THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sundct r. Februar t TH IHGA.AL uno en r.117 ---I, 1 * 1 -~ records I 7 Electronics: The medium is the money By JOE PEHRSON Three years ago, anyone in- terested in electronic music had to scrub around in the discard piles of wholesale record shops, hoping to find something stuck in among the '20 per cent offs.' Today this is not the case. A deluge of contemporary music is filling the discount stacks in most record shops, and many of the big names (Columbia for example) are cashing in on what they call the "Moog revo- lution.". Much of this current fervor stems from popularization of the medium-both from its use in progressive rock and in a dew gendre, the psychedelic flipped- on sound (Terry Riley). As John McClure, prime pusher for Columbia records, will tell you- " . broaden your horizons without getting trapped in that square symphony and opera stuff." Columbia's panacea for musical ague. The main result of all this business has been a great in- crease in the number of avail- able electronic recordings. In fact, anything that even vague-. ly hints at the word "electronic" is sure to be a seller. Most of the discount and lesser-known labels (CR, for example) have remained aloof from the popu- larization trend .- keeping the same spirit of experimentation they had before Bach ever de- cided to "switch on." Record shops have become in-, terested-not in the music but in the medium. Discount labels find that the new trend enables them to expand their already existing contemporary selection: There are many new electronic pieces being recorded, often as commissioned works for budget labels, and there is a good chance that one can find some- thing of "quality" among the new releases. Many of the new works carry with them new' aesthetics - new systems of judgment, and "quality" be- comes a purely relative term. How's that for inventiveness! Nonesuch Records has a new contemporary series which deals almost exclusively with commis- sioned works. Not only does Nonesuch offer recording op- portunities f o r contemporary composers, but it insures that all relevant information con- cerning the composer, the con- struction of a work, and the composer's attitude toward his art be presented clearly on the album cover. A complete None- such collection would be noth- ing less than a history of the contemporary idiom. One particularly interesting record of this series of Musie for Instruments and Electronic Sound by Donald Erb (None- such HI-71223). This is one of the first attempts I have seen to put electronic sound in a perspective with other sounds and other types of music. Erb considers the two Moog instru- ments used in this recording as equal partners with the conven- tional instruments in his en- semble. The electronic instru- ments are played live-this al- lows a kind of flexibility that often is missing in tape-live performance compositions. In some sections of Reconnaissance the piece seems to call for a greater complexity of electronic sound than is feasible in live' performance. Hopefully, refine- ments of the Moog will permit greater performance ability for future recordings. Erb's musical h u m o r (Reconnaissance) is really amazing, and the inter- action of timbres makes this re- cording a .fine choice. Morton Subotnick has record- ed another shallow excursion into the electronic Netherlands. Touch (Columbia MS 7316) shows some advancement in Su- botnick's compositional style- at least for the first five min- utes. He seems to suddenly have, discovered color. The album, as a whole, is tedious, and Subot- nick never seems to think of relating the title of his piece to the electronic sounds (except for a few instances on the sec- ond side). His rhythmic pat- terns, for the most part, are really raunch-and only slight- ly different from that well- quoted section of Silver Apples. Read the back of the record jacket, anyway. It's amusing. One of the best electronic re- cordings I have heard in quite some time is recorded on the Deutsche Grammophon .1 a b e 1 (138811). Gesang der Junglinge (Song of the Youths), by one of the granddaddies of electronic composition - Karlheinz Stock- hausen, is a beautiful combina- tion of concrete imagery, tape manipulation of actual chil- dren's s o n g s, and electronic sound. This work is tightly in- tegrated - content forms the construction (and not the other way around). Kontakte, in two parts, is also very good. One re- peated figure, which plays from speaker to speaker, is a bit tir- ing, but listen to the color cadences that fall from that figure. Incidentally, Deutsche Grammophon has new contem- porary series - Avant Garde. It's probably worth looking into. On the contemporary string scene, CRI has a. new release that should be mentioned. String Quartet No. 2 by Ezra Lader- man (CRI 224 SD) is a highly melodic work and Laderman has a fine grasp of contem- porary counterpoint. Although the work seems serial in form, it is something more-combin- ing serial and textural patterns. Don't bother with the Mark Brunswick-his poetry is almost as bad. Finally, don't miss the re- cording of Ives' Two String Quartets (Columbia MS 7027). It is Columbia and it is expen- sive, but this performance by theJulliard Quartet is well worth it. BENEFIT DANCE SIT-IN DEFENDANTS -FEATURING- FRIDAY, FEB. 6 9- 12P.M. SOUTH QUAD CAFETERIA $1.00 admission-benefit for the legal defense of the 107 arrested in the bookstore sit-in r cinema Nanami': Interesting inferno By NEAL GABLER Nanami, now playing at the Campus Theater, is subtitled "Inferno of First Love." Pretty steamy stuff. But I think this does an injustice to the film. Whatever it is, it is not a simple sexploitation flick. For one thing, it isn't:very simple. For another, it has too much sensi- tivity to be put in the nudie class. This is not to say that it is a_ g ood film; "interesting" would-be more apt. The title refers to a slip of a girl, maybe eighteen years old. She works as a nudie photo- graphic model, satisfying all the pervisions of her customers. The irony of copulation via the camera, the greatest passion en- joyed vicariously through an im- passive instrument, sets the theme for the picture-Is there any such thing as love, or are there only variations of exploi- tation? The question is wrestled out in Nanami's young lover, Shun, and it is on this torn soul that the film focuses. Shun is a grad- uate of the school of hard knocks. His father died when he was seven. Shortly after his miother remarried and kissed hin goodbye. A delinquent-type, he was tossed from orphanage to orphanage until a kindly couple took him in, The hus- band worked in metals and taught Shun the trade. But there was one problem. The man was also a homosexual. So it isn't very difficult to see why Shun is disoriented. The only relationships he has ever known are distortions. Yet he can't quite. accommodate himselif to society's prostitution of everyone and everything. One of' the film's sado-masochists tells him, "You're young. You still believe in love." For Shun, as for most of us, it is extremely unsettling to believe and, at the same time, to have little evi- dence of anything worth be- lieving in. When he meets Nanami he proclaims the truth of his situ- ation-that this is his first love. She becomes the conduit not only of genuine affection but also of : the .pent-up passions lurking in his unenviable past. For him, love and perversion un- comfortably exist, and as he himself says, "This is like a dream." How can he merge the dream and his life? Susumi Hani's camera suc- cessfully paints the picture of his dilemma. The black and white film is wonderfully ex- pressive; he uses light and smoke both to deepen the dream-like quality and to serve as counterpoints to darkness and breath, recurring images that . underscore the theme. There is also a remarkable al- ternation between a surrealistic subjectivity and a stark objec- tivity of the camera's eye that gave me the same kind of dis- orientation to Shun's world that he himself must feel. However, disorientation to the narrative world of the film is different from disorientation to the film itself. One difficulty of Nanami is that it never quite shores up its theme; it never really builds to anything. Writer and director Hani seems just as confused as Shun. Just when the movie appears to have found direction, along comes a point- less scene to derail it. I couldn't help but feel like Sisyphus, constantly having to re-relate to the film and each time thinking I had made the proper adjust- ment. But it is all very inter- esting anyway. . Meanwhile, there's this sweet- potato vendor. He's telling 'a story about a girl who walked up to him and asked him for a potato, a raw potato. When he asked her why she wanted it raw, she answered . . . Well, I don't know what she answered, because I don't understand Jap- anese and the subtitle never ap- peared. Just another of life's little tribulations.- 5th Week Shows at 1,3,5,7,9 (a. DIAL. 5-6290 PROGRAM: Sonata No. 44 in G minor.............................HAYDN Kreisleriana, Op. 16.................................SCHUMANN Nocturne in E, Op. 62, No. 2 ........................ CHOPIN Sonata in B minor, op. 58, No. 3 CHOPIN Tickets: $7.00--$6.50-$6.00-$5.04-$3.50-$25O at. UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY, BURTON TOWER, ANN ARBOR Office Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 4:30; Sat. 9 to 12 (Telephone 665-3717) I I 'a 1 { M-M-m-m-m, yummie! A giant hamburger of f lb. U.S. Govt. pure beef topped withlet- tuce, tomato, mayonnaise, onions, pickles and ketchup . / MtILING PEEDY®ERYICE West of Arborland Read andI Use Daily. Classi feeds; a.i 4, Nomination forms for 1970 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDS FOR INSTRUCTORS, ASSISTANT PROFESSORS, AND JUNIOR 'V I, ENCORE ! By Popular Demand: GRAD MIXER N0. 2 SUNDAY, FEB. 1 8 P.M. 25c donation atTHE HOUSE ~) 1429 HILL ST. I SATURDAY and SUNDAY Diry of a Country Prest dir. ROBERT BRESSON (1950) The most nearly f utless film ever made. 1-John Russell Taylor 1&975c Architcture 662: 811::c.uditriu --.. I I Subscribe to The Michigan Daily 34 Presents 4 SAMUEL FULLER A Retrospective and Personal Appearance by a major American Film Director THE FILMS PROGRAM INFORMATION 662-8871 (all showings in Architecture Auditorium, unless otherwise noted) Monday, Feb. 2: 7: "The Run of the Arrow," 9: "I Shot Jesse James" Tuesday, Feb. 3: 7: "Verboten!," 9: "The Run of the Arrow" 7: "Battleship Potemkin," 9: "The Naked Kiss" (in Aud. A) Wednesday, Feb. 4: 7: "The Steel Helmet," 9: "Shock Corridor" 7: "Battleship Potemkin," 9: "Underworld, U.S.A." (in Aud. A) Thursday, Feb. 5: 7: "Park Row," 9: "The Steel Helmet" Friday, Feb. 6: Creative Arts Festival night, special admission $1.25. -7 . "Gi: - , ns r+G Ca. . rk s.. n f Q " O n\A Ar.. C. I t r ar il l ars n t - s WAGON SPECIAL The University of MichiganProgram in Health Planning will be U