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February 06, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-06

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See Editorial Page

Sir i an


Fair and sunny, turning partly
cloudy by tomorrow

IViol. LXXX, No. 106

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 6, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages






















tIW r iti A TI h TI

Blacks present demands to Fleming ALLOT $75.



Ask more recruitment,
'U'financal support
Black students presented demands last night to President
Robben Fleming and Student Government Council for in-
creased recruitment of black students and faculty, increased
financial aids and supportive services, and expansion of the
black studies program and center. L
Specifically, the demands, which were drawn up at a
mass meeting of black students Wednesday night, call for:
-The admission of at least 9O0 new black students next

Gov. William Milliken asked the State Legislature yes-
terday to appropriate $75.7 million to the University's general
fund for the 1970-71 fiscal year - $8.3 million less than the
University had requested.
The governor's recommendation was contained in his
annual budget message to the Legislature, which called for
total state expenditures of $1.737 billion.
University officials were reluctant to speculate yesterday
whether the lower figure requested by Milliken - if adopted
by the Legislatu'e - would make a tuition increase for the

SC its1 1
jH eoary
Student Government Council
urged Central Student Judiciary
last night to refuse to consider any
case which may also be tried in
any other court.
Council passed a motion main-
taining that prosecution in both
civil courts and student courts;
is a violation of the legal prohibi-
tion against double jeopardy.
The action was taken in re-
sponse to President Robben Flem-
ing's statement that he will at-
tempt to prosecute in civil court I
all those identified as participants
in the disruptions involving Navy
and DuPont recruiters, and the
ROTC disruptions.
In addition, Fleming said the

fall, including 450 freshmen,
150 transfers and 300 graduate
-An increase in the proportion
of blacks in the University to ten
per cent by 1973-74;
-Additional annual increases in
this percentage until the propor-
tion of blacks "shall approach, if
not exceed" the proportion of
blacks in the total state popula-
tion ;
-The hiring of several full-time!
recruiters to aid this increased en-
-The establishment of "an in-
tensive supportive services p r o-
gram" to serve the new black stu-
-An increase in University fi-
nancial aid to black students;
-The establishment of a black
student center;
--The establishment of a Uni-
versity-wide appeal board to deal
with financial aids;
-The revamping of the parents
confidential statement to allow'
for "hidden costs";
-The granting of tuition wavers:
to in-state black students to be
admitted under special programs.
The statement also supports

next academic year necessary.
However, Vice President
;4 Smith admitted as for back as
last summer that prospects
- -for avoiding a tuition increase
for next year' are not good.
A hike in student fees will be
* -necessary if the administration is
- 4 unable to attract enough revenue
from other sources, including the
:. state, to cover items ultimately
budgeted for expenditure from the
"general fund.
Since the state appropriation
usually provides nearly two-thirds
ofithe general fund's income, its
size is considered by admninistra-
tors to be crucial in determining
whether or not to increase tuition.
The University's appropriation
request for 1970-71 projected a
general fund operating budget
totaling $126.7 million-an in-
crease of $15.5 million over this
The state was asked to allo-
cate $84 million to the general
fund. The state appropriation
would provide $15 million of the
$15.5 million increase.
However, the governor, who
-Daily-Randy Edmonds made sharp reductions in appro-
Of, lfei' SOUI'ly views SDS ~ttC3priation requests for many state
programs, recommended $75.7
million for the University-an in-
crease of only $6.7 million.
The governor also recommended
prevent SDS lock-in an allocation of $6.3 million for
capital construction - about half
of the capital outlay requested by
the University for 1970-71.
The governor's capital outlay
bk recr ter leaves:: request would providefofar con-
. .J struction of only one new project
-a building to house the archi-
Lecture and design college. The
balloons, played with toys, and ilis message was greeted by The decisioni to bring police to ter yand desin ll. Te
1 I first year's construction will be
sang. cries of "where's your warrant?" the SAB was made by Ann Arbor
Others held paper in fronit of a and assorted epithets. Police Chief Walter Krasny who 'o
video tape recorder which was be- After another five minutes, a said, "I felt it was in the interest The other capital outlay re-
inlg us5e d to take identification {girl camne into the room and an- of society to have police there." quests submitted by the governor
films. nounced there w e r e fifteen or Several police remained at the include:
At 10:45 a.m. one of the officers twenty armed police in the base- SAB throughout the day. -$1 million to renovate the
radioed for a unit to stand by out- ment. During the afternoon, a group General Library;
side the SAB. A few minutes later The protesters decided to leave of about 40 blockaded the door of -$150,000 to begin long range
he announced to the demonstra- the Texaco recruiter in West planning for modernization and
tors, that they would have to leave muttering regrets at not having Engineering Bldg. for approxi- expansion of the Medical Center.
the area or be arrested for con- been able to get to the recruiter mately 15 minutes, then left with-! -$150,000 for renovation of the
tention. and promising to be back today. out incident. -Natural ScienceoBldg.t
--$1.7 million to continue con-
.(r;struction of a new Modern Lan-
XT' 1 : guages Bldg.
-$825,000 to complete con-


for Academic Affairs Allan
LANSING IB - Gov. Wil-
liam Milliken recommended
to the State Legislature yes-
terday a $1.737 billion general
fund budget for 1970-71, say-
ing his figures reflected a
sagging economy and antici-
pated strikes in the auto in-
dustry this fall.
The proposals marked a $197.1
million increase over current
spending, with $35 million desig-
nated for new programs.
But the increase served notice
of economic slump, totaling only
12.8 per cent more than this year's
budget, compared with average 19
per cent annual increases over the
last five years.
More than 52 per cent - $898.4
million - of Milliken's proposed
budget would go for education,
$334 million for welfare and $208.8
million for mental health.
Milliken warned lawmakers that
his general f u n d budget faced
tightening to the point of "aus-"
terity," however,if they. failed to
raise $143 million in additional
revenue this year.
Budget director Glenn S. Allen
Jr. said such a failure would elim-
inate a budgeted $17.6 million
surplus and could throw the state
$125 million in debt,
But Milliken said that before
that happened he would have "no
alternative but to submit to the
Legislature a formal austerity
"Under the state constitution,
spending in any given year may
not exceed available revenues and
accumulated surplus," Milliken
noted. "In the proposed budget,
existing resources are $143 million
less than. proposed expenditures."
Without increases, the Governor
said, the state would have to cut
funds from such. programs as
school aid, university and com-
munity college grants and pay-
ments to senior citizens and veter-
ans-programs which he said ac-
count for 80 per cent of state
The Governor again called for
the. passage of revenue bills pro-
posed in his earlier (State of the
State) message. They included a
four cent hike in the seven-cent-
a-pack cigarette tax, closing so-
called "loopholes" in the sales and
use tax exemption rolls, and par-
:tial elimination of the property
tax credit against the income tax.

names of those identified would "our brown brothers and sisters,
be given to literary college Dean the Ohicanos, in their more than
William Hays for possible dis- ireasonable demands for one re- ,
" ciplinary action by the college's cruiter and fifty Chicanos stu-
administrative board, and that he dents on campus this fall.''
would bring charges against Stu- Fleming said last night he had By LiNDSAY CHANEY
dents for a Democratic Society not sufficient time yet to evaluate i A Chase Manhattan Bank re-
before CSJ. the proposals. Student Govern- cruiter left his office in the SAB
Fleming said Wednesday that ment Council has endorsed similar under police protection yesterday
bringing charges in both civil ;proposals in the past morning in the face of a threat-
courts and the literary college "We do not expect the Univer- ened SDS lock-in.
4 would not constitute double jeo- sity to procrastinate and subcom- .
pardy, and said he could cite mittee these demands," says the The recruiter left on orders
statutes defending his position, statement. "They are for imme- from his New York office more
SGC also resolved to solicit diate and positive action." than an hour before the demon-'
SCm a loresolve n to slict "The proposals drawn u are; strators arrived.

tram the iterary cortege and the
LSA Student Assembly statements
that they will not "collaborate
with Fleming's repression."
In addition, Council endorsed
the picketing of Fleming's house
today at noon. The action is spon-
sored by the.. "Ann Arbor 107" in
protest of "discrimination against
the poor*" in terms.. of possible
scholarship loss for those convict-
ed in district Court for conten-'
tion in the Sept. 25 LSA Bldg.

the minimal reasonable demands
we can make of the University,"
SGC member Darryl Gorman, a
group spokesman, said last night.
"I see no reason," he said "why
these demands shouldn't be in-
cluded as an integral part of the
University's general budget fund."

Meanwhile police remained at
the Placement Service to confront
athe demonstrators when they
An SDS spokesman later claim-
ed a victorybaed on the

On today's.
Page Three


SGC asked Fleming not to turnj
the names of those involved in:
non-academic discipline in to
state and federal authorities so
that their scholarships would not
be revoked. . I.
In other action, Council con-
demned the i.se of aca lemic pen-
alties for any non-academic of-
fenses by students, specifically the
withholding of academic credit as!
penalty for withholding of rent.

U.S. planes continue to
bomb North Vietnam in re-
taliation for anti-aircraft
Another delay in th. Senate
on confirmation of Judge
G. Harrold Carswell to the
Supreme Court draws criti-
cism from GOP leader Sen.
Hugh Scott.

sumption that Chase Manhattan' "(3 ""j
had been intimidated enough to l 1 iJ (.,';
withdraw its recruiter. Flemin on b laws disute
None of the 12 students who
had appointments with the re-,l
cruiter yesterday were interviewed. By MARTIN IIIRSCIIMAN Under the plan, a, student-fac- until the bylaws were approved
Student and faculty representa- ulty policy board would control because, until then, he could not
When the SDS group of about tives gave generally optimistic the internal functions of the tell candidates for the post what
40 entered the Placement Service assessments y e s t e r d a y. of the office. their functions would be.
in the SAB yesterday morning, chances for an early agreement This plan had been included n SGC had responded by charg-
they were toldphemb tw aspnoce- on the Regents bylaws dispute, the bylaw proposal ratified by SGC ing Fleming was "blackmailing"
meny wo toldvem aitt wastnec after a closed-session meeting and Senate Assembly last summer, them into accepting the Regent's
sary to have an appointment to with University President Robben Fleming, however, s a I d no draft of the bylaws. However, Mc-
see he rcruier.Fleming on the issue. agreement on control, of the OSS .Lauin semd or saifd
After a few arguments with the Stu d e n t Government Council adreeentn achieve . e s he hdyesterday with what he said he be-
police, it was apparent there would President Marty McLaughlin said mad it cear he se had ,
be no chance to see the recruiter. Fleming had surprised him by ap- made it clear to those present thatlieved tas the president sintent
The group still under the im- parently accepting a student pro- that section of the bylaws andI
pression that the recruiter was in posal on the section of the bylaws that he would have to confer with soon.
one of the back rooms then spread dealing with control of the Office other members of the administra-
out a giant monopoly board, broke of Student Services (OSS .Lionbefore any proposal could be
rr ' T__.._ _;acepted. ; in acc. J
IBnE ATION T When the Regents considered
that section of the bylaws last -r-

struction of the new Dental Bldg.
Te-$6.T 7million increase in the
sta.(e appropriation to the Uni-
versity's general fund-if adopted
by the Legislature-would cover
little more than a projected in-
crease in salary and staff benefits
costing $6.45 million. The bulk of
this projected expenditure would
cover a seven per cent increase in
faculty salaries, which is near the'
top of the administration's pri-
ority list.
The remaining $8.5 million of
requested increases in the general
fund operating budget w o ul d
include expenditures for:
-A variety of programs in the
See GOV., Page 3


uses Judge Hoffman

50 meet to discuss child center

Some fifty students prepared
last night to present President
Robben Fleming with demands
for free child day care facilities
available to all University em-
ployes, students and faculty.
The Women's Liberation's
child-care committee, which
sponsored the meeting, plans to
present its demands to Flem-
ing next Thursday. Besides the
establishment of the day-care
center to be financed by t h e
T~niversitWu the~ rbemo incrl incltnde

sentation of demands with dis-
cussions with Ann Arbor work-
ing mothers not connected with
the University.
Speakers pointed out that the
lack of facilities in the Ann Ar-
bor-Ypsilanti area. At the pre-
sent time there are only four
types of child care facilities
available, speakers claimed.
These include private b a b y-
sitters, licensed child care fa-
cilities, nursery schools and li-
censed home mothers. These
types of facilities not only are

month, they suggested that policy
for the office should be set "joint-
ly" by the student-faculty board
and the vice president for student
The suggestion was one of a
number ofgchanges made by the
Regents which have drawn strong'
criticism from SGC.
Prof. Joseph Payne, chairman
of the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA> ,
said the general attitudes and I
statements which SGC members
and Fleming have expressed have<
made him optimistic that an;
agreement on the policy board.
question would be reached.
Payne said Fleming had told the,
group that if the vice president re-

By JENNY STILLER lawyers Leonard Weinglass a n d
Special To The Daily William Kunstler on a motion to
Conspiracy seven defendant restore Dellinger's freedom.
Jerry Rubin yesterday accused Hoffman cut Weinglass off in
the federal government of "try- the middle of a sentence to deny
ing to pick us off one by one," the motion, and refusing to let
and vowed that the six defend- Kunstler even begin h is argu-
ants still out of jail would n p t ments.
bow to "intimidation" by J u d g e "This is disgraceful," Kunstler
Julius J. Hoffman. shouted, jumping to his feet.
Defendent Rennie Davis added "You're revoking Mr. Dellinger's
a call for a week of demonstrations bail because he made a speech at
against the court system Feb. 14 Marquette University."3
to 22. Kunstler was referring to the
He said the demonstrations judge's threat last Thursday to re-
would include a week of protest at voke the defendants bail because
law schools and court houses he had made a speech in Mil-
___.. .- _l______.i _ L ltnvln ~~im~ttc -onnCi-

of intimidating court defendants

successfully to persuade Hoffman
to. sign a formal order revoking
Dellinger's bail so that they could
start the appeals process. The
judge delayed until late in the
afternoon, thus assuring the de-
fendant of at least one more night
in Cook County Jail.
Judge Hoffman ordered the de-
fendants and their lawyers to re-
frain from mentioning Dellinger's
incarceration before the jury, but
at least one defendant, John
Froines, disobeyed.
In response to a comment by
the judge about "agitation" at the
defense table Froines replied

': :.

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