f Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints. DAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS SACUA'S closed, meetings: Faculty elitism must end Fleming By L. HART WRIGHT and LUKE K. COOPERRIDER Daily Guest Writers A MOST serious charge recently was published in The Daily, on different occasions, by two of its senior staff writers. President Fleming was branded a "liar," pri- marily because of statements he made under oath in connection with the LSA sit-in case. The label in question was based on such a lack of understanding regarding judicial procedures as to compel some appraisal of the circumstances by persons with a legal perspective. Before attempting this, our per- sonal conflicts of interest should be aired. We are, respectively, the present and the former Chairman of the Board for Student Publi- cations and, as such, do not take the dim view some seem to hold regarding the overall quality of The Daily. Robben Fleming is our colleague - a distinguished pro- fessor of labor law. Finally, the formal pleading which the Uni- versity filed in court to trigger a restraining order regarding t h e sit-in, and on which The Daily focused so much attention, was drafted for the University by an academically able former student of ours, a local practicing attorn- ey who graduated from the law school., a liar? A The appraisal which follows is offered not in the peculiar inter- est of just one of the above three but rather because of an interest in the general reputation of all three. THE DAILY'S own writers re- ly primarily on two circumstances. The first in pointtof time has to do with the fact that the for- mal oath, which -appears at the bottom of the pleading which Mr. Fleming signed, stated that, on the basis of his own "knowledge," the facts otherwise related in that pleading were true. This oath, it now is said, contained a fabrica- tion. Mr. Fleming, it is said, could not have had personal knowledge of all the facts alleged since some of the defendants can show that, as to them, at least some of the alleged facts are not true. Alter- natively, it is said that if Mr. Fleming relied merely on a "be- lief" based on information sup- plied Ito him by other University employes, he lied in failing to so state in the pleading, having said instead that all facts alleged in the pleading were true as a mat- ter of his own knowledge. Assume, pro arguendo, that all or some of the facts alleged as to certain of the named defendants were in error. This alone hardly proves, in the eyes of one with different conclusion any legal perspective, t h a t Mr. Fleming was a liar. It must be remembered that Mr. Fleming signed that complaint in his official corporate capacity, as President of this University, not as a private individual. A n d in certain types of judicial actions. a corporate president is required to respond in terms of what he believes to be corporate knowl- edge. For example, had the situa- tion been somewhat reversed and had the University been served with a discovery notice, the Presi- dent would have had a legal obli- gation to reveal all facts of wtieh all University employes, acting within the scope of their duties, had knowledge. However, in the sit-in c a s e, Michigan Court Rule 114.3 does require the affiant to state the several matters alleged either "positively or upon informationer belief, according to the fact." Thus, if certain of the defendants named in that complaint can show the facts alleged as to them were not true, Mr. Fleming - act- ing as President - was in error when, instead of asserting that he relied merely upon "information or belief," he stated that the facts were true of his own knowledge. BUT B E F O R E affirmatively branding him with the contempt- ]['HE SENATE Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) is pro- bably the most powerful University Com- mittee outside the central administration. As the executive arm of the faculty's Senate Assembly, SACUA is consulted by high University officials on nearly every major decision and the committee's re- commendations often provide the basis for major administration policy decisions. But despite the fact that its actions vitally affect the day-to-day lives of stu- dents, faculty, and non-academic employ- er, SACUA has continually refused to open its meetings to the public and press. The committee meets behind closed (and of- ten locked) doors while the rest of the University community is deliberately bar- red from participation in its decision- imaking process and denied access to in- formation available to the committee. BY HAUGHTILY insulating itself from dialog, SACUA operates both auto- cratically and ignorantly. This was ap- parent yesterday when about a dozen stu- dents walked over to the Administration Bldg. to see the little dictators at work. Yesterday's meeting was of particular in- terest since it had been learned that the topic "student-faculty relations" was the firs item on the agenda. In keeping with SACUA's uncomprom- ising tradition of secrecy, no students had been invited to attend the discussion. In fact when the dissident students arrived and announced their intention to ob- serve the session, SACUA voted unani- mously to adjourn rather than allow the students to observe the meeting. The faculty wouldn't even permit students to attend the meeting let alone participate in it. THE SACUA decision represents aca- demic elitism in its most repugnant form. For despite the committee's pro- testations to the contrary, closed SACUA meetings allow a tiny group of faculty members to secretly make decisions af- fecting thousands of students. This is in- imicable to the basic principles of free- dom and democracy which these same men purport to protect. SACUA's decision is an incredible act of hypocrisy .Only last week the commit- tee issued a statement calilng for support of the principles of academic freedom in condemning the anti-military and anti- recruiting demonstrations led by SDS. That statement called on "all elements of the University community to reaffirm and maintain their support for the principle that the campus must be a free market place of ideas." How then can we have a free market place of ideas if SACUA makes its decis- ions cowering behind closed doors? The committee calls for free inquiry one week but refuses to allow it at its own meeting three days later. Whose freedom is SACUA willing to protect? It should be clear from yester- day's meeting that when faculty rant about "academic freedom" they are mere- ly supporting the right of the faculty to rule, and rule secretly at that. IT IS CLEAR that the SACUA members recognize the political implications of their actions but have chosen to ignore them. Their arrogance can only result in increased hostility and a 11e n a t io n. Everyone who has seriously stud- ied the modern phenomenon of student unrest has identified students' disen- franchisement from the decision-making process as a primary factor in their dissatisfaction. Most students are unwilling to continue to accept the oligarchical nature of the University. By refusing to open its meet- ing SACUA is at best only buying a little time. It is clear that students will not tolerate his acivity for very much longer. -THE EDITORIAL DIRECTORS Letters to the Editor Misplaced decimals To the Editor: ANN ARBOR BANK officials asserted that 400 students with- drew over $100,000 from the bank in Friday's mass protest. They estimated that this con- stitutes two tenths of one per cent >f the total number of student accounts and less than eight hun- dreths of one per cent of the bank's total deposits. This means that the bank had 200,000 students accounts and total deposits of one and one quar- ter billion dollars. The true fig- ures, according to a different AAB statement, are 48,400accounts and total deposits of $126 million. Still wonder if the AAB is a safe place for your money? -Fred Arnold, Grad. -Mike Potter, '72 Tenants Union Feb. 9 (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Ann Arbor Rank says that an error was made in the figures given The Daily. The article Feb. sreported that two- tenths of one percent of their stu- dent accounts were withdrawn, this figure should be two percent. It was also reported that eight one- thousandths of one percent of their assets were withdrawn, this figure should read eight-one hundredths of one percent.) SACUA To the Editor: dated Feb. 4 he suggests that the question of his truthfulness should be settled on the basis of his reputation vis a vis the reputation of The Daily editor. THE WRITERS believe that we of the faculty cannot stand by silently in this situation if we ex- pect to exert any moral influence on this campus. The recent con- demnation by SACUA of some stu- dent conduct suggests that SACUA does feel it has moral authority. We therefore request that SACUA conduct an , inquiry in order to make the following determinations of fact and propriety: -Has the President testified falsely as charged by the students named above? -Have the President and Uni- versity administration conducted themselves in a manner designed to maximize the legal punishment of the bookstore protesters? Such conduct would be contrary to the President's remarks at the Faculty Senate meeting last fall the tenor of which was that the Administra- tion harbored no ill feeling to- ward the protesters and would not be vindictive. -What efforts, if any, has the President made on behalf of the protesters in their legal fight? -Did the President deal in good faith with student leaders on the bookstore issue prior to the sit-in or did he, as has been suggested, provoke the sit-in by improperly manipulating the decision-making process? In this regard, was the appointment of Mr. Ulrich to con- duct a feasibility study for the proposed bookstore a proper move when one considers that Ulrich owns one of the largest bookstores in Ann Arbor and stood to lose much by the creation of a student bookstore? --Prof. John Concoran, philosophy dept. -Prof. J. D. Halpern mathematics dept. Feb. 8 Diversion To the Editor: I HAVE observed with mixed emotions the rising appeal of en- vironmental problems as a focus for action on this and other cam- puses. Though I do not mean to downgrade the importance of this issue, I do feel that it is part of an attempt by the rulers of this country to siphon campus action from the Vietnam War. Since the war has uniquely co- dified almost all the elements that America has stood for in the eyes of us (i.e., racism, imperialism, militarism, and hypocracy) it has become the major symbol of our time. The war has been an exposed nerve on the hulking body of this country and,hasvsuch, the rulers of America have gone to' great lengths to p r e v e n t its being touched. . FIRST THERE were the naked threats of the Johnson-Hershey mentality, followed by the co- opting of The March on Washing- ton by the Liberal Establishment to the point where its meaning was so vitiated that even law school professors could find it in their anachronistic hearts to sup- port it, and now the insidious emergence of a, great new issue. Environmental. restoration is, indeed, a topic that should cap- ture our attention. Right now, however, lets continue the battle against the more immediate and terminal pollutants such as na- palm, bullets, and Richard Nixon's breath. -Robert Rubinstein Law '72 Jan. 27 Fun? To the Editor: PRESIDENT NIXON said in his news' conference January 30 that the war in Vietnam will be ended in ten years. On the other hand, he said that the U.S. commitment .to withdraw all ground. combat troops is not irreversible. Vietnam- ization, he said, is irreversible. Isn't it fun to watch President Nixon play his political g a m e s with you, with the people of Viet- nam, with the people of Laos, with his new set of ABM toys, with the millions of suffering people across the world? -Thomas Rieke Jan. 31 uous characterization "liar" be- cause of this error, one might ask: Who actually was responsible for the error, was it an understand- able error under the circumstanc- es, and just how serious were the consequences. The whole pleading, including the oath, was drafted hurriedly by a local practicing attorney af- ter the sit-in had started and, thus, under what, in legal circles, are sometimes characterized as "semi-combat" conditions. It is precisely in just such set- tings that lawyers often devote their attention to substance, at the expense of form. (Journal- ists, faced with a deadline, often do the same and sometimes with substantially more serious conse- quences.) It also is precisely in such set- tings that clients (here, the Pres- ident) are otherwise busily en- gaged and, thus, rely upon their lawy'ers to use that language which is technically appropriate to the circumstance. Finally, it is just in such set- tings that judges know that law- yers may make technical errors in their pleadings and, as any lawyer well knows, had the error been c a 11 e d to the attention of the judge at the point the University asked for the restraining order, he would have allowed the University to amend the pleading without prejudice, permitting t h e words "information and belief" to be substituted for the words "own knowledge." Indeed, to have done otherwise would seem to violate another Michigan Court Rule (118.1) which requires that leave to amend "be freely given" with- out prejudice in the ease of all pleadings. EVEN SO, the above described error to which The Daily's writ- ers point was regrettable if in fact some student was unfairly charg- ed. But it also is true that the re- straining order triggered by the pleading did n o t itself contain teeth that actually bit those charged. T h e purpose of a re- straining order, in contrast to a criminal charge, is to inform a de- fendant in advance t h a t if he thereafter does certain things, he will be quilty of an offense called contempt. In short, had the officer actual- ly been able to serve the restrain- ing order and had the persons in- side t h e n vacated the building, they would not have been guilty of offending the restraining order. In actual fact, however, the re- straining order w a s withdrawn, perhaps because t h e University may have had doubts about whether it properly had been serv- ed on the defendants, given the additional fact that those it or around the building never per- mitted the officer to gain access. In any event, we regret very much that the inapt characteri- zation "liar" was applied to the type of error involved here. The fault ultimately is traceable to the circumstances which led the Uni- versity's hurried lawyer to make a correctable mistake. We only hope that this episode does not lead President Fleming, in future equally trying circumstances, to attempt, as a matter of self-pro- tection, to be his own lawyer. It is in the whole community's in- terest that he focus on other as- pects of such problems. And while he is a distinguished labor lawyer, precisely because of his long spec- ialization he probably has forgot- ten much about many other fac- ets of' the law and, we dare say, knows at this point little about the legal nuances involved in the law of pleadings! THE SECOND primary circum- stance on which The Daily's writers rely in justifying the char- acterization "liar" actually illus- trates what in our professional judgment is at best an unbecom- ing and at worst an absolutely ugly case of entrapment. w i t h Robben Fleming being the goat rather than a liar. Two and a half months after the University had aborted the re- straining order, the sit-inners then being charged with "conten- tion,," Mr. Fleming. in testifying at one such trial, was cross-examin. ed by a person whose apparent aim was to discredit the Presi- dent. At least an attempt w a s made to engage Mr. Fleming in the unrewarding game of total re- call. that is, in a rehash of the de- A kI tails, pertaining to what by then was an age-old and aborted plead- ing. The cross-examiner asked Mr. Fleming if, in that much earlier pleading, he had not stated that the facts therein were true of his "own knowledge" except "as to matters stated therein to be on information a n d belief." Mr. Fleming replied, "I did." The cross-examiner then moved in for the obvious kill: Qs:"I see. And, any matters that y)u state in there on infor- mation and belief, you. believed to be true. Is that correct? A: "Right." Then, while still on the stand, Mr. Fleming was allowed to re-read t h e earlier aborted pleading which, not surprisingly, he said he had not see* during the inter- vening two and a half months. And of course, the lawyer then showed Mr. Fleming that his ear- lier answer was somewhat imac- curate. The earlier pleading, of course, contained no reference whatever to "information and be- lief," having literally referred on- ly to Mr. Fleming's own knowl- edge. This circumstance serves only to remind us that if we do not re-read this letter at frequent in- tervals, we too will lay ourselves open to a similar future entrap- ment by anyone who, unsuspect- ingly, plans to engage in just such shameful artifice. IT ALSO IS regrettable t h a t The Daily's most 'recent writer, in documenting his case, did not see fit to print the other item. In the course of the testimony just re- lated, Mr. Fleming went on, in effect, to say he had supposed that anything told to him in his corporate capacity by another em- ployee then came within his own knowledge. Technically, in the eyes of the law, this is true for some purpos- es but not for others. That Mr. Fleming is probably wrong in ap- plying that concept, to this par- ticular circumstance h ar d1y proves, however, that he also is a liar. it LSA Assembly at the crossroads The following is a copy letter that was sent to Joseph Payne, chairman of ate Advisory Committee on versity. Affairs. of a Prof. Sen- Uni- TONIGHT'S meeting of the LSA Student Assembly could mark a turning point for student participation in the literary college. But for the assembly to become a meaningful vehicle for student power, basic changes will be necessary both in its structure and in the level of student attendance at its meetings. If these Oh thosekdids! VICE PRESIDENT Spiro Agnew and Cal- ifornia Governor Ronald Reagan have much in common politically and just the other day it became apparent they also share similar family; problems. First it was the Vice President's teen- age daughter who attempted a private insurrection when she announced 1 a s t fall that she wanted to participate in an-. ti-war activities. But Daddy quashed it immediately. And an NBC report indicates that Gov. Reagan's daughter is following Miss Ag- new's footsteps. She is a singer w h o recently toured Vietnam with a USO show. Before she went, she claims, Miss Reagan was' an avowed hawk. But after her tour, she de- clared that her visit to the war zone con- vinced her that a military victory is not necessary. What did Daddy do? Said the governor with characteristic verve and clear thinking, "While I'm par- tial to my daughter and love her, I don't think foreign policy should be decided by US0 Ientertainers." Nor by an old-time Holtywood cowboy, Governor. changes cannot be made, the assembly should be terminated. Historically, student activism in the literarycollege has been pitifully low, and most of it has centered around decisions and structures at the departmental level and University matters leaving college matters untouched. Until recently, the only mechanism for student participation in the college was the LSA Student Steering Committee -- a small, unrepresentative group of stu- dents which; for want of a better source of information, was used by the LSA ad- ministration for advice on student views. LAST TERM, the steering committee-un- r haderwent a face-lifting. Its name was changed to the LSA Student Assembly, and there was a short-lived unsuccessful attempt to broaden the organization's base by bringing in representatives of de- partmental groups. For the representativeness of the group, the net gain was zero. And to a signifi- cant extent, the lack of student enthus- iasm is understandable. With the excep- tion of a few students seats on LSA committees, the college has done nothing to provide participation in college decis- ion-making. Nonetheless, students must continue to explore ways of creating an effective me- chanism for student activism and repre- sentation in the college. Without such an organ, those who argue for increased stu- dent participation in the college will be plagued by charges, however unjustified, that such involvement is impractical or that students are not interested. QUITE POSSIBLY, the student assembly can not be reformed sufficiently to make its continuation profitable. At pre- sent, for example, the organization is rid- dled with cliqueishness. Meetings h a v e been very poorly publicized and attend- PRESIDENT FLEMING'S in- tegrity has been publicly called into question recently in articles and a letter in The Michigan Daily by three students, Philip Block, Jim Forrester and Marc Van Der Hout, exec. vice president of SGC. We are sure you will agree with us that this is a serious charge and, if true, casts serious doubt on the President's moral ,qualifications for his office.. Unfortunately the President's response has been to ask for an apology on the part of The Daily, which he received in the Feb. 3 issue, and in a letter to The Daily 'I 4 HUA C's latest: Repression without redress By DANIEL ZWERDLING WITH NO alarm and little pub- licity, the United States House of Representatives 12 days ago overwhelmingly passed a bill that would give the Secretary of De- fense and President dictatorial powersto investigate and fire any employe in virtually every major institution in the country. Under this bill, which almost no newspapers have publicized, Con- gress would: " give the Secretary of Defense the power to designate all defense- related facilities - meaning "any plant, factory, industry, public utility, mine, laboratory, educa- tional institution (involved in classified installation, canal, dam, bridge. highway, vessel, aircraft, vehicle, pipeline." 0 authorize the President to order "investigations concerning any person or organization" working for, or applying for work in these facilities. The bill would establish a special commission of investiga- tors to snoop out the person's "present or past membership in name of the House Un-American Activities Committee. The committee wrote the bill last July - without the request, at least publicly, of either the President or Defense Department -and then exposed it to three brief days of hearings in Septem- ber. That was enough for govern- ment agencies, representatives of the AFL-CIO, and the National Electronics Industries Association (which represents the 300 largest electronics firms in the nation) to voice their support. When the bill finally emerged on the House floor Jan. 29, it glided through on a 274-5 vote after just two hours of mild de- bate-mostly impassioned rhetoric about the threats of Moscow-di- rected communist subversion of the United States. THE BILL is a neatly designed effort to subvert two Supreme Court decisions in the past three years which struck down screening programs in government agencies, because they were too broad and vague. Under the current bill, however, the federal government fense has compiled his list, the President may determine who-may and who maynot have "access to positions, places, or areas of em- ployment"-order a full-scale in- vestigation of any person to de- termine if he qualifies--and final- ly, summarily deny or revoke his access to the institution or facility. As Washington American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Lawrence Speiser notes, this doesn't just cover employment, but access to facilities. Since the bill includes public transportation, vehicles, and highways, this would authorize the President,.to forbid virtually any- one from driving his car, taking an airplane-in fact, from venturing much further past his sidewalk. The scope of the investigations, furthermox'e, includes "any person or organization," not just those concerned with classified material. (An amendment limited an orig- inal section,. which included all education institutions, to those handling classified information - but this includes most major uni- versities.) As a result, the Presi- dent could order the firing of a and examiners to do its snooping (the-bill notes they would be first trained in the "history of Com- nunist and other subversive or- ganizations, domestic and for- eign"). Relevant material for investiga- tion would include the person's "present or past membership in, :r affiliation or association with, any organization, and . . . other activities, behavior, associations, facts, and conditions, past or present." The bill further requires the em- ploye under iivestigation to an- swer all inquiries, submit all in- formation requested, and to "take a psychiatric examination when a question of mental illness has been raised." ONCE THE government has condemned a person as unfit ma- terial for a job (or access to the various facilities), it would grant him the right to demand a "hear- ing" to reconsider his case. Like Kafka's Joseph K., however, the accused could not challenge his accusers, or the evidence used THE BILL has not yet become law--it must first pass the Senate -but the fact that the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved it should scream the direction the country is moving in. Even conservative Emanuel Cellers (D-NY}, House Judiciarycommit- tee chairman, called the bill "a result of national hysteria"-but few Congressman or in e d i a throughout the country have taken much note of it. Only the Washington Post and the Chicago Sun-Times, among the nation's papers, wrote editor- ials about it. The Post condemned the bill for giving "unreasonable power to the Secretary of De- fense." The bill, in the meantime, goes to the Senate Judiciary Commit- tee. Senators have a reputation for being more liberal than the parochial House--but this bill comes in the wake of the no- knock drug bill passed just days before, authorizing police to break into homes without knocking if they have "good reason" to sus- pect the inhabitants have drugs which they will throw away if 3 ifnriet fife