The teaching fellow union steering com-
mittee announced last night that it will
file with the State Labor Mediation Board
(SLMB) next week for recognition as the
collective bargaining agent for all Univer-
sity teaching fellow's.
the steering committee claims it has
collected the signatures of "well over" 30
per cent of the University teaching fel-
lows. According to state law, if 30 per cent
of an employe unit petition in support of
a union andits employer declines to ex-
tend recognition, the SLMB holds an elec-
tion in which a majority of those voting
can designate a union as the collective
bargaining agent for the employe unit.
An administrator estimated last night
that 1200 teaching fellows are currently
employed by the University. Although there
are no precise figures available, these are
the same estimates the teaching fellows
union committee has been using.
The first major roadblock to union rec-
ognition may be a University attempt to
show that teaching fellows do not con-
stitute an appropriate legal unit for union
A University attorney has indicated to
a steering committee member that the
University might challenge the union's
claim to represent an employe unit on one
of two grounds,
-the University might claim teaching
fellows should be classified in a unit with
all other academic personnel:
)WS to
-the University might claim teaching
fellows should be classified in a unit with
all other student employes of the Univer-
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Allan Smith declined to predict last night
what course the University would follow
in dealing with the union.
Steering committee chairman Jim Bass,
Grad, admitted last night that a jurisdic-
tional challenge by the University could
"cost us badly in terms of time and
money." But he indicated that even if the
state board would eventually uphold a
University challenge along those lines, the
union would attempt to meet the challenge
and expand its organizing.
If the board ruled the TF's had to be in a
file foi
unit with other student employes, said
Bass, "we're going to organize students."
If it ruled TFs were in a unit with faculty.
Bass said the union would seek help from
unions outside the University.
But, Bass indicated he considered both
eventualities unlikely. "I don't think the
faculty wants to see this issue raised in
this way at the University," he said.
A meeting has been set up between
Bass and Smith for tomorrow morning.
Senate Assembly's Academic Affairs Com-
mittee has a meeting scheduled with Smith
Monday, when the teaching fellow union
question is expected to be discussed.
Senate Assembly chairman Prof. Joseph
Payne declined to predict last night what
the attitude of the Academic Affairs Com-
mittee, or the faculty as a whole, would be
toward a teaching fellows union. "But I
think faculty interest in teaching fellows
is very clear," he said, citing recent Assem-
bly actions directing three of its commit-
tees to study the various problems of
teaching fellows, including economic
The steering committee voted last night
to issue a formal _request for information
on names, numbers and salaries of TFs
from the University. Committee members
say they have sought such information un-
successfully from various departments
and administrators.
Smith said last night that no teaching
fellow had ever asked him for this sort
of data, but he claimed that under state
labor law, it might be illegal for the Uni-
versify to give the union certain informa-
tion. He declined to predict what his re-
sponse might be to a formal request for
information, saying he would need to
seek legal advice.
The failure of the University to pro-
vide specific numbers had made some
steering committee members uncertain
as to the point at which the required thir-
ty per cent figure had been reached. But.
by last night's meeting, the committee
appeared reasonably confident that the
goal had been surpassed.
Committee members have suggested as
probable goals of the teaching fellow un-
nion increased pay, economic benefits such
as escalator clauses and family allow-
ances, restrictions on class size and im
proved grievance procedures.
See Editorial PageS iim Itj
More snow,
little colder
Vol. LXXX, No. 94
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 23, 1970
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
may set
or sit-ins
is for
The State House of Representatives yesterday approved
a bill which would place a mandatory minimum sentence of
$250 and/or 30 days in jail upon conviction of refusing to
leave a state university building after the president of the
university has so requested.
The president of the university or his representative
would have the authority to request any person to leave if
he believes the person is a danger to the property or its
- "peaceful use."
The bill, passed by a vote of
77-26, was sent to the Senate yes-
11 .4, terday and no action is likely this
week. However, the Senate is ex-
" pected to approve the bill, repre-
' 1( ]( Q sentatives said.
p If the bill becomes law it will be
one of the few state laws requir-
ing a mandatory minimum pen-
rotesters alty-some of the others being!
first degree murder, the sale of
marijuana, and driving with a
By HARVARD VALLANCE revoked license.
The University administration
indicated yesterday it may pro-
secute any participants who can
be identified in Wednesday's at-
tacks on Navy and Marine Corps.
"Efforts are being made to
' identify the participants," s a i d
Barbara Newell, acting vice pres-
ident for student affairs. "Appro-'
priate action will be taken against
those identified."
Mrs. Newell did not specify the
nature of the charges that may be
State Rep. Martin Buth (R-
Grand Rapids), co-sponsor of the
bill, claimed university oafficials!
approved of the proposed law be-
cause they "didn't feel they had.
enough tools to prosecute tres-
"All we did was to put somef
teeth into the law," said Buth.
President Robben Fleming last:
night said he was unaware of the
bill's existence until Wednesday
night when the University's lobby-
ist told him the House was going
to act on it.
Student Government Coun-
cil, in a unanimous vote last
night, condemned recent re-
gental action on proposed de-
cision-making bylaws and out-
lined a series of escalating
tactics it will employ to force
the Regents to accept a num-
ber of demands.
The motion cited a number of
changes the Regents suggested
earlier this week in -a-student>. -.
faculty approved version of the
bylaws, and claimed these changes
indicate the Regents "do not feel
students should have authority
over their own personal conduct."
"If the Regents are serious
about passing this set of bylaws,
they'll have to do it behind locked
doors and armed guards," said
SGC President Marty McLaugh-
In its resolution, Council s a i d
that students "who wish to exer-
cise any self-determination over
their lives in the University" at-
tend the next Regents meeting
and indicate their demands. If the
demands are ignored, the resolu-
t ion continues, the students
should make it impossible for the4
Regents to meet in public.
The Regents made. the follow-
brought against the protesters, Fleming said he asked for a THREE MEMBERS of the Ann,
but a Navy recruiter said yester- copy and will comment after he local landlord and executive dir
day that a charge of assault has read it. are C. W. Freye, Norm Finkelstei
L would probably be pressed against State Rep. Jack Faxon (D-De-
anyone identified.
troit) strongly criticizing the bill.
The maximum penalty for said, "I think the bill is clearly T1 3T114
"simple assault", a misdemeanor, 'unconstitutional and attacks a
is a $100 fine and 90 days in jail; person's freedom of assembly and.
for "assault with intent to main" speech."
-Daily-Nancy Wechsler
Arbor Tenants Union picket the Lansing office of Louis Rome,
rector of the State Crime Commission. The protesters, left to right,
in and Ellen Warnock.
-GDaily-Randy EdmyondM
SGC President Marty Mc~aughlin
the penalty can range from five "e s g"" iing major changes in the bylaw
those who make laws and those proposal.
tou 5 astoewh aelw adtoe -A section which gave stu-
About 15 people, in an action affected by those laws," said Fax- Adnts the sole power to enact re-
sponsored by SDS, swept t'hrough on. "Those legislators (who ap- gulations governing non-academc
the Placement Service offices in proved the bill) have very little By CARLA RAPOPORT because of code violations con-|about 50 persons picketed the gutas eliinated
the Student Activities Bldg. where responsibility." special To The Daily cerning electricity and plumbing. I home of Lester Drake in Ann! conduct was eliminated.
Navy and Marine Corps officers L SIN -The authority of a student-
Nay n MrneCrp ffcrsIButh said the action was not LANSING - Protesting the con-.i'.Arbordmnte oiy or t
were conducting interviews. B sd e octio "re- ditions of Ann Arbor landlord j Rome was unavailable for com-A rdominated policy board to s e t
Papers were destroyed and paint repreive or restrictive to re- Louis Rome's apartments. some 30 ment last night on the TU After talking with union mem- general policy for the Office of
was thrown at Chief Warrant Of- sn peope." A Arb T tcharges. bers yesterday, State Senate Mi- Student Services was revised to
ficer Joel Robertson, who w a s State Rep. Hal Ziegler R-Jack- bers picketed the State Capitol Besides picketing the state cap- nority Leader Sander Levin (D- provide for the vice president and
taken to University Hospital for son) said a new law is necessary here yesterday and discussed thei itol building, the TU members Berkley) responded, "I will cer- the board "jointly" to set general
treatment and released unharm- because present trespassing laws grievances with top state officials demonstrated outside Rome's of- tainly do some research on the policy.
ed. ; do not refer to public property. The TU members charge Rome, fice and talked with him briefly matter." - The vice president for stu-
Physical damage to the offices Buth said he had tried to amend the excutive director of the state Rome reportedly refused to discuss He said he would meet with dntservices obligation to ap-
was reported as "minimal". Also the bill to d th dat crime commission, earns a 138 pe the union's charges. Gov. William Milliken's assistant .
yesterday in the chemistry build- minimycent profit on what they conside The protest against Rome is the for housing, Dick Helmbrect, and! in the office with the "advice and
ing, a recruiter for the A 11 i e d m um fine to $100 because a to be unliveable apartments. second demonstration TU members promised to report his discussion consent of the policy board was
Corporation w as} jurY is -not likely to convict a per- #; changed ,to require "advice" only.
uryRome has been summoned to ap- have staged against local landlords to the union today. -A clau e "dh wu" ally.
harrassed, but was not harmed. i son if he is liable for a high fine." pear in Ann Arbor District Court in the past week. Last Friday HeAmbrect, who also talked to SGC olv sdues by studentalref
TU members, appeared impressed erendum and collect those dues
PP SEi D BY 'U' FFiIC'I ALS with the union's statistics and said through student fees was deleted
__enthusiastically that "if the ten- and replaced with authority only
ants rights legislation isn't effec- to receive funds "appropriated by
tive in Ann Arbor, we want to the Regents on a per capita basis
S, N - - wy7 m- -- w ___know." and expend such monies subject
LSA curriculum unit
asks no ROTC credit
The LSA curriculum committee yesterday renewed -its
recommendation that ROTC courses not be given literary
college credit and urged the faculty vote on this proposal.
The committee reaffirmed a report issued last March
which called for purely military instruction to be extra-
curricular. Non-military topics required by ROTC would then
be satisfied by regularditerary college courses.
In addition to unanimously re-endorsing the report,
which called ROTC teaching materials "blatantly propa-
gandistic," the committee ask-
1 VtUW
ii rli.
A new plan for funding intramural con-
struction was presented yesterday, but
athletic department and University admin-
istrators later said it was unacceptable.
At a meeting of the Advisory Committee
on Recreation, Intramural and Club Sports,
committee member Dave Mildner called
for sharp cutbacks in inter-collegiate ath-
letics to provide funds for the proposed
Under Mildner's plan, those varsity
sports which lose money would be elimi-
nated. Mildner estimated that this would
create an athletic department budget sur-
plus large enough to fund at least one of
close" to paying for an intramural building. two buildings until the matter was
Mildner disagreed. He said a copy of the settled by the Regents.
athletic department budget in his posses- By acquiescing to Smith's propos
sion indicated substantial expenditures on committee had made it more like]
the minor sports. the North Campus structure would
The intramural committee recommended be built, Mildner claimed.
last May that the University use student Mildner's remarks received cool
fees to construct two multi-million dollar tion at the committee meeting. Wh
structures, one on North Campus and one proposal failed to evoke enthusias
on Central Campus. Smith has since sponses, Rodney Grambeau, head
amended the proposal by temporarily elim- intramural program, suggested that
mnating plans for North Campus. committee did not agree with Mild]
At yesterday's meeting, Mildner blasted would have to go outside the commi
Smith's proposal. "I don't think this is the press his views.
right procedure," he said. "If students are Funding for intramural constructi
going to be asked to pay, we ought to at been a subject of considerable contr
sal, the
ly that
d never
en the
tic re-
of the
if the
ner, he
ittee to
on has
Two TU members cornered Mil-'
liken in the capitol building yes-
terday and asked for his response
to a letter the union sent him last'
week. The letter demanded the
immediate firing of Rome from
his position on the basis of hist
alleged mis-managing of his Ann
Arbor dwellings.
"I will certainly be looking into{
this matter as soon as possible,"
Milliken told union members.
Other state officials gave mix-1
ed responses to the students. Rep.
Joyce Simons, (D-Allen Park) re-i
marked "You are wasting yourt
time picketing. You will never get
anywhere with a tenants union."
Sen. Roger Craig (D-Dearborn)
offered to sponsor any legislation
to normal University business pro-
The SGC resolution further
states that if the Regents succeed
in passing bylaws which "dele-
gate authority over student con-
duct to anyone but the students
as a whole or their elected repre-
sentatives" that SGC organize a
campaign of "deliberate and sys-
tematic non-compliance with all
regulations under that illegitimate
delegation of authority, including
but not limited to the continuing
disruption of Regents meetings."
"We demand, in effect, that
the Regents recognize student de-
See SGC, Pae 7
ed the literary college execu-
tive committee to take action
on the recommendations,
The executive committee must
act on the report before it can be
debated and voted on by the col-
lege faculty.
Currently ROTC students in the
literary college can receive up to
12 credit hours for ROTC courses.
These credits are included in the
12 credit hour limit students can.
take in courses outside the college.
"The original recommendation
from the curriculum committee to
cut credit was made late in the
fal over a year ago and the execu-
tive committee sent it back as in-
adequate," explained Economics
Prof. Locke Anderson, a member
of the curriculum committee.
A sub-committee was set up to
examine ROTC more closely and it
issued the March report. The exe-
- ti
Conversion of all-women Couz-
ens Hall and Oxford Housing to
co-ed residences was approved
yesterday by the Residence H a 11
Board of Governors. A proposal
to increase male occupancy at
Markley Hall was delayed ano-
ther week, along with a decision
on all-male West Quad's request
to become a co-ed hall.
Discussion of the planning pro-
posals took up the entire meeting,
forcing a delay in action on an
$85 dorm fee hike recommended
by the. Residence Hall Rate Com-
(fin ac + °v's