ee Utitterial Page
5k x
Cloudy with
snow flurries
Vol. LXXX, No. 105 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 5, 1970 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
judge r
Dellingr bail
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO-A free-for-all between "The Conspiracy" and
S. marshals broke out at the close of yesterday's session of
t e Chicago 7 trial as Judge Julius Hoffman revoked bail for
defendant David T. Dellinger and ordered the 54-year-old
pacifist to jail.
Hoffman cited Dellinger's "vile and insulting" inter-
ruptions of court proceedings, referring specifically to an out-
burst of "Oh, bullshit," aimed at a prosecution witness yes-.
-erday morning.
As defense lawyers attempted in vain to dispute Hoff-
-- ----- ----man's ruling, U.S. narshals'
moving in to arrest Dellinger
clashed with the defendants
and their staff.
One staff member, press liaison
Bob Lamb, was dragged out auld
08handcuffed by four marshals after.
he tried to protest other marsha 4'
treatment of defendant Ab y
Hoffman. Lamb remained in j ai1
O S overnight awaiting arraignment
this morning, probably on charg
of assaulting a U.S. marshal.
By SUSAN LINDEN Dellinger's "obscenity.' was i.: -
"The idea behind supermarket tered yesterday morning duri g
leafletting is to make consumers testimony by Deputy Police Chief
aware of the part they play in James D. Riordan of the Chicago
pollution problems," said Dave Police Dept.
Allen, co-chairman of the Envi- Riordan was recalling alleged
ronmental Action for Survival actions by Dellinger on the after-
Committee (ENACT) at an organ- noon of Wed., Aug. 28, 1968, when
ationalg meeting last night. the former co-chairman of the
Through the leafletting, ENACT National Mobilization Committee
hopes: to persuade local consumers to End the War in Vietnam inter-
to use their economic power over rupted him.
supermarkets. They make several "Oh, bullshit," Dellinger laugh-
claims linking large grocery chains ed. "That's an absolute lie. Let's
to pollution problems including: argue about what I stand for and
--the extraordinary amount of what you stand for," he told the
hackaging of food and products witness, "but let's not tell lies."
which results in 20 million tons of Judgc Hoffman dismissed the
paper and four million tons of juy and trict adm hed th
plastic trash every year; defendant far his use of "pro-
-26 billion throw-away bottles dfndty "p
and 48 billion cans added to the fanity."
Dellinger rose to protest. "When
trash piles annually; this trial is all over, the judge
-h i g h phosphate detergents will go to Florida, and, if heuhas
which pollute lakes and rivers by his way, we will all go to jail for
into them whr ilcausesmpone 10 years," Dellinger shouted. "We
ito thewihase s e. are fighting not just for ourselves
fill up with algae; but for all the oppressed people
-pesticides sold indiscriminant- in this country."
ly, many of which are much more A spectator jumped to his feet,
powerful t h a n necessary for his fistraised, and shouted,
household use. "Damn right! This trial is nothing
The group selected six stores in but a circus." He was taken into
the Anri Arbor area to leaflet im- custody by the marshalsaatJdge
mediately-the A&P on Huron St., Hoffy ' te ars
Kroger and K-Mart in the West- La identified as Michael
gate shopping center, Kroger onL Mirsky, the spectator a 22-year-
Broadway, Great Scott at Packard isythspcaoa2-e-
and Carpenter Rd. and Kroger at old Florida student and 1969 grad-
Arborland. uate of the University, was sen-
To insure against any possible tenced to two days in jail for sum-
'ittering and waste of paper from wary contempt.
their own leaflets, all ENACT vol- The trial continued peacefully
unteers will be equipped with box- until just after 5:30 p.m. when
es for leaflets to be thrown into the Judge dismissed the jury for
and recirculated, Allen added. theeening before annuncing his
surprise ruling on Dellinger.
' Hoffman cited cases to demon-
I tZ tt . Istrate that when a "trial is dis-
* 1 n o ay turbed or impeded" by a defen-
1g '7 'dant, the judge is within his rights
Prto revoke bail.
Defense a t t o r n e y William
Librarians' role tends to- Kunstler attempted to condemn
wards activism, as automa- the Judge's action, but was -cut
tion removes routine jobs off when Hoffman declared the
The Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs
(SACUA) yesterday con- '
demned recent vandalism at
the University and said it
would not hesitate to recom-
mend strengthening Univer-
sity disciplinary procedures if
the present ones prove inade-
The statement approved unani-
mously at a special meeting of the
faculty executive committee, came
just one day after President Rob-
ben Fleming announced a three-
point disciplinary program aimed
at persons involved in recent dis-
ruptions at the University.
SACUA's statement expressed a
concern about "the recent series
of events involving violent tactics
by a few persons at the Univer-
sity." In an apparent expression
of concern with the harassment
of corporation and military re-
cruiters over the last two weeks.
the release called on the Univer-
sity community to reaffirm sup-
port and enforcement of the prin-
ciple of academic freedom.
The special session was called
by SACUA Chairman J o s e p h
Payne. who said the group was
concerned about the recent van-
;dalisn at North Hall and SDS
Joseph Payne
Robben Fleming
-Associated Press
A conference oil Vietial
Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee confers with Sen.
Stuart Symington (D-Mo) during yesterday's session in Washington. The panel is holding public
hearings -on a series of resolutions proposing new U.S. approaches to the Vietnam war. Earlier in
the day Republican Senate leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania told the committee the Nixon ad-
ministration would not re-escalate the war.
SDS plans carnival,
lock-in for recruiter
students confer
demonstrations against the re- Students for a Democratic Society last night announced
The three-point SACUA state- they will lock-in a recruiter from the Chase Manhattan Bank
ment first calls upon "all ele- today while. he holds interviews at the Placement Services
ments in the University commu- Office in the Student Activities Bldg.
nity to reaffirm and maintain During the lock-in SDS will set up a "carnival" in the
their support of the principle that third floor corridor outside the recruiter's office.
place of ideas." SDS also issued a statement yesterday in response to
It further asks that the "Uni- President Robben Fleming's statement saying he would bring
versitv resist the efforts of all charges against SDS before Central Student Judiciary (CSJ>
outside and inside forces that and against at least 16 individuals in civil court.
would restrict its freedom, let "This University is guilty of aiding and abetting a world-
alone the civil liberties of some
of its members." wide criminal American im-'-
.The second section is concerned perialism" through ROTC, warI
with the "strain on the discipli- r e s e a r c h and corporation
over admissions issue
The Black Action Movement, a
coalition of black student groups,
met in a closed meeting last night
to prepare demands to be present-
ed to the University administra-
tion. but spokesmen for the groupl
refused to divulge what was de-
cided upon.
"We agreed not to make any
statements or comments concern-
ing our discussions" SGC member
Darryl Gorman said after the
Gorman said the third floor
conference room of the Union,
where the meeting was held, was
student support, but we feel that SGC member Walter Lewis last
if a movement concerns black week disclosed the "escalating" ef-
people, the vanguard should in- ,orts of black students for in-
deed be black people," SGC mem- creased minority-group admis-
ber Walter Lewis said earlier this sions and asked SGC to place a
Gorman said he will be meeting
in his capacity as a member of
SGC's admissions committee with
SDS member Rick Feldman in the
"near future" to discuss w h i t e
student support of black demands.
"SDS is interested in how
whites will be able to relate in a
progressive way to the black stu-
dent's demands," said Feldman'
last night.
priority on that issue.
Lewis at that time said he hoped
the issue would be resolved before
the February Regents meeting.
The Black Action Movement in-
cludes representatives from t h e
Black Students Union, Black Law
Student's Association, Association
of Black Social Work Students and
black medical school and psy-
chology department groups.
nary and .nu
ances. The s
would recom
judicial insti
ones prove
"No specif
cussed." sai
hard Weinb
that the ex
obviously be
"Those in
ing a free U
See S,
dicial proc sses 01fthe
created by disturb-.
recruiting, the s t a t e m e n t
charged. "Fleming's efforts to
full. "
Gorman said earlier thisweek";Fleming condemns violent
the group would discuss and pre-
pare demands concerning the
black studies program, financial
aids, counseling, admissions and
recruitment of black students and
f e lt
from library duties.
* A member of the national
violence committee suggests
that reporters for the media
be licensed by a govern-
ment agency similar to the
groups which license law-
court in recess.
As marshals moved toward Del-
linger, defendant Abbie Hoffman
stood in their way and said, "Don't
take him.'"
The marshals then seized Hoff-
man and began pulling himhaway
from the defense table. The de-
fendant's wife Anita, sitting in
See JUDGE, Page 10
He said last night a press state-
ment would be released concerning
these demands sometime today,
which is also the last day for
placing items on the Regents
agenda for the Feb. 19-20 meet-
One SGC member last night said
SGC plans to ask University Pres-
ident Robben Fleming today to
place the question of admissions
on the regental agenda.
The meeting of black students
last night was closed to whites and
to the press.
"We will always welcome white
President Robben Fleming yes-
terday said he deplores the "moralI
arrogance" of violent demonstra-
tors and reiterated the adminis-
tration's intention to prosecuteI
those involved in the Feb. 1 van-
dalism at North Hall.
Speaking at an afternoon press
conference, Fleming reaffirmed
the University's intention to pro-
secute at least 16 people in civil
courts and to bring charges
against the local chapter of Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society
before Central Student Judiciary
Cohen hints personnel changes
tatement sald SACUA ' ' " '" '"
imend new University prosecute us cannot intimi-
itutions if the present date us."
inadequate. The carnival, which will be pre-
ic proposals were dis- ceded by a rally at 10 a.m. today
d history Prof. Ger- in the Fishbowl, is. designed for
erg, "just the feeling "creative education about corpora-
isting procedures will tions and foreign investments," an
put to a severe test." SDS spokesman said.
terested a maintain- Several games will be set up in-'
niv ty a e concern- cluding "Capitalist Monopoly" in
which players pretend to be one.
* of the Rockefellers, DuPonts' or
SMellons and attempt to build in-
LdU 1U w ternational monopolies,
J In addition, .protesters can play
"Pin the Tail on the Pig" with
David Rockefeller, Chase Man-
hattan president, as "the Pig" or
throw darts at a dartboard deco-
rated with pictures of corporation
CSJ or refer the case leaders.
pool's Administrative Today's events are part of a
h has procedures f o r continuing effort by SDS to "stop
students in cases of recruiters from being able to in-
irbances as well as in crease their capabilities as world-
ating and plagiarism. wide oppressors and to educate
courses open to the students about imperialism," the
fe board would be" spokesman said.
vbaoardsuspeniodor Chase Manhattan will be hit,
obation, suspension or he added, because it "has main-
tained the apartheid system in
a number of students South Africa by lending millions
ly contested the right of dollars to the government when
inistrative board to it was in financial difficulty and
demic cases since such because it is part of the Rocke-
adicts a clause in the feller empire."
f Rights which says The Chase Manhattan recruiter
ay be tried only by a will be the fourth in the last two
mposed of students in weeks to be the subject of dem-
ic disciplinary cases. onstrations led by SDS..
The Student Mobilization Com-
mittee last night continued to plan
for the National Student Anti-
war Conference scheduled for Feb.
S14 in Cleveland,
As of last night, about 40 stu-
dents from the Ann Arbor area
had signed up to go to the con-
ference aimed at revitalizing the
anti-war movement.
The two problems to be discuss-
ed at the conference, according to
Debbie Bustin, SMC chairman, are
the "relevance of issues other than
Vietnam and the possibility of
conducting the anti-war move-
ment from the standpoint of anti-
"All that matters is the reality
of wanting to end the war now,"
Mrs. Bustin added. But she also
said that the conference will help
formsnew anti-war movement
The conference will draw an es-
timated 1500 people, but leaders at
several localities still hope to draw
between 3000 and 4000 if the
weather is good.
The conference is expected to
include representatives from sev-
eral organizations including the
Vietnam Moratorium Committee,
SDS and many other anti-war
Thirteen of the 16 persons fac-
ing charges have been identified
as literary college students and
their names will be given to LSA
Dean William Hays for possible
disciplinary action.
Fleming emphasized that trying
students by both the civil courts
and the literary college does n o t
constitute double jeopardy, how-
"The law is absolutely, irrevoc-
ably clear that there is no double
jeopardy," Fleming said. ,"We've
researched it in the statutes and
I can cite the statute i you
Defending this position, Flenm-
ing also cited cases at Columbia
and Berkeley where demonstra-
tors had been prosecuted in both
civil courts and university disci-
plinary bodies.
In response to a question sug-
gesting that Fleming's current
stance might represent a change
from his position last summer on
penalizing students, the president
vigorously denied the charge.
Last July Fleming had criticized
the State Legislature for passing
a bill that would automatically
cut off financial aidto any stu-
dent convicted in a campus dis-
turbance. Such action would con-
stitute "a double penalty," f a r
students, Fleming had said,
Through CSJ the University
hopes to determine whether there
are sufficient grounds to w i t h-
draw recognition of SDS as a
student organization.
Withdrawal of recognition
would mean that SDS would lose
the right to use University office
space as well as other privileges
granmted to studernt groups.
Difficulties with ocean pollution:
Fighting 'crud' in the 'Big Sink'.
case over to
to the sch
Board which
campus dist
cases of che
warning, pr
have recent:
of the adm:
hear non-aca
action contr
SGC Bill o
students ma
judiciary co
Education school Dean Wilbur Cohen,
under fire last night from education stu-
dents on a number of issues, hinted he
may make major personnel changes in the
school's administration.
Speaking at a meeting with about 30
members of Students for Educational In-
novation, the school's official student gov-
ernment, Cohen said he has interviewed
three persons for a high administrative
position, probably an associate deanship.
He said each candidate has turned down
the job offer, however.
A student then questioned Cohen on why
Associate Dean Charles Lehmann and As-
sistant Dean Lowell Beach were still on the
school's administrative staff, charging
them both with lack of imagination,
originality and rapport with students.
His first complaint was that there were
far too manly students in the education
school to permit quality education. But
before he could continue further, Jim
Buntin, head of the black caucus at the
education school, interrupted to suggest
a moratorium on the admission of white
studenits until the number of black stu-
dents was increased to 20 per cent.
Cohen said black admissions could be
increased only over the long run because
it is necessary to eliminate other programs
in order to release the resources for ac-
companying tutorial services. He said he
did not intend to rush into new projects
for which administrative resources to do
them well do not exist.
Criticism was also levelled at Director
of Urban Education Leonard Sain, re.-
cently appointed full professor from in-
of Detroit, she felt that University edu-
cation courses, particularly in methods,
did not adequately prepare her to teach
in these areas.
"With the present system of education,
we don't want to go to Detroit. We're more
a detriment than a help," she said.
Cohen responded that all education
courses including the methods course must
answer to very general needs. The girl
suggested more specialized classes be pro-
vided, but Cohen did not answer.
Students sugegsted that planning and
decision-making committees be given a
specific time limit to reach their con-
clusion so that committee reports do not
drag on for years. Cohen said he would
attempt to implement the idea.
Cohen mentioned that when he came to
the education school last summer, he
"What is there in the ocean
that shouldn't be there?" asked
natural resources Prof. John
Bardach. "A lot of plain crud."
Speaking last..night on "The
Big Sink" Bardach said, "We
throw a lot dirty things into the
oceans, but unlike sinks we can-
never unplug them."
Bardach's lecture was the
fourth speech sponsored by the
Environmental Action for Sur-
vival (ENACT) as part of its
continuing environmental ed-
ucation campaign.
Bardach acknowledged the
difficulty of establishing a feel-
ing of responsibility for our
';:. -