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September 01, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-01

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See Editorial Page


*ir igau~


Cloudy and windy,
chance of snow flurries

'o. LXXX, No. 82

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 9, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




more charged




yesterday charged two more sol-
diers in the alleged My Lai mas-
sacre, bringing in accusations of
pre-meditated murder and rape.
It brought to four the number
of American servicemen formally
charged in the reported mass kill-
ings in Vietnam which precipitated
an international furor last year
when details of the 1968 incident
.. surfaced.
f r Involved in the latest charges
are Sgt. Charles E. Hutto of Tal-
lulah, La., and Pvt. Charles' A.
Smith of Chicago.
Hutto, currently stationed at Ft.k
Lewis, Wash., is accused of pre-
meditated murder, rape and as-
sault with intent to commit mulr-

i I
{ { ]

SGT. CHARLES HUTTO, 21, was charged by the Ar
with murder, rape, and' assault with intent to comm
connection with the My Lai massacre in March, 1968
at Ft. Lewis, Wash., is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
tenant farmers on a plantation near Tallulah, La.
O lati engin
ratify new contra
The threatened resignation of most operator
tral campus heating plant was averted last nig
employes ratified the University's latest contract
The resignations, which had already been sig
the heating plant's 31 operators, were schedule
effect at 7:00 this morning.
The employes, members of local 547 of the I
Union of Operating Engineers, ratified the contra
meeting in Mason Hall last night. The exact v

IOn Today's I
Inside Pages


0 Cities, public schools, labor
unions and private business
concerns across the nation
are planning to commemo-
rate .the birth of the late
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther.
King Jr. on Jan. 15. Public
schools in several large
cities will be closed.
Despite a $429,275 grant by
the Department of Trans-'
portation to the Ann ArborI
Transportation Authority,
for the purpose of buying
badly needed buses, finan-,
cial problems make their
purchase unlikely.
" No connection has been,
found between the Dec. 9
slaying of Mrs. Gloria Mur-I
phy and eight recent coedj
murders in the Ann Arbor'
area, says Ann Arbor Police
Chief Walter Krasny. I

Earlier in the we
ors had rejected tw
fers by the Universi
According to Jose
employes' chief neg
key change in the1
lowed a provision
longevity play tot
To obtain this ch
ployes agreed toc
par cent wage incre
the 15 per cent inc
in the previous offer
The new contrac
per cent increase to
of last Sunday. The
per cent inrease w
next January.
Both increases t
the operators' hourl
raised to about $4.
according to Jordan
Jordan said the
operators were not t
with the new contr
"live with it."
"The new . wages
below what the res
is paying operating
He criticized the
"not recognizing the
of the people involv

Smith, now stationed at Ft.
Riley, Kan., is charged with pre-
meditated murder and indecent
assault, a charge short of rape.j
Both men, the Army said, standt
accused in the same incident which'
has led to the scheduled court-
martial of Lt. William L. Calleyl
Jr. and Staff Sgt. David Mitchell.
All served in the same unit which~-
raided the hamlet of My Lai inI
ssociated Press March 1968-Company C. 1st Bat-t
my yesterday talion, 20th Infantry of the Amer-
ican Division.1
. Hutto, now Calley, who awaits trial at Ft.
Lenzy Hutto, Benning, Ga., has been charged'
with murdering 109 My Lai vil-
lagers. Mitchell, likewise awaiting
- trial at Ft. Hood, Tex., is accused
of assault with intent to murder MEMBERS OF ENACT, the Environmental Action for Survival, organize for the anti-pollutiont
30 villagers. teach-in which will be held in March. The group is presently engaged in scheduling, fund-raising ande
The Army declined to provide mustering support. The teach-in will feature singers, speakers and workshops.r
specific details of the chargest
pe rs against Hutto and Smith, however, ; a
completion of what amounts to ar
grand jury proceeding to deter-I a Itm
mine whether they, like Calley and 11wA5
et Mitchell, will be court-martialed.!
(,_ i ~The statement on c h a rgesjr
against Huto and Smith, however,o
refer to more than one victim. It r pes f rp in
was not clear whether the Viet-'
s of the cen- namese woman who allegedly was
ht when the attacked also was slain. By PAT MAHONEY ENACT has been working with University to secure additionalc
offer. And the Army investigation of With the environmental teach- other groups on campus as well. funds for bringing speakersto
ned by 28 of the alleged massacre appears to be in scheduledsfor March 11-14 It has helped organize teach-ing. Ann Arbor and running of the
;ndb 2 fchanging My Lai itself. drawing closer, the teach-in's committees in the engineering, facilities for the teach-in.
d to go into An Army task force has been sponsor is initiating activities it law and public health schopls as University President Fleming
sent in to secure the hamlet for hopes will make the affair a suc- well as the geography, botany and donated $5,000 to the group frome
nternational the investigators; it has cleared cess. zoology departments. According the Michigan Alumni Fund lasts
ct at a closed the winding muddy paths of wild The sponsor, the Environmen- to Frank Caka, chairman of month. In November, Student'
growth and marked the way with tal Action for Survival (ENACT), ENACT's interdepartmental com- Government Council gave $500.I
vote was not ribbons of white cloth strung with is attempting to make the city mittee, students in the anthro- Local bookstores have receiveds
metal stakes. All but investigators relatively free of pollution dur- pology, geology, history and psy- ENACT's bibliography of envir-
ek, the operat- and soldiers are barred from the ing the teach-in. chology departments have ex- onmental books and have b e e n
vo contract of- cloth barrier beyond which lie: It may ask motorists to park pressed interest in forming teach- asked to stock paperback copies.-
.ty. -A handful of vegetable patches away f r o m the University and in committees. ENACT has also planned a ten-!
ph Jordan, the tilled by Viet Cong who were downtown areas of the city during The committees plan to bring tative program for the teach-in.-r
gotiator, t h e hiding there when the Americans the teach-in, entering these ar- speakers from their respective The teach-in will begin w i t hI
third offer al- moved in ten days ago. The guer- eas on experimental buses with fields to lecture on areas related performances by folk singers, at
for employes' rillas were armed but surrendered pollution control equipment. And to environmental problems. rock band and addresses by a pol-
go into effect without a fight. it plans to ask the A n n Arbor ENACT members have been ne- itican and an ecologist in t h e
-A partly exposed bunker and Transportation Authority .to in- gotiating with both the Office of Events Bldg. Wednesday, Marcht
hange, the em- tunnel complex once used by the stall equipment to reduce air pol- UniversitydDevelopment and as ye 11. EN
accept a 13.5 Viet Cong. lution from new and existing bus- undisclosed'groups outside the See ENVIRONMENT, Page 10 r
ase, instead of --Perhaps some still undiscov- es.
rease provided ered mines and booby traps, one ENACT will publicize the teach-
rs. of which wounded five Americans in with weekly lectures by Uni- arad ay speak ers eiiii
t calls for a 7 on their first day here. versity professors and may sim- p
take effect as . -Ruins of about 15 buildings, ulate environmental noises, likee
remaining 6.5 including a smallaBuddhist pagoda planes blasting off, on the Diag. ders solu ion s of
bricks and cinder. The group tentatively plans pre- UI I
American officials say most of teach-in workshops involving pub-
aken together, the buildings were destroyed in lie school students and teachers. By PAT MAHONEY Center on North Campus. The pro-
fighting some time after the kill- ENACT members discussed the W;gramon air water and noise pol-
50 from $4.25, ing of civilians on March 16, 1968. teach-in and w a y s to improve "We have been following a con- lution will be repeated at 8 P.m. 1
1. There is no visible trace of the Ann Arbor's environment on Jan. viction of war between man and tonight.<
heating plant blood bath that Calley is charged 6 with influential members of the nature. This war is one man can't tne of the problems involved I
otally satisfied with committting while leading community including business- winbecause nature keeps coming with man's war with nature, he
,act, but would his platoon through My Lai. men, clergymen, city and county back with a new balance." with man's ith ntenhe
actbut ouldsaid, is man's invention of internal
Those who lived in the hamlet' officials and professors. This was the conclusion of combustion engines in cars which
are still way at that time either are dead or Also at the e n d of January, chemical engineering Prof. J. pollute the air. When the cars
st of industry have moved elsewhere. ENACT members plan a confer- Louis York in a speech before 300 operate poorly, they pollute the
engineers," he A ditch where old men, women ence with student leaders from students and faculty members last atmosphere by toxic carbon mon-
and children were said to have other colleges and universities in night. oxide which is caused by "incom-
University for been mowed down is filled now the state to encourage them to York spoke at the second annual plete combustion," he added.
skilled nature with mud and monsoon rainwater.Ihold their own environmental Faraday Lecture, sponsored by the During 1970, 180 m illi o n
ed." See TWO, Page 10 teach-ins, engineering school at Chrysler tons of contaminants will be pour-
ed into the atmosphere in the
United States, according to York.
EON DEPARTMENT REQUEST Half of this amount, he said, will
E N ETNEEbe carbon monoxide.
Heating plants influence the at-
mosphere by emitting exhaust
gases that are warmer than the
~ay xpan pas -fai opt on air' outside the plants and large
quantities of this added heat can
tion of the future of pass-fail "In short," the professors wrote, "pass- deal on the preference of the professors change the climate. Detroit usually
fail grading is more closely attuned to teaching the course. has a higher temperature than Ann
tee chairman Shaw Livermore the development of an active intellectual Arbor, York said, because of emis-
While saying they have made no final sions from heating plants.
tory department says he hopes life than is the present grading system, decision on the question, other curri- Although water pollution is one
ittee will be able to take up these and is more compatible with the general culum committee members like Honors of the oldest forms of environ-
early in the term. educational goals of the course and the Director Otto Graf and Assistant Dean mental degradation,civil engineer-
nomics department proposal is college." George Anderson say allowing the eco- ing Prof. W. J. Weber said, "in
significant because its authors, While Fusfeld believes that the pass- nomics courses to go pass-fail would raise the last quarter century we have
professors who normally teach fail option should be extended to fresh- run rapidly to hold our own."
the problem of students who take more'Wersashhsdvlod
entary courses, .ground their men and sophomore classes, he does not than one pass-fail couise a teim Weber says he has developed a
in terms which constitute a think it should be extended to all stu-- three-stage process for treating
sic attack on the grading sys- dents in the literary college or tha't Under the present policy, all students pollutsd water. First, coagulation
eral grades should be abolished entirely. may take Psychology 171 and require- isaused to remove suspended mater-
irera. graes fias that will not settle out. Se-
mple in the proposal they sub- He maintains that some kind of eval- ment fulfilling foreign language courses cond, phosphates are converted
+_.1 uation is needed for graduate schools and ' pass-fail. Juniors and seniors can take I,, , o a,. ui,m i

Case agamst
rgus editor
A criminal case charging Ann Arbor Argus editor Ken-
neth Kelley with the publication and distribution of an
obscene newspaper was dismissed in District Court Wednes-
day due to a lack of sufficient evidence.
Kelley was arrested Sept. 3 as a result of the publication
of a photograph last August of City Councilman James
Stephenson (R-Fourth Ward) with a superimposed penis
in his hand.
Judge S. J. Elden ruled that the photograph of Stephen-
son was obscene, but that Assistant County Prosecutor Thomas
F. Shea failed to prove that-
Kelley actually sold or dis-
rgbutsd that edition of the Def c t i
A state statute forbids "publi-
cation and distribution of any A
obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy,'
indecent or disgusting newspaper."
County Prosecutor William Del-
hey issued the authorization for *
arrest under the obscenity sta- Ireuu ce
tute after City Attorney Jerold
Lax declined to issue arrest au- Recent action by the State
thorization on the grounds that Legislature raising the ceiling on
the picture "may be regarded as a municipal bond interest from 6 to
political statement." 7.5 per cent has brightened the
"It's a clear victory for the free- city's budgetary outlook. Although
dom of the press," Kelley said. the city still expects a deficit, ac-
"It's very obvious that Shea didn't cording to Mayor Robert J. Har-
prove anything." ris, it will not be as large as the
However, Frank Munger, one of originial $400,000 projection.
the defense attorneys, was unsure Much of the projected deficit,
about the significance of the dis- according to City Administrator
missal. "It may not mean any- Guy Larcom, is a result of the
thing," he said. "It might just be city's inability to sell bonds at
a ploy to avoid the arguments we the previous six per cent ceiling.
raised, and other. charges may be Because Michigan had a six per
raised. We're going to be prepared cent maximum interest rate set on
to meet anything they come up the bonds, and other states did
with," he added, not, the people "buy bonds In
'In ruling the photo obscene, statestlike Ohio which 'have re-
Elden said, "The obscenity is un- moved the six per cent ceiling"
related to the balance of the pub- says a report by Lauren J. Jedele,
lication and therefore the de- city comptroller.
fendant cannot hide under the "The Legislature's action -makes
cloak of a possible social redeem- a definite differences I'm quite
ing value." sure we will be able to sell a bond
He also pointed out that Shea now,"said Jedee.
through calling of witnesses, had Jedele and Larcom have, also
established the fact that Kelley drawn up proposed cuts of three
"obviously has financial respon- per cent in the budget that still
sibilities" with the Argus and that must be approved by the City
cunty clerk records show that Council. The proposed cuts total
Kelley is registered under an as- approximately $200,000 said Jedele,
Keley s rgiserd uderan s-but "we cannot cut every depart-
sumed name certificate as opera- bet " e t byt er ent;
tor of the Argus. ment's budget by three per cent;
"All the evidence points strong- some of them were cut to the bone
ly toward the proposition that the when the budget was drawn up,
defendant was at least one pri- he added.
marily responsible for the Ann Don Borut, assistant city admin-
Arbor Argus and its existence," istrator, said that it is not really
the judge said. - a problem of not having enough
But he dismissed the case, say- money at the end of the year, but
ing that the prosecution had failed one of "cash flow." He said that
to show "reasonable cause to be- no cuts have been made in opera-
See ARGUS, Page 10 tions, but "the city comptroller
______________--has asked each of the depart-
ments to look at any expenditures
to see if they can be deferred."
S Z Jedele added that, "we have put
j a stop to al capital purchases un-
til next spring. March or April is
the danger point when cast flow
wilreach its lowest ebb."
pollution 'eetees
ditions continue, we will still fall
short by about $200,000 in June,"
not used. Introduction of vibra- he said. "If we do fall short, we
tion control in caro has reduced will carry the deficit overinto
interior noise. Exterior noise from the next year's budget."
car tires has been cut by making Other factors ,Jedele citedas
tire patterns irregular, he noted. contributing to the proposed de-
In New York City, subway ficit are the overtime being ac-
tracks between Grand Central Sta- cumulated by the Police Depart-
tion and Times Square have been menet and the large deficitsin
coated with a vibration dampen- the operation of the city's recre-
ing material. ation facilities.


Lit school mn

Now almost three years old, the literary
college's pass-fail grading option may be
in line for considerable expansion this
In a potentially far-reaching proposal,
the economics department faculty has
asked that grading in Economics 201 and
202, the elementary level courses, be done
solely on a pass-fail basis. With the ex-
ception of many Residential Collee
courses, no LSA courses have yet eim-
inated letter grades for all students.
Meanwhile. in line with a directive in-

eral quest
of the his
the comm:
The eco
1the two p
the eleme
broad, bas
tem in ge
For exa

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