information regarding the border
talks which began last October, the level of the propaganda is con-
sidered one measure of how the negotiations are going.
The sharpest Soviet blast yet came yesterday in a lengthy article
entitled "Military Psychosis in China," which accused Maoists of
trying to make the Chinese people believe that China is being en-
circled by the Soviet Union "in collusion with American imperialism."
There remains the possibility that some kind of agreement will
be reached in the Peking talks, and that the renewed propaganda
could be a tactic to get the talks moving over some troublesome snag.
* * *
U.S. FORCES swept down a South Vietnamese mountain
yesterday, scattering what appeared to .be a North Vietnamese
battalion in Americans' biggest battle in months.
The battle began Wednesday when U.S. 25th Infantry Division
troops were airlifted to the summit and started making their way
down the rocky northern face.
U.S. casualties for the scirmish were put at two killed and 10
wounded including a helicopter crewman who was injured when his
craft was hit by North Vietnamese ground fire and crashed.1
FRANCE AND LIBYA are on the verge of closing an arms
deal that includes 50 French-built Mirage warplanes, informed
sources said yesterday.
An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said in Tel Aviv that the
deal involves far more arms 'than Libya needs and predicted the
weapons will wind up in Egypt for use against Israel.
Fears that the French weapons would wind up in the hands of
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser were reinforced when it was
learned that three men identified as Egyptian military officers werej
part of the Libyan mission here before Christmas.
In an attempt to insure that the Mirage planes remain in Libya
once they are delivered, France is including a "nontransfer" clause
in the arms contract. On paper, this would prevent Libya, one of the
most outspoken anti-Israel regimes in the Arab world, from ceding
the French-built arms to any other country.
THE TRIPLE SLAYING of union leader Joseph Yablonski,
his wife and daughter was called a "deed of infamy" at their
joint funeral services yesterday.
Meanwhile, the Labor Department prepared a full-scale probe of
the bitter United Mine Workers presidential election, claimed by some
to have led to the slayings.
Coupled with this investigation, Sen. Robert Griffin (R-Mich),
requested a Senate investigation and UMW offered a $50,000 reward
for the arrest and conviction of the killer or killers.
Police officials disclosed they had found a copper-jacketed
bullet in the room where the murder occurred, believed to have been
fired from a .30 caliber weapon.
The bullets taken from the bodies were .38 caliber and the dis-
covery of a bullet of another caliber could confirm the belief of some
authorities that two or more killers were involved.
* * *
BITTER COLD across the nation strained power systems in
many areasyesterday and left families shivering without heat.
Subzero cold dipped into the Deep South, unaccustomed to such
frigid temperatures. Nineteen deaths, including 10 in Tennessee, were
attributed to the bitter cold. t
In New York, train service was affected, and many apartment
dwellers were without heat. The 4-degree cold in Washington, D.C.,
broke records for the date.
In Texas, the hens rebelled against the cold and egg production
went down. But in California there wasn't enough snow to hold the
annual sled dog racing championships.
-Associated Press
VICE PRESIDENT SPIRO AG14EW shakes hands with American teenagers holding a sign saying
"Spiro's Our Hero" during departure ceremonies yesterday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Some 200
members of the American community came to see Agnew off to neighboring Singapore.
U.S. " topmilitary
assistance plan for Singapore
SINGAPORE OP) - Vice Presi-
dent Spiro Agnew said yesterday
the United States may assist a
five-nation effort to provide a
strong military presence in this9
crossroads of Southeast Asia.
Agnew did not specify how
much assistance might be given,
but other American sources said
it would include supplies and anl
increased American presencel
through use of ship repair and
other facilities in this prosperous
commercial center.1
The informants said an increaseE
could be expected in the $7 mil-.1
lion in ship and aircraft repair
contracts here during the current
fiscal year, but were unable to
specify how much.
While the United States has noI
direct military commitment to
Singapore or neighboring Malay-
sia, it does have agreements with
Australia and New Zealand. These
four countries along with Britain,
would be involved in any five-na-
tion operation here.
While t h e five-nation efforts
are only. barely off the ground,
they could include such things as
rotating naval a n d air patrols,
ground troops and operation of a
portion of the naval center as a!
base and repair area.
Agnew raised the matter in a
conversation with r e p o r t e r s
aboard Air Force Two as he flew
to Singapore.$
Asked whether U.S. policy is to
encourage such efforts as the five-
. 1
Subscribe To
1429 Hill Street
January 10
nation effort, Agnew said: "It is
not only to encourage it, but it is,
in selected cases, to assist these
regional groupings where we feel
it is directly to our interest in the
He gave a flat "no" when asked
if t h e assistance might include
sending U.S. ground troops to Ma-
laysia. He said Malaysian leaders,
had made no request "for any aid
On one of the lighter days of his
tour, Agnew had only two formal
engagements after h i s arrival
here; a ceremonial session at
which he presented moon rocks to
President Yusof Bin Ishak and an
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Unlver-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L. S. A. Bldg., before
2 p.m., of the day precedingpub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
.Calendar items appear once only.
Stucnt organization notices a r e
notraccepted for publication. F o r
!Imore information, phone 764-9270.
General Notices
Martha Cook Building is receiving ap-
lications for fall '70. Present sopho-
mores may apply. Will also be limited
space for present freshmen and Jun-
iors. Telephone 769-3290 for appoint-
Placement Service
3200 S.A.B.
Inquire about these programs at
career planning division, 3200 SAB, or
call 764-6338.
Weymouth Kirkland Foundation Law
Scholarship applications accepted till
March 23.
Highway Safety Research Institute, at
U-M, offers Training Fellowships.
Rhodes Report, includes n o t i c e of
afternoon meeting that lasted
nearly 1%V2 hours with Prime Min-
ister Lee Kuan Yew.
A Singapore government source
said Agnew and Lee discussed the
possibility of U.S. assistance to the
five-nation effort, calling it "very
interesting" and adding: "We
have heard of this but have no
Agnew got a relaxed welcome
in Singapore, with none of the
heavy security seen at some of his
other stops, e v e n though anti-
U.S. demonstrators daubed the
American Embassy building dur-
ing the night with black oil in
protest against Agnew's visit.
fellowships and grants. Ask for this
Northwestern University, new PhD
program in area of economic function-
ing of public and private organiza-
Tobe-Coburn School for F a s h 10o n
Careers, N.Y., programs in advertising,
buying, coordination, display. Fellow-
ships avail. Apply before Jan. 24.
Johns Hopkins School of International
Studies announces Center of Canadian
Studies, fellowships available. Apply be-
fore Feb. 15.
Stanford Secondary Teacher Educa-
tion Programh, 12 mo. MAT intern-
ships. Apply before Mar. 1.
University of Rochester, MBA and
PhD programs. Apply for financial asst.
by Feb. 15. Rochester is a participant
in Consortium for Grad. Study in Bus.
for Negroes.
Southwest Regional Laboratory f o r
Educational Research and Development
offers grad. student assoc. program, ap-
ply before Mar. 15.
212 SAB, Lower Level
Trainees Exchange Office; Helsinki,
Finland, offers traffic planning open-
ing, seniors or grad. students, apply by
Jan. 31.
Army and Air Force Exchange Serv-
ice, Dallas, Texas, offers summer in-
tern programs for soph. and j r a.
throughout the country, Mgmt. Dev.
courses, on-the-Job training with good
Department of Community Affairs,
State of N.J., summer intern commun-
ity serv. pro., assignments in m a y -
o r ' s office, anti-poverty agencies,
model cities programs and many others.
The test required of all teachers ap-
plying to N.Y. city for teaching posi-
slows in
the nation's unemployment
rate remained in December at
a relatively low 3.4per cent of
the labor force, other eco-
nomic figures continued to re-
flect a slowing economy under
President Nixon's anti-infla-
tion policies.
The Labor Department reported
yesterday, along with the jobless
figures, that employment ros e
only slightly last month, manu-
facturing overtime hours were the
lowest in two years and average
earnings of some 45 million rank
and file workers fell a penny an
hour to $3.11.
"After allowance for strikes, pay-
roll employment rose by only 375,-
000 in the second half of 1969,
compared with a 1.5 million in-
crease during the first half of the
year," the Bureau said.
"The slowing down in the rate
of growth in employment indicates
there has been a slowing down in
demand," said the bureau's assist,
ant commissioner, Harold Gold-
Hourly pay at the end of 1969
was up 6.5 per cent for the year
and average weekly pay was up
6.2 per cent, but the gains were
offset by an inflation rate of about
6 per cent.
Asked if the year's strong em-
ployment picture was puzzling in
view of other economic signals of
decline, Goldstein said no one gov-
ernment indicator tells the whole
"The other important figures
such as production, prices, wages,
money flows, monetary supplies,
are very significant indicators of
what is happening in the economy
and they don't always move' to-
gether," he said.
tions in elem., early childhood, an d
secondary English and math will ,be.
given in our office between 3 and8
p.m., Thurs., Jan. 15. (The written test
will last approximately 1 hr.) Call 784-
7459 if you plan to take this test.
Engineering Placement Meeting No.
2: "Engineering Careers." The differe t
kinds of careers for engineers, °and
how to decide you should follow. Se-
cond of four meetings. Primarily for
seniors and graduate students, but open
to alla interested. Professor J. G.
IYoung, January 12, 170, 4:00 p.m. and
7:30 p.u. in Room 325, West Engineer-
ig Building. (Afternoon and evening
meetings will be the same.)
$$ .;5%
Th3 FREE University will soon be
in full swing. If you'd be interested in
teaching or coordinating a class sub-
mit a paragraph describing the course,
with your name, t address, and tele-
phone no. to the WAC offices. Regis-
tration will take place Jan. 23-31st. For
information call Liz, 764-8865; or Dave
at 764-9727.
Bach Club Meeting, Wednesday, Jan.
14, 8 p.m., 1236 Wash. (at S. Forest
near So. Univ.). Speaker: Dr. Richard
Crawford "Bethoven's Broica S y m -
phony. Refreshments and fun after-
wards. All welcome (no mus. knowledge
needed). Trans. provided to and from.
John 769-2003; Larry, 665-6806; Kent,
761-7356, 761-0828, or 9.
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