Tuesday, February 3, 1 970 THE Iv1ICH1GAhJ DAILY Tuesday, February 3, 1970THE MICHIGAN DAILY For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 2 1.00 60 235 300 3 65 4 20 .60 3 1.10 2.I5 3.10 4.05 4.85 5 65 .80 , 4 1.35 2 60 3.75 4 05 5.90 6 90 .95 5 1 55 3.00 4.35 465 6 90 8 05 1.15 6 1.80 3 40 4 95 6 35 7.85 9.25 1.30 7 2:00 3.75 5 50 7.20 8.85 10.40 1.45 8 2.20 4:15 610 7 90 9.75 1 1.45 1.55 9 2.40 4.55 6.65 8.70 10.65 12.60 1.70 10 2.60 4.95 7.15 9.30 1 1.35 13.60 1.80 INCHES 1 . 2.60 4.95 7.15 9.30 11.35 13.30 1.80 2 4:90 9.50 13.80 17.85 21.75 25.40 1.80 3 6.95 13 50 19.75 25.50 31.15 36.65 1.80 4 8.90 17.35 25.55 33 45 40.95 48.30 1.80 5 t0.70 21.10 31.40 41 40 51.15 60.50 1.30 Additioarla costs per day ater six days.- Ads that are 1't/, 212, 3, etc. inch size will be billed at the overage of the lower and higher inch rate. ROOK MATES WANTED YOUR OWN ROOM in 4-man. Sublet until Aug. Inquire 331 Catherine or call 662-2290, after six. 46Ytc ROOMMATE for 4-man, modern apt. close to campus. $65/mo. Call George, 662-2371 or 761-3502. 45Y26 4TH GIRL NEEDED to complete mod. bi-level on campus. Immed. occup. Call Sue, 665-0490. 40Y23 NEED 4TH GIRL for modern apt. at 320 E. Madison. Until May. Call 761- 5996. YE 4TH MALE roommate needed. Campus location. 769-5993 or 663-6448. 47Ytc 3RD FEMALE roommate needed. Cam- pus location. 769-7571 or 663-6448. 46Ytc WANTED TO BUY WANTED: two tickets to Harvey. Cali 764-7717. 10K27 WANTED-2 Harvey Tickets; call Nancy 769-6579. 11K26 WANTED-2 or 4 Harvey tickets Fri., Sat., or Sun. perf. 662-2290 after six. 12K24 WANTED: 2 tickets to Segovia. Call 761-6084 or 761-3274 ask for Mike. 13K28 NEED 2 HARVEY tickets Feb. 6 or 7 evenings. Call 769-7019 for Ginny. 4K25 HARVEY-Need two tickets. 663-3511. 5K24 WANTED-Two tickets to Harvey. Call NO 8-6408. 6K24 PETS AND SUPPLIES NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS, regis- tered breed. Call 483-5973 TX BUSINESS SERVICES EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires work in her home. Thesis, technicalj typing, stuffing. etc. IBM selectric Call Jeanette, 971-2463. 12Jtc TASK Does It All ! HELP WANTED PERSONAL LIBERAL MINDED female photo model, EVERY HOMBRE: Bring your pointed No experience nec. Starting $3/hr. hat to our next revolutionary gather- Call 665-7539, Jim. 5H26 ing in the fishbowl; we will again, FOR RENT 3 BEDRM. APT.: furnished, close to campus and hospital, newly redec- orated. 971-656. 13026 DAH LMAN APTS. Is NOW, ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR APARTMENTS FOR NEXT FALL. 545 CHURCH ST. 761 -7600 l5Ctc SUMMER SUBLET, lay-Aug. Female, own bedroom. 662-9386. 14027 RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT NOW FOR NEXT FALL! r CHARTER REALTY Fine Campus Apartments S. UNIVERSITY & WASHrTENAW. FOR RENT1 SUBLET UNTIL June or rent till Aug- ust. Mod, furnished 2 or 3-man. Campus loc. 761-1770 eves. 3Ctc I. 4TH MAN NEEDED - Mod. apt., near, campus. $55. Call 761-7389. 37Y24 WANTED-Female roommate to share one bedroom apartment. Call Diane after 5:00 at 971-7944. 38Y24' EXTREMELY large modern apartment near Rackham needs one girl. $40 per month. 663-4980 or 769-2059. 39Y24 BIKES AND SCOOTERS SALE Save by the pair BABY-SITTER-Light housekeeping. I to 4 mornings per week, 8 a.m.-12. Faculty family. Near campus. $1.50/ hr. 663-7428. 50Htc TEACHERS - Fallopenings, colleges, private schools. Others. Some foreigi1 locations. Cline Teachers, East Lans- ing, Mich. 48823. 4H24 WANTED-COEDS to sell a completely new product. Very good profit. If interested, write to P.O. Box 4627, Toledo, Ohio. 35H14 PERSONAL _ THE APARTMENT 5 STORY, install- ment 82. Apt. 5 wishes to congratulate its landlord, Craig Hall, for being the most concerned .and understanding landlord in Ann Arbor. Call him about next year at 668-7517. (Does that take care of February's rent, Craig?) FF ABRAHAM must have had one hell of a bosom. Hezekiah 3:2 30F23 OOOOOOHHHHHHH-my stomach . THE BLURB. F GIRLS-are you tired of pulling on your skirts while 'simultaneously de- fending your honor? Then honor THIS platonic tip and contact a male grad student who believes in lots of great times with no strings or aggressive moves attached. For non- commitment with a smile CALL Gor- don, 761-0200. 32F23 THANK YOU Jo, Anita, Tina, Sylvester; Lo, Jeanne, Knorpp Joan, Barb, all the dirty kids on the other end of the hall and everyone on 4th floor Van Hoosen (even Kathy and Katie, who bring us mic!). Special thanks to Kath, world's best roommate. You're all the greatest friends alive. Phyl. 33F23 provide the sheet, Viva SDA-KKK- NLF! 2F23 THE POPULATION BOMB is Every- body's Baby. What can you do about it? Meeting - Multipurpose Room, UGLI. ZERO POPULATION GROWTH, INC. Tuesday, Feb. 3, 7:30 p.m. 24F23 WART TO WIN FIVE DOLLARS? If you've received a "classic" letter from home (advice, worries, com- plaints, and/or parental wisdom), send us a copy (or excerpts). We'll judge it for human interest, authen- tic'ty, typicality-then return it OR send you $5.00 (letters become our property). ANNONIMITY GUARAN- TEED! Send with stamped, self-ad- dressed envelope to Box 51, Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, 48104. 19F13 PERSONAL Creative Photography WEDDINGS and portraits. Professional quality at student rates. Call John Evans at 769-0053 for appointment to see portfolio. F60 WANTED DESPERATELY-l or 2 tickets to Harvey-any seat, any perform- ance. Call 769-5653 after 6 p.m. 25F23 RADICAL RESEARCH PROJECT seek- ing info, on C.C.N.Y. Rebellion, Spring '69. Call Tom or Bob, 769-4269. 26F26 I WANT TO MEET other nice people who aren't hung-up. Chryl, 761-5887. 27F24 WEATHERNATION J.P. is a F.A.G. 37F21 WE ARE getting together a new store in which half the merchandise will be hand-crafted items sold on a con-I signment basis. If whatever you make ; nrcaio nd bn~ ly ired. PERSONAL MAY 2-JUNE 22 EUROPE $16 5 Roundtrip jet from Detroit for U. of M. community WORLD WIDE CHARTER 211 S. State St. (near Paraphernalia) Dial: ON-A-TRIP (662-8747) 59F36 SAVE $75-$500 the day you buy her diamond. AUSTIN DIAMOND, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. F BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive, $10 & $12 Rh negl ative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Pri. 9-4. Wed, 1-7 18-21 years old need par- ent's permission Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 Ftc APPLY NOW FOR SUMMER OR FALL Modern 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts, LARGE UNITS Directly on Campus MODERN APTS. INC. 668-6906 50Ctc ON - CAMPUS apartments and rooms, Student Living Quarters, 1217 S. Uni- yersity, 662-6591. 47Ctc APTS. FOR FALL-Campus locations- 3-man, 1 bdrm. from $195; 2 bdrm., 2-man from $210. Contact 663-1761 for moderately priced mod. apts. 52023 SUMMER & FALL ' Deluxe furnished 2 bedrom units. 4- man, close to campus, parking, 4-8-12 month. Forest Glen Apt., Mgr. No. 102, 927 S. Forest Ave. After 5 p.m. 662-6156. 41Ctc Model 2 SS125's 2 CL125's 2 CLl7S's Sale Price 865.78 900.44 1237.20 Limited offer Save 83.20 137.28 124.80 Order now at HONDA OF ANN ARBOR 3000 Packard at Platt, 971-4500 6Ztc_ DOWNTOWN HONDA: New and usedE cycles - parts. Accessories, service, storage. 310 E. Washington. 665-8637.E 34Ztc ZF - - - ...__.-__ __- - - - _ _ __ THINK SPRING Order Now Honda of Ann Arbor 3000 Packard at Platt 971-4500 Tping, Printing, Transcribing Conferences and Mailings Call The Professionals 761-4146 or 47 30J50' TYPING-Thesis, term papers, etc. Call Polly, 769-3536. 11J24 NOW ON CAMPUS Campus MultiService typingI printing thesis service 214 Nickels Arcade 662-4222 Fem Ie V caI istis interesting ana reasona py price, . Female Vocalist cal the Do It Shop, 665-8042. If no \'Vaonted answer, 769-0352 or 662-4979. 16F25 WARNING to all concerned - Neal is FOR SINGING GROUP cruel, mean, vicious, and savage! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 19F24 CALL LARRY, 434-0779 AFTER 5 P.M. SUBJECTS NEEDED FOR THESIS -- 14F23 Comparing cognitive styles of women. ,_ _Must be wife of graduate student, YOU DOi'.'T HAVE to be one to drive 17-29 years old, non-Catholic, native one, but it helps. 1970 Maverick. Call American, not pregnant. Call Meriiee Connie, 662-3261 between 6 and 7 p.m. day or night, 764-9552 or 665-0007 13F24 20F24 FIGHT POLLUTION! Send 50c for your THE 'S.V.D.M.P. IS COMING. P.B. SAYS ALL A.E.P.'s BEWARE. 21F33t "Give Earth A Chance" bumper sticker to Pollution, 711 Arch, Ann T.G.I.F. Fri.. Feb. 6, 9 p.m., on 21 or Arbor, 48104. 4"x15", 1 wk. delivery, over, 1440 Hubbard. 15F23 22F23 GUARANTEED TO R A ISE YOUR ALTERATIONS GRADE POINT average and your self confidence with a minimum of effort. Viking Sewing Center, 110 W. Huron Doubtful? Send today to: Better Fitting hours: 12-5:30 Mon., Wed., Fri. Speech, Dept. B-4, 4926 N. Monticello. 761-3094 Chicago, Illinois. 38Ftc 24Ftc Order Your ISubscription' Today 764-0558 prompt, accurate, low price MISCELLANEOUS 7Jtc Power ONLY to the People who under--- BAR MITZVAHS stand it, respect it, and know how to TVs for RENT Weddings, picnics, wakes, personal por- use it. 34F2t 19" Zenith portables, free service and traits. You name it and I'll photo- delivery, no deposit required. Call graph it. Thomps R. Copi, photog EASY RIDING Nejac TV Rentals, 662-5671. 9Ftc rapher. 761-9092 or 764-0552. FF[, Travel Europe with AIR CYCLE CLUB'S IOverseas Motorcycle $z ...:,: ..:. '.....:. j~. deliver E':.":.:. :>s:e : t:. 665-8825 32Ctc NOW RENTING F'OR FALL . {ALBERT TERRACE 1700 QEDDES Large and luxurious 2 bedroom bilevel apts. completely furnished and car- peted. Convenient to hospital and campus areas. 3-5 man. Featuring: 1% baths dishwasher balcony or patio air conditioned spacious closets soundproofed off street parking storage and laundry faciilties Inquire at lobby office Monday thru , Friday 1:30-5:30, Saturday 10-1 or phone 761-1717 for appointment, CHARTER REALTY 5Ctc SUMMER SUBLET-Excellent location. House-3 bdrm., $185/mo. Utilities in- cluced 769-3528. 12X28 WINTER TERM ROOMS at legal frater- nity. Fre parking, 1 bk from Union, mandatory board. Peter Weinbaumi. 761-9220. 5ctc RM. FOR 2 PEOPLE in mod. 5-man. Right on campus. 663-9462. 43CT0 SHOREVIEW APTS.: short and long- term leases. 1 and 2 bedrm. Furn. and unfurn. Starting at $160/mo. short anal long term leases. All Hotpoint appliances and dishwasher, disposal. All utilities furn. except. elec. 761- 3404. Call for appointmeiit. 17022 SINGLE BDRM in 4-man duplex mod building behind "the Wheel" 543 Church St., 769-1726, ask for Eliot, 35CTC Geddes-Observatory Area Renting for Fall Four-man, nicely furnished, air-condi- tioned, wall-to-wall carpeting, dis- ppsal, lockers, laundry facilities, parking. Heat and water included at $70.00 per man. Dishwasher optional. Campus Management, Inc. 662-7787 335 E. Huron 2Cte -_--.~_-_~_~ ~_. - 2 SUBLET SERVICE We rent for you. We have tenants now. Student Living Quarters, 1217 S. Uni- versity, 662-6591. 46Ctc EDENBOURGH APTS.-912 Brown St.- 2 bdrm. apt. available for both sum- mer sublet and fall occupancy: fur- nished units include: air-cond., dish- washer, commuter bus service, also ample parking for all tenants cars. Rent $57.50/man. Both 3 and 4 man units available. For info. call 761-6156 or 761-3466 or inquire personally after 6 p.m. 11C34 1Ztc 2 GOOD TICKETS for Tues., Feb. 3S T____ RANP- TA -N Harvey perform., will swap for any T RA NSPO RTATI1O N other night.. 769-3987. 11M23I $125 APT. 3 rooms, on campus, carpet- ' , et, unfurnished. 63-9?05. 971-6656. 8025 WE NEED desperately 1 man efficien- eies and houses for rent immediately for fall. 662-6591, Student Living Quarters. 6027 3 BEDROOM SIX-MAN, nicely fur- nished % of duplex with fireplace, separate dining room, wall-to-walL carpeting, 'parking, lots of privacy. Girls only please. Campus Management, Inc. 662-7787 335 E. Huron ACtc BARGAIN CORNER INDIA OVERLAND. $204, regular trips. 39 Landsdowne Gardens, London, S.W.S.U.K. 5G RESPONSIBLE person wanted to drive '68 Pougot from NYC to AA. 769-4931. 6G73 RIDE WANTED to Cleveland area on Feb. 6. Please call 769-0155. 4G23 FOR SALE VW AM RADIO, complete kit. Call Tom, 761-0426. 41B25 LEBLANC CLARINET in excellent con- dition. Call 769-0819 after 6 p.m. 42B25 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT ring and wedding band. ?2 carat. $550 value. Best offer over $300. 769-7471. 37B26 MUST SELL 1 or 2 Eur. '70 tickets, May 7-June 26. Cost $210. Will sell for $175. Call Karen at 453-8433 after 6 p.m. 38B26 ONE FIRST Balcony ticket to the musi- cal 'Cabaret.' Will bargain. Call 665- 7649 for Kathy or 662-1543 for Karen or Drew. BB BEFORE buying any type of sewing machine, check our price and service policy. EXAMPLE: New National port- abie complete $39.901 Viking Sewing Center, 110 W. Huron. 761-3094. 34Btc MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS MOTOROLA AM-FM universal model car radio. 5 mos. old. Was $115, now $80. 769-4523. 35X23 HIGH QUALITY 3-way Japanese stereo speaker systems, oiled walnut cabi- net, $149 pair. 769-2543. 36X28 COMPLETE System, 1 yr. old, $1350 new. Heath AM 15, Bozak 302A, AR turn., Stand 681EE, Hi-jack. Best offer. 769-5324. 34X23 WANTED-Top line used folk guitar. 761-5657. 33X26j DRUMMERS Learn rock, jazz, or reading, at your pace - contact Harlan Goldberg, Al Nalli Music, 313 S. Main, 663-2866. 32X24 FOR SALE-Kingston 12-strong guitar. Good cond. Owner got as a present and didn't want. Best offer over $60. Call 769-3169 between 6-10 p.m. XF HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Unavailable instruments repairs and instructions-209 S. State, 665=8001, X PHOTO SUPPLIES- LOST AND FOU ND All makes-models-accessories ____________ __ Dept. 43 30 West 90 Street LOST: Ladies' gold wrist watch, Sun- New York, New York. 10024 day, 7'eb. 1.Reward. If found, pleaseF CAMPUS REPS WANTED call 769-1477. 24A26 j________ __ 31F2 ' 'FOUND -Your little buckskin pouchHANG ON TO' YOUR "No Deposit, No- coins and all. Call Righteous Rich, Return" bottles-They will be return- 663-0228. 23A28 ed en masse in March. P' LOST-Wed. eve. A & D Aud.-Check- book and ID. Please return. 665-0701, 763-1377. 40A23 LOST-Opal pendant near Frieze, An- gell, or Victor Vaughn, Great senti- mental value. Reward. Please call 662- 7602. 21A23 FOUND-Girl's grey striped slacks in Dahlman parking lot on E. Madison. To claim, identify and declare date I lost. 769-7295. AA LOST-Cat. Black and white. Red col- lar. 6 mo. old. Male. "Calrk." His brother misses him. Call 663-2014. ' 20A2;s WANTED TO RENT NEED A three-bedroom, three-man for ____ Fall term. Willing to hear any offers. Call 761-1293 and ask for Larry. 10L28 DUPLEX or BI-LEVEL, Unfurn. wanted. Reliable University employe seeks one bedroom, modern unfurnished apt.. with off-street parking. Looking for quiet, permanent place to live. Write K. R. Schuman, 2924 Birch Hollow Dr., No. 1B, Ann Arbor 48104. L WE WILL FIND your apartment for you. Student Living Quarters, 1217 S. University, 662-6591. 7Ltc 9 GIRLS looking for house close to campus. Will take 12 month lease starting spring. Call 764-8654 or 764- 8665. LF 31 Sanr ' Store MUCH" TC OUR CHAGRIN THE PRICE OF 'I S iS GC ii' UP AG i N Price Price Now Morch i si BLUE DEN f Nt Sells 7.00 7.50 Button Front 5.98 5.50 Pre-Shrunk Zipper 5.50 5.98 EVI.lACKETS 7.98 9.00 NUVOS {Hopsack) $.00 8, 50 NUVO tFlares 9..00 9,50 SAVE $ .:.....Sam s Store 122 F. Washington RM. FOR 2 PEOPLE in mod. 5-man. Right on campus. 663-9462. 44CTC CAMPUS - 2 bedroom furnished. Appii- cations now taken for Fall 1970. 721 Tr ythe oId Stuff 1,'2, and 3 bedroom apartments in no so new houses. Call 761-8055 or stop by our rental office at 737 Packard 59Ctc ANNOUNCES Credit by Examination for juniors and seniors concentrating in English Exams to be given Fri. & Sat., March 27 & 28in English 231, 350 and Surveys-371, 372, 373, 374. Exams in other courses will be offered if suffi- cient demand. SIGN UP WITH PROF. MULLIN 444 Mason Hall by 5 P.M.-Feb. 6 When as tus is~ youve iunb VVhatit got a company ine looks lik FA L L R EN TIAL NIKON SUPER 8 movie camera. About Luxurious 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apart- 1 yr. old, fully automatic, thru the ments. Call lens exposure, power zoom, 3-speed -- 7 - power film drive. A real professional 761 -8055 camera. A real bargain too. Complete or stop by our rental office at with beautiful leather case. Call 735 Packard Tom, 769-0541. Leave message if not s i 1. Four-fifths of our management at Hughes-Fullerton are engineers. So we're technically oriented. As the chart shows, 27% of the staff are assigned engineering or scientific tasks in our field of large information systems. Another 24% have technical support assignments. We're set up so that draftsmen draft; technicians work at lab benches; and engineers engineer. 60Ctc FURNISHED APT. to sublet. 1 bdrm., close to hospital and campus. Not available until end of March. Call before 3 p.m., 761-9256. 4C24 USED CARS_ MUST SELL-Renault, exc. cond., 16 mos. old, 10,000 mis. Best offer. Call 761-4673. 30N28 1967 FIAT 850 coupe in good shape. Call after 5, 769-5905. 25N23 in 4D24 1 To develop sophisticated information systems, we need a wide range of technical disciplines. This 1968 chart gives some idea of our requirements. One man in five has a Masters or Doctorate in his specialty. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. r... .. .. .. .. . . r.. . . . . Many.of our technical staff continue graduate studies under company-sponsored educational programs. Each year, advanced degrees are earned this way. Support for fellowship programs has steadily ipcreased. In 1959, three Ph.D. and 15 M.S. Fellows were supported by Hughes- Fullerton. During the 1969/70 school year, 29 Ph.D. and 50 M.S. Fellows are being supported. NNlilENNIEM N~ SK(I . CRYSTAL MT. " BIG M " CABER FAE 2'i{f'Sii f:$iti>' ii'3: : it ii? :;if:': f S"': i>ir:iyaiii' i:a<+:ss::: > ; ' a:::;::: ::J:' "" ::" : " . ' .. : :: .::. :!' :...:'i: ::^:.:v: .::" :: is ' ':':::":" . V: -. i VW BUG. 1965. Excellent. Valve. Must sale. Call 663-6447. 26N23 '68 OPEL, good condition, 18,000 miles, radio, snow tires, $1100. Call Steve, JUST MINUTES FROM (o~al at&JMANISTEE t 1: i : j; j f. '::;; :: 4; l:' t t..y _ ;, ..-;4 m 3 413. ; _-.; , ;; ':'s .. $.-- t - . E 761-6873, evenings. 27N23 U I Please Rush Me The Questionnaire & Directions For CUPID COMPUTER U. of M.'s Computer Dating Service ..: HOTEL SHOWBAR ILFORNO RESTAURANT INDOOR POOL SAUNA DANCING 1; SPECIAL U OF M WEEKEND PACKAGE Current activities include: phased-array frequency-scanning radar systems; real-time general-purpose computers; real-time programming and systems software; displays; data processing; satellite and surface communications systems; missile systems;