Saturdny, January 24, 1970
-It THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 24, 1970
learings on The Pill spark controversy
M~sslengemsamismtW~aia~gm~mm#samism!###%EWW~sstW54re~ate uis Che vyChasmae , W22 M d
VASHINGTON (P) -- Initial
gressional hearings into the
ty of birth control pills have
ed with many women clear-
frightened, some drug com-
y stocks down, and the fed-
government showing con-
i-but with no new evidence
pill can kill or even harm.
The greatest medical dilem-
which now confronts us is
division, the deep division,
ng doctors on the safety and
isability of oral contracep-
-s," said England's Dr. Victor
'hat testimony by Wynn, one
.he earliest researchers to do-
cument the pill's ability to alter
body chemistry, summed up the
dire warnings, flat denials and
carefully hedged maybes heard
by the Senate monopoly subcom-
mittee during five days of hear-
ings spread over the past two
Summarized by the parade of
18 witnesses were reports and
studies linking the pill to head-
aches, nausea, loss of hair, men-
tal depression, liver damage,
stroke, coronary disease, blood
clots, vascular disorders, cancer
of the breast, cervix and uterus.
Wynn himself dramatically
underlined the dilemma when
he said-in what was probably
the newest piece of information
to come out of the hearings-
that a report will be published
within the next month in Great
Britain showing "there has al-
ready been a significant in-
crease in the development of
acute coronary disease among
young women taking the pill."
Then, hardly catching his
breath, he turned right around
and said:
"We are concerned. We are
not alarmed and there's no rea-
son why women should be al-
armed by our pronouncements.
But we are concerned."
The FDA, accused frequently
of sluggishness, suddenly moved
on four fronts to see that doc-
tors, drug firms and patients
are made more aware of the
suspected hazards of taking the
-A letter to the nation's
300,000 doctors urging that they
frankly discuss potential hazards
of the pill with their patients
and alerting the physicians to
recent British studies that con-
firmed a link between the pill
and fatal and nonfatal blood
-A letter to drug companies
urging that they provide more
information on potential haz-
ards with each monthly package
of pills and stop using attrac-
tively decorated booklets which
often make no mention whatso-
ever of any side effects.
-A requirement that drug
companies include in the inserts
that accompany large shipments
to pharmacists mention of the
recent British studies.
-Reconvening of the FDA's
Advisory Committee on Obste-
trics and Gynecology which has
twice reported with growing
concern on suspected hazards of
the pill,
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should bej
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L. S. A B I d g ., before
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. Items ap- ,
pear once only. student organiza-
tfin notices a r e not accepted for
publication. Fo0r more informa-
ti °n, phone 764-9270.
Day Calendcar
Bach-Mozart Sonatas for Violin and
Piano: Performers from . the -classes
of Eugene Bossart and Angel Reyes:
Scool of Music Recital Hall, 4:30 p.m.
Contemporary Directions: R a c k h a m
Lecture Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program: Rosen-
crantz and G~uildenstern Are D ea d
Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.#
gineers, all areas, 2-10years exper.,
admin. andfinancial positions, ship-
ping, and technicians.
Local Office, Contact Placement Ser-
vices: Writer-Editor for the Director
of Information Services, writing, edit-
ing, printer contact, scripts, graphics
and promotional material, very detail-
ed work; Engl/Journ bckrnd desired,
prefer some public. exper, but not ne-
Local Retail store, Contact Placement
Services: Full time sales, degree pref.,
notreq.. interest and bckrnd in design
and merchandising.
212 SAB, Lower Level
S American Field Service Committee,
N.Y.: Seeks chaperons for 35-45 teen-
agers from overseas tourning the U.S.
Positions are volunteer with some
Attention, Late Announcement of
January 28, 1-5p.m., Institute for'
creative Studies. Chevy Chase. hid
seeks graduates and undergrads to work
cn two campus projects, 1) Student Re-
bellion, and 2) Black Studies Program.
Details at SPA, 212 SAB.
Environmental center
planned for community
Faculty cautious about TF plan2
,.(Continued from Page 1)
know about only a small portion
of the town and its opportunities,
the committee notes.
The center would also help the
- Before the Regents Vote on the
working committee's report, Stapp
says the administration will ask
for comments from the deans of
the education and natural re-
sources schools.
(Continued from Page 1) are indispensable," said Brazer'
not be to prepare them to take "Although it is unlikely we could
jobs in other places," he said, continue small discussion sections
Rather, we should be as cautious for introductory courses withoutC
hiring a teaching fellow as we them, the University does not
would be in hiring faculty." stand or fall on whether or not,
However, there has been specu- General Notices
Lation that the union recognition
could be challenged on the grounds Makeup final examinations for Ger-
that teaching fellows may not man 101, 102, i11, 231, 232, and 236,
h will begiven Mon., Jan. 26 at 7 p.m.;
constitute an appropriate legal 101 in room 1080 FBi allothers in room
bargaining unit. . 1084 FB. Students must obtain writ-
public schools by offering capsule The cent r was on the agenda at
courses on topics which are diffi- the City Council meeting Monday
cult for the schools to incorporate but action on the proposal was
and with a more flexible schedule deferred until next week.
than the schools can develop.' Mrs. Robert Hendrix, a mem-
New opportunities for the de- ber of the planning committee,
velopment of museum techniques, says she expects approval. The
labo . :y work on environmental council saw a slide presentation on
prob. ms and professional training the center last month.
would also be available. School board acceptance may
After the commitment of op- takd longer. Trustees Richard M.
erating funds and establishment Wood and Cecil W. Warner asked
of a board of directors, the plan-
ning committee report calls for'
the board to determine the pro-'
gram and provide a "detailed ac-
counting of the funding." The
at a Jan. 14 meeting for more
information on the center.'
Warner said he was "not sure
how the center would function and
asked for a believable cost esti-
report next recommends the hir- mate.
ing of a, director and initiation of "What was projected by the
the program. working committee was insuffici-
At a later date the center would ent," he said. Warner cited as al
consider a permanent location. example the $12,500 salary pro-
The Arboretum-Dow Field area is posed for the director, which he
recommended in the report. said was too low.
The City Planning Commission, wDoug Fulton, a member of the
the Natural Resources faculty and working committee, replied I
staff of the Urban and Regional realize the cost estimates are low
Planning Program have already but they re worked out wi I th
unanimously supported the com-- University people experienced in
mittee's report. Futraining naturalists."
The executive board of the edu- I Fulton added that the Board
cation school has also expressed of Directors will determine t h e
interest, according to Prof. Wil- scope of the program and that the
LiamB. tapp a embe ofthedirector will work out the. pro-
iam B. Stapp, a member of the gram from the outline furnished
working committee. yte or.
President Robben Fleming, Vice by the board.
President for Research A. Geof-.Two University.physicians have
frey Norman, Vice President for been awardedgrants fro m the
Academic Affairs Allan Smith and Deafness Research Foundation for
Special Assistant for Urban Af- projects aimed at finding cures
fairs Richard Cutler heard a pro- for deafnessd
posal for the center on Jan. 5. Frank 'N. Ritter, M.D. clinical
_- _... _ __ - _- - _.- - -_..__rk . iter M D. clnia
Many professors saw the experi- - we have teaching fellows,"
Sences of being a teaching fellow the most prevalent attitude on A biomedical engineering meet-
as chiefly part of a graduate stu- subject among the department ing next week will feature t w o
dent's professional "apprentice- chairmen interviewed was a desire University researchers discussing"
ship." to know what the TF union would electroretinography.
"These peoples are here for two request. The meeting will begin at 8
reasons," said Botany Chairman p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 28, in the
Erich Steiner. "The training they I really can't have any re- Chrysler Center on the North
are receiving is the primary rea- action at all," said Classics chair- Campus. Interested persons a r e
son. The teaching is a way of try- man Theodore Buttrey. "What's invited.
ing to give them some support. their basic purpose? Who's in- Dn Lionel Lieberman of the in-
The feeling now is that they're volved? We don't really know what ternal medicine departmene will
underpaid, and they probably they want. If they want tenure, speak on "Application of Electro-
are," he added. that would upset me. If the result retinography in Assessing Radia-
"But," Steiner continues, "when of their demands is a cut in fac- tion Damage to the E y e." Dr.
you have unions, however ad- ulty salaries, professors will be un- I Frode Maaseidvaag of the oph-
mirable they are, the financial happy. thalmology department will dis-
pressure comes at both ends-and Some department chairman said cuss "The Human Electroeretino-
where . is it going to give? The that unionization must not be al- gram: Characteristics of the Fov-,
University gets a limited budget. lowed to disturb what they termed eal System."
It's not entirely a question of the close relationships between- Rad and Use
whether people deserve it-it's a professors and teaching fellows . Rea ad se
question of economic realities." "It should be kept flexible so we Daily ClaSSifeds
"Given the present administra- can operate according to our par- Daly__as__ed
tive arrangements," said Econo- ticular needs," said Richard Ed-______
mic Chairman Harvey Brazer, "if wards, chairman of the history
higher compensation for teaching of art department. "I wouldn't like NIVE SIY RE
~fellows means less ine the depart -to see an organization set up so1U IE IT K r
ment for other things, then ob- it would interfere with department,
viously we'd hurt. dealings or with the sense of the East Huron at Fletch
"If teaching fellow pay were teaching fellow as someone whoI
raised," continues Brazer, "let's works closely with faculty and stu-
say from $3,000 to $5,000, it would dents in a department." I
impinge on the departments. It The TF union steering commit-
would be likely to mean larger tee claims it has collected the
classes and' less faculty." signatures of well over 30 per cent .
Brazer said teaching fellows cer- of the University's teaching fel-
tainly have the right to unionize low3. Under state law, the State
if they feel they are underpaid. Employment Relations Commis-
But he suggested that TF demands Sion holds an election to establish
for higher pay might lead to union recognition if 30 per cent
awarding of less fellowships. of an employe group petition for
"I don't think teaching fellows representation by a union.
ten permission from their former i
struxctor, and sign up in the German
Dept. office,1076 FB, bynnoon, January I
Placement Service
3200 S.A.B.
Interview at Journalism Dept., Tues.,
Jan. 27: call 764-0420 for appts -
Toledo Blade seeks LS&A graduates
in all majors for editorial positions,
also have Summer Intern program.
Announcement: The University of
Rochester Personnel is seeking MSW
candidates when they visit Placement
Services, Tues., Jan. 27, 10 a.m. - 4
p.m. Please call to make appts on
Mon., Jan. 26, 763-1363.
Current Position openings received
by General Division, come in a n d
browse through other listings nation-
Eaton Yaleand Towne Research Cen-
ter, Southfield, Mi.: R&D Project en-
is now accepting petitions for new board
members. Sign up for an interview and
pick up your petition at the bulletin board,
first floor SAB. Interviews will be held on
January 26-27.
This new store carries more trade (non-text) books
than any other in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area.
Unusual 1970 calendars, thousands of paperbacks,
lots of them used, some hardbacks.
10% OF
Mon.-Thurs.-9-9; Fri.-9-6; Sat.-1 2:5:30
We think we're interesting-
We hope you will.
er (behind Rackham)
(Continued from Page 1)
tice programs such.as the sum-
mer internships thatthousands
of college students have held in
many state and federal agencies,
as well as practical training
through work-study arrange-
The University would not be
the first to train specialists in
applied social science, however.
Others, notably Michigan State
University and the University of
California at Berkeley, have es-
tablished schools of police ad-
ministration and criminology,
respectively, but such programs
are very limited and do not in-
clue a wider curricula in impor-
tant areas such as community
work and social statistics.
associate professor of ouormino- - --____
laryngology, and Burton 1'. Jaffe,
M.D., instructor in otorhinolaryn-
gology, were given grants for $10,-
080 and $8,446 respectively by the
New York Foundation.
Dr. Ritter will conduct histolo-
gical studies of the human tem-
poral bone and Dr. Jaffe will $1Q per month
study virus localization in the in-
ner ear. FREE Service and Delivery
N 0ejac TV Ilcitals
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~~ W m P ~ i m i n m n m ~ m m m m i n m m ~ m m m u w i i n i n n i n i m * i'ani i n i n n il
9:30 A
10:30 A
5:30 P.
6:30 P.
.M.-Church School
.M.--"Studies in Potentiality"
M.-Collegiate Supper
M.-"Sex and Culture"
Speaker: DR. W. VAN HAUTEN
Staff psychiatrist at U.M,
- - .. i
At State and Huron Streets
Hoover Rupert, Minister
Bartlett Beavin, Campus Minister
R. Edward McCracken, Campus Minister
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-"Little Boxes of Ticky-
Tacky," Sermon by Dr. Hoover Rupert.
6:00 p.m.-Fellowship Supper.
7:00 p.m.-Leave for Ecumenical Service.
12:00 noon-Luncheon Discussion, Pine Room.
"The Environment of Man" with Ed Mc-
12:00 noon-Luncheon Discussion, Pine Room.
"The Prophets, Dissenters of the Past" with
Bort Beavin.
FRIDAY thru SUNDAY-Wesley Winter Re-
treat. Sign up at Wesley NOW thru Jan.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
E 10:30 a.m.-Worshio Services, Sundav School
(2-20 years) .
8:00 a m.-Testimony Meeting.
1001 East Huron
Phone 662-3153
Ministers: Calvin S. Malefvt and Paul Swets
10:30 a.m.-"Studies in Potentiality."
5:30 p.m.-Collegiate Supper.
6:30 p.m.-"Sex and Culture."
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Syvrod
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 9:30 and at 11:00 a.m.-Services.
Sunday at 6:00 p.m.-Gamma Delta Supper-
Wednesday al 10:00 p.m.-Midweek Service.
(corner of Forest and Washtenaw)
Jan.-June: Experiment in Campus Ministry
Minister Today: Rev. Seymour VanDyken
10:00 am. - Morning Service - "Don't Sur-
render to Your Doubts."
6:00 p.m.-Evening Service-"Homecoming."
7:15 p.m.-Discussion-"Corporate Worship
in the Reformed Tradition."
1421 Hill-761-1451
Ark Experimental Worship at 4:30 p.m. on
On the Camnpus-
Corner State and William Sts.
Terry N. Smith, Minister
Ronald C. Phillips. Assistant
9:1 5 and 11:00 a.m.-"Lack of Definition."
Preaching: Ronald C. Phillips.
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Donald G. Zill, Pastor
1 0:30 a~m.-Mtins.
6:00 p.m.-Holy Communion.
7:00 p.m.-Supper and Dialogue.
310 S. State
Mrs. Eleonore Krafft, Minister
Sunday Service-i1:00 a.m.
Study Class-Mrs. Krafft-7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Prayer and Counseling-]0:00 a.m. Wednes-
Center Is Open-Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
11-2: Tuesday, 3-6 p.m.
1 432 Washtenaw Ave.
Ph-ne 662-4466
Ministers: Robert Sanders. John R. Waser.
Harold S. Horan
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.-Preaching
Jan. 25: Mr. Sanders.
9:45 a.m.-U Fellowship Bible Discussion.
11:00 a.m.-"Man-Great But Lost!"
7:00 p.m,-Student Team Ministry.
8:30 p.m.-Campus and Careers Fellowship.
Transportation available 9:30 a.m. Sundays at
Ann Arbor "Y" or through 761],-6749.
493 S. Fourth Ave.
Telephone 665-6149
M ik ca r c . ,. .. .. T I T r n ct + I r E2 E . 'S i m n n .~ ~
Now Interviewing
for Committee
Art &..ayout
Infants room available Sunday and Wednesday.
Public Reading Room. 306 E. Liberty St. -
Mon. 10-: Tues.-Sat., 10-5, Closed Sun-
davs. and Holidays.
"The Bible Speaks to You." Radio WAAM.
1b00. Sunday. 8:45 a.m.
Fcr transportation call 663-7321.
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