SACUA'S MEETINGS: FACULTY ELITISM See Editorial Page CZI rP gilt 46 ~1UI133 GRUNGY High-35 Low-18 Cloudy, cooler, snow likely Vol. LXXX, No. 109 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 10, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages POLI SCI DISPUTE: Council TFs continue moratorium By HARVARD VALLANCE An ad hoc organization of about 75 political science graduate students and teaching fellows voted overwhelmingly yesterday to continue the "moratorium" on teaching recita- tion sections this week. The moratorium, which started yesterday, will be called; Off for "tactical reasons" next week, the students decided. It will resume Feb. 23 if the departmental executive committee does not agree to retract its decision to reduce its budgetary allocation for next year's teaching fellowships. If resumed, the moratorium will continue "until the' executive committee of the department agrees to return to he status quo" which existed before the decision to cut the approves new, tenants rights housing ordinance March,-set V1 ' O sup Panthers By LARRY LEMPERT A coalition of groups in the Ann arbor community is organizing a march tomorrow in support of na- tional Black Panther leader Huey P. Newton and six Ann Arbor Black Berets arrested last August. The march from the Diag to the Washtenaw County Bldg. will pro- t alleged repression of the Black Mnther party. Tomorrow, the California State Supreme Court will hear the ap- peal of Newton, minister of defense of the Black Panther party. He is appealing a conviction of voluntary manslaughter on charges of killing an Oakland, flif. policeman. Tomorrow also marks the begin- ning of the trial, of the "Ann Ar- bor Six", the Black Berets who are facing charges stemming from a police raid last August on the Black Beret office in downtown Ann Arbor. Some Berets are af- $~iated with the Panthers. Marchers will walk through a section of the black community of Ann Arbor on their way to the County Bldg. where the march will end in a rally. Speakers at the rally include elude Terry Dryer and Donnetta Nrewer of the Black Berets. Miss Brewer was arrested at the police raid in Chicago last December in which Fred Hampton and Mark Clark of the Illinois Black Pan- thers were killed. The demonstration is part of a nationwide protest called for by thers to support Newton's ap- real. The Free Huey P. Newton Coali- ,ion, organizing the march, includ- s the Black Panther Party, the lack Berets, Black Students Un- on (BSU), Students for a Demo- , ratio Society (SDS), and Stu- ' ent Government Council (SGC), ong other groups. Black Panther supporters be- ye that the charges againstI ewton and the six berets are both stances of the repression which ey claim is coming down on the ack revolutionary group. Richard Feldman of SDS, one the organizers for the march, 'ged the community to "show lidarity." Referring to the Black rets on trial, he said, "Unless ere is a lot of public pressure, ey can railroad everyone t trough. But with public demon- t rations, you can sometimes ance the verdict." The incident in August with the lack Berets began when two lice officers attempted to arrest avid Hunter, a Beret in front of t e Black Beret office on Ann St. unter was wanted for an alleged role violation. funds was made last October. The teaching fellows decided to hold classes next week to give the department's executive committee time to reconsider its decision and to assess the effectiveness of the students' action. aProf. Samuel Eldersveld, chair- man of the political science de- partment, said late yesterday that he had "no word yet" on how many scheduled recitations were not held. However, John Pammet, 'presi- dent of the Graduate Student As- sociation in Political Science, es- timated that all of the depart- ment's teaching fellows would support the moratorium. Eldersveld said that any decision as to what disciplinary measures, if, any, would be brought against the teaching fellows wouldnbe taken up today by the executive committee in its regular weekly meeting. This week's action was designed to "demonstrate our capability for collective action, and may be coupled on Feb. 23 with a mora- torium conducted by political science research assistants as well as a boycott of classes by gradu- ate students," one student said. A motion to boycott graduate political science classes this week was defeated because the students believed that attending classes was the "best way to raise the issue among our peers." Protesting graduate students will attempt to discuss the controversy in their classes this week. While no plans were made to disrupt the classes, a spokesman for the group predicted that "harsh words would, be exchanged if we were denied a reasonable amount of time to dis- cuss the issue." He added that the matter had already been discussed with un-, dergraduates in their recitation sections last week and that teach- ing fellows would not try to bring up the issues at undergraduate lectures A "tactics committee" formed See TFs, Page 7 Gbhicago By JENNY STILLER Daily News Analysis Special To The Daily CHICAGO--The defense rested its case in the Chicago conspiracy trial yesterday, bringing to a close the presentation of evidence in' this precedent-shattering case. I Closing arguments will begin this morning, when the prosecu- tion will attempt to convince the jury that the seven defendants did in fact conspire to cross state lines to incite a riot at the Demo- cratic Convention of 1968. It is expected that the summa- tions will end and the jury will* begin its deliberations late Thurs- day afternoon or early Friday By TOM WIEDER Cit yCouncil last night approved a new housing code which greatly increases pro- tection of tenants' rights. The most important provision of the new code provides for a daily $5 fine of landlords who Y K fail to correct code violations. The new housing code stipulates that building officials periodically inspect all Ann Arbor housing. All apartments will be inspected every two years and single family dwell- ings every five years. Inspections will also continue to be done in response to tenants. complaints.4 If a building's certificate of compliance has not been issued or has been suspended due to ma- jor or minor code violations, a tenant may pay his rent into an escrow account established by the In addition, the housing code Mayor Robert Harris states that the establishment of a city escrow account "shall not be construed to prohibit the with- F B 6T I L holding of rent and the payment . 26 TRIAL: of said rent into a privately estab-' -Daily-Sara Krulwich Back to the paintbrushes? ... and the battle goes on. The People had just claimed victory Saturday night as a University of- ficial revealed that the Plant Department would not change People's Plaza back to "Regents." But come Monday morning a new combatant had entered the battle-apparently the engineering col- lege for now the sign reads "Engin Plaza." Canadian Blue Panthers, where are you? CLOSED SESSION: SACUA ends meetig after students enter lished account." Any withheld rent will be paid to the landlord "upon presenta- tion to the building official of re- pair bills or other proof that re- pairs have been made." The $5 fine will be levied against the landlord for every day a viola- tion exists beyond the time al- lotted to correct it. Although there has been discus-I sion on amendments to the former housing code for almost two years, the proposal for the new ordi- nance was only passed on its first j t Feldman pleads not guilty at hearing By W. E. SCHROCK Richard Feldman, '71, a member of Students for a Demo- cratic Society, yesterday pleaded not guilty to a charge of creating a contention during the block-in of a recruiter from the DuPont Corp. in the West Engineering Bldg. on Jan. 29. Arraigned in Ann Arbor District Court early yesterday morning, Feldman was ordered by Judge Pieter Thomassen to appear for a jury trial Feb. 26. He is now free on $25 bond. Meanwhile, the course of action the University will take against other students involved in recent protests remained unknown yesterday. University plans concerning possible revocation of gov- ernment sponsored scholarships and loans of students con- victed in the LSA sit-in in, reading last November. It was By ROB BIER next meeting, but the students member of International Social- passed then and last night unani- The Senate Advisory Committee rejected the proposal. , ists, explained the reason for the hmousr on University Affairs (SACUA) "We have ,been talking about disruption to some of the SACUA ITordinancis ault of yesterday adjourned its meeting opening up this meeting for members. "You do not have a work by council's housing com- yestrdayadjorne itsmeetngmittee and consultations with the five minutes after it began rather years," one of the students said. right to hold a meeting which is Ann Arbor Tenants Union, land- than allow a small group of stu- After the meeting adjourned, closed when you are making de-'lords, realtors, tenants, and various acigSCAcara Po.Icisions which affect us," he said,.odratrtnns n aiu dents to attend the traditionally acti SACUA chairman Prof.ials closed session. James Hayward of the dental Hayward replied that many I Councilman Len Quenon (D- The decision to adjourn follow- school said, "We don't feel threat- matters dealt with by the commit- Second Ward), chairman of the ed a sometimes vigorous debate ened at the moment. We'll work tee were strictly faculty concerns. committee, said the result of the between the students and severalI something out." "That's great," said Eric Chest- combined efforts "is an excellent faculty members prior to the However, the students stayed in er Grad "you are the ones who ordinance tailored to Ann Arbor's meeting being called to order. the Administration Bldg. confer- decide if we have an interest and needs." Law Prof. Robert Knauss, vice ence room to make further plans then let us in on it. We are de- The ordinance was passed after chairman of SACUA, offered to for attending SACUA meetings. manding the right to know so the addition of numerous tech- have the question of open meet- In the discussion before the that we can make that decision nical changes in the amendments ings placed on the agenda of the brief meeting, Peter Denton. a ourselves." and a brief discussion of the whole - = Wein--ordinance. Councilman James History Prof. Gerhardt Wein- Stephenson (D-Third Ward), des- berg, a SACUA member, then said, pite his "yes" vote, questioned tr iala w y e rs "You're entitled to the view' that whether the law is workable. you're right and we're entitled to Quenon was sharply critical of the view that you're wrong." the old housing code. "Enforce- * SGC President Marty McLaugh- ment powers have been weak to lin replied that "as long as you say the least," he said. "Too many closed doors, Fleming and the ad- of these lenient provisions and ministration will be able to con- have allowed housing code viola- morning, but in this madhouse of The prosecution's case rests al- tinue their repressive tactics tions to remain even when there a court, the only thing that is most exclusively on the testimony against students." was an immediate danger to health ever certain is that things will of police undercover agents as- There was s o m e confusion and safety." not go according to anyone's plans. signed to ingratiate themselves in- among SACUA members when the The local regulation is stronger Judge Julius Hoffman has ruled to the defendants' friendship and students first arrived. Several, in- than current state laws dealing that each side will have seven then report their activities back cluding Hayward, were .not aware with tenants' rights and landlord hours to present its closing argu- to headquarters. that SACUA meetings are closed responsibility. ments, which are ,almost sure to And since most of the non-po- not only to students, but faculty The state law, originally drafted be punctuated by lawyers' objec- lice witnesses seem to be persons, as well. Hayward was in the pro- by Mayor Robert Harris and Uni- tions and perhaps by defendants' such as a number of reporters cess of trying to find a larger versity law students provides for outbursts. whose salaries are paid by the conference room so that the stu- rent withholding for major code The trial may well be record- ultra - conservative Chicago Tri- dents could be accommodated, violations. The new law would al- breaking in sheer volume alone. bune, who have a vested interest when SACUA secretary Chi Chi low rent withholding for minor of- Lasting nearly four and a half in sending the seven radicals to Lawson informed him of the fenses as well as major infrac- months to date, the jury has heard jail, the value the jury will assign policy. tions. over 500 hours of testimony by to their testimony is in doubt-- over 190 witnesses filling literally especially since it is contradicted, thousands of pages of official by the evidence of several thou-' transcript. sand feet of television film. September were also unclear. Richard Ryan, a local attorney employed by the University to handle demonstration cases, re- cently reported to University Pres- ident Robben Fleming = possible courses of action against students involved in certain recent SDS- sponsored activities. In a letter dated Feb. 6, Ryan assured Fleming that there is "sufficient evidence against thir- teen students to proceed in one forum or the other" and that in the specific case of Feldman, "the evidence justified prosecution un- der the contention statute." Ryan also said that in t h e cases of the other twelve, it ,is "clearer if you proceed under in- ternal regulations." The letter list- ed SGC rules and "their counter- part in the colleges" as a possible basis for prosecution of the twelve. The letter does not make clear why the University should act against Feldman in civil court ra- ther than "under internal regula- tions" as recommended for t h e others. The letter also does not re- veal the names of the other twelve students. The University has not announc- See FELDMAN, Page 7 Mobe plans new protests The New Mobilization Commit- tee to End the War in Vietnam yesterday announced a t h r e e- month campaign of rallies, picket- ing and demonstrations to pro- test repression and war spending. In February the focus of t h e campaign will be on repression of civil rights, in March on the draft, and in April on war spending. Plans outlined at a news con- ference included organized draft card turn-ins during the week of March 16-22, and demonstrations at induction centers, draft boards and recruiting centers on March 19. "The March 19 demonstrations may include non-violent civil dis- obedience such as sit-ins or chair- ins" said Mrs. Trudy Young, co- ordinator of projects for the com- mittee. "Draft cards collected will be brought to Senator John C. Sten- nis (D-Miss) at the start of his See MOBE, Page 7 AND TORN government admits ulans to raid Much of this film-as well as two key witnesses and documents such as the Walker Report-has been excluded by Hoffman,.on one The saga of a mutilated ID lack Panther party WASHINGTON VP) - The In- nal Revenue Service confirmed sterday that its agents wanted raid a Black Panther headquar- rs in Se'attle last month but anged their plans at the request the city police. RS Commissioner Randolph Thrower, in a statement, in ef- t confirmed what Seattle Mayor es Uhlman said earlier..,Without iming the agency, Uhlman said st week that a federal law en- rcement agency had asked his January "indicating probable cause of criminal violations of the fed- eral gun laws by certain persons in Seattle who were believed to be members of the Black Panthers." He added, "This evidence was reviewed by the office of the Unit- ed States attorney in Seattle and it was agreed that there was prob- able cause for the issuance of a search warrant. "On that basis, the IRS in- vestigators discussed and reviewed with officials of the Seattle police aground or another, from being in- troduced as evidence for the de-: Seattlefense.j SSeattle Nonetheless, the defense lawyers' have managed to bring before the jury an intriguing selection of Uhlman said he refused to co- leftists and not-so-leftists, clergy- operate because the Panthers have men and professors, gurus and only about nine active members folk-rock celebrities. in Seattle, adding "They need a They have even managed to in- cause and I'm not .going to give troduce into the court record. them one." through witness Allen Ginsberg. The 34-year-old mayor added: what may well be the first use of "The position I'm taking is that Sanskrit in the history of the na- we're not going to have any 1932 tion's courts. Gestapo-like raids against anyone. But neither defense lawyers, If you pick a group like the Pan- William Kunstler and Leonard thers and do it, then you do it to Weinglass, nor the government someone else." attorneys Thomas Foran andI In an interview, Uhlman criti- Richard Schultz have had any- ~9. STe g KICd .GAN. The good .. By NADINE COHODAS Doing the wash at the nearest laundro- mat need only be a 55-cent venture, But a small oversight can turn it into a $5 experience if the oversight is leaving your ID card in some dirty pocket. One trip through the wash machine and the little 2 by 3 inch card is cracked, bent and rejected as your representative for the libraries' check-out computers and as proof of existence to cash a check. Room 1560, LSA Bldg. cures the prob- lem, however. All you need to do is stop off at Window A on the first floor of the LSA Bldg. and tell the nice lady £he';e yor. problem. But apparently there is a way to beat the system. If a library worker says your ID won't work in the machine, he or she usually gives you a slip noting the card cannot be used. This should entitle you to a new ID free of charge. "The library sends them over hand over fist;" claims Mrs. Monniner. So every now and then, she says, she tries to remind library workers of the negligence vs. nor- mal wear and tear criteria and warns that a library notice does not guarantee a free ID. Window A is the first checkpoint for mutliated ID's. There, the person on duty tries to decide just how the card was mut- ,I -. .