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January 29, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-29

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See Editorial Page


E itj

Cold, rain turning
to snow by evening

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4 .

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Vol. LXXX, No. 99

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 29, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Fleming discounts
impact of disruption




President Robben Fleming
has informed Student Govern-
ment Council that threatened
disruptions of Regents' meet-
ings by students opposed toI
the regental draft of the pro-
posed bylaws will not influ-
ence the administration or the
In a letter to SGC Presidentj
Marty McLaughlin and education
Prof. Joseph Payne, chairman of
Senate Assembly,. Fleming called
on opponents of the bylaw draft to
settle their differences with the
Regents through discussion and

Amendments to decrease
possession penalties ail
WASHINGTON (R1-The Senate yesterday overwhelmingly
approved a comprehensive drug control bill after defeating
attempts to change its dominant law-enforcement character.
Final passage came on an 82-0 roll call vote moments
after the Senate rejected a bid to reduce federal penalties for
persons convicted on a second or subsequent charge of pos-
sessing marijuana.
Earlier attempts to place more stress on the scientific
and medical aspects of drug addiction were beaten back by
supporters of the police-oriented bill.
The Senate defeated, on a 58-24 roll call vote, an amend-
ment which would have cut in half the severity cf prison sen-
tences for second .and subse- -----------
quent convictions for posses- 1
sion and distribution of mari-
j uana. 4
As part of this drug control
package, the Senate passed Tues- me
day a cantroversia "no knock"-' illa U
dayaeotsovutorizes fedec
agents to break. into a home with-'; -


I compromise. K
The letter was written in re-
sponse to an SGC resolution which
. urged students to prevent the
Regents from meeting in public
if they do not revise the bylaw
- draft accdrlinL tot .U dl&L ta

McLaughlin President Fleming

uidr acu ng Lo stuaenL ae
HOSPITAL CASE: "Replying to Fleming's letter,
McLaughlin defended the threat-
ened disruptions, saying they were
Hear g report states "the only recourse left open
"Th~~~~e sub r nr r stesstantive changes in the
redraft indicate that our com-
f " " " ments and suggestions will be ig-
410 r 1 1 1R1 nored if the Regents disagree,"
no~j Jj dis ri ina io McLaughlin wrote in a letter rrhe hue-ip IA) fee
which will be sent to Fleming to-
By JANE BARTMAN day, The revived Ann Arbor Free University is sched tiled to begin classe
A State Civil Rights Commission referee recommends' SGC objects to a number of lengthen as free students sign up for courses in subjects from as
'' major changes the Regents re- (Registration ends Saturday for the over 40 clas ~es. See story on page
discrimination charges against the University in a case con- cently made in a student-faculty sr _ _y __r 4s
'cerning employment practices at University Hospital be draft of the proposed bylaws con- _
dismissed. cerning the role of students in REVERSES STAND:
The report, an evaluaton of material presented at a University decision-making.
hearing held last May, refers to charges by former University law 7t0ir drt of proposed by-
Hospital employe Laverne Hill that hospital administrators * Delsted a section which would ! 9
discriminated against her in refusing to accept the with- delegate to "appropriate student
drawal of her resignation. governments" the sole power to
"I conclude that as a matter of fact and law, the claimant enact regulations governing non-t
has not proven a case against the respondent," reports the a emic student conduakn left VR1 11 pr ' 11111
referee. "The refusal of the respondent to accept the com- with the various schools and col-
-4 plainant's withdrawal of her leges - presumably the executive LANSING (f-Michigan is on publicans and 12 Democrats who
resignation was not .racially Committees the verge of becoming the sixth wanted to delete the section. ca
9 asmotivated and was not dis- * Revised a section which would state in the nation to approve Only the state legislatures of
rrested reigato wase not rciallfommttety board in spending public tax funds to aid C.Onlyeut. P ennslnaturehoe
criminatory'" the proposed Office of Student parochial schools Clnd . Pennsylvania, Rhode
Mrs. Hill. last night was uni- Services (OSS) the authority to Island. Massachusetts and Ohio ai
Ms Havailable for commentw make policy binding on the neto Reversing an earlier defeat, the ' now have approved some form of c
a va alrs. foll roined the mospita e poicnf d nt ew State House of Representatives parochiaid-direct state aid for t
staff as a staff nurse, an initiatory The regental draft provides for yesterday voted 56-54 to give gre- salaries of lay teachers in sec- m
position, in 1953, and receivedliminary approval to a $1 billion tarian schools. Others give in- p
d ru gnumber of promotions at an even th vice set p dhbay Senate school aid measure that in- direct aid for such school programs
I'g 1iiG and by her own evaluation, ac- e Revised a section which would cludes $22 million for parochiaid. as student busing, and many are
cording to the report, a faster require the vice president to ob- The test on the issue, a major considering some version of the
than normal rate. taro the approval of his policy controversy in the Legislature for concept. li
Two major raids in the Ann Ar- When she left the hospital she board when appointing directors the last four years, reversed the Pennsylvania, where a U.S. dis- If
bor-Ypsilanti area yesterday led w a s unofficially b u t actively of the various units within OSS. House's 58-50 defeat last May 13 trict court recently upheld the A
to the arrests of nine people on assistant supervisor in thoracic Under the regental draft, the vice of a similar plan. constitutional validity of such ;
charges ranging from sale of mar- surgery. president would seek the policy: Yesterday's key vote, taken be- budgeting, spends $4.8 million for ' D
juana to possession of stolen On Oct. 21, 1964, Mrs. Hill filed board's advice only. ' fore a packed gallery of spectators, state aid. Rhode Island, where
' goods. (a formal grievance with the Uni- * Deleted a clause which would saw 11 Republicans join 45 Dem- parochiaid is also under attack
In an 11:15 a.m. raid on the versity charging her .supervisor See EFFECT, Page 10 I ocrats to vote down the 42 Re- now allocates $375,000 o
with unfair treatment. According - --- _ _ - -- -- _ .- _ _.. -- - .__ - _______ __ _ _._ ____ _.____
Head Shop, 957 Washtenaw Ave. to Jack Hamilton, assistant direc-
in Ypsilanti, State Police agents, (tor of University relations, no R
the Ypsilanti City Police and Fed- mention of racial discriminatio p
ed Michael John Rumptz, 26, and Tnwas made until eight months later. s
Michey Edson Gordon 21 Mrs. Hill resigned from her po- ,m
sition on April 5, 1965, to be ef- " ot
The two men, presently being fective the following July. The ro n ye e a
held in Washtenaw County Jail, 'hearing report quotes a letter in
and a third who is being sought which she says her reasons for
are charged with offenses involv- resigning, "It appears I have little By CARLA RAPOPORT too inflexible. I can't seem to get ite answer either way from all the of
ing narcotics and the possession of or no opportunity for progress in After a three month lull, the anywhere with them and all their tenants by early next week. a
stolen guns. the department." A A Te nt U , demands" A negotiating team of tenants
The warrant, issued by Ypsi- } Mrs. Hill made her first attempt j iAnn Arbor Tenants Union and m
lanti Municipal Court J u d g e to withdraw her resignation on nley Associates are on the When questioned yesterday and union steering committee d
Henry Arckinson, called for the June 6. The report contains evi- verge of beginning new negotia- about his possible recognition of members will then be immediately 1
arrest of the third person, w h o m dence that at that time Mrs. Hill tions. the Tenants Union, Weiser would set up to meet with the manager
state intelligence agents refused attributed her resignation to the McKinley Associates manages not directly answer but said, "I of Associated Apartments for am
to name. .' fact-that her husband was. leaving approximately 15 apartment build- don't have to explain it. There's bargaining session'
Officers found ar number of al-|Ann ArbOr, and her resignation ings. different people working for the The Tenants Union tonight will
legedly stolen guns in the shop, Iithdrawal to a change in her Both the Tenants Union and union; it's obvious they h a v e attempt to organize the Alice h
including two starter pistols, s i x husband's plans. McKinley Associates Manager Ron changed some outlooks." Lloyd dormitory into its own v
shotguns, 16 rifles, 28 handguns, On June 29, Dr. Robert -Nelson, Weiser believe new negotiations Fred Arnold, a McKinley As- tenants union, at a meeting of i
and a "large amount of ammuni- senior associate director of the may lead to McKinley Associates' sociates tenant and publicity chair- dormitory residents. If the resi- be
tion," according to a State Intel- University Medical Center wrote recognition of the union as As- man of the union steering com- dents decide to organize, their
ligence spokesman. to' Mrs. Hill advising her he had sociated Apartments did 1 a s t mittee, spoke with Weiser about union will be the third within the d
Rumptz is being held on t w 0 decided not to accept her proposed week. setting up a meeting for the new University housing system. v
charges - receiving or concealing resignation withdrawal, but was Associated Apartments has re negotiations.
stolen property over $100, and aid- offering her a lower position, as cognized the Tenants Union as nodaim W r d
ing and abetting in the sale of nar- staff nurse in another vacancy, the collective bargaining agent for people at the Tenants Union were
cotics (hashish). Bond has been Mrs. Hill refused to accept the their tenants who request the un- beginn t sound mo re
set at $25,000 for each charge. position and later filed a com- ion represent them in future hous- able but he wanted some time to
Gordon is brei held othe plaint with the civil rights com'- ing negotiations.e htB
single charge of receiving or con- mission,--charging the withdrawal Before Associated Apartment's reflect on the matter before en- } Iz i 15(
cealing stolen property, with bond refusal and offer of an inferior recent decision, Weiser had said of tering into serious discussions.
placed at $25,000. position were made because she is his meetings with union repre- Arnold said he hopes the, un-
See 9 SEIZED, Page 10 black, sentatives, "The Tenants Union is ion will be able to sit down with
. ._. _ _ - . __---_-- ----. __ Weiser within a week. Weiser de- j

-Daily-Sara Krulwieh

es Feb. 1 and registration lines
trology to women's liberation.
ge 3.
" " s
Michigan's program estimated to
ost $22 million, would far out-
trip all of those.
If the bill wins final legislative
proval with parochiaid intact,
hurch-run schools could apply to
he state for aid in meeting as
nuch as 50 per cent of their lay
ayrolls this fall and next year.
The lower chamber'sapproval
f parochiaid, which has the en-
orsement of Gav. William G. Mil-
ken, marked a personal victory
r Democratic Speaker William
Ryan. To win, Ryan had to hold
he support of his own majority
democrats in the face of stiff Re-
ublican opposition and election-
ear threats from public school
House GOP Minority Leader
Hobert E. Waldron led the op-
osition to parochiaid, even going
o far at one time as to withhold
nuch of his public support for
ther parts of Milliken's education
eform program.
Both Ryan and Waldron ex-
ressed optimism over the chances
f their mutually antagonistic
"I am not discouraged," Wal-
ron said. "In my 16 years of legis-
ative experience, I've never seen
nything so irregular. We will have
nore chances to vote on it."
R.yan, ion the other hand, said
e suspected several legislators
oted against the measure to reg-
ster a public position that could
e changed later. "When you get
owri to voting on the bill, they'll
ote for it," he said. ,

out wa'rning or identification if
they fear narcotics are about to
be destroyed inside.
It rejected, on a 56-32 roll call
vote, a bid to allow the secretary
of health, education and welfare,
not the attorney general, to have
the prime role in naming mem-
bers of a new marijuana research
And the Senate also turned
back, 44-39, an attempt to give
HEW scientists a stronger voice
in determining which drugs should
be classified as dangerous under
schedules which outline control
procedures and penalties for use
and distribution.
The amendments were framed
by Sen. Harold E. Hughes (D-
Iowa), who in two days of speeches
has insisted that HEW should be
given the major responsibility and
authority for conducting drug-re-
lated research and weighing the
scientific and medical problems of
drug abuse.
Senators Thomas J. Dodd (D-
Conn) and Roman Hruska (R-
Neb), both members of the Judi-
ciary Committee which wrote the
100-page .control .bill, contended
that the bill gives both HEW and
the Justice Department a voice in
drug abuse control.
Dodd contended that both law
enforcement and medical science
are adequately balanced by the
bill and that placing all authority
in one or the other would 'pre-
clude objectivity and result in one-
sided findings."
The administration-backed bill
already contains penalties for cer-
tain drug abuses less severe than
existing law.
For the first time it would allow
a judge the option of placing first
and second offenders on proba-
tion. Some Senate observers say
this marks a realization that
drugs are infiltrating middle class
neighborhoods and suburbs where
they are used by normally law
abiding persons.
But it sharply differentiates be-
tween these relatively casual users'
and the criminals who profit from
the drug traffic. For these of-
fenders prison sentences would be
long, fines high, and probation'
"Generally it is a mild drug,"
Hughes said. "To equate its risk to
either the individual or society to
hard drugs has no basis at all."
Dodd said the potency of the
substance varies widely.

Approximately 200 students have
occupied the administration build-
ing at the University of Detroit
since 11 a.m. Tuesday, to protest"
what they call the university's
violation of "the student's right
to peaceful protest."
No action has yet been taken to
remove the students. But at a
press conference yesterday, uni-
versity President Father Malcolm
Carron said, "This type of peace-
ful protest is no longer accept-
The statement followed a ear-
lier one by Carron offering to ne-
gotiate if the protesters would
demonstrate only outside campus
buildings as a sign of gQod faith.
It is expected that police will
be called in early today to remove
the 200, after the campus closes
down for the night.
Yesterday's sit-in was staged to
protest an incident that occurred
last Thursday. On that day, 17
students sat-in at 11 a.m. in the
administration building to protest
the presence of a Navy recruiter
on campus.
At noon, a college official closed
the building and threatened to
have the students arrested on
trespassing charges.
When the students did not
leave, the police were called in
and arrested them.
The main contention of the stu-
dents who have rallied to support
the 17 is over the legality of Car-
ron's actions.
According to Bill Pace, steering
committee member of a concerned
students organization, there is a
section in the university's bylaws
which states that in matters of
civil disturbance, the administra-
tion must consult with their stu-
dent government and the advisory
board of deans before taking any
The students believe Carron
violated their rights in having the
students arrested, Pace said.
Carron last night was unavail-
able for comment.
The concerned students have
presented the administration with
a list of seven demands including
one that all criminal charges be
withdrawn against the students
arrested last Thursday.


r reviews Harris term

Seven students sentenced for
LSA sit-in; one mis-trial ruled

Seven people were sentenced
and one was granted a mis-trial
yesterday in the third sentencing
stemming from the LSA Bldg. sit-
in last September 25.
The defendants - Judith Le-
sansky, Thomas Atchinsen, De-
borah Finley. Fred Arnstein:

Prior to sentencing, District ed the mis-trial yesterday. Miss
Judge S. J. Elden noted, "In set- Berezin hopes the case against her'
ting the fines I took into account will be dismissed on the grounds
the severity of the offense, possi- that another trial would constitute
ble sentences, and your past re- double jeopardy.
cords, all of which show this is "I just hope this thing can be
your first." settled before I graduate," she
Ellen Berezin, '71, became one of ; said, unsure if she was happy
the luckiest members of the Ann ?over the results.

clined to comment on his con-'
versation with Arnold.
For the last few months, Weiser
has been conferring with his ten-
ants privately. Weiser cited three
apartments of tenants who have
left the strike due to out-of-court
These settlements resulted in
rent reductions for the tenants
through " the time they suffered
their certain inconvenience, such
as faulty heating or appliances.
Weiser stressed these reductions:
were not permanent, but were de-
sinned to fit each particular con-


Prof. Richard Balzhiser, Ann
Arbor Mayor Robert Harris' Re-
publican opponent in last year's
city election, last night took a
"critical look" at Harris' ad-
Speaking to College Republi-
cans he began with several
"commendations" for the Dem-
ocratic administration and then
moved on to the "things I don't
agree with."
He reminded the--25 people
present that the Democrats
now control the council, hold-
ing eight of the 11 votes. "It's
been a frustrating year to the
three Republicans on council."

However, he claimed, people
from outside, now involved in
Model Cities, have not listened
to the ward's representative.
"The power center has shifted,"
he said. "It's not as representa-
tive as perhaps it was back in
the mid '60's."
"In my opinion, morale in
City Hall has never been low-
er," added Balzhiser. He cited
several departmental resigna-
tions as evidence of this.
He went on to say that "fi-
nancial matters in the city are
bleak." He accused the adminis-
tration of "moving and shifting
funds too early, expecting it was

said, "especially college cities."
Besides commenting on what
has happened during the Harris
administration, Balzhiser listed
a "good many things that have.
been shoved aside."
He said he does not think the
planning department is plan-
t.ing long enough range services
for a city that is growing "at a
fantastic rate." The administra-
ion has neglected parking prob-
lems around the University as
In addition Balzhiser accused
the administration of trying to
'rush through a pollution or-
dinance to deceive the public for
me itlra..rn zne "

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