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January 25, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-25

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See Editorial Page
ol. LXXX, No. 96
When former Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare Wilbur Cohen
was named dean of the education
school last March, the appointment
was widely seen as heralding a wave
of academic reform and innovation.
But now, over six months since
Cohen took office, his administration
of the school is drawing only a mixed
set of reactions from students and
"Cohen's coming has been refresh-
ing," says Prof. Alvin Loving. "The
outward reach of the school is taking
a different perspective-we're looking
forward to becoming a better image
on the national scene as well as with-
in the state."
SOthers disagree, however. "There is

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High-3 7
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Warmer, chance
of rain

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 25, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages





a lot of unhappiness among students
with Cohen's reforms," says Stan
Bennet, grad, former president of
Students for Educational Innovation.
"The honeymoon will soon be over-
very soon. The kind of radical change
I think we need just isn't happening."
Cohen seems content with his past
six-months of work, especially with
the seating of students on all of the
school's committees. He also cites a
newsletter he helped create, commit-
tees set up to review potential future
programs, and the new office and
funds granted to the education stu-
dents advising office.
Cohen has also endorsed the rec-
ommepdations a d o p t e d by the
school's faculty following a student-
faculty retreat at Walenwoods last

November. The proposal include in-
creased black faculty and students,
inovative teacher-training programs,
the creation of an ad hoc student-
faculty assembly to discuss school re-
organization, and increased alloca-
tions for research.
The assembly has already held sev-
eral meetings, and Cohen has ap-
pointed committees to discuss the de-
tails on the .other recommendations.
But some students are not as happy
with these proposals as Cohen is.
"These are just paper reforms,"
says Jack Eisner, former president of
SEI. "We have yet to see these com-
mittees actually effect change."
"We haven't been directly affected
by any changes yet such as in cur-
riculum," says one sophomore.

But Cohen sees his main accom-
plishment so fa r as the partial imple-
mentation of a "participatory democ-
racy" in the school.
"All segments of the school now
have the opportunity to participate
in the formulation of policy in the
school," he says. "We're getting input
from everybody whose opinions would
make a difference-those inside the
University as well as those outside,
such as other education deans and
public school officials."
Some students see this as having
set a groundwork for future reform.
"A lot of students are expecting
things to happen soon-change seems
more probable now than it seemed
before," says Peter Burkey, '71.
But several faculty members have

said they feel Cohen is somehow con-
centrating power in his hands instead
of democratizing the school. The
professors all ask not to be identified.
"The dean's office itself certainly
doesn't reflect a participatory de-
mocracy," says one of these protest-
ers. "Cohen has not appointed new
personnel," he adds.
Cohen's arrival was heralded by
many as a shot in the arm for the
school, which was criticized as pos-
sessing poor administration, irrele-
vant courses, and a totally ineffective
teaching program.
Criticism of the school culminated
in the creation of a special blue rib-
bon commission which in its report
last March stated, "In recent years.
the School of Education has flound-

or stagna
ered badly in its efforts to define education sch
goals and to establish priorities." the newslette
The report went on to recommend novator." "A
the University expand its education enthusiasm a
research projects, "lower the degree ticeable in tl
of parochialism which now seems to But it appe
permeate faculty attitudes," close the united as C
University School, and relieve the ample, some s
education school of the responsibility underground.
of certifying students for teaching. hope will pres
Now the laboratory school is being ing what the
phased out, some say the faculty is reforms.
becoming less parochial, but the Meanwhile,
teaching certificate program is con- it is too soon
tinuing with a committee studying at all-negat
possibilities for diversifying the pro- "It's too so
gram. hauls in the s
Cohen expresses general satisfac- Coxford . "Six
tion with the six months of progress but the ways
made under his administration in the change."

haal in a recent issue of
er, which is called "In-
spirit of cooperation and
about our future is no-
[e school," he wrote.
ears the school is not as
ohen believes. For ex-
students are planning an
newspaper, which they
ssure Cohen into initiat-
y consider more radical
some take the view that
n to pass any judgment
ive or positive.
on to expect major re-
chool,' says Prof. Arthur
x months isn't very long
are being cleared for

Report mor-e
racial tension
inl U.S. Army
SAIGON (P)-A military study says all
indications point toward ari increase in
racial tension in the Army and that black
soldiers have lost faith in the ,Army system.
The racial problems survey, covering
Army installations in the United States,
Europe and the Pacific, was ordered by Gen.
William C. Westmoreland, Army chief of
staff. It was presented to Westmoreland last
Sept. 18 and later to the House Armed Serv-
ices Committee.
The study was made available in Saigon
yesterday by official sources who gave news-
men a tape recording of a presentation made
to Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, commander
of U.S. forces in Vietnam, and other top
American commanders.
It says: "All indications point toward an
increase in racial tension in the Army, which
is more probable in 'those u.nits where sol-
diers "are not in direct contact with an
armed enemy.
"Unless immediate action is taken to
W identify problem areas at the squad and
platoon level, increased confrontations can
be expected. However, aggressive command
action, firm but impartial discipline and
good leadership can prevent physical con-
frontation of racial groups.
"Black soldiers seem to have lost faith in
the Army system. They are not aware of the
many accomplishments of the Army in their
behalf and their leaders are sometimes either
unaware that their soldiers have complaints
or are unprepared to handle those problems
which do come to their attention."
The report said soldiers' comments gen-
erally went this way:
"Like anybody else I understand being
chewed out when I goof. But when they
(junior officers and junior non-commis-
sioned officers) say, 'you stupid black nig-
ger or*'you are the dumbest nigger I've ever
seen,' I get mad."
The study says that "the situation, al-
though serious, is not hopeless . . . Much,
however, has to be done to correct it. Un-
fortunately, for some of our problems, there
are no immediate solutions."
"Finally, we found that the polarization
of the races and increased racial tension
were more obvious in those areas where
groups wers not ire t14v~ct contact with an
armed enemy. In 1 r,68, there was a total
absence of racial un'rest in the firebases or
night defensive posi ins in Vietnam."
"The Army, we find, has a race problem
because our country has a race problem,"
the report said. "Our soldiers entered the
service as products of that society and con-
tinue with the assist of the mass media to
live as members of that society even while
on active duty."

-Associated Press
ILLINOIS ATTY. GEN. WILLIAM SCOTT speaks at Northwestern's "teach-out" on
environmental problems, as Illinois State Treasurer Adlai Stevenson III talks to Li..
Gov. Paul Simon.
North.Utern U spronsors

Ec logy
In the past few months, the advance of
pollution has become a major concern of
almost everyone-from student activist to
President Nixon.
On the campus, this new awareness is
reflected by the increasing demand for en-
vironmental courses.
The natural resource school offers three
courses on environmental problems to non-
NR students. All three of these have at least
doubled in size since last year at this time.
For example, Ecology 301, an introductory
course, has gone from 75 students last term
to over 200 students this term. When Ecol-
ogy 494 was first offered several years ago,
there were 12 enrolled. There are now over
The sudden increase has, understandably,
caused many technical problems. All three
courses had to be moved from the Natural
Resources Bldg. to the Business Administra-
tion Aud. Extra recitations were added. Even
now, there are not enough textbooks in the
stores to keep up with student demand.
Why the sudden popularity? "In the past
few months, the issue .has come to a crisis,
I heard someone mention the course, so I
signed up," says Joann Novason, '72, of
Ecology 494.
Suzie Pearson, '71, who is presently tak-
ing the introductory ecology course "just
got interested in the subject, and found the
course in the catalog."
Does this increased interest signal a grow-
ing commitment by students to the problems
of our environment?
Associate Dean George Anderson of the
literary college seems to think so. "Students
reflect the current concern for environ-
mental control by selecting their courses to
include study of these areas," Anderson says.
He does not feel that this is just a passing
"A day does not go by without environ-
mental issues on the front pages. I think
the interest will be around for a long time,"
he explains.
Dave Allen is co-chairman of Environ-
mental Action for Survival (ENACT), which
is sponsoring the March 11-14 teach-in.
Allen feels the interest was genuine. "The
current movement only represents a chan-
nelling of interest which was already there
concerning environmental problems. We've
had much success in working with diverse
"We draw support from SDS as well as
the Ann Arbor community," says Allen. He
attributes this to the apolitical nature of the
problem. "Radicals as well as conservatives
see the dangers of unchecked pollution."



EVANSTON, Ill (A') - Man is a bacteria
burrowing into the skin of the earth, a
geologist told an overflow crowd of more
than 5,000 students at a teach-out and
sing-out against pgllution.
Dr. Peter Flawn of the University of
Texas, addressing students gathered at
Northwestern University from across the
Midwest, said the earth has a skin dis-
ease, a case of microbes infecting its crust,
and that the sickness is man.
Students jammed the auditorium at the
university's Technological Institute, over-
flowed into the halls and into adjacent
rooms. Many watched the program on tele-
vision monitors.
Barry Commoner, director of the center
for the biology of natural systems at Wash-
ington University in St. Louis, said that
after 15 years of agitation the problems
of pollution have hit home politically. He
cited President Nixon's Stat of the 'Union
However, he criticized the administ'ation's
plans to allot $10 billion for the improve-
ment of waste treatment plants. "The wrong
thing to do is to promote the kind of sew-
age treatment plants we now have. They
don't work," he stated.
Called a teach-out to emphasize its en-
vironmental aspects, the event was sched-
uled from 7 p.m. Friday to 6 a.m. yes-
t rday. It was the first of a nationwide series

planned at colleges and universities to pro-
mote action against pollution.
The proceedings were interrupted for a
short time when 12 American Indians, one
wearing head feathers and another beating
a drum, paraded onto the stage.
They distributed a leaflet charging: "The
Department of the Interior and the Bureau
of Indian Affairs have polluted our air, our
lands, our religion and our minds."
They were given the stage to speak and
invited to later discussions.
Leading scientists anid, political figures
spoke before midnight. Then there was an
"environmental sing-out" conducted by folk
singer Tom Paxton..
From 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. there were panel
discussions led by scholars in various fields
concerned with pollution.
For those still awake, there was a daw n
Topics for the discussions included psy-
chological problems of overcrowding; sur-
plus people and instant war; medical prob-
lems of air pollution; radioactivity and pre-
natal fatalities; and life or death for the
Other speakers included Illinois Treasurer
Adlai Stevenson III; Lt. Gov. Paul Simon;
Illinois Atty. Gen. William T. Scott; La-
mont Cole, a Cornell University ecologist;
Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biol-
ogist; and Victor Yannacone, a Syosset,
N.Y., lawyer who has fought pollution
through law suits.

- ' r-. --Associated Press
Trouble in N. Ireland
A group of demonstrators supporting militant Protestant leader Rev. Ian Paisley
wave an English Union Jack as helmeted riot police and a barbed wire barrier keep
them apart from a group of Roman Catholics. British troops in full riot dress set up
the barbed wire barricades in Londonderry's main streets after a series of violent
clashes between Catholics and Protestants. See story on Page Three,
Commt1tee to submit plans
foU lc tuetCne


Preliminary planning is underway for the
establishment of a Black Student Center for
the University. Originally proposed last.
year by members of the Black Student Un-
ion (BSU), it is hoped that the center will
be operating sometime this year.
An open hearing on the subject was held
January 15, at which time interested per-
sons were encouraged to present proposals
for the structure and activities of the cent-
er. Ron Harris, President of BSU, was se-
lected at the hearing to form a committee
to draw up specific proposals for the center.
A selection committee, chaired by Assist-
ant Vice President for Student Affairs Will


Student power issue .extends


Daily News Analysis
Displeasure with the office of University Hous-
ing seems to be a topic which .crops up with in-
creasing frequency whenever students consider their
role-or lack of a role--in University decision-making.
Over 400 students in Baits Housing have formed
a tenants union to press the University for recognition
of tenants' rights to participate in decisions about
their housing. More than 70 have begun a rent strike
to emphasize their demands, and resident halls tenant
organizing is spreading to other dorms.
Student Government Council has called for a
new internal structure for the housing office, with
final control resting in a student policy board. The
structure and membershin of housing office commit-
tees would he determined by the students who live in

lowing an effective student voice. "We hs
cant student participation on several wel
committees," he argues.
Mike Farrell, the SGC member who
the resolution, thinks differently. "I'm
about the way that housing committees a
and steered by the housing office," he s
In addition, he and other SGC member
the housing office committees are unre
since SGC withdrew its support of the s
visory Committee on Housing last summ
dispute over student control of student se
SGC asked its two appointees to SACH
but they stayed on the committee, whic
two student members of the housing rat

housing offce
ave signifi- ture which would put control in the hands of all'
l-publicized dorm residents-not Council.
Council's latest resolution-calling for eliminating
introduced the rate committee and replacing it with a new
concerned structure determined by students-specifies that SGC
re' ignored "act to assist the dormitory and housing units on a
ays. format acceptable to them." In addition, it stipulates
rs feel that that members of the housing policy board be resi-
epresentive, dents of University housing.
tudent Ad- But IHA President Jack Myers argues that increased
er in the student involvement would be difficult for the hous-
ervices. ing office because it is not easy to find students
to work on the committees.
to resign, "The openings on the rate committee were high-
h appoints ly publicized. Still, it was like pulling teeth to get
te commit- peaple to work. Actually we had to recruit," he
say .

Smith, is already working to find a direc-
tor for the center. The biracial committee
consists of administrative staff members
and several students.
The selection committee drew up an out-
line of the center's proposed activities as an
ail in the selection of a director. However,
no firm guidelines have been set yet for
the center's structure and activities. The
committee's report envisions a student center
engaged in academic, social and cultural
activities geared to the interests of the
University's approximately 1100 black stu-
Harris expressed the hope that the com-
mittee he is forming will have a firm set
of proposals by the end of February, if not
sooner. Although the selection committee
report mentions only students, Harris for-
sees a center for both black students and
black members of the comiunity.
"The center evolved from a desire of black
students to provide a place. for blacks to
meet and get together, to provide services
for black students and' the black com-
munity," Harris said. He added, "It reflects
a desire for black students to help them-
selves." Smith pointed to the failure of
other campus activities to provide adequate
opportunities for blacks to express them-
Harris predicted that "ultimate control of
the center will lie exclusively in tie hands
of black folks. We are the only people cap-
able of defining our problems." Smith in-
dicated that student control is a definite
possibility but no decision on this has yet
been made.
According to Smith, funds for the center,
including an estimated salary of ten to
twelve thousand dollars a year for a full-
time director, would come from the student

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