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February 01, 1970 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-01

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Se+ Edi
4o1: LXXX, No. 102'
Over half the lite
uates of 1976 may
English Literature t
years at the Univer
As the University
over-enrollment and
for faculty and for
students are faced
number of closed c
In response to th
eral departments m
strictive quotas to
students by limitin
For the past th
limitations have c
tecture and Design
plied music coui'
from other schools.
between departmen
college are curreni
sion. And a quota sy

AaLY g
litorial Page

Lilt igan

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Sunny, 'windy.
and mild

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 1, 1970 Ten Cents T

en Pages


lack of funds lead to course cl

Crary college grad-
never open an
text in their four
y is squeezed by
a lack of funds
r building space,
with a mounting
is situation, sev-
may establish re-
protect their own
g the number of
in upper level
ree years, space
losed all Archi-
courses and ap-
ses to students
Similar barriers
ts in the literary
tly under discus-
ystem has already

been established in the sociology de-
"We wish to accommodate all stu-
dents but we are going to have to
adopt a rational scheme for limit-
ing enrollment," says literary col-
lege Dean William Hays. "We can
no longer operate on the basis of
first come, first serve."
By definition a liberal arts cur-
riculum requires exposure to many.
fields, and course quotas can only
restrict that exposure. "There is a
certain wisdom in the argument that
all students should be exposed to a
liberal arts education," says Hays.
"I'm reluctant to see the Lit School
divided into various closed islands
that have nothing to do with each
For the past six years, there has
been virtually no increase in liter-
ary college classroom space, while
enrollment has exceeded projected
guidelines. Scheduled for comple-

tion in 1972, the Modern Languages
Building will begin to eliminate the
space shortage. And few are opti-
mistic that the State Legislature will
appropriate sufficient operating
"The University can only expand
as the budget expands," says Liter-
ary College Assistant Dean George
Anderson. "Closing courses to non-
majors is the last resort. But it's the
only recourse when you have no
space and no budget."
And Prof. Alan Howes of the Eng-
lish Department says "The concept
of the University as having a respon-
sibility to all its students is an ideal,
yet now practical considerations are
stepping in."
So far, however, only the sociology
department has placed a limitation
on the number on non-concentrates
admitted to their higher level courses.
About 35 to 40 per cent of the spaces
in the 15 required courses in the so-

ciology program are reserved for con- '
centrators. In Sociology 210, an ele-
mentary statistics course, about 60 of
the 75 spaces are reserved for con-
"It's all contingent on supply and
demand," says Prof. Albert Reiss,
chairman of the sociology depart-
ment. "The number of sociology ma-
jors has grown over the past two
years, but the staff has not expanded
at the same rate." Last semester.
of the 3509 students enrolled in so-
cilogl courses, only 410 were sociology
Similar proposals have been sug-
gested as part of the general cicur-
culum revisions under study in the
psychology and English departments.
The psychology department is the
fastest growing department in the
University, while the English depart-
ment has always been heavily en-
rolled. "About 30 to 40 classes in the
psychology department have been

closed before registration." says Prof.
William McKeachie, chairman of the
Psychology department. "Some ma-
jors are in a bad way trying to find
Among the proposals currently un-
der discussion by the English de-
partment executive and curriculum
committees, is for the establishment
of a dual program, one for concen-
trators and one for non-concentra-
tors. "It is difficult to define who has
the right to certain courses, but we
are reaching a point where the prior-
ities of the concentrators steps in,"
says Howes.
Moreover, it is difficult to plan for
major shifts in various concentra-
tions. "The shift of interest from one
department to the next is unpredict-
able," says Prof. Otto Graf, director
of the Honors College. Hays says the
problem of closed courses could be
partially alleviated "if we knew the

concentration of newly admitted stu- add
dents." reco
The literary college faces an addi- enla
tional strain as almost one-third of "We
students taking 1i t e r a r y college whe
courses are enrolled in other schools. this
Students in the engineering college, limi
for example, take their required Lya
math, physics and chemistry courses men
from the literary college. And only "
a few of the courses in the nursing just
program are taught by the nursing lect
school. sible
Not only do these additional stu- turn
dents strain the literary college be- ture
cause of their numbers, but Prof.
Adon Gordus, of the chemistry de- larg
partment, explains "Because the som
counseling process of these schools othe
are quicker than that of the literary qua.
college, they often get a jump on The
other students during preregistra- is to
tion." adm
Unless the faculty is increased and tain

itional classrooms built, the only
urse to restrictive quotas is to
arge many classes to lecture size.
can begin to give more lectures
re there used to be seminars, but
alternative seems worse than
ting enrollments," says Prof.
ll Powers of the English depart-
Some courses can be expanded
by adding more students to the
ires, but with others, it's impos-
e," says Anderson. "How can you
n a seminar in logic into a lec-
The answer can't be found in
e lectures, it may be good for
e students, but it can be bad for
ers and will generally reduce the
lity of the education," says Hays.
only alternative, Hays suggests,
; possibly establish a preferential
ission policy for students of cer-






Citizens hear
panel discuss
city priorities
.4 Over 300 Ann Arbor residents participated
yesterday in a town meeting on "local neede
and military spending."
Following a keynote address on the fed-
eral budget by economics .Prof. Warren
Smith, a former member of the Presidents'
Council of Economic Advisers, the groult
*heard speeches on the needs of the Anr
Arbor community in the areas of housing,
transyortation, education, health, poverty
and law and justice. C
"We will be forced with a serious pblde
of deciding priorities for domesti pro
grams," 'said .Smith. "In the final antalysis,
the federal budget situation will be extreme-
ly tight during the next few years." .
The' speakers talked of the needs
in specific areas of Ann Arbor. All agreed
that a priority should be put on meeting do-
mestic needs instead of additional military
spending, and several said Ann Arbor can
afford to meet Its own needs better than
other communities, and therefore shouldn't
even ask for Its full share of federal funds.
Following the speeches, Congressman
Marvin L. Esch (R-Ann -Arbor), participated
in a question and answer period which con-
cluded the meeting.
Esch defended Nixon's action by saying
that a $400 million -increase in education aid
included in the HEW bill was for "impacted
area" aid-extra money for localities with
high numbers of government employes. He
expressed disapproval of the program, and
pointed out h( had also voted against the
ABM proposaL/last year-.
The meetinig, held in the First Presbyter-
ian Church, was spoonsored by the Ann
Arbor Association for Community Forum
and CitizenrInquiry, the Washtenaw County
Council of Churches, and the Interfaith
Council for Peace.

-Daily-Jay Cassidy

Detective Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier surveys 'wreckage at North Hall

A picture of a war between two American is o
cultures-"of life and of death"-was paint- war
ed last night in the opening session of a sai
two-day conference on repression.. and
"What they're trying to do is eliminate oth
our culture," said "Conspiracy 7" defend- B
ant Jerry Rubin, speaking to an enthusiastic Dot
crowd of 3,200 people that filled the first bla
two floors of Hill Aud. resi
Calling Judge Julius Hoffman "a vindic- me:

of 'death
e, evil son-of-a-bitch," Rubin claimed he wi
on trial because "we had the audacity to
nt to determine our own lives." Rubin ca
d he expected a hung jury in the case th
d to be jailed by Hoffman along with the D
er defendants, for contempt' of court., be
Black Panther Cultural Minister Emory hE
uglass vowed to fight any repression of h
ck people. "The Black Panther Party will
st the oppression of our facist govern- la
ant as; long as we are alive, regardless ha

-Daily-Jay Cassidy
Jerry Rub inspeaks at Hill

A yellowed page-long advertisement hangs on the
wall of landlord Louis Feigelson's office in the midst of
building code certificates, rent schedules and an array
of newsletters and books.
'the ad, printed in the Dec. 3, 1968 edition of The
Daily, would not be unusual were it not for the fact that
it was the first :advertisement for the Ann Arbor ient
The ad demands significant reductions in rent, the
elimination of damage deposits, the immediate haridling
of all maintenance complaints and most important, the
recognition by landlords of a "duly-elected body as the
sole bargaining agent for negotiating future leases."'
Feigelson shakes his head. He considers the demands
for the most part impractical. The "body," the Ann Ar-
bor Tenants Union, has been "undemocratic and dis-
honest," according to Feigelson. He says he has no for-
seeable plans to recognize the- Tenants Union.
Feigelson's views are, in many ways, representative of


1andlords speak

hether we are in jail or exile," he said.
"You can kill a revolutionary but you
n't kill a revolution," he added, claiming
at 19 Panthers have been killed by police.
ouglass went over a long list of incidents
tween police and Panthers and cited
umerous bombings and raids on Panther
eadquarters as proof of systematic repres-
in of the militant group.
The third of the five conference speakers,
w Prof. Arthur Kinoy, of- Rutgers Univer-
ty; called for a unified strategy to fight
'hat he called repressive forces. "We must
and together, or in the old American tra-
tion, we'll all hang.together," he explained.
Kinoy, describing the people as the fourth
anch of government, urged a unified of-
nsive against defenders of the status quo.
The slogan 'Power to the People' is not
hetoric, but a strategy for our timpe," he
He criticized President Nixon's statement
at government policy should not be made
i the streets and mentioned a number of
astances-such as the American Revolution
-where the people nave had an impact
1 the destiny of the United States.
Repression is not unique to America,
aimed Episcopal Bishop Edward Crowther,
ho was deported from South Africa after
e criticized that country's apartheid poli-
es. "The black people of South Africa are
ving in one of the greatest tyrannies of
11 time," he said.
Crowther, now an American citizen, crit-
ized the unwillingness of churches to fully
upport young men who, following their con-
ciences, refuse to fight in the Vietnam war.
"We're concerned about violence to build-
ms but not about psvchological violence

About 30 people broke into North Hall
early this morning and smashed windows,
trophy cases and picture frames, causing an
undetermined amount of damage. The ac-
tion ended what had begun as a march of
450 people from the Fishbowl to the Wash-
tenaw County Bldg.
The violence began at North Hall, which
houses the ROTC program, with the break-
ing of windows outside. Shortly before 1 a.m.
a window in the' front door was broken and
the 30 people entered the building.
Windows inside were broken, pictures
were smashed and the glass was kicked out
of classroom doors. Some trophies were
stolen and emblems were destroyed.
University Security Chief Roland Gains-
ley said he would contact President Robben
Fleming today to inform him of the North
Hall incidents.
Contacted early this morning, the Ann
Arbor Police Department had no comment
on the incidents, though police officers were
seen moving toward North Hall around 1:30
A Sanford Security guard on duty in the
building was on the phone when the dem-
onstrators entered. Despite the flying glass
around where he stood by the door, the
guard stayed on the phone.
The demonstrators continued "trashing"
for a little more than two minutes. Then,
leaders of the group urged everyone in
the building to leave. ,
The security guaird said he recognized
some of the people who had broken in and
that 'he would know others if he saw them
The smashing of North Hall followed a
peaceful one-hour march last night across
the downtown and campus area.
The marchbegan at the Fishbowl at mid-
night, where people were leaving workshops
from the Anti-Repression Teach-in. Spon-
sors of the teach-in had denied any involve-
ment in the march.
Marchers first proceeded to the County
Bldg. where they heard speeches denounc-
ing U.S. "imperialism" and cheered as the
flag of North Vietnam was hoisted atop the
building's flag ple.
They then marched through the down-
town Main St. area, and turned back toward
At Regents Plaza, the demonstrators
found one of the main doors to the Admin-
istration Bldg. open. But they left after
learning that the ground floor was sealed
off from the rest of the building.
The marchers then proceeded toward
North Hall.
Courts subpoena
hotos of SDS
NEW YORK (. - Time, Newsweek and
Life magazines say their unedited files and
unused pictures dealing with the Weather-
man Faction of Students for a Democratic
r.e-at hs - aoncr-hnan. +h b t'm fdroar

lords counter that the reverse is true. The union addi-
tionally says the rents are far higher than other cities
which have comparatively high costs of living.
It believes the union has vastly improved maintenance
and will assure its continuation. TU members also be-
lieve damage deposits are a way for the landlords to
make money off interest accumulated from the deposits.
The only lasting way to improve the housing situa-
tion, the union believes, is to have tenants bargaining
with landlords. And it considers landlords greedy cap-
italists who do not look out for the best interest of their
The two sides seem to face an irrepressible conflict -
a situation that appears basically unchanged since the
union's inception last year. One s m a 11 landlord has
agreed to recognize the union but most landlords seem
no closer to agreement on the demands.
"I'm going to ask the Tenants Union how representa-
tive they are of Apartments Limited tenants," says Tom
Burnham. Apartments Limited manager. "I daresay they
won't be able to represent anybody. They represent no-

ants Union." He does not expect this to happen.
Charter Realty's Bob Schram sees little possibility of
negotiating with the union. "They're unreasonable people.
I don't see how we could ever meet their demands."
Feigelson has a similar complaint.
He says that his company, Ambassador, contacted
the union repeatedly last spring to talk to it about union
Ambassador, he says, was willing to hold elections
among its tenants and recognize the union if 50 per cent
plus one gave the union bargaining authority. But, he
contends, the union would not agree because it thought
it would lose the election.
The union also insisted it be the bargaining agent for
tenants in all Ambassador buildings, he says.
He believes tenants have a right to organize but dis-
trusts "this particular group."
And, the union distrusts Feigelson. Steering commit-
tee chairman Steve Burghardt calls Feigelson's charges
"categorically wrong."
Some landlords feel the union is useless.

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