Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan .~ceteris par ibus Women' ":^;{"}". :}}i? "5%qi.}.:} .}:;. . ...}s:" Vg;v;:,.; V. ;.;:. }}:;"'v{ hSS,. SWV.., .W.., .;}}:^},.v;A {v'},.,:"do }" '. V s Liberation, the Congr .Y: st ...LY.. ntt ':{.. d Sh : . . ,. .:.:Y; .,.; :: :::.^. r:...:::r :v.w:.: ,:Y:.vx::::::.:::Y. :: a.; ...w4:v::y:iib'r +.,: :4::""vi}..: c}.^::: " ...,..... o :.., ........... r... 'rv:{:{viii:{:?:1::''v}::}i}:r}r}1v7is%}%i>::i :ii:{ ?r}i'^5: ri{f r}a'vi'r'i: :?'r?}::ih<:IC :i : 'rT7::S r; .. Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-)552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. RIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS Fleming and the law: 'We do what is expected' ['HE FATE OF as many as 17 of the 96 University students who participated n the LSA Bldg. sit-in last September is urrently in the hands of President Rob-' en Fleming. Fleming's tentative decision to comply ith laws terminating the government- upported scholarships of convicted stu- ent demonstrators is an injustice to hese students and has unfortunate im- lications for all members of the Univer- ity community. Ironically, Fleming has long been an utspoken opponent of the very state and ederal punitive legislation he now feels ompelled to help implement. In testi- pony before Congress last spring, and i a statement directed at the Legislature tst summer, he argued commendably gainst such bills. The brunt of the argument against uich legislation is twofold: That it dis- riminates against poor students, a n d aat it discriminates against students in eneral by penalizing them twice for the ame action. Fleming has argued both hese points convincingly. vOW, HOWEVER, Fleming argues that he must obey the laws. "I think it's Mandatory," he said recently. "0?u r posi- .on is that we will do what is expected f us. Our lawyers tell us it is mandatory Mnguage." Fleming's position is unfortunate be- ause it compromises the University's utonomy, and because other options are eadily available. Under the state provision, passed as art of the 1969-70 higher education ap- ropriations act, the University presi- ent is directed to report the names of tudents convicted of disrupting the Uni- ersity to agencies currently awarding hem scholarships. Such financial a i d ould then be terminated automatically. While the law does require the presi- dent to make such reports, it does not provide penalties for him or the Univer- sity should he fail to do so. FURTHERMORE, THE law stands, in a very real sense, as an encroach- ment on the University's autonomy. As the chief administrative officer of the University, the president should by law be subject only to the directives of the Regents. The University has, in the past, chal- lenged the constitutionality of less nox- ious state laws, and a similar move now might be appropriate. MEANWHILE, IT should be even easier for the University to thwart attempts by the federal government to punish pro- testers by cutting their scholarships. The relevant legislation is contained in the HEW appropriations bill recently ve- toed by President Nixon, but it will un- doubtedly remain in the final form of the bill. Under the provision, all federal funds would be cut off from students, faculty members, or researchers who participate in a disruption of a school.' BUT UNLIKE the state law, the federal provision does not require the uni- versity president to report disruptive students. And considering Fleming's long- standing opposition to the law, there is no reason why he should take the initia- tive. WHILE FLEMING'S initial opposition to legislation cutting the financial aid of protesters was commendable, it would be best followed up with concrete action.' As .the University's representative to Lansing and Washington, he should re- fuse to participate in unfairly penalizing University students. --MARTIN HIRSCHMAN SPECTATORS TURN TO LOOK at a group of women who interrupted Senate hearings last Friday on the safety of birth control pills. When the women began to ask questions of the committee, the chairman, Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis), called a recess and ordered police to clear the room. ess, and The Pill jenny stiller W'HEN WOMEN'S LIBERATION demonstrators disrupted Senate committee hearings on the safety of "The Pill" last Friday, people watching the evening news were probably left with the feeling that Women's Lib is more anti-pill than anything else. In condemning male chauvinism, it almost seemed to many ob- servers that the liberated women also hated sex. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Instead, the demonstration was designed to underline the exceed- ingly sloppy manner in which the entire question of the pills' safety has been investigated by the government and presented to the public through the media. BIRTH CONTROL pills first appeared on the general market in the early 60's, although they had been available to test populations at an earlier date. Since that time, a smattering of research results-most- ly the outcome of'experiments performed in England-have leaked out to the general public via the popular press. Reputable doctors have taken care to question their patients as to possible side effects and to avoid prescribing pills to those with a history of cancer, blood-clotting, heart disease, or other conditions which might be worsened by a daily dose of estrogen. Such doctors-including those at clinics like Planned Parenthood -have also been conscientious about requiring of pills users a yearly pap smear test for cervical cancer. (Most doctors recommend such a test as a standard precaution for all women, regardless of pill use.} UNFORTUNATELY, NOT all doctors have been quite so cautious, and while the black market in pills seems to be declining-at least among college students-it is apparent that large numbers of women have been swallowing their daily medication in blissfull ignorance of its possible harmful side efl.. s. It is these women-those who received no hint of warning from their doctors-who have tended to act in panic at' the recent "revela- tions" of possible dangers. Reportedly, many of them are switching to older, "healthier" means of contraception. The only problem is that these '(with the exception of the loop) don't work nearly as well as the pill in preventing un- wanted pregnancies. IDEALLY, A WOMAN who goes to her doctor for advice on contra- ception should be given as clear a picture as possible of the alternatives open to her. Cognizant of the medical profession's best estimation of the advantages and drawbacks of each, she should be able to make her own decision, based on her own set of priorities; of what type of pregnancy-protection she should use. . Thus, one woman might prefer to risk a 0.5 per cent chance of cancer rather than a 5 per cent chance of pregnancy, while another would decide the opposite. Or another, certain that she would never forget to take the neces- sary precautions, might opt for the "very safe" combination of two mechanical means of contraception instead tof chancing the possible hazards of the pill. UNFORTUNATELY, THE SENATE hearings on the matter have not served to clarify the real dangers and advantages of the pill.- Instead, they have been used as a forum to broadcast (in a highly hysterical manner) the findings of a few researchers-without taking any care to avoid confusion and admit only scientifically-sound evidence. For example, several witnesses testified that their research proves that women who take birth control pills are more susceptible to trombo- embolisms (blood clotting) than those who do not. What is not pub- licized, however, is the prevalence of thromboembolisms which occur as the result of pregnancy. Similarly, when the average pill-user hears from Chet or David that the pills have caused cancer in dogs and rats (but not in monkeys), she has no way of evaluating the. evidence, no way of knowing the degree of correlation between diseases among the' primates. THE INEVITABLE result of the distorted publicity coming out of the committee hearings is a form of hysteria. The media reports that women all over the country have been Letters to the Editor A racist male >chauvinist: Just what the Court needs YESTERDAY'S revelation that Supreme- Court nominee Judge G. Harrold Carswell was party to a blatantly m a 1 e supremacist ruling in a sex discrimination case less than six months ago is sub- stantial cause in and of itself for his re- jection by the Senate. Coming in the wake of disclosures of Carswell's "youthful" belief in w h i t e supremacy, the Florida judge's sexist rul- ing is ample proof of what Rep. P a t s y Mink (D-Hawaii) called a "basic philoso- phy totally unbecoming of a man being considered for appointment to the highest court of he land." THE CASE IN question --which is cur- rently on appeal to the S u p r e m e Court - involves a mother of pre-school age children who was denied a job as an assembly trainee by the Martin Marietta Corporation. The corporation stated that she was not hired due to a company pol- icy which forbids the hiring of mothers- but not fathers-of young children. The woman, Mrs. Ida Phillips, charged that her federal civil rights had b e e n violated, but the U.S. Circuit Court in New Orleans ruled twp to one in favor of the' company. Carswell, who had not sat in on the case, voted along with nine other circuit judges against reconsidera- tion by the full court. The decision which Carswell and t h e others voted to uphold affirmed that "the discrimination was based on a two-prong- ed qualification, i.e., a woman with pre- school age children. Ida Phillips was not refused employment because she was a woman nor because she had pre-school children. It is. the coalescence of t h e s e two elements that denied her the posi- tion she desired." Somehow, the fact that the mother of young children could be denied wor when a father (even one who might, as a widower or divorcee, be raising his child- ren alone) was not, is not considered to be sex-based discrimination. FORTUNATELY FOR the credibility of being a mother - i.e.; a woman - not the age of the children, which denies em- ployment opportunity to a woman which is open to a man." They warned that if the lower court's "sex-plus" ruling were allowed to stand, the 1964 Civil Rights Act's guarantee against discrimination in hiring would be a dead letter. "CONGRESS COULD hardly have been so incongruous," the dissent conclud- ed, "as to legislate sex equality in em- ployment by a statutory structure enab- ling the employer to deny employment to those who need the work most through the simple expedient of adding to sex a non-statutory factor. "A mother is still a woman. And if she is denied work outright because she is a mother, it is because she is a woman. Congress said that could no longer be done." While the antiquity of Carswell's racist allegations gives credence to his recent repudiation of such sentiments, the con- temporary nature of his decision in the Phillips case illuminates all the more clearly that the nominee still harbors a dangerous anti-egalitarian bias. Congresswoman Mink is totally correct in her belief "that Judge Carswell dem- onstrated a total lack of understanding of the concept of equality and that his vote represented a vote against the 'ight of women to be treated equally and fairly under the law."' JT IS NOW apparent that Judge Cars- well--who is perhaps a white suprema- cist and definitely a male supremacist-- has no place on a Supreme Court sworn to uphold Constitutional guarantees of equality before the law. Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the Carswell nomination are scheduled to end early next week. It is imperative that all who believe in the equality of race and sex make their feelings known to those members of the committee who might vote against the nomination. These include both Michigan Senators, Demo- crat Philip Hart and Republican Robert Good G.E.* To the Editor: YOUR ISSUE of Friday, Janu- ary 16, had an article written by Bruce Levine regarding the Gen- eral Electric strike. Apparently Mr. Levine consid- ers himself an authority on this serious work stoppage but unfor- tunately his facts are so slanted that I do not believe his article could be called factual reporting. It appears that Mr. Levine con- siders the General Electric Com- pany management to be an as- sembly of cold, ruthless, selfish men -intent on only hurting the working man. I wish Mr. Levine would get to know these manage- ment men better. He would find them to be intel- ligent, hard working, chairtable and dedicated to their job. Most of these men are pillars of strength in their community - giving generously of their time to their Church, their local Govern- ment, tor charitable fund drives, etc. Everyone is concerned about in- flation and many thinking people applaud General Electric's stand as being in the public interest. Mr. Levine may not agree with this but I do wish he would realize that in any dispute there are al- ways two sides to the problem and I resent Mr. Levine's smug con- clusion that the General Electric Company is all wrong. -Robert B. Dannies Hingham, Mass. Jan. 23 Coffee House To the Editor: THE UNION would like to be an asset, not a liability both through expanded University community participation and financial sol- vency. At the present time, a num- ber of plans and proposals are being evaluated to determine the best approach for implementing change within the Union. The Michigan Union Coffee House is part of a plan to rejuve- nate the use of the Union. The University Activities Center is sponsoring the Coffee House with the idea of providing a place for people to go for inexpensive enter- tainment after a movie, a concert or for an entire evening. (Friday - 9 p.m.-2 a.m.) UAC, the student programming committee of the Union and League, became the organizing agent because there was an ex- pressed desire for it and the Union could provide the needed facilities. THE CO3FFEE HOUSE operation is, however, separate from the proposals, one of which was out- lined in the The Daily on Jan. 27, presently under review by the Uni- versity. It is not a substitution, as indicated in The Daily article, for any of the existing proposals. The managers of- the Coffee House and UAC hope; however, that the final plan for the Union will incorporate the strong in- centive needed to draw students into the Union just as the Coffee House has provided. --George Ladner Vice-President, UAC Jan. 27 O . MLxlCL To the Editor: LAST FRID3AY. JAN. 23, The Michigan Daily stated that the Committee on Repression, which is organizing this weekend's Teach- in/Conference on Repression, is also "drafting plans for a mass action to follow up the confer- ence." The alleged action was to have been "a march to the Wash- tenaw County Bldg., North Hall, and possibly Washtenaw County Jail . .. This report is false. The Com- mitee on Repression has not draft- ed plans for any "mass action" to be included as part of its weekend program. Although we under- stand that the trial of the Ann Arbor Six, which is to take place at .the Washtenaw County Bldg., is a political trial aimed at stop- ping the activities of the Black BĀ°rets, and that North Hall (the ROTC building) is a University support for the Defense Depart- ment. we do not feel that the Committee on Repression should sponsor such a demonstration as reported in The Daily. WE ARE SPONSORING the Teach-in/Conference on Repres- sion in the hopes that a large number of people in Ann Arbor and the surrounding area can come to understand the nature of the political repression taking place in America, and what we can do to end it. We have seen through the Chicago Conspiracy trial, and the killing of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark that all people who see the need for real social change are threatened by the current repression. The police state mechanisms used in the courts against members of the anti-war movement (the Chicago Conspiracy, Sid Peck, and others), and in the streets against the Black Panther Party can be used against all of us. -Brian Spears Committee on Repression Jan. 26 Coercion To the Editor: IN THE FISHBOWL this morn- ing, I was handed a flyer published by the SDS Campus Worker-Stu- dent Alliance Committee. This flyer dealt with the strike against the General Electric Company. It recommended that GE repre- sentatives be prevented from in- terviewing students on this cam- pus because GE allegedly makes huge profits from the Vietnam war, exploits foreign labor, and does not pay adequate salaries to its American workers. On this campus, students have worked for the right to stage any play (Dionysius '69), show any movie (Flaming Creatures), i':b- lish without censorship {Args trial), and have no limit :m co- educational visiting hours. In short, they want "to do their own thing." They do not want the University to be their conscience; the doctrine of in-loco-parents has been renounced. SO WHY SHOULD any group of students attempt to be .ny con- science by preventing me from having a job interview with a company whose policies are not to their liking? They are certainly welcome to encourage me to avoid interview- ing with GE, but they have no right to prevent me from carrying out my final decision.; How about it. SDS. is freedom of onsciene for everyone or just for you? -George T. Wilson Engin. '70 Jan. 28 Join US To the Editor: IN ALL THE DISCUSSIONS on campus and in The Daily about man's destruction of his environ- ment, the concern has been pri- marily with pesticides, sewage, and exhaust, products of man's tech- nology. But nothing has been said about the product of man himself, more men. It seems to me that the major problem in saving the earth lies in control of the population explo- sion. It is becoming increasingly clear that the population of the world will soon outstrip every at- tempt of technology to provide food for all those people. Wide- spread famine is predicted for 1975. The answer is no longer "man will find a way." Overpopulation is an underlying cause of the pollution of our en- vironment-more people consume more natural resources and make more waste. Even onthe absurd assumption that science ould wind a means to exploit the earth in- definitely to feed billions, trillions, of people, what will be the quality of life for future generations woen it has been reduced to living in an endless skyrise covering the land, where people had never seen a blade of grass or known a moment of privacy. I think that every student at- tending a muluti-versity has al- ready felt some of the effects of too many people. And this is the United States, with only a fraction of the world's population. Half of the people in "the world now are underfed and overcrowded. WHEN WILL the public realize the cancerous growth of the world's population must be halted immediately? Such things as the mleinaisitnn of ahntinn. vnintary 4i 4 V" r. flocking to their doctors with questions, while many (mostly older, married women) are discontinuing the pill altogether. Another reaction is psyichosomatic illness. At least on this campus, any ailment that plagues a woman using the pill is now blamed on the{drug. Headaches, nausea, pain in the legs or back-and the pill is called to task. Certainly, any of these com- plaints could be real, whether caused by the pill or something else. But one. suspects that the sudden rash of symptoms is akin to a phenomenon long observed in medical schools-where many students develop the symptoms of whatever disease they are studying at the moment. IN ADDITION, there is some question as to whether all of the testimony being offered the Senate is entirely unbiased. When Women's Liberation noticed that all those giving testimony were middle-aged to elderly men, it seemed apparent to them (and to others, as well) that those voicing the ominous warnings about the nature of the pill were people who had no reason to favor such a revolutionary means of birth control, and perhaps had buried some- where in their respective psyches reasons to condemn the pill not mentioned in their public testimony. In at least one case, vehement testimony against the pill was offered by one of the chief developers of the inter-uterine device ("the loop")-which is the pill's biggest competitor for the title of most effective method of birth control. (The IUD has been shown to have a few harmful effects of its own on occasion. In addition, its usefulness is hampered because it cannot be used by a woman who has not already had a child.) Sadly, the Senate hearings have had no greater effect than to frighten a lot of people and (perhaps) to enhance the image of Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis) and the other Senators conducting the investigation. WHAT IS NEEDED is not more hearings but more research, with JA ; I K) U UIU