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February 04, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-04

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Cloudy, cold,
chance of snow


' VoI. LXXX, No. 104

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 4, 1970

Ten Cen#s

Ten Pag~e ,

Ten Cents


"U'to prosecute SDS,16 persons


three-pronged legal


May delay
on bylaws
Student Government Coun-
cil President Marty MeLaugh-'
lin last night indicated that
SGC would defer its expected'
debate with the Regents on
the bylaw issue in favor of dis-
cussion by the Black Students
U n i o n concerning minority

-Daily-Jim Judkis
HUBERT LOCKE candidate for University vice president for

student services and director of the office of religious affairs at McLaughlin suggested the possi-
4. Wayne State Lniversity, addresses the County Council of Churches bility after a meeting of leaders;
in Ann Arbor last night before his interview with Student Govern- m ental oganizti ns to diecs
ment Council. the regental bylaws concerning
student decision-making failed to
matriaiz last night.
Locke says VP shlOlud m==riadlyiMe
L S 1. L 1 Te meeting, scheduled by Mc- Yi
Laughlin in a letter to about 80
- students sent out last week, was
tu ent views called off when only a handful of
1 ~~~students appeared to discuss thei °' "-es . ..
issue. I
By . E. SCROCK nighttoHowever, the Regents are likely e e
B to discuss the bylaw issue this -
Hubert Locke, one of five candidates for the position of month if McLaughlin succeeds in COnfi Ofni e StPi- /"
vicepreidet fo stden sevice lat nght oldStuentplacing the item on the agenda
vice president for for the Feb. 2t0 Regents meeting Rep. Jerome R. Waldie lD-Cat) yesterday called For a Democratic caucus on his motion to declare
i Government Council and the Black Students Union (BSU) when he meets with President "no confidence" in House Speaker John McCormack of Massachusetts. Although Waldie does not
that the task of the vice president "is to administer a specific Robben Fleming tomorrow. believe the motion will pass, he has sent a letter to all Democratic congressmen asking for a caucus
area called student services and advocate the views of stu- In addition, McLaughlin indi- Feb. 18. Waldie's motion was prompted by recent allegations that two of McCormack's associates
dents." h ' cated that SGC would probably used his name in "peddling influence."
"Ifhe an',"Loce sid,"h ha togetou ofhisWay"'otetoonfvotel ditosioconfine ---_-all__,discussion_ _ __ at.---_
h the Feb. 19 meeting of the Regents
Locke, one of the two black candidates proposed for the to the issue of minority admis- TENANTS To PRETEST:
vice presidency, is the director of religious affairs at Wayne sions. *_
S --'State University. He is 35 years This move is expected since a
old, motion to defer SGC's allotted : _
GE workers tieattene. 9metn t 4 ic fles T
(j (! ~~~~~Discussing the current contro- B SU was introduced and defeated 0 i r , i!iea h e.1 etn o
versy over control of the student I at last week's meeting. If' 11.1
services office, Locke said that if a However, SGC member Marty
h ever reachdnt -oi imp " Sc tt explaind that the motion
s broad, he would probably resign did not wh to y itse
d~etp c ; wt i tdn-aut o ifald lat week tonl c auitisel toC ,
from the vice-presidency, any action so far in advance of
"If ultimately it gets to the the actual meeting.
point where the policy board states "The whole thing was a matter By CARLA RAPOPORT sation, saying the bank "notifies ; he Tenants Union levelled its'
NEW YORK () -- The AFL-CIO a policy which in good conscience of timing," Scott said. "We were The Ann Arbor Bank defended its customers that their accounts charges to gain support for a
International Union of Electrical he cannot impliment, whether he in favor of the motion last week itself yesterday against charges 'have been garnished as soon as march to the Ann Arbor Bank on
Workers (IUE), largest of the , gives up the job or he says 'you're but wanted to wait and see what made by the Ann Arbor Tenants possible after the garnishment." Friday. At the bank, the demon-
twelve unions on strike against wrong' and goes to impliment the other participants wished to talk , Union that the banks had garnish- The accusation was one of sev- strators plan to close their ac-
the General Electric Co., ratified a policy, he must live with the male- about at the Regents meeting. We ' ed rent-strikers accounts without eral levelled by the Tenants Union counts. They say the pressure of
new national contract with t h e strcm that follows," Locke said. He just wanted to wait a week and notifying them. in a r'ecent leaflet. The other a mass withdrawal of deposits
company last night. added that he does not consider explore all the parameters," he Garnishment is the result of a charges alleged that the bank gave will cause the bank to be less
The ratification was clinched the second possibility, that of going added. court order which dictates that 125 poor service to its depositors. cooperative with the courts or
by a vote of IUE members in locals against board's wishes, feasible. In addition, McLaughlin in- per cent of a legally dsputed bill In response, the bank officials; garnishments.
at Rome, Ga., and at Lynn, Ever- ' SGC has also interviewed Alan dicated that the apparent lack of or debt be frozen in the debtors said, "The Ann Arbor Bank has The union claims that other
ett and Wilmington, Mass. Guskin, another candidate for the °upnort for action on the bylaw account-in this case the rent- particularly attempted to fully banks have delayed the garnish-
Although workers at the com- office. issue which was demonstrated at strikers' accounts. and efficiently meet the banking ment process and have refused to
pany's largest plant, in Schenec- According to SGC President last night's meeting will increase However, officials at the bank needs of the University commu- release information on their cus-
tady, N.Y., had voted 5 to 3 Marty McLaughlin, the interview, See SGC, Page 6 denied the Tenants Union's accu- 'nity." tomers' accounts.
against ratifications, the affirma- which took place on Jan. 23, was Bruce Benner, senior vice presi-
tive votes at other locals provide fruitful and informative. "Every- 1 dent of the Ann Arbor Bank, said
the margin of approval. one was highly impressed.' Mc- d® 0 d 4 r1 Yesterday. that any customer "is
Thtetaiv cnta are-i Laughlin said. "It was a frank dis- O *'L a1I"I UC )IL I J1 T101(15stoe'thtan "-oer-s
Th tentative contract agree- ..
merit, aimed at ending a nation- cussion. 1 free to close his account. I don't
wide strike which has lasted mare Guskin, a project director in think it's going to cause any ser-
wdstiewihhslsemoethe Institute for Social Reseairch'. 1 ious situation at all," he' added.
than ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~L1~ tctroe "ots ol rvd 7Y Y'1Q j s Most students have moderate
thntemon'ths, ould provi anpyhlgletrs could not rst 1ineting,1 plan~s br* a act~n *
wage increases ranging from 61adpycooylctrs oldntUj .IL..( 1 .lj ,.. j amounts of money in the bank."
to 82 cents an hour for all workers be rhe eterday for Gco
.--------on his interview with SGC. B R cntinued W think

Seek action in LSA,
civil court and CSJ
Three separate actions are being taken by the University
against persons involved in the recent harassment of military
and corporation recruiters and the property d a m a g e at
North Hall early Sunday morhing.
President Robben Fleming announced yesterday the Uni-
versity is seeking prosecution of at least 16 individuals in
the civil courts and prosecution of the local chapter of Stu-
dents for a Democratic S o c i e t y before Central Student
Judiciary (CSJ).
In addition, Fleming said he was turning the names of
the 13 students identified thus far over to literary college
Dean William Hays. "It appears that all of the students in-
volved are from LSA," Fleming said.
Two possible courses of action open to the college are
referral of the case to either CSJ or the Administrative Board
of the college. The board
normally hears strictly aca-
demic cases, such as cheating
or paaris ndiviuswer
No specific idividuals were
named, however. Fleming said last ','.
night that it was still' unclear : '
whether the 16 would be charged
in the recruiter incidents, North
Hall incident or both. Charges, he . " \
said, will be announced in the
Snext few days, including the
j names of the individuals.
Fleming said that a local attor-...
ney, Richard Ryan, had been in-
vestigating the incidents "and now
believes that there is a firm case
against at least 16 individuals ;
Thirteen of them seem"to be stu
dents, he said.
Meanwhile yesterday, Ann Ar-
bor Police Chief Walter Krasny
said that 40 people had been
identified as being at North Hall
during Sunday's incident. : " a'
"However, we still have a br-
den of proof to establish, whether
tese people were actually in Presidnt Flemng
valved,," Krasny said.
Krasny said the identifications were made with the help of people
in the crowd outside North Hall during the breakin. No warrants
are being sought at this time, he said.
Hays declined last night to speculate on what action the literary
college might take with the students whose names he will receive.
* "The action is a decision for the executive committee of the col-
lege," Hays said. "They'll take it up as soon as they can, but I don't
know when a decision will be reached."
The action through CSJ, Fleming said, would be taken because
SDS "has been promoting and encouraging these interruptions, which
are in clear violation of Student Government Council rules."
In his statement, Fleming also said that SGC would be asked to
remove its recognition of SDS as a student organization. The action,
if taken would deny SDS the use of University facilities and other
. privileges given student organizations.
However, last week SGC flatly rejected a similar request from
Placement Services Director Evart Ardis. SOC President Marty
McLaughlin, in a letter to Ardis, pointed to CSJ as the appropriate
body for action against any student group.
The actions announced yesterday resulted from three incidents
of "trashing" within the past two weeks. On Jan. 21, SDS staged
a sit-in while military recruiters were interviewing students. A can
of black paint was poured over one of the recruiters.
Last Friday, demonstrators partially blocked the office used by
a DuPont Company recruiter, threw a dead fish on his desk and
sprayed the room with insecticide.
The third incident was Sunday's break-in at North Hall, where
the ROTC program is housed. Approximately 30 demonstrators there
caused an estimated $1,200 worth of damage to windows, doors and
trophy cases.
Fleming said that some of the Regents had called him on the
matter, and that he had discussed it with them. However, a high
University source said all eight Regents had been contacted by Fleming
and that all had approved of his action.
unable to apear in
trial despite ruling

aepenaing an whether rising.2iving
costs brought the full cost of living
clause into effect.
Among locals approving the'con-
tract Yesterday :were those in El-
mira, N.Y.; Bridgeport, Conn., and
Holland, Mich.
Workers in Pittsfield, Mass.,
where 13,000 GE workers were on.
strike, approved the contract on
Sunday, as did union msmbers in
Tyler, Tex.I

' owever, Guskin has already By PAT MAHONEY cologist at University Hospital, ZPG's actions are expected to the students are more intelligent
taken a stand on the policy board "Population is a basic issue' described the problems caused by 'center around supporting candi- than to fall for this Tenants Un-
dispute, saying the vice president underlying environmental prob-, the current population explosion dates in the spring and fall elec- ion campaign."
should be bound by policy board lems. Nothing has been actively and what they believe can be done tions this year, putting pressure In reaction to Benner's opin-'
decisions on internal OSS matters. done about it," says Bill Bryan, a ; about them. on legislators to pass a liberalized ions, a Tenants Union steering
Locke said there should be a re,- conservation graduate student who Bryan said the new ZPG chap- abortion bill, and changing income committee member, Norm Finkel-
evaluation of the new vice presi-' is acting coordinator of the state ter will concentrate on "making tax laws to encourage families nob stein, said, "The people in general,
dent every two years. 'I think that chapter of Zero Population Growth people aware of the population to have more than two children.-I not just students, are intelligent.
these are very limited posts," he Inc. (ZPG). ;issue, their role in solving it" and ZPG recommends that parents They see that the bank isn't act-'j
explained. "It is only a matter ofI At the state chapter's first meet- I possible political action aimed at adopt any children in excess of ing in their best interest. Some
time before you have made more ing last night, Bryan and Dr. stemming the current population two. banks do" he said.
enemies than friends." . David Bingham, a resident gyne- growth. To demonstrate the way a popu-
--__-_ lation expands, a film titled "Pop-
" ( 1" 'G [ . 7~pr('"+1 TA T~- r !ulation Ecology" was shown at'
t lal' 1 !' .[ Jt V .t~l (r j last night's meeting. In the film ,
two fruit flies were put in a jar
Sand their growth was plotted on a c n p r c
SBy the twelfth day the two flies;
nen gamble on the pill had multiplied to 52, and by the
says, whether or not the pills cause cancer twentieth day there were 158. By JENNY STILLER
But ten days later all died be- Speciai To The Daily
al concern or blood clottings in humans is still an causeteysadexclded e-S
e damaging opsn question. tural limit set by their environ- CHICAGO - Rev. Ralph David
d n g Some rats who were treated with t h e tur. lAbernathy yesterday was unable
University chmial ment. to appear to testify in the Chicago
tinue to do chemicals used in birth control pills have Man's population has grown 7 conspiracy trial due to pressing
developed these two conditions. from half a billion in 1700 to more civil rights commitments in the
No relative statistics have been avail- than three billion in 1960 as a south Abernathy who had plan-
th Service, able on the effects of the pills, Spruce result of declining death rates and ned to testify Monday had arrived
th control notes, adding that even if the suggested arclul oenztn, h e stfyModyha rved.
ggested;agricultural modernization, theE lateadbe ardfo h
terand___n_.rredf m th-



Despite the growing nation
that birth control pills may havE
side effects, many co-eds at the
who use pills say they will cone
so for the time being.
According to doctors at Heal
congressional hearings on bir
pills prompted an initial flurry o
from worried students. But th
at this camp1 has since levelly
doctors say.
"The first diay tof the hea
:nhn-- y~l r .tvn~o +7i.1 . "h rr

lessly in Chicago to take the wit-
ness stand. I cannot return in the
near future, despite the judge's
change of mind."
Abernathy's statement also ex-
plained he had "just returned
from abroad as an ambassador of
good will for my country," and
said that he had tried to deny
claims that neither justice nor
democracy exist in America.
"After my experience yesterday
in this court," Abernathy con-
tinued, "I can no longer defend
my country against such attacks.

jury that the court had ruled for
Abernathy to testify, but that
Abernathy was prohibited by
schedule conflicts from returning
to Chicago.
Kunstler asked Hoffman to in-
stead read Abernathy's statement
to the jury.
However, Hoffman refused to
tell the jury anything about the
Most of the courtroom time yes-
terday was devoted to hearing fur-
ther testimony from rebuttal wit-
nesses presented by the prosecu-

f questions
i£ concern
ed off, the
rings Ijthe

symptoms do occur, it could happen to
only a very small percentage of girls using
Anythimg you put in your mouth is
unsafe in absolute terms, he says. "What

film claimed. stand by U.S. District Court Judge
"No one knows what the op- Julius J. Hoffman.
timum population is" for the
world or the United States. Bing- Hoffman had later agreed to
ham said. hear Abernathy's testimony to
He added that population must rule on its relevance, after the

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