* i7 3fMijpt Daiti Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Aayndrd St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. JAMES WECHSLER DAY, JANUARY 24, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: DANIEL ZWERDLING Teaching fellows need a union all their own e IT IS HARD to stop thinking about the murder of Joe Yab- lonski, his wife and daughter. Admittedly I have a special in- volvement because his attorney was my valued friend, Joe Rauh, and for many months I knew of Rauh's apprehension about the atmosphere of violence and intimi- dation which Yablonski's chal- lenge to the UMW dictatorship had evoked. From an earlier time as a labor reporter I knew enough about the union to realize how rough a road Yablonski faced when he decided to defy the bureaucracy he h a d served so long. No one can say yet who did the killing - whether it was a fringe madness or a direct result of the battle against union tyranny and corruption he had led. But this we do know: too many men in public life - in h i g h places in government, labor and Congress - are murmuring that they wish Rauh, Ralph Nader. and others who enlisted in Yablonski's crusade would drop the subject and let the UMW resume business as usual. THERE ARE many motivations for the quiet campaign to bury the issues with the dead. T h e AFL-CIO and Walter Reuther's rival labor bloc are competing for the allegiance of the unaffiliated UMW and assume that Yablon- ski's death signals the end of the rebellion. Both the Labor and the Justice Depts. maintained a posture of aloof neutrality throughout Yab- lonski's embattled insurgence; he was probably- instinctively regard- ed as a troublemaker by men who are disposed to revere power and to disdain "lost causes." Leading figures in both parties long ago acquired an awe of the UMW's political muscle (although many rank-and-file miners, even during the era of John L. Lewis, often proved that they could not be told how to vote). Yet one wonders whether the inertia reflects something m o r e sickly than the caution of varied vested interests. Are we becoming a numb nation, so inured to murd- er and agony in a world that seems beyond rational control that our capacity for hausted? WHEN WE read that the Bia- frans have finally been crushed and are reminded that literally millions - many of them helpless children - have been doomed to starvation, the hugeness of t h e disaster cripples imagination; "how can anything adequate really be done?" The shock over disclosure of the My Lai atrocities gives way to the. comfortable second thought that this is the ancient face of war, and who started it, anyway, and. after all, we have begun t r o o p withdrawals. Then the camera shifts to the bodies of the Yablonskis and there is momentary horror; these are three isolated figures, somehow more plausible than stacked mass- es of slain or starved bodies. But soon it is every man for himself again and "nobody can really be sure who did it." Does the iden- tity of the assassins really deter- mine the monstrosity of the crime? The concluding reports of the outrage is ex- Commiission on the Causes a n d Prevention of Violence (set up after the slaying of Robert Ken- nedy) have been filed; perhaps some other commission will devote a footnote to "Jock" Yablonski. MEANWHILE, one hopes Yab- lonski's name will not be foreot- ten as the roll-calls of martyrdom are recited. But honorable men- tions are not enough, even if they are preferable to evasion and sil- ence. The real question is whether what he began will be carried oh - regardless of the outcome of the police hunt - and whether there will be a mobilization of decent opinion behind those who dare to pursue the effort._ The .most tangible suggestion being discussed now among those who stood with Yablonski is the formation of a public committee to support the fight for reform in the UMW. There is a nucleus of miners who refuse to surrend- er, but their ranks can be quick- ly isolated and~broken unless they have the support - one must even inured to murder and agony say the protection - of men whose names and influence mat- ter. One almost hears the cynical re- tort that "this isn't as important as a lot of other things." To many labor statesmen a public body would immediately seem an ominous precedent and a threat how many authentically demo- cratic unions are there in the year 1970, and who is to condemn "Tony" Boyle for certain excesses of autocracy? BUT THERE must be places to begin anew if there is to be a real counter attack on the afflic- tion of violence - and of fatal- istic acquiescence. This is one such place, and this is the time, unless it is true that ice water has filled tto many veins and that injustice can no longer inspire more than a moment of lament- ation. Perhaps what we are really asking is whether. the phrase "si- lent majority" is becoming a euph- emism for the paralyzed accept- ance of primitivism. @ New York Post [E ATTEMPTS by the University teaching fellow union to gain recog- on as a collective bargaining agent all University teaching fellows de- res the support of all students and Ilty. Unixersity attorney has already in- ,ted that the University might chal- ;e the union's claim to represent the hing fellows. This challenge would be ed on one of two grounds. he first would be that the teaching ows rightly should be classified with other academic personnel and there- should not have a separate union. that fails, the University would ar- that the teaching fellows should be sifiled with the other student employes for that reason should not have a orate union. P R E S E N T I N G the University's grounds for challenging the union; attorney has clearly presented the son a teaching fellow union is needed. he ambiguity of teaching fellows' us has robbed them of all normal hanism for ,grievances. Because of ir status as students, teaching fellows excluded from the departmental grie- ce system. Similarly, it would be un- listic to include teaching fellows in student grievance procedure because y are teachers. elatedly attempting to deal with the thing fellows' plight, Senate Assem- recently directed three of its com- tees to study various problems of thing fellows. ut this makes the same mistake that ny of the committees and boards of the University schools and colleges. It leaves the teaching fellows out of the entire decision-making 'process. ONCE AGAIN, a group of professors' omniscience on all matters-non-aca- demic included - is assumed. The Uni- versity has yet to learn the difference between a study, and a solution. Meanwhile, there is no workable me- chanism for dealing with the problem of teaching fellows. Even if the Senate Assembly commit- tees were able to do a thorough study of teaching fellow problems, and even if by some quirk they acted on this study, they would have only solved the problems that exist today. But they will not have prevented new grievances from reaching the problem state-something a union might be able to accomplish. If recognition is-not granted, the only consequence of the teaching fellows' con- tinued impotence would be a resort to coercive power.r ALTHOUGH TIHE union's spokesman believes the courts would eventually uphold their recognition, they are fear- ful that such a fight would "cost us bad- ly in terms of time and money." All the teaching fellows want is a way to negotiate wage and problems concern- ing family allowances, class size and grie- vance procedures. The recognition of the teaching fellows union as a collective bargaining agent is in the best interest of nearly everyone in the University community. -ALEXA CANADY 4) .4.NICHOLAS VON HOFFMAN- 'College is irrelevant' because it is Carswell' s 'racism': Does it make a difference? NOT LONG ago my 18-year-old son told me that he had decid- ed to drop out of college. He'd stuck it out for a year and a half with occasional flashes of en- thusiasm but mostly in the spirit of a lovable, faithful and obed- ient family dog performing a trick that everybody but he enjoyed. When he informed me of his de- cision, his voice sounded tired, fag- ged out. This happens a lot to parents and children. The children quit; they give up following the career line their parents and the world have prescribed for them. It's us- ually called rebellion but if you have talked to many of these kids you'd be more inclined to say it was exhaustion. They remind you less of revoltees than persons who can't go another day, who've tried to hassle it out and only succeed- ed in progressively dropping to now low levels of spirit and energy. CALLING THIS dycrasia of the vital juices rebellion leads par- ents to apply all the emotional thumb screws - and they have many - to make their large, grown children pick themselves up and go at it ,again. No middle- class white American parent can be completely innocent of enjoying the fantasy cocktail party where their son. the Nobel laureate,. is introduced to the neighbors. Af- ter all, a guy with a kid who wins a Nobel Prize must have some- thing going for him. A young man's not so sure he's going to be alive to enjoy the fu- ture we're forever urging him to prepare for. Aside from the grow- ing ecological perils which a r e vivid to young people, there is the draft and the morbid question mark it puts at the end of every thought a young man can have about his hopes and ambitions. THE NEW law does nothing to eliminate uncertainty. It keeps the old abuses while forcing every- body to play a game of blackjack against the dealer Death. Some young people don't mind too much; others can't stand it. For them school becomes a place of compulsion, more of a hideout against death with the rictus of bureaucracy and lottery on its face than a hideaway for contempla- tion and learning. Even without the draft many colleges have become unhappy; places. They often are just what their critics say they are, over- peopled, overorganized institutions with too many lines, too much bookkeeping and too many tests. In many places nonpolitical students must tolerate and nego- tiate the battling and the uproar. the strikes and the sit-ins, t h e court orders and the expulsions. If you don't have a taste for that kind of life, the sempiternal acri- mony on some campuses will drive you out. ThERE ARE other elements de- pressing the blood sugar count. There is what kids call "irrelevan- cy." This excessively used a n d poorly defined word does have a serviceable meaning in relation to education. It can be used to mean that what you learn has no fruit- ful connection withanything you're likely to do, think or be. Smarter kids from reasonably good high schools have caught on to the fact that what goes on in many - not all - colleges has an attenuating and vanishing con- nection with their future work. They see that the B.A. doesn't pre- pare you to do anything, that it only certifies you as one who no longer has to be kept off the job market and is now employable. NOT TOO long ago colleges made middle class ladies and gen- tlemen. They taught people how to fake it in a white collar way. This was usually done by putting peo- ple through a liberal arts curri- culum which was heavily loaded with humanities, the subjects that act as the pumice and polish need- ed to couth people up. Increasingly the better h i g h schools have taken over this chore. That's where you now learn the names of the better books" and possibly read them. A middle class youth, especially if he comes from a home where there are lots of books and records and mannered. conversation, has already learned the variety of white collar roles. He knows how teachers, doctors, lawyers and executives are sup- posed to behave. He must either begin to learn the substance of these occupations or go out of his mind with this vain, repetitive practice of behavior he's mastered. COLLEGE is still a necessary and helpful place for people who've gone to bad schools and c o m e from families where they don't read. It's also a good place for people who want to specialize, particularly if their field of in- terest demands the use of ex- pensive and elaborate equipment - provided they're allowed to work at their specialty and not pe put through years of academic hazing and waiting before they're let at the electron microscope. For the rest, it's hard to see what they get out of college. Yet dropping out isn't easy. There's a vast social conspiracy to force a kid into welfare, into the army qr back to school. A kid with an adequate educa- tion - middle class polish, that .is - must learn to lie and affect bad English and lower class man- nerisms if he wants a simple fac- tory job. Personnel managers make a specialty of catching out the "over-educated" and denying them employment. At the same time, other personnel managers block them out of the executive trainee program because they haven't served their full four years on the gothic rock pile. AS LONG as this state of af- fairs persists educational reform of a basic nature is next to im- possible. No matter how clever or diverting or entertaining the teachers are, no matter how brain blowing the vis-ed devices and the computer toys, if the schools are stuffed with people who don't want and don't need to be there, you will have trouble but no change on campus. The students will find what they're doing irrelevant because it is, and the only hope we'll have that they don't burn these insti- tutions down is that we can keep them stultified with dope, liquor, sex, athletics and psychiatric therapy. The beginning of rational change will come when young people who don't want to go to college are allowed to go to work. That time seems to be receding instead of approaching. There's almost no occupation which isn't busy raising its ljrofessional standards, as they like to say, but which really means, narrowing the door of entry. FOR PEOPLE like my son this means marginal living. But he's being joined by many, many more. Youthful vagabondage wandering, catching on here or theret for a few days, trying to make it a com- mune, three or four people living off the proceeds of one job, moving about, playing music, studying and starving, moping and wondering, trying to start businesses and farms, clogging up whole city neighborhoods. This is becoming more and more common. As a nation we're The " Old Woman Who Lived in the Shoe and even the Army has too many young men to know what to do, so we will do nothing about our ex- cess human production. The best hope is that instead of sitting in on the dean who can't possibly help them, they'll sit in on the employment office and chant, "Give us useful, valuable, dignified work or put us in a real jail." © Los AngelesTimes Syndicate 4, Letters to the Editor THE REVELATION that Harrold Cars- well, the most recent nominee for the empty seat on the Supreme Court, should have made at least one virulently racist speech in his political youth should come as no surprise to anyone, consider- ing that he was running for elective -of-' fice in Georgia at the time. Despite, a "thorough" investigation of Carswell's background by the Justice Dept., it was not until a local reporter thought to check the back issues of a newspaper the nominee edited from 1946 to 1948 that his "racist" past was revealed. In a number of editorials, and in a speech before the American Legion delivered Aug. 13, 1948, Carswell stated that he stood fast by the principles of segregation and white supremacy. N THE SPEECH, he blasted President Truman's proposed Civil Rights bill, calling it a "Civil Wrongs program".and "a political football, obvious on its face as an attempt to corral the bloc vot- ing of Harlem." Declaring himself "a Southerner by ancestry, birth, training,, inclination, belief, and practice," the young Carswell affirmed his "firm, vig- orous belief in the principles of white supremacy," and declared that he would "always" be governed by them. While it seems unfair to hold a man too stringently to the beliefs of heis youth, such about-faces as Carswell seems to have experienced are far more believ- able when they occur at one's political ex- pense rather than in one's favor. Thus the shift in parties by former Senator Wayne Morse and by Senator Strom Thurmond - whatever else one may think of the two men - is strong evi- dence of their sincerity and strength of purpose. JF CARSWELL was - as he claims - an integrationist in racist's clothing in 1948, his speech and subsequent denun- ciation df it are evidence of a chameleon- like personality not too different from that of the man who has nominated him. If Carswell - was a racist when and where it was fashionable to be so, and now take a more enlightened view after attitudes have changed, it seems un- clearly by Richard Nixon himself. The President, we may remember, began his career by smearing nearly everyone with- ing reach with the label "Communist" and climaxed it by appointing J o h n Mitchell as Attorney General. IT IS NO coincidence that Nixon once again has chosen to appoint a South- erner to the vacant Supreme Court seat. Whether the infamous "Southern ,strat- egy" is designed to undermine the slow trend toward the amelioration of the Southern blacks' lot, or whether it is intended merely to woo Democratic white votes in the region, is hard to determine, because it is very difficult to separate one from the other. Nonetheless, Carswell's early newspap-r editorials' and speech may prove embar- rassing to the administration, as they are sure to further alienate the nation's black voters from the Republican Party. Reportedly, the 1948 address to the Amer- ican Legion has been printed and is be- ing circulated in the New York ghettoes, while spokesmen for the "moderate" NAACP - who had denounced Cars- well's nomination before the speech was made public - called it a "conclusive ground for his rejection by the Senate." BUT THE administration has seemingly decided that it doesn't care what blacks think of it, and is more con- cerned with Carswell's financial integrity -which Nixon hopes can assure his con- firmation by the Senate., This integrity was established by the same Mitchell investigation which fail- ed to unearth the nominee's early rac- ism, and while it is hard to believe there is much truth in anything the Attorney General says, this at least must stand unchallenged unless it is proved other- wise. 4ND IF CARSWELL'S record proves clean, he will probably be approved by the Senate even in the face of his 1946-48 writings. For the Congress has an unfortunate tendency to acquiesce in any President's selection of most federal judges, and, having already rejected the nomination of Clement Haynsworth, canoa lhpr .c r n hardlyobniectt inarS- Breaking heads To the Editor: I SEE in your issue of Jan. 21 that a group of the SDS wants to start a revolution with "guns" in=- stead ofrbricks. May an old history man, who has studied scores of revolutions, offer them some prac- *tical advice? I leave out of ,my letter all moral considerations; nor brevity's sake, and write only of feasibility. It is true, of course, chat revolu- tions are always made by minori- ties, :for most people are under- standably unwilling to risk getiing killed. But in every successtul revolution that I have ever known or heard of (I mean real revolu- tions not mere coups d'etats in which one dictator replaces an- other) one of the two conditions was present, and very frequently both: either the rebels had the suport of the buld of the army, or the sympathy of the majority of the population. Those rebellions which had neither were invariably crusled \ , l i *wti, i R I , : ,' ; , . V :t .. ; : t r , .a,,,"'" iR t , R s + f F 1 ._ S ' ,, ti ~, r A I Ik.. 1. i 1 --....__ ~ - ,._ f. . w I.. .. . f and often led to a counter-revolu- tionary reactions. Force, consent, or both, are essential. NOW IT, is too obvious to need pointing out that the bulk of the American army is not at present in a state of mutiny, nor likely to become so, and; there is no rebel armed force in this country which can even be compared to it in ac- tual or potential strength. So the issue becomes one of majority opinion. Elections do not always repre- sent popular sentiment, but they are closest measure of it which have as yet been devised. Congress is elected; how many "revolution- ists" are in the capitol? The Presi- dent is elected; how many "revolu- tionists" voted for any of the major candidates in 1968, or any other recent American election? BUT, IF you don't like elections as a test, take Gallup polls or any other statistical measurement. It is a fact that the American people, in bulk, are divided between con- servatives and liberals; the radical revolutionary element, willing to use violence, has never, even in times of great poverty and depres- sion, been as many as fiv per cent. To 'call them "the people," as the SDS letter put it, is laughable.. What I have always feared is not a revolutionary take-over, im- . possible in this country, but an attempt to do so, which can only end in failure, frustrations, and probably reaction. So think twice before you go for those ", guns," gentlemen of the extreme Left. Other people have guns too. As for my own views, I think that all4 question are better settled by counting heads than by breaking them. t-Preston Slosson professor emeritus History department Jan. 21 Cuba To the Editor: A THE END OF January, six hundred people, two hundred blacks, two hundred browns, and two hundred whites, will leave the United States for the Republic of Cuba. For two months these mem- bers of the Venceremos Brigade will cut sugar cane in the cane fields of Cuba. The members of the Brigade will work with Cuban create productive lives in a pro- ductive society. For t h e Cuban people, liberation began with the overthrow of Batista and the ex- pulsion of United States economic control. liberation grew as the revolu- tion built a society that employed its resources to serve the needs of its people, not the profits of for- eign corporations. That lIberation manifested itself in very concrete ways; full employment for t h e Cuban people, free medical care and education, adequate housing and food for all Cubans. The Cu- ban economy grew with the revo- lution, the revolution grew with the people. LIBERATION 'manifests itself in the consciousness of a people; a consciousness that grows out of a struggle. The Cuban people know that their revolution is part of a world wide movement that reaches from Viet Nam to t h e black colonies inside of the United States. The Cuban revolution is part of the international struggle of op- pressed people against exploita- tion and misery. International consciousness striking in Cuba. The people there feel strong sol- idarity with the Vietnamese peo- ple, the black people inside the United States, and the white rev- olutionary youth movement. It is this international. consciousness that gives strength to liberation. THE VENCEREMOS BRIGADE is another manifsetation of this international solidarity. People of the United States will work with the Cuban people and Vietnamese to strengthen socialism in Cuba and learn about building and working in a society free of ex- ploitation: a society based on ful- fillment not immiseration. The people of theBrigade will need the help of people in this country to make the trip to Cuba. The Brigade must fly to Mexico City before going to Cuba and funds are badly needed to ,cover the exenses. The Cuban govern- ment has made a;ll provisions for the Brigade once it gets to Mex- ico City including transportation, food. housing, and medical care. The Brigade needs your support to aet to Cuba and harvest the sugar cane. -Dave Schanoes Ann Arbor SDS d V 4 ,xI