sI1L £imigan Daitj Seventy-nne years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Will repression dominate our society? '0 Mcynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stoff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. JDAY, JANUARY 25, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS NiX on toxins [EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is a student involved in organizing a conference on re- pression which will take place this week- endl. By BRIAN SPEARS ON DEC. 4, 1969, police staged an early morning raid on t h e apartment of Fred Hampton, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party. The resulting deaths of Fred Hamptoti a n d Mark Clark dramatically raised for many people the growing specter of repression. Today, repression is taking its most ac- tive forms against liberal dissent, the black community, a n d radical activity. Of course, it is not surprising that repression appears in societies. We know that there is a broad range of unacceptable behavior which any society will not tolerate. What needs to be seen, therefore, is the nature of the repression taking place - who is doing what to whom, and for what reas- ons - and the meaning that repression has for the country and for us. Within the United States, no organiza- tion has been the victim of repression as consistently or intensely as the Black Pan- ther Party, The liberties which American citizens can ordinarily rely on for protec- tion -police regulations of due proceEs, restrictions on courts concerning no "ex- cessive or unusual" punishment - have- been stripped from the members of the Black Panther Party. CHILE THE nation looks on with some- thing less than awe for the wonders science, President Nixon is pondering s foreign policy thumper: Are bac- iological toxins biological or chem- .1? And not surprisingly as U.S. foreign icy decisions go, the question-and the imate answer-are magnificently ir- evant. Even for scientists the problem is noth- ' more than a question of nomencla- 'e, the rhetoric of the test tube twirl- set.. Toxins, the non-reproducing isons created by bacteria, are biological origin and chemical in their non-con- gious behavior. So what? For one thing, Nixon agreed ban biological weapons last year, and toxins fall into this category they ould go, too. But, if they are simply asidered chemicals which, like their eterial parents, happen to be poison- s, then perhaps toxins should continue be stockpiled. OMPLICATING the bio-chemical ques- tion is the proposed Senate ratifica- n of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 which ris initiation of gas or germ warfare. The problem is that the President has ade it clear. that teargas and herbi- cides-mainstays of the U.S. material in Vietnam-will not be affected by rati- fication of the protocol. To make matters worse, Nixon has at the same time agreed to support a British treaty banning use, production and stock- piling of bacteriological weapons. And the British have interpreted the treaty to include toxins as bacteriological weapons. None of this, of course, fits together very neatly. But as some see it, continued stockpiling of toxins would offset to dip- lomatic g a i n s of ratifying the two treaties. APPARENTY as bewildered as anyone, Nixon ran the toxin question through the bureaucracy and back came these conclusive recommendations: -Maintain the option of toxin produc- tion; or, -Eliminate current production, which is possible only with live bacteria, but keep open the possibility of synthetic production should it become possible; or -Eliminate toxin production entirely. Given these options, Nixon can hardly make the wrong choice. In the end, the world will be ,safe from all harm-with the possible exceptions of teargas, herbi- cides, U.S. troops and Nixonian diplomacy. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN I There is an undeclared war against the party which reinforces their conception of the black community as a colony within America in which any insurgent declara- tions of independence from American po- litical and economic control will be crush- ed by any means necessary. A YEAR AGO, the FBI announced that the Panthers were the greatest threat to the internal security of the United States. Since then, the party has been repeatedly harassed by 1 a w enforcement agencies. Many "raids" have been staged on Pan- ther offices throughout the nation - the Los Angeles and Chicago incidents being the most recent. A female Panther being held in a Conneticut maxium security pris- on had to be guarded while she gave birth to her child. Over half of the 22 p a r t y members charged with conspiracy in New York had no previous criminal record, yet bail was posted at $100,000 each. While waiting in jail in San Francisco Bobby Seale w a s placed in solitary confinement for posses- sing "contraband papers," which turned out to be Black Panther documents given him by his attorney, Charles Gary. Presently, one half of the Justice De- partment budget goes to the FBI. The conflict over priorities within the Justice Department was made evident in early No- vember when there were numerous resig- nations in the Civil Rights division. At- Pentagon, arms manufacturers of all kind, and universities. Another major aspect of the plan, which will be designed to garner electoral sup- port from the divergent Republican con- stituencies, concentrates on the open re- pression of "disruptive members of the so- ciety," and the continued stagnation and frustration of social programs. Both black and white left-radical poli- tical activities, outside of electoral politics. will be repressed with force on many levels. An increasingly authoritarian govern- ment will blame political organizers for the disruption of society, instead of recog- nizing those features of the social struc- ture, including racism, poverty, and sex- ism, which are responsible for social ten- sion. Furthermore, no great efforts will be made by executive officials either to impli- ment integration, or to bring real relief to the poor. THE PLAN RELIES heavily on the back- lash of white sentiment against blacks, activists, and corporate liberals - or "lib- eral communists" as Mrs. Mitchell calls them. The politics of scapegoating breed political actions and policies within gov- ernment which will aggravate social prob- lems. The trend of the "Southern Strategy"- which Julian Bond correctly calls a "strat- egy for the nation as a whole" - is to maintain a highly integrated repressive system, along w i t h existing corporation priorities, while relying on further manip- ulation of public opinion, surveillance and coercion at many levels. The economy, and ,the society as a" whole, are in a time of crisis. The status quo is becoming more difficult to maintain in the face of an ecological breakdown, ur- ban decay and growing social inequities. Radical social protest will continue to de- velop out of those social problems. Into the context of rising demands for social change, the Nixon government, along with other policing and social institutions, will continue to use radicals and 'liberals as scapegoats for deepening social problems. THIS BRINGS US back to the issue of repression. For the time being, in Ameri- can society, the current repression will serve to stave off social changes and will enable a more authoritarian political sys- tem to develop. For those who are concerned about re- pression, there are a number of tasks at hand. We must stress the fact that the 1- legal and violent repression of the Black Panther Party not only smashes a legiti- mate political organization, but sets into motion a very dangerous, and anti-human police apparatus. Next, we must reaffirm the fact that the problems of the social system, the contradictions within it, are the source for our present instability - not those who are being repressed. The first circle 'HE DEPRESSING monotony w i t h which the course of human events odded on yesterday could only arouse e observer to sigh and wish for the re- f of no news at all.4 From Saigon to Cincinnati the n e w s as uniformly miserable. In South Vietnam, President Thieu ex- led the merits -of his regime two days ter a military ,court sentenced a stu- nt to five years at hard labor for com- sing anti-war songs. The student,-Phan Van Thang was ac- sed of :"acts which weaken the anti- mmunist spirit of the army and the public of Vietnam." Explained Thieu in his address, "We nnot let the Communists take advan- ge of our freedoms in our institutions create disturbances, to cause confus- n and to jeopardize our security. "Life in democracy and freedom has st begun to develop here, and therefore nnot be compared with 100-year-old iropean and American democracy. Do t expect babies who just learn to walk # run with adults." But it is painfully obvious that Thieu's fant democracy has not yet begun to awl. It might be possible to sympathize th the president's plea for law and or- r amidst the choas of Vietnam except at a nation which brutally purges a 'aceful protester can hardly be expected earn the respect of its people or de- lop a national democratic will. And Thieu's action is only a bitter re- inder of this country's association with i undemocratic and immoral war. Business Staff MEANWHILE, the United States is de- generating in more visible ways. The Ohio River thickens daily with over 60 million gallons of raw sewage which are pouring into the river without being neu- tralized in the Cincinnati treatment plant. Striking employes have been off the job for four weeks in that city and there is not enough manpower to make needed repairs in the plant. In the future, it is hoped that labor disputes involving vital facilities might be resolved quickly without danger to the public interest. But protection of the public interest by the government cannot be 'expected. In a rather undramatic decision, the Supreme Court ruled that a public park which had been donated to the white citizens of Ma- con, Georgia, should be returned to the donor rather than opened to all people. In a 5-2 ruling (with only Justices Wil- liam O. Douglas and William J. Bren- nan Jr., dissenting), the court upheld a Georgia decision which returned the pub- lic park to the benefactor in deference to his wishes rather than integrate the fa- cility Certainly, a piece of land donated to the state should have been used by the public rather than the exclusive enjoy- ment of "white women, white boys, white girls and white children." In defending the property right as sov- ereign over political and human rights, the Burger court is fulfilling the predic- tions of the doomsayers. IF YESTERDAY was a day like all days, it did have a few glimmers of hope. The repugnantly wholesome image of the President's son-in-law David Eisenhower may be removed from the public view - for three years anyway. The rumor leak- ed out that David may join the navy. At least, he is not yet going into politics. -HENRY GRIX Editor torney General Mitchell, who was Nixon's law partner and managed his campaign, has Ken Phillips, the theoritician of the "Southern Strategy" working in his of- fice. THE SOUTHERN STRATEGY is t h e plan by which Nixon and the Republican Party hope to put together a majority na- tional Republican party. The plan holds the possibility of success. It rests on Nix- on's ability to please Southerners, lower class urban whites, confused and reaction- ary middle class whites, and assorted mil- lionaires. Socially, it includes violent contradic- tions, and sows within itself the necessity of authoritarian and repressive "law and order" to hold the many interests together. The thrust of this political plan involves strengthening the existing repressive cor- porate a n d governmental structures through emphasis on increased weapon spending, augmentation of present policing agencies, and greater ties between t h e 4W Letters to the Editor Reform To the Editor: DESPITE THE defeat of the Haber Commission's proposal for a presidential primary, the forc- es for social change and political reform clearlyhad the upper hand at the Democratic State Conven- tion this past week-end. E v e r y reform proposal on which these forces were united was passed overwhelmingly. The party adopt- ed proposals which will go f a r toward "letting the people on the outside in," as Miss Abramson phrased it in her editorial of Jan- uary 20. Reforms of major significance were adopted, notwithstanding the press releases of a couple of tal- ented politicians who, unfortun- ately have tried their political ambitions to the existence of a shrinking following of disillus- ioned gloom-and-doomers. F o r these politicians to admit that pro gress has been made is for them to lose their biggest issue. What about the presidential primary proposal? Who proposed it? Why did it fail? Who is do- ing something about it now? And what is its importance relative to the other reforms adopted? Let's look at the facts. The Haber Political Reform Commission, created by the Democratic Party in the fall of. 1968, brought the proposal for a presidential primary into the Con- vention as its own majority report. Both William Haber, the chair- man, and Senator Sander Levin, the associate chairman, openly and strongly backed the propos- al. IT ALMOST PASSED. The votes were about 1200 to 1000. But the opposition came from a variety of sources. Of course, some of the opposi- tion came from that wing of the party which could see n o t h i n g wrong in our last National Con- vention in Chicago. I debated with some of these individuals myself during the convention last week- end. But some opposition also came from honest liberals who, I be- lieve mistakenly, felt that a pre- sidential primary would create a new kind of "insider" group in the national conventions. T h e primary, they believe, would tend to exclude from the national con- ventions those who had not had the opportunity to jump aboard a presidential bandwagon, but who still have an interest in the de- cisions of the national conven- tions. RGE BRISTOL.............. Business. 1E ELMAN ...... Executive Advertising; LERNER ................Senior Sales Y PAP ..................Senior Sales, G DRUTCHAS ...........Senior Sales; O'C ASIN...........Senior Circulation CE HAYDON ............Finance. LA KROGULSKI.......Associate Finance BARA SCHULZ.........,..... Personnel; Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Most prominent in this group were a large number of black dele- gates who, I believe mistakenly, saw the prospect that blacks would be less represented in a delegation to the national convention chosen in a primary in which the dele- gates were the followers of mostly white presidential contenders. THERE WAS an honest debate within the liberal constituency over these issues. A compromise authored by a group including Le- vin, Roger Craig, and Richard Austin, but opposed by Zolton Ferency, sought to meet some of these legitimate objections, a n d was nearly adopted. Presently a number of us froze the majority on the Haber Coim mission are preparing a petition drive to place a primary proposal on the ballot. While others are is- suing press releases, we are seek- ing to bring together those who supported the original plan w i t h those who worked out the com- promisebprimary, and others (pri- marily black delegates who are still skeptical about either) in the hope that a primary proposal can be put before the voters which is the best in the nation, a n d which can get unified liberal sup- port. It is a great mistake to judge the results of the Reform Con- vention merely in terms of the Presidential Primary. Many items overwhelmingly adopted will do more than t h e primary to open the political pro- cess to young people and to those who now feel on the outside. These include: - major reapportionment of party bodies which will give ur- ban Democrats representation for the first time in proportion to their numbers; - requirement of proportianal voting in party bodies, which will, for example, make it impossible for a majority in the County's Democratic Convention to take all the positions on executive com- mittees, State Convention dele- gations, etc., and will instead in- sure that each minority gets a proportionate share of such posi- tions; - reapportionment of the Na- tional Democratic Committee which would give Michigan for the first time greater represetation And then you realize you can't your leg gets confused. So there you sit with energy whizzing through your body and nothing to do. "I know," your mind exclaims. "I'll tap my hands on the table, tap my feet on the floor and look at the wall and it will all go *away." Doesn't work. After 23 measures of tapping you realize you're not in rhythm, have knocked over the Seven Up and spilled ashes on the; table cloth already dotted w i t h chip dip. "I'll go buy some cigarettes," you decide with relief and then realize yob don't smoke, don't have any change, and can't get through the crush of moving bodies to the bar and the man with change, anyway, EASINESS WANES. Tension builds. Energy zooms. And t h e music pushes on and on. "Two more verses and the whizz- bang ending," you note from past listenings. "What in God's name can I do?" "I'll go, I'll go, I won't stay and why did I come?" you mumble in near panic. "Commendable thoughts," you add, however. Set in your new strategy you plan for the exit with half the verse and1 because it doesn't work because the nightlifejitter By NADINE COHODAS ANXIETY ARRIVES when you least expect it. That's a fact. Music and the atmosphere it's in can do it, you know. Sitting alone at a table where bunches of people gyrate near you and lots of sound bombards the air destroys an entire myth-that of being at ease. "Certainly is good, good, good music," you think to yourself. "Makes me want to dance and play and enjoy myself like those other people out on the floor." I i UJ5 Ot4J rcfa Vs oer UI)T BUOT1EV O6 ACE I%1E~t VES-J 1RF J Gt OT.AI(A3UV6- rTStPO~ h BUT i I IHftC CHAJGeHIS I -- CT OYf{t f P$ 1 1MJ C. AISNJ L5 OF W R0 3 - -S.- C the ending to go. This demands protocol, you admit. First you must clear it with people who were once at your table but have since joined the gyrating mass. How to find them? How to explain? Then there are elbows, feet, arms and an errant hip to dodge before you reach the door. "I can do it," you tell yourself, already relaxed because a solu- tion exists. "No I can't," you sigh in the next breath. "Not polite, tactically very difficult. I'm chicken." ANOTHER SONG has begun for bodies to gyrate and excitement to grow. There they all are enjoying, enjoying and here you are o.nv rrnfi crl A 1 nc, a f 4t,hecloth ~arUO -nJ Th