~1~t 3c1itn a h Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Repression comes to Ann Arbor... Moyndrd St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. URDAY, JANUARY 31, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHER SDS up against the wall: The tactics must change ]STERDAY'S ACTIVITIES seem to confirm in the minds of a lot of ple, the utter futility of continuing 'uiter attacks and lock-ins. What 'ted out last week to be a new round hostilities has fizzled out into a wet is obvious that most members of 3, and supporters of the actions, are ply not prepared to risk any form reprisal. Exposing themselves to jail the sake of causing momentary in- venlence to a low level corporation cutive, would be naive. he scene in the W e s t Engineering :ement office was almost comical. The ectives stood around fondling cam- s, and the Air Force, Bell System and Pont interviewed without harrassment.' IE ADMINISTRATION showed its de- termination to prevent SDS f r o m cing recruiters off campus, by i t s er weight of arms. In effect they call- a bluff, and now they are certainly ghing about it. 'he fishbowl was billed as revolution- headquarters. It was a sorry sight. A .ful number of people were involved activities. The revolution, was ignored the masses. very hour, on the hour the Guerilla eater activated itself, but the spectat- seemed more amused than stimulated. N stopped to watch the films t h a t re shown, more people were interested signing up for the Free University sses than purifying the placement of- he "attack" on North Hall was tragi- rlcal, the stink-bomb in the placement ice was childish. The revolution died. THlE LEFT wing of this campus is going to have to face up to certain reali- ties or it will perish. Most students don't care about monp- poly capitalism, and those who do are unable to support tactics that consist of cub-scout type raids on the West En- gineering Bldg. Also, the vast and overwhelming major- ity of students is totally alienated by the elitist tactics of SDS. This alienation of students is becoming increasingly ob- vious. It was tragically illustrated yester- day when a large group of black students ignored appeals by SDS to see a film about Bobby Seale. This indicated that the gap between black students and the "rich white kids" of SDS is extraordinar- ily large. On another level there is an alienation between SDS and it's main constituency, the white middle class. HIS IS DUE in part to the reputation, an unfair reputation, that SDS has as a strong arm gang of crazies. The im- perfect understanding of SDS by stu- dents is in a large part responsible for the difficulties that SDS has in recruit- ing members, and for the adverse reac- tion to SDS activities by many people. Finally, the left must understand that politically thiey will continue to ,be in- effectual until they can relate to stu- dents in a more meaningful way. What this means is that the left, and SDS in particular, must stop living in an un- real, romantic world, land understand that when Mao Tse Tung said that dialectics is more relevant than metaphysics, he was 100 per cent correct. -JONATHAN MILLER (EDITOR'S NOTE: One of the authors of this article, Bill Dinner, was one of the 07 peope arrested in the LSA sit-in. He is still await- ing his trial). "At the Halls of Justice the only Justice is in the Halls." Lennie Bruce By BILL DINNER and NEAL BUSH , THE LSA BUST of 107 Univer- sity students was somewhat of a throw back-to the days of the civil rights and early anti-war move- ment. The arrests were voluntary, taken for political and or moral reasons. In this they differ from most of the recent political busts. The eight on trial for conspir- acy in Chicago did not choose to get arrested, nor have the Black Panthers accepted arrest to "prove a point." But the two types of cases are not totally dissimilar. The w a y both types of cases have been handled by the courts and t h e bills that have poured out of the federal and state legislatures which deprive "disruptive" s t u - dents of financial aid force the conclusion that there is a con- scious effort to fail and destroy political people. This type of ef- fort is called repression. The fact is that very few people regard going to jail as an act which in itself wil accomplish anything; in fact, ail should be avoided at all costs. ORIGINALLY, the people ar- rested at the LSA sit-in thought they would be charged with tres- passing - a charge it would be difficult to contest. But the defendents soon learned that instead of the expected charge, Assistant City Prosecutor Thomas Shea has reached into his bag of tricks and found a 1948 statue commonly labeled conten- tion. In the face of this unexpected charge, those arrested felt it ne- cessary to fight the case and try to make the trials political instead of Criminal. THIE QUESTION is why were the protesters charged with contention rather than trespassing? Espec- ially considerirg the nebulous 'na- ture of the state contention law. Sec. 170. Disturbance of law- ful meeting - Any person who shall make or excite any dis- turbance or contention in any tavern, store or grocery, man- ufacturing establishment or any other business place or in any street, lane, alley, highway, public building, grounds or park, or at any election or other pub- lic mieeting where citizens are . peacefully assembled, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." ONE POSSIBLE explanation is that in order to safely obtain a trespassing conviction, one of the necessary - though not sufficient conditions - is to give a warn- ing to the participants that they are unlawfully trespassing a n d should remove themselves. For some reason this was not done during the LSA sit-in. Perhaps the warning was n o t given because Pres. Fleming fear- ed the students would leave t h e building and avoid arrest. Cer- tainly Fleming's major advisor of the evening, Governor Milliken, would have been livid with rage. Four hundred policemen and no arrests! The other theory notes that the contention charge was made, not because of its legal merit, but as a means of revenge and harass- ment. The desire to deter future acts certainly must have entered in the decision. IN ANY case the defendants were left with little choice but to fight it. If they permitted these cases to stand as precedents, al- most any form of dissent could be easily smashed, by the threat of guaranteed convictions on the con- tention charge. The promise that state and federal grants will very likely be revoked upon conviction made it even more necessary to fight the charge. Unlike the South University con- tention trials of last summer which were half-way fair and re- sulted in 50 per cent convictions, Judges Elden and Thomassen have ruled with an iron hand, showing the defendants what due process in the law means. THE FIRST EVIDENCE that the city was not going to fool around came when Attorney Donald Kost- er attempted to see his clients the night of the arrest. Koster was told by the police that he could not visit his clients until after they were bonded out - a total denial of their rights. Both Thomassen and Elden have constantly ruled against the defense. They have forced groups of defendants to be tried together, although the General ourt Rules of Michigan require that a motion for such consolidation be made in writing at least four days before the trial. They also refused to allow an attorney who entered his appear- ance just before the beginning of the trial to prepare his case, and instead of allowing all the de- fendants in each case to pre- emptorally challenge five prospec- tive jurors, they allowed each group of defendants two challeng es. IN ADDITION, it would appear hat for a contention conviction for the defense would have to prove that a disturbance or con- tention did take place and that each of the defendants actually committed the offense or at least aided in it. Yet the only thing the prosecu- tion has shown was that each of the defendants was actually in the building at 3:35 a.m., and that each was arrested. Nowhere did they even attempt to show that any of the defendants was even in Ann Arbor when the alleged dis- turbances occurred. But this has not stopped o u r Judges who have instructed the jury that a defendant can be found guilty if it is proven that he was in the building, i.e., he was ar- rested, even if the prosecutor has not proven that the specific de- fendant acted in any way which the jury considered "contentious." With such instructions, it is no surprise that most of the defend- ants who have gone to trial have been convicted. However, two groups of defendants, one defend- ed by Koster and Buck Davis, the other Koster alone, were acquitted after defense lawyers showed that what was involved was a political crime. But such victories are only the exception which prove t h e rule. There are times when a good defense may some times overcome the repressive legal system which is geared for conviction. ALTHOUGH THE COURTS have been "extremely successful in handling the cases as they see fit, they have, as of late become press- ed for time since these cases, oup- led with the Rent Strike cases, have completely mangled the nor- mal proceedings of the court. With nearly half of the LSA trials remaining, the courts have been unable to c o p e with the tremendous loads, and cases are backlogged for months. In an attempt to alleviate this problem, vague noises were uttered from the judges chambers several weeks ago noting that they would accept a nol contendre plea-a plea of no contest that does not admit guilt - on the lesser charge of trespassing rather than demand conviction for contention. SIMILARLY AFTER the arrests at the County Bldg. in September of 1968 over the welfare mothers, the lawyers for those arrested, the prosecutor, and the courts work- ed out a compromise which lead to the imposition of work sentenc- es rather than jail. The defense lawyers then involved, for the most part, were those who had to do business with the local system every day. Consequently they had no desire to confront their system and so advised their clients. With the trials already poli- tical, and the decision to appeal most of the cases already decid- ed, there was little desire to "cop a plea." In addition, it ,appears that the appeals will win, which means the cases are returned to the District court to be tried over again. PRIOR TO SENTENCING, Judge Elden said, "Z must take into consideration the severity of the offense, but this must be equat- ed with the fact that the defend- ants action was based on sound judgment and that they believed it. However, when one's choice in this matter is against the law, one must be willing to pay the penalty for his offense." Elden then proceeded to hand out sentences of seven days in jail, $240 in fines and oourt costs, along with 15 months probation to first offenders. For those with one previous conviction it was i n- creased to $275 in fines and court costs and 14 days in the county jail, and 15 months probation. No one with more than one conviction has been sentenced and one can only guess the sentences of people with- more than one conviction. THERE IS MORE than one reason for the toughness of the trial and the sentence. Prosecutors and judges do not like people who won't play' their legal game. Thus anyone who goes through with a trial and demands all his 1 e g a 1 rights will be dealt with severely as an example to others. Furthermore, the LSA sit-in - whether or not one agrees with the tactics and politics - did chal- lenge the authority or President Fleming. Therefore these trials have become a warning to others not to confront the University. But instead, people should see the trials as a warning not to g e t caught. Although what is happening to those who did sit-in is hardly comparable to the legal repression which is coming dovn in Chicago, it is part of the same reaction by those in power. Get people i n t o court and then screw them. And, the response to that can only be to use those same courts as a forum for political action. THIS IS NOT to say the courts and the legal system are the chos- en forum. But, the Chicago con- spiracy case has shown us one example of how to use the courts. Unfortunately, in Ann Arbor. the people have not turned out to support their friends. Still, when the people are forced into the courts by the structure, for t h e i r own protection they must organize as much public pressure and sup- port as possible. The legal system must be strip- ped of its legitimacy. This will make it far more difficult for the establishment to use the courts to impose its will. One of the ways to prevent a total repression is to make the price of using the legal system un- acceptable every time it is tried. FINALLY, it is important to re- member that even if a defendant is acquited, it does not mean he has won anything. Getting off means he broke even and is back where he started. But, the g o v- ernment has won just by getting him into court. Dr. Spock had his conviction thrown out on appeal, but that trial cost those defendants o v e r $100.000. The government is forcing seven highly active political people to waste time, organization, and a lot of money in Chicago. These people and others like them are needed on the streets, not playing legal g a m e s over whether there is any integrity or rule of law left in the legal system. w 4 The CSJ trial that might leave been IT IS UNFORTUNATE that students who filed charges against President Fleming and the Regents for disrupting the Uni- versity during the bookstore controversy last fall decided to drop their case. Fot they denied Central Student Judiciary the opportunity to review the actions of the constituency of the University which now answers to no one-the administration and Regents. It must be acknowledged that the stu- dent judiciary probably does not have the authority to try administrators and faculty members. Moreover, CSJ certainly could not have enforced its ruling, even if it found Fi'leming and the Regents guilty. BUT THE REAL value of the trial would not have been its legal outcome, but. rather its exposure of the way decisions' are made and power is exercised in this community. Much as the show trial for "conspiracy' in Chicago has revealed just how repressive and undemocratic the government can be, a trial of the Presi- dent and the Regents could have exposed the hypocrisy of the system; which makes token concessions to students; but which consistently denies' them their rights While a plethora of rules govern fac- ulty and student conduct, the administra- tion which polices the conduct of mem- bers of the community exercises power unchecked.: And certainly rights can never exist when an elite, like the administration, dominates the decision making process over all parties who have an interest in the decision. For rights must be above the rise and fall of leaders or else they are mere privileges which can be revoked at the caprice of rulers. IN THE DEMOCRATIC community, of which the University should be an ex- ample, faculty, students and administra- tors share an undeniable interest in the disposal of institutional affairs. If the power to make rules binding on all groups rests with one particular group, the other groups have only revocable privileges. Since the advent of the student power movement, the administration has re- treated from its stance that it alone had IRONICALLY, AS the University admin- istration granted students more privi- leges, students found themselves with control over their own affairs but with less.contact with and control over broad- er University affairs. While they can es- tablish "open door" policies in the dormi- tories, for example, students have no voice in deciding when the President should open the door of the Administra- tion Bldg. More dramatically, while stu- dents are able to formulate codes, con- cerning student disruption of University business, they have no mechanism to col- lectively define a code affecting the ad- ministration and faculty as .well. The locking of the Administration Bldg. may seem like an exaggerated example, but if the administration can perpetrate this act for which the students would be punished 'with impunity, there is noth- ing to prevent it from overstepping stu- dent decisions in any matter. What, for from overriding the decisions of the pro- posed student services policy board? AT THIS POINT, CSJ is a woefully in- adequate instrument for checking p o w e r of the administration for two reasons: First, the rules which the judiciary must uphold are explicitly called "Regu- lations Concerning Student Conduct." Second, the court itself is an all stu- dent body and cases involving more than one University constituency should be tried under a uniform code by a mixed judiciary. MEANWHILE, THE administration does not show any signs of movement to- ward recognition of the students' share of interest in University affairs. As a re- sult, it does not accept the authority of any student rules over anyone other than the students who wish to abide by thenm. But more and more students now ex- hibit an unwillingness to respect the authority of an administration in which they are not involved, and great trouble lies ahead unless the Regents and those administrators who regularly influence them demonstrate that they have changed substantively their attitude to- ward students. If nothing else, the Fleming case could By PHILLIP BLOCK - (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author of this article is a Daily contributing editor and is one of the 107 people arrested in the LSA sit in. He has yet to go on trial.) PRESIDENT FLEMING lies. He lies quite often and quite well even though he is under oath when he lies. Fleming testifies at the trial of every student who was arrested last September in the LSA Bldg. sit-in over the bookstore issue. The students have been charged with "contention" or creating a disturbance and, thanks to Fleming, the prosecution is able to make the charges stick for about three out ,of every four defendants. The technique is quite simple. Fleming testifies that the students were not satis- fied wtih the Regents' handling of the bookstore issue and that they took over the LSA Bldg. because of t h is dissatis- faction despite his valient attempts to keep them out of the building. THE RESULT is that the jury-over- whelmed by Fleming's prestige and the fact that the students were arrested in the building-finds the defendants guilty, as charged. But guilty of what crime and charged by whom? What the students were really charged with was not contention, but "at- tempting to take control over matters which concern them" and the plaintiffs were really not "the people" but the Re- gents, the administration, the local book- store owners, and the power elite of the Ann Arbor area. The whole bookstore issue might have seemed frivolous to many radicals in the witness for the persecution criminating testimony, however inaccurate or untrue, to the prosecution's case. Fleming's big lie is his ,account of why the University asked for an injunction against the students inside the building. ON THE WITNESS stand, Fleming states, "We sought a restraining order be- cause we did not wish to bring the police on the campus and we did not wish to have a criminal case." Fleming should know better than to make statements like this. He is a lawyer and a law professor as well, also an expert in labor relations which no doubt has made him well acquainted with the use and power of restraining orders and other types of injunctions. Fleming knows very well that if the in- junction had been served, its only effect would be to raise the penalty for students who wished to remain inside the building in protest. Violation of a court order is contempt of court which would enable a judge to hand down sentences of up to two years in jail. IN ADDITION, the students who remain- ed in the building would no longer have had Ann Arbor's police to deal with. They would now be victims of whatever head- splitting Sheriff Douglas Harvey's goons would dish out, since Harvey would be the officer of the court responsible for en- forcing the court order. In this sense Fleming told the truth when he said he wanted to avoid having the police on campus, the Ann Arbor Police, that is. Bringing Sheriff Harvey to the ment that he have realized at least three signed under oath he might that he swore falsely on counts. The complaint states that the twelve students named in the document all par- ticipated in the takeover of North Hall earlier that week when at least eight of the students could have proven that they were not involved. It also charges the same students with taking part in the sit-in at the Institute of Science and Technology earlier in the month when at least five of them were, not involved.t And the complaint claims that the twelve students were all presently involved in the LSA 1ldg. takeover when at least two of them had taken no part in the action: Fleming also failed to notice that the complaint stated that he knew ,each of the "facts" of his own knowledge and not on information and belief. When he actual- ly had no personal information about any of the three demonstrations. BUT FLEMING is no fool. When during the contention trials defense lawyers try to pin him down on his mistakes he smoothly avoids the question by insisting that he believed the charges to be true based on "information given to me by the people whom we employ for these pur- poses." Fleming is also very adept at presenting the administration's view of the whole bookstore issue, and on a political level, this is his greatest "achievement" in court. He begins by saying that the original the same "problem" of having a student- controlled bookstore that would be finan- cially isolated from the University but still be eligible for the 4 per cent state tax exemption on textbooks sold at Uni- versity stores. IN REALITY, the only major difference, between the original SGC bookstore plans and the one finally agreed to by the Re- gents was in degree, not in policy. The SGC plan called for a $1.75 fee assessment rather than the $5.00 revolving fee pro- posed by the Regents. The new plan also called for a faculty minority on the book- store's policy board where the SGC plan had not included faculty on the board. Fleming cites these changes as major differences, thus trying to defend the Re- gents' reluctance to pass the SGC proposal and its willingness to pass the "compro- mise" proposal. However, the real reason for the Regents' actions seems to be the simple fact that the SGC proposal was introduced before any student pressure was applied and the so-called compromise proposal was pre- sented after students had put pressure on Fleming and the Regents. Of course, Fleming fails to concede this point to the jury. WHAT FLEMING is now doing in court is to punish the students who dared to use power politics against him, and to warn those who might like to try it in the future. He does it the best way he knows how, by using his position as president to place juries in a position that the prosecu-