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February 03, 1970 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-03

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Al bee's A
Trueblood Theatre now thru Sat.
Box office open-1 0:00-8:00 P.M.
Phone 764-5387
"One of Ihe year's most pleasant

page three


£ i~icttn


NEW S PNE 764-055

Tuesday, February 3, 1970

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Page Three

Repression work shops discuss politics, mlitary

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ter. A marvelous time is had by
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(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following story
was compiled by Daily reporters Erika
Hoff, W. E. Schrock and Tammy Jacobs.)
Sunday's workshops on repression,
part of a two-day conference on the
subject, provided much debate .and dis-
cussion as students, servicemen, law-
yers a n d other interested people ex-
changed ideas about current national
"The dilemna of a political trial is
that you want to be acquitted without
betraying your politics and pleading not
!guilty," said Frank Joyce, a member of
the "Conspiracy 7" defense staff.
Leading the workshop on political or,
anizing and political trials, he discuss-
ed strategy in the Chicago trial and pos-
sible mass actions to be planned for the
end of the trial.
However he warned against antici-
pating a verdict of guilty in planning
any action. "We can't have any activity

before the jury reaches its decision that
would reflect a pre-judgment of t h e
jury," Joyce said.
"An objective of the defense has been
to politicize the jury," Joyce said, "and
we feel now that there is a definite pos-
sibility that .the jury will be hung."
The workshop group also discussed
action for the week of Feb. 14 to 21,
which has been designated for anti-re-
pression demonstrations. Packing all
courtrooms and law school classes was
suggested along with more specific
demonstrations surrounding the trial of
the "Ann Arbor Six" and the "Con-
spiracy 7."
Cowrwin Moore of the A n n Arbor
draft counseling center opened the
workshop on the draft by declaring the
draft "obviously repressive."
Moore said individual action has little
effect in combating the draft. He said
the system could be shut down if every

registrant appealed e v e r y change of
classification. The resulting crush of
appeal cases could bog down the sys-
tem entirely, he explained.'
Moore admitted this strategy is un-
feasible right now and suggested the
best method is to keep individuals in-
formed so they can make their own de-
Talking about an inductee's first.
few weeks in basic training, Ron Smith
of New Mobe said the military's pro- t
gram is designed to make a man into a
"military-fearing, civilian-hating, par-
anoid automaton."
"The first three days, they .try to ex-
haust you physically and mentally," he
said. "They try to build up a fear of the
authority controlling you by showing
that you're always vulnerable."
No individual can stand up against
the system, Smith continued. He claim-

ed that military justice is almost non-
existent if an officer really wants to
get a man..
.'Andy Stepp of the American Service-
man's Union concentrated on the hat-
red of the enlisted man for the officer
and .the career soldier, or "lifer." In
Vietnam, Stepp said, a group of enlisted
men offered $10,000 bounty for t h e
death of the "hero of- Hamburger Hill:"
Smith added that similar situations .
have occurred when a group of soldiers
decide when an officer is no good and
might get them killed. They believe he
must be eliminated, Stepp said, and
then draw lots to see which one will
kill him.
"I've come to the conclusion that the
only legal self-defense is don't get
caught," asserted Ann Arbor Attorney
Don Koster, during the workshop on
legal self-defense.

Koster spoke at the workshop along
with Detroit movement lawyer M a r c
Stickgold and Richard Criley, regional
director of the National Committee to
Abolish HUAC/HISC (the House Inter-
nal Security Committee, formerly th'e
House Un-American Activities Commit-
Criley emphasized that "we must do
something about repressive bills before
they become statutes and we have to
face them in the courts."
Stickgold suggested it is advisable to
defend oneself, in cases "where penal-
ties are not severe," such as misde-
meanors, and "cases that are political
in nature."
One advantage of self-defense, both
lawyers said, is that the defendant can
talk directly to the jury. "He can also
say things that would put me in jail
for contempt of court," Koster said.




Tuesday, Feb.3
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I. the1
news today
by Tlhe Associated Press and College Press Service
BLACK PANTHER DEFENDANTS in a bomb -conspiracy
case disputed pre-trial proceedings in New York yesterday.
The 16 Panthers shouted, raised clenched fists, and heckled the
state's prosecutor and defied the judge.
State Supreme Court Justice John M. Murtagh abruptly recessed
the hearing on pre-trial motions after the defendants demanded that
newsmen at press tables be evicted and replaced by Panthers.
Later, Murtagh tried to proceed but was interrupted by a com-
motion between defendants and a court officer.
The defendants were indicted last April on charges of plotting to
kill policemen and to bomb police stations, department stores, rail-
road tracks and the Bronx Botanical Gardens.
ISRAEL battled with both Syria and Egypt yesterday as the
Middle East conflict continued.
In the heaviest outbreak of fighting between Israel and Syria
since the 1967 war, Israel and Syrian tanks, planes and artillery
clashed along the occupied Galoan Heights. It was the second
straight day of fighting between the two countries.
Meanwhile, Israeli jets penetrated deep into Egyptian territory.
The military command said bases at Baltim, at the mouth of the
Nile Delta, and Mankabed, deep in the Nile Valley, were targets of
Israeli guns and bombs.
Egypt retaliated with hit-and-run tactics across the Suez Canal,
north of El Qantara.;
* * *
ONLY MINOR DISTURBANCES resulted as several more
Southern school systems desegregated to meet the Feb. 1 Supreme
Court-ordered desegregation deadline.
Seven school districts in Mississippi were integrated without inci-
dent and schools in three Louisiana parishes opened quietly with near
normal attendance.
Minor pupil and parent protests occurred at two Alabama dis-
CLEVELAND POLICE CHIEF William P. Ellenburg yester-
day denied allegations that he received Mafia bribes and said
he does not plan to resign.,
Detroit attorney Lawrence Burns was quoted in the Detroit Free
Press charging that Ellenburg, a former Detroit police inspector, and
other Detroit policemen had shared in bribes averaging $1,000 a month
which Burns paid to protect a Mafia abortion ring.
Ellenberg was named police chief by Cleveland Mayor Carl Stokes
last week. Stokes said he would not fire Ellenburg on the basis of an
"unsubstantiated" story.
THREE MEN indicted on conspiracy charges in the slaying
of United Mine Workers insurgent Joseph Yablonski pleaded
innocent at their arraignment yesterday.
The cases of Paul E. Gilly, Aubran W. Martin and Clauda E.
Vealey, all of Cleveland, were continued on $250,000 bond each by
U.S. District Court Judge Frank J. Battisti.
Meanwhile, the federal grand jury which last Thursday indicted
the three men resumes deliberations today, apparently in an effort
to determine the extent of a plot it blames for the murder of Yablon-
ski, his wife and daughter.
* ' '
depots and staging areas were blasted by six waves of U.S. B-52
bombers yesterday following the heaviest fighting in Vietnam
since September.
As many as 30 of the planes dropped up to 900 tons of bombs on
enemy positions in the A Shau Valley along the Laotian border, on
the central coastal plains and in Tay Ninh province bordering Cam-
The bombers struck after a weekend in which the enemy launched
more than 100 attacks by rockets, mortars, and infantry against al-
lied bases and towns throughout South Vietnam.

. -Associated Press
Russell dies
Philosopher Bertrand Russell died at his in Penrhydeudraeth,
Wales, late last night.
failure to aidcities

tem, would be $73.5 billion, or
37 per cent of the total bud-
get. The so-called human re-
sources programs would be
$81.9 billion, or 41 per cent.
The 2,073 pages of proposals and
explanation make no mention of
how much Nixon thinks the Viet-
nam war will cost this y ea r or
next and Robert P. M a y o, the
Budget Bureau director, refused
to elaborate at a news conference
Mayo cited two reasons for
dropping t h e Vietnam figure,
which President Lyndon B. John-
son included in his last two bud-
gets. First, he said, was Nixon's
"desire for flexibility in making
his plans for Southeast Asia" and
second is the fact that "there is
no real accounting support f o r
such a figure" because of the dif-
ficulty of apportioning costs be-
tween Vietnam and non-Vietnam
military spending.

Nixon budget
WASHINGTON (') - President Nixon proposed yesterday
a $200.8-billion federal budget for the next fiscal year, prom-
ising new cuts in defense and space spending.
In his first formal budget message to Congress, Nixon
suggested raising spending for the control of crime, pollution
and hunger, and said the anticipated $1.3-billion surplus his
program would leave is needed to control inflation.
Against the cuts in defense, Nixon balanced $8.6 billion
in increased outlays for "human resources," which he defined
as' education and manpower, health, income security and vet-
erans benefits and services.
Defense spending, including military aid and such items
as the Selective Service Sys-O

sheriff's deputies and two former
deputies were charged yesterday
in federal indictments with vio-
lating the civil rights of partici-
pants in the "People's Park" riots
in Berkeley last May.
The indictments referred spe-
cifically to shotgun blasts fired
at demonstrators and bystanders
and to the treatment of the hun-
dreds of persons arrested.
Ohne man waskilled and several
others were wounded by shotgun
fire and more t h a n 100 others
were injured in more than two
weeks of violence that started
when Berkeley militants seized a
vacant lot belonging to the Uni-
versity of California and turned
it into what they called "People's

Former Detroit Mayor Cavanagh
yesterday criticized federal and
state governments for providing
only token support to the nation's
cities in a lecture to about 150
people in Rackham Amphitheatre.
The biggest problem facing our
cities today, Cavanagh said, is a
lack of money. With funds con-
troled by the federal and state
governments, Cavanagh explained,
the only way a city can raise
money is through a municipal in-
come tax.
This does not even begin to
cover the expenses of a city, he
added. Cavanagh stated that if he
were still mayor of Detroit "I'd like
to try running the city on money
for one year, and if it doesn't work,
we'd go back to trying other
Calling for a re-ordering of na-
tional priorities, Cavanagh con-
demned President Nixon for veto-
ing the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare appropri-
ation bill on the grounds of in-
flation while at the same time ap-
propriating additional funds for
the ABM project.
Cavanagh said that if we put
our own nation in order, then we
can help other countries.
In speaking of the role of the
mayor of a large city, Cavanagh.
called himself and the other may-
ors more tacticians than strategy-

makers. "A mayor's administration
is not judged on its programs, but
whether things 'stay- cool' during a
term of office," he said.
Cavanagh's speech was sponsor-
ed by the Institute of Public Policy
Studies, the Urban Planning Pro-
gram of the school of architecture,
and the Department of Resource
Planning and Control of the nat-
ural resources school.

Senate to discuss ABM impact
on U.S .-Soviet arms-control talks

disarmament panel yesterday be-
gan a new inquiry into the Safe-'
guard antiballistic missile system
and its impact on U.S.-Soviet
arms-control negotiations.
It signaled the start of what is
virtually certain to become a
major new round of Senate debate
on that weapon and defense spend-
ing in general.
Gerard Smith, director of the
Arms Control. and Disarmament
Agency, discussed the ABM and
President Nixon's proposed expan-
sion of the contestied defense sys-
tem with the disarmament sub-
committee of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.
Sen. Albert Gore ED-Tenn) said
Smith had been helpful and can-

did, but would not disclose what
he said.
The subcommittee was a focus
of oppostion to the initial phase
of the Safeguard ABM- system,
approved by the Senate last Aug.
6 after an attempt to block it failed
on a 50-50 tie vote.
It undoubtedly will take a sim-
ilar role in the controversy over
administration plans to expand the
Safeguard, and make it a defense
of populated areas against a light
nuclear attack, as well as a shield
for America's offensive missiles.
Gore said his subcommittee will
consider not only the ABM, but
also the multiple independently
targeted re-entry vehicle-MIRV
-a new offensive weapon now
being tested, and the nuclear-

arms race in general, in their re-
lation to arms-limitation talks.
A major reason for caution, ap-
parently, is"the concern of ABM
skeptics lest a sharp early attack
on the new Nixon proposal give
the issue a partisan flavor, which
could act to splinter the Democrat-
Republican coalition fashioned
against the initial development of
the ABM.
Gore said he intends to seek
public testimony from Secretary
of State William P. Rogers and
Secretary of Defense Melvin R.
But first, he said, he will call
director Richard Helms of the
Central Intelligence Agency, and
Pentagon weapons experts, to ap-
pear in closed session.

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This outstanding documentary of the Spanish Civil War, filmed in Spain during the
war by Joris Ivens, was produced by a group of writers and film makers as their
means of supporting the struggle for liberation then going on in Spain.
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6-SAM FULLER, Film Director
8-LOUIS FALCO and Featured Dancers

U. O



Mon.-Fri. 11-4:00, Sat. 1-3 :00, 1st floor Union

12 Ci 1 3-THE CONCEPT! Off-Broadway Show
THURSDAY, 8 P.M., FRI., 7:15 & 10 P.M., TRUEBLOOD
15-TOM WOLFE, Author of Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

19-JOHN BIGGERS, Black Artist







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