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February 03, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-03

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Cloudy and cold,
chance of flurries

I. LXXX, No. 103

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Tuesday, February 3, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Ten Cents



Blacks call
A coalition of black student groups is calling- a mass
meeting of all black University students tomorrow to pre-
pare alist of demands to be presented to the University
These demands, which will be given to the Regents Feb.
will concern the black studies program, financial aids,
admissions, recruitment of black students and faculty, and
counseling, said Darryl Gorman, spokesman for the group.
"The significance of this emergency meeting and the
demands which will be produced there cannot be overly

$3,800 in
Associate Managing Editor
Saturday night's militant march led by Students for a
Democratic Society has resulted in an estimated $1,200
damage to North Hall, the ROTC building, and over $2,600
damage in smashed plate glass windows to two Ann Arbor
The march followed last weekend's "anti-repression"
teach-in. Though some observers linked the window-smashing
at the banks to the SDS-led'march, the nature of that con-
nection remained unclear yesterday.
Today President Robben Fleming and other top Univer-
sity officials will announce their response to the North Hall


stressed," Gorman said yester-
day. "Attendance of all black
students is mandatory."


Gorman said the group, which
calls itself the Black A c t i o n
C F'1Movement, has drawn up a set of
at the meeting will also have sug-
TO O e "The birth of a new black move-
ment will take place as the cruc-
jai issues of money,.admissions and
By STEVE KOPPMAN the oppressive conditions suffered
by the black community are de-
University President R o b b e n fined at an emergency meeting so
Fleming yesterday presented the that all black people may act to
literary college faculty with sev- alter these conditions," he said.
eral alternatives for correcting ad- "Bcuewrpesnthblk
Eiissions problems. One plan in- tBecause we represent the black
cludes admitting a certain percent- tax-paying citizens of this state
age of students into each fresh- that this tax-supported university
man class from ow-income famil- cease its practice of racial elitism.
ies. This is not a private school f o r
Expressing neither support nor whites only.
opposition for the idea, Fleming "As long as the Regents of this
s id it was one of numerous possi- university are elected by the peo-
rlities for handling the college's ple of this state, they have to
pproblem of having more in-state represent the 10 to 15 per cent of
applicants who meet the standard the state's population which is
es.alifications than available spac black," he added.
Fleming said he was "dubious -The meeting, which will be held
that further increases in these in the Union 3rd floor conference
thatdsurther increasin tese room at 8 p.m. tomorrow is closed
tandards would be really mean- to non-blacks. "Decisions affect-
ingful" :ing black students cannot be made
Other proposals to correct t h e by white students, and therefore
problems include finding w a y s it is necessary to restrict the meet-
to expand enrollment; resorting to ing to black students only," Henry
a. lottery system;, or lowering the Clay, Black Student Union execu-
minimum standards somewhat tive secretary said yesterday.
and taking a certain minimum "We will always welcome white
rcentage of each incoming class student support, but we feel that
rom various Income groups. if a movement concerns black peo-
"I don't know 'what I think the ple the vanguard shduld I.®dee
best answer is," Fleming said. be black people," SGC member
After a short discussion on ad- 4 Walter Lewis said.
missions problems, the college fa- The Black Action Movement in-
culty endorsed the March 12-14 cludes representatives from t h e
Environmental Action for S u r - BSU, Black Law Student's Associa-
ival (ENACT)' teach-in. All facul- tion, Association of Black Social
ty members were urged to support Work Students, and medical and
it and literary college Dean Hayes psychology department groups.
was authorized to "give assist- Although members of the group
ance to ENACT . . . in any way would not specify the details of
that may be appropriate." Hays their demands, Gorman said there
said the college would grant free will be demands concerning re-
space to the teach-in. cruitment to bring about higher
In other action, the faculty de- admissions and faculty, more ef-
ferred until next month further fective student and community in-
consideration of an LSA Student put into the policies of the black
Assembly proposal for the estab- studies programs, "more propor-
ishment of a student-faculty tional financial aid", and m o r e
ouncil. The council would serve .black counselors.
s a standing committee of t he Clay also said the candidates for
acuity to which nearly all col- the new vice president for stu-
ge committee would report. dent services will be discussed.
"The old ploy of promising the
Classcs Prof H.Dp mron bu nd- next generation of blacks t h e
rodled teproposal.ut de- things which blacks presently de-
,lined to express support or op- mand will no longer be tolerated,"
osition for it. Several faculty Gmn aid. "Wlgee d ead, or
embers said the proposal in t Gorman said. "We demand mre
resent form seemed unclearly than platitudes, paper motions and
orded. half-truths from white students
and from the administration."
Assembly vice-chairman B o b Lewis last week disclosed the es-
,robe '70, said the proposal would calated efforts of black students
e redrafted by next meeting. for increased minority-group ad-
The proposal was drawn up by missions and asked SGC to place a
he student reprsentatives on an priority on that issue.
d hoc committee set up in Oc- Lewis,. also a member of the
ober by Hays to study the feasibil- BSU, declined to comment on
ty of a student-faculty council to specific tactics at that time, but
ork in conjunction with the fa- said he hoped the issued would be
ulty in governing the college. solved before the Regents meeting.

THE WINDOWS of the Ann Arbor Bank branch on S. University.
believed to be related to the SDS-led ransacking of North Hall. Five
damage was estimated at more than $52000. President Fleming is sci


', ROTC may

University President Robben may be no disagreement between
Fleming last night said there ap- the Defense Department and the
pears. to be "no major obstacle" to University." He explained that a
agreement with the Defense De- Defense Department committee
partment over the future of ROTC headed by Benson was studying
programs on campus. the cost problem and would make
Fleming met over the weekend its report to Laird during the
with Defense Secretary Melvin summer. The department will then
Laird, Assistant Secretary George take a position on the controversy
C. S. Benson, who has jurisdiction before the end of the summer,
over ROTC programs, and Adm. Fleming said.
William Mack, assistant to the "Various cost formulae for
secretary for manpower and re- funding are to be under consid-
serve affairs. eration," Fleming added. "A num-
A possible difficulty may arise ber of persons from universities
over the University's request that all around the country are being
the Defense Department pay the consulted on the question."
full cost of ROTC programs. Fleming said the time period for
However, Fleming said, "There the Defense Department study on
- - - - - - - -- - -- - - u - - - - - - -

..incidents and other related
~.~. .* *. .. ...
}q actions, all part of a continu-
. : . '}ing "anti-imperialism" guer-
!:r illa campaign by SDS against
. , corporations and the military.
Although administrators laugh
< h , ' at their own aura of secrecy,
they remain tight-lipped about
punitive action they plan to take.
No demonstrators have b e e n
arrested in connection with Sa-
::v;:.r . turday's "trashing" or any of the
'recent.disruptions and political}
. . . .vandalism led by SDS.
-nary-Thomas R. Copi It is not yet clear whether the
Ave. are 'boarded up after the windows were shattered in an incident University will be able to press
plate glass panes at the bank were broken late Saturday night and any charges. University security
lieduled to make a statement on the vandalism today. officers and Ann Arbor police say
-_ - - - -_--.--- - - - . they have not completed identifi-.
cation of the protesters.
If demonstrators are prosecuted
it is also unclear what the charg-
es will be or whether any charges
1 will be pressed through University
fl Il W AT" o channels or through civil courts.
E Krasny said yesterday that if
identifications can be made, he
costs was reasonable and that he ular appointments in schools or will immediately seek warrants for.
was awaiting the results of the colleges, is now agreed upon," he arrests from the city prosecutor's
report. said. office. Charges, he said, could be.
In December the Regents adopt- The Regents 'also agreed that i either "breaking and entering in
ed several faculty recommenda- ROTC units be termed University the night" or "malicious destruc-
tions for altering the status of programs rather than depart- tion of p'roperty." Both are felon-
ROTC at the University. Besides ments, a new committee be estab- ies.
asking the Defense Department lished to supervise ROTC appoint- Five large plate glass windows
to assume ROTC costs, the Re- ments and curriculum and no of the S. University branch of the
gents also voted to withhold aca- credit be given for ROTC courses Ann Arbor Bank were shattered
demic titles from ROTC instruc- not taught , in regular academic Saturday night by a volley of
tors. departments. rocks and bricks. Damage is esti-
Fleming announced yesterday "All of these recommendations mated at over $2,000.
that this proposal has gone into were discussed with Defense De- Though the Ann Arbor Tenant's
effect. "The recommendation that partment officials," Fleming said. Union is conducting a campaign
staff members of ROTC programs "It was agreed that conversations against the bank, it issued a state-
be recognized by their military with the appropriate service per-- ment yesterday disclaiming a n y
titles, with academic titles being sonnel should now take place but involvement with the vandalism
granted only to those holding reg- that no major obstacle to agree- and decrying the radical tactics.
.--- --.--.--. -w-------- ment appeared to present itself.. A rock broke a baseball-sized
"There is every reason to sup-.hale in a seven by 12-foot plate
I glass window of the National
L t4' I l Tbi ca bes e t achedisactry grFlemigcn- Bank and Trust Company on E.
caelud ae,"Fed. "cn-i 111ia m when demonstrators
moved back toward campus after
xThe recommendation that credit their rally in franc. of tha Wash-
, C;for ROTC courses be dropped is tenaw County Bldg. Saturday
i ~, ,, now before the faculties of the night.
Unversity's schools and colleges It will cost at least $600 to re-
Teacing fellows and othewhich currently give credit for it. place tie window, said Charles
graduate students have voiced ap- SenateAssembly voted to ap- Cope, manager of the bank.
position t such a cutback, charg- prove the recommendations last Splintered glass in North Hall
ing itiwould substantially reduce April after a long controversy over was swept up all day Sunday, and
the amount of financial support the issue. Approval followed the classes were held as usual yester-
available to them and it would submission of a report on ROTC day as a team of eight glaziers
force increases in the size of in- by a faculty committee headed by worked to replace broken windows.
troductory course sections. Classics Prof. Theodore Buttrey. But last night gaping holes re-
In another report on ROTC, the mained in upstairs windows, and
In addition to the demand for . LSA Curriculum Committee found shards of glass and chunks of as-
maintaining current budget levels that most ROTC teaching mate- bestos brick still littered the porch
for teaching fellowships, the pro- rials were "propagandistic" and floor of the Navigation room on
posals also urge continuing the recommended that credit be drop- the Navy's side of the building.
current number of appointments ped. See SATURDAY, Page 8

An ordinance which would al-
low tenant damage deposits to be
paid in escrow to the city clerk was
passed on first reading by City
Council last night.
The proposed ordinance, passed
6-2, will face council's second and
final reading in approximately
two weeks.
Under the ordinance, the clerk
- or any other agency designated
by council - would keep the de-
posit only if both the landlord
and tenant give him permission.
At the end of a lease, if the
tenant and landlord are not in
agreement oyer damages incurred.
the landlord would have to prove
the damage in small claims court
to receive any payment. The bur-
den to go to court presently rests
on the tenant.
"The ordinance has no device to
coerce landlords and tenants to
write their leases in this fashion,"
explained Mayor Robert Harris.
The city has no authority to order
tenants and landlords to follow
such a procedure he added.
However, a resolution, which
will be voted on when the ordin-
ance comes up for second read
ing, urges the city to support state
legislation enabling cities to out-
law the damage deposit in its pre-
.sent form.
Another resolution: asks that a
person be designated by the city
administrator, and approved by
council, to persuade landlords to
abandon their present damage de-
posit policies and adopt the pro-
posed ordinance.
Landlords have indicated " op-
position to the proposed ordin-
ance because they fear the court
costs involved in recovering t h e
damage deposit would be greater
than the deposit itself.
L. J. Terrill,- attorney for t h e
Arbor Forest Management C o
f says the additional costs of city
inspections of. apartments to de-
termine who should pay for dam-
ages, will be passed onto the land-
See DAMAGE, Page 8

'eachingtfellows threa
action against popose



By LYNN WEINER next week, discussions of the issue
and STEVE KOPPMAN in classes, and a "mill-in" when
Some 50 political science grad- students would confront faculty
uate students, including most of with copies of their proposals. A
the department's teaching fellows, majority appeared to support a
yesterday threatened to take "ap- "moratorium."
propriate action" if proposals for The political science depart-
continuing current budget alloca- ment has indicated it will prob-
tions for teaching fellowships into, ably reduce its budget for teach-
1970-71 are rejected by the depart- ing fellowships and lectureships
ment. by approximately 30 per cent in
Suggestions for "appropriate ac- the 1970-71 academic year to per-
tion" included an informal "mor-! mit the hiring of additional fac-
atorium" on teaching sections ulty members.

a 4
; ,



Wizard comes to Dearborn

Robert Shelton, Imperial Wizard of the
United Klans of America called for white
supremacy in America before a crowd of
five hundred at the Dearborn Youth Cen-
ter Sunday night while an equal number
of people protested Shelton's appearance
Shelton was recruiting new members for
the Ku Klux Klan as part of a nation-wide
campaign to enlarge the size of the or-
The protesters were led by the Inter-
Faith Centers for Racial Justice, an or-
ganization working for racial understand-
ing in southeastern Michigan.
Dearborn Mayor Orville Hubbard grant-
ed permission for the meeting last week

meeting had begun. Several dozen police
were present and reported no major inci-
dents or arrests.
"We are white and we're proud of it,"
Shelton said. He contended that integra-
tion and interracial marriage are destroy-
ing the white race and culture. America's
problems stem from "social experiment-
ers" tampering with the nation's schools,
churches and government, he added.
Shelton blasted "the hypocrisy of those
liberal senators who tell us we have to in-
tegrate and then send their children to
all-white private schools in the suburbs."
He warned of the conspiracy of agnos-
tics, atheists and Zionist Jews who he
said threatened to destroy the U n i t e d
States. Calling for a united effort by

and open discussions on any
present or future departmental
The graduate students plan to
present a "white paper" contain-
ing the proposals to all political
science faculty, including Chair-
s.man Samuel Eldersveld. Literary
college Dean William Hays and
University President Robben Flem-.
ing will also receive copies.
Prof. Joseph Kallenbach, asso-
ciate department chairman, last
night declined comment on the
teaching fellows' stand. But he
said the projections of less money'
for teaching fellows for 1970-71
were not final.
The proposed changes are in
violation of a departmental report
on decision-making issued last
year, some of the teaching fellows
According to these teaching fel-
lows, the allocations would be
made against the wishes of both
graduate and undergraduate stu-
"The larger question," said one
graduate student, "is of the deci-
sion-making structure. Students

i.., ,

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