Page Eighfi THE MICNIGAI 1 DA1LY Thursday, January Z2{ 1970 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Thursday, January 22, 1970 Proposal SDS ACTION: blocked by Protesters attack Gray asks engineers to assist in environmental iurovement DAILY OFFICIAL U"U T"U"'" T .Etf U.1.) .Ej .1 ilk ............... .............. .............. ~1 is a - soc ro fs (Co (Continued from Page 1) red paint and refused to promise an im the Place mediate decision on the proposals, cident Grobe replied, "We will have to ROTC b declare this an open meeting," ReCuil Members of the group met again have rea last night to discuss future tactics dents wit and decided against any disrup- The n tion of the next faculty meeting caught co if "the chairman agrees to let us know immediately when a deci- attack. I sion is reached on the proposal." apprehen -_ _ ._ .they ent -- ing. Political Science Prof. Harold Capj , K. Jacobson has been awarded the cruitei' sa 1970-71 visiting research scholar- of stude ship at the Carnegie Endowment's of the P f o r International Peace's Euro- but mere pean Center in Geneva. a sit-in. Prof. Jacobson intends to de- Visser vote his research toward a forth- in "wha coming study tentatively entitled planned "International Organization a n d avoid say the International System," and to is what complete a comparative analysis when th+ of the impact on the specialized paint on agencies of international organi- Gunne zations of the entrance of a large Marines number of states of the develop- age coul ing world. ertson's away. T A new research program honor- full of ing the late Prof. James K. Pol- oxide." lock, an internationally known po- There litical scientist and former chair- ertson's man of the political science de- injured partment, was announced yester- hardened day by the University's Institute cleaned of Public Policy Studies. could oc The program will stress joint Allied research in political and social be- was pu iavior by German and U.S. schol- claiming ars. It will a 1 s o offer research only in training for graduate students. had cea The program continues strong do with cooperative ties between the Uni- Howev versity and German research in- Chemica stitutions established by Prof. to the r Pollock during his 42 years at the chemical University. He was chairman of turing D the political science department this wee for 14 years before stepping down our stoc in 1961 to return to research and An SI teaching. He died in October 1968, continue four months after retiring. ticide ntinued from Page 1) t graffitti on the wall of ement office links that! to another incident last which windows of the, uilding were smashed. ters and administrators acted to yesterday's inci- th surprise. iilitary officers were ompletely offguard by the There was no attempt to nd the group of youths as ered and left the build- Eric Visser, a Marine re-! aid he noticed the group nts forming in the lobby Placement Services office, ly expected them to stage said that the group moved t was obviously a well- attack. They seemed to ying anything except 'This we think of the service' hey dumped the can of Officer Robertson." ry Sgt. Scanlon of the added that "a lot of dam- d have been done to Rob- eyes if he hadn't turned he paint they used was mineral spirits and zinc was a danger that Rob- inner eardrum would be as the paint dried and d. However his ear was before any complications cur. Chemical recruiter Hickey zzled by the incident, that his company dealt "low toxic pesticides" and sed to have anything to DDT. 'er a spokesman for Allied 1 in New York admitted recent distribution -of the . "We stopped manufac- DDT a year ago and Just k sold out of the last of ks," he said. DS spokesman called the d distribution of the pes- "obscene." "Their con- cr_ _ters ByNANCY__ARDIFplayed-a The Daily Official Bulletin is an ? official publication of the Univer,. By NANCY TARDIFF cplayed a great role in the rea- Gray said that even though the sity of Mici . Noties shouli be "The environmental problem is tion of the environmental problem environmproblemroblem is depend- Room" 38 E. Sn7 RIrTE d g befor sciences weren't bothered by sell- deeply rooted in the educational, but he said it is "pointless a ent on the Western system of val- p o day prce pub- social and economic system of inaccurate" to lay all the blame ;n nteWsen ytmo a-'lic"ation andltby 2 pan. F"rridatytfor ing the stuff for a year after they which the engineer is a part," on them. ues, we can not find the solutions Saturday and Sunday. Items ap- knew it was poison," he said. Associate Prof. of Civil Engineer- Gray gave three main reasons without the help of science and pr once o student organiza- Though the Allied Chemical re- ing Donald H. Gray said last night for the environmental problem: technology. tion notices a r e mnot. acceptenfor Thoughvromnalpobe: tehao ,spublication, F 'o r more infrmma- cruiter has continued on to other in a lecture sponsored by Environ- i-n. phone 764-9270, campuses, the Marine recriuters mental Action for Survival (EN- vene massively in nature (via our The role of the engineer will be __,_ are scheduled to be on campus ACT), the New Mobe of the anti veny i n ur a- crucially important in solving the rRSA JANUAR today and tomorrow. There was pollution movement. technlog ot ounu environmental problem ing the T no indication on whether any Speaking to about 150 people derstanding of the consequences further incidents of what SDS in Aud. B, Gray recognized that of such actions. next decade," Gray added. Dy alendar terms "trashing" would occur. scientists and engineers have -"Second, we have been rather Gray saw educating people about 'Wept. of Physics Resonance Group prone to View the fruits of tech- Lunch Seminar: V. Wong, "Parafluid- pneo vw ted b-- the seriousness of the problem and ty in Helium", Physics and Astron- Snology as unmixed blessings, be-' mkn hmaado h ass omv. Colloquium lam., 12:00 noon. lieving that the costs to the en- making them awar8 of the causes m.Cloum .,1:0nn. lievig tht th GosS t0the n- Dept. of Physics Nuclear Colloquium:j S IsJ to i vironment were incidental. toand consequences of pollution as structure of teCi: -"Third, we have tended to the first step in solving the prob- B. H wildenthal. MSU, "Nuclear ask primarily, 'Can something be lem. He felt the environmental Aructre of the N ual NucleiP done?' rather than, 'Should some- teach-in planned for March will Frontiers in Geology and Geo- ] n1thing be done?'' ab d sI physics Lecture Series: Dr. Jack G. all G E co n n esGray charged that enginee be able to do this effectively. 'illsDept. of Astronomy, "Formation By JANE BARTMAN , - largest military contractor in the "can no longer afford the luxury Most of the responsibility for PeslaAstronsystems." Rm 170, Phy- The Ann Arbor Student Mobili- I U.S.," she continued. "It's making of non-involvement in the conse- solving the environmental prob- Bach-Mozart Sonatas for Violin and nation Committee is in the process lots of money while the wages of quences of his actions." lem lies with the public, accord- Piano: Performers from the classes of of drafting a petition asking the the worker are being cut by in- The value system of Western ing to Gray. He added that a com- fuscss rt and Ange s:8Sch:l + .nvrith fl ti hirh i t i lt man can ultimately be seen as the~ Pkicnient Servic ';GNERAI2.L DIVI.SION 3:?l1e5.:1,r Spring (,raduates apply now f o r FSE:E now if interested in Fede, ov. employment. Applic. duce F'eb. 10 for Feb. 21 exam. Inquire about these programs at ca- reer planning, 230 SAB, call 764-6338. Caree rs wiith State of New York. booklet and application procedures avatilable. St. Louis University announces d a y and evening session summerprograms. New Yo' rk State Depar'tment cof Transportation, booklet on career op- portunities avail. S[IER PlACEMENT SERVICE, 212 SAB. Lower Level The Last Test for jobs in the Fed- eral Government this summer must be applied for before Feb. 4. This test. will be given March 14. Applic. and info, at SPS. Interview at Summer Placement: January 26: Miss Liberty, London, Engletnd,representative, will interview interested students Mon.. Jan. 26 from 3-5 p.m. Openings for men and women In igeneral officer work. Evenings and veekeds free to travel, etc. 4 i 1 1 , 7 i University to sever atl tles wni the General Electric Corp. and to bar GE recruiters from campus. In a general meeting last night i SMC approved plans for the pe-! tition and educational programs in an effort to mobilize campus support for the nation-wide work- ers strike against the General Electric Corp. SMC'has two purposes in mind in organizing local support for the: strike-expressing support for the demands for higher wages and protesting GE's role in maintain- ing the Vietnam war. "t ., _.. .. .,. a,., za ion, w cn in urn is a resui of the war." SMC is enlisting. the help of basic of the environmental prob- lem, according to Gray. I"iti is a system of values largely piete solution to the problem would involve a new life style in America General Notices Heavy Duty Steering and Suspension Parts other local groups in tseffortt0r dnWsrRegent's Meeting: Feb. 19 and 20.A inoe lcalgrUpisnitsyeffothto rooted in Western religion which Wa sneddi e-reigcommunications for consideration at u -JON' inyolve the University in the sees man as having complete of is Gray sa Th-rdub- this meeting must be in the Presi- IDLER ARMS strike, notably the Women's Lib- dominion over nature," Gray said.jof priorities, Gray said. Th° pub- dent's hands no later than Feb. 5. " TIE ROD ENDS eration Front. GE pays women as Gray added that another West-tlie must change its outlook towards xistory Make-up Examinatinn will much as $1.50 an hour less than ern trait that accounts for the the environment and its consump- be held sat., Jan. 24, 10-12 a.m., 429, ANN AR O men doing the same job, accord- violation the is tive habits, he said. Mason Hall.m Alstudents should be menlatio ofth environment is there at 10 a.m. Please consult your in- ing to SMC "our massive reliance on economic Technology already has s o m e structor, then sign list in History Of- U F E determinants." valuable answers to pollution fice, 3601 Haven Hall. The group is coordinating its: - -_ __. _ w_ organization of support for the "We have become mesmerized problems, according to Gray. But strike along with preparation for by economic statistics and the it is up to the public now," Gray Da iJly CI ass if led s 23 JACKS AE. the spring National Student Anti- concept of growth-growth for it- said, "to insist that some of these7659 War Conference which will be self, whether in material goods or solutions be implemented when Bri Re uts * held in February in Cleveland, people," he explained, appropriate."g{ Ohio. The purpose of the conference will be to organize spring activi- ties in opposition to the war. our stacked-up loafer of crushed patent for Miss J Local organizers are attempting to gather a wide representation of : workers to attend the conference. rides high on a8StaCke8 heel With an Up-tfront C 1 C t When you support the GE strike you are supporting a very real thing-the right of an indi- vidual to maintain his living standard," says Debby Bustin, SMC coordinator. In addition, "GE is the second EllI3$ iOUSH COMMANDER CODY AND THE LOST PLANET AIRMEN (Need we even say 'need we say more'?) $2.00 FRI.-SAT.-SUN. DOORS OPEN 8 P.M. cheap $10 per month FREE Service and Delivery ---NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED--- CALL: Ne jac TV Ileitals 662-567 SERVING BIG 10SCHOOLS SINCE 1961 tongue topped by a gleaming Sgolden ornament. It's young and lively in shiny black handsewn patent.leather with a . .-h ' y'.crinkled textuare. 16.00 Jaeob oi2.** ,j S t d I the greatest beauty is Organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty of the universe. Love that, not man Apart from that, or else you will share man's pitiful confusions or drown in despair when his days darken. 4 E .T 99 £ hi TEA CH-lN ON TH/E EN IRONN MARCH 11-14 If you are interested in promoting an awareness and understanding of the sickness of our environ- ,I ment-and learning what you can do about it-contact these students in your gram, who are planning departmental or school activities for the Teach-In ... department, or pro- ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN-John Gillespie-761-2807 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION-James Dean-663-3298 Susan Jorgensen-663-7493 EDUCATION-Sue Allan-761 -6557 ENGINEERING-Bill Jackson-665-8564 Kevin Leaman-663-0470. Pete Parker-764-3381 or 426-3107 JAPANESE STUDIES-Tony Chambers-761-7435 INSTITUTE, PUBLIC POLICY-Gordon Cohn-761-0200 ISR-Dick Roistacher-763-3552 Pat Tomlin-764-6595 LAW-Bob Olson-76l -9220 Roger Conner-665-9616 LIBRARY SCIENCE-Ruth Fleischer-662-0532 LSA-Anthropology-Susan Harding-482-863 1 Asian Studies-Ann Miller-663-5107 or 764-0441 Botany-John Remsberg-769-3334 Classics-Rick Weis-764-6623 Economics-Steve Ettiger-668-89i 5 English-June Sander-764-8894 Georgraphy-Joan La.ubernds-662-2290 Howard Mielke-663-4905 Geology-Dave Cowan-NO 3-2671 History-John Rozett-665-0722 History of Art-Misty Connors-665-7438 Physics-Leonard Sander-764-3460 or 662-8337 Psychology-Jerry Gardner-764-0426 Sociology-Howard Hammerman-769-1596 Zoology-Dick H iI1-461-3220 MEDICAL SCHOOL-David Sobel-761-7643 or '769-0233 NATURAL RESOURCES-Roger Anderson-769-0722 POPULATION STUDIES-Pierre Pradervand-769-7360 PUBLIC HEALTH-George Coling-662-3351 Dick Wade-662-3598 RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE-Shari Danch-764-3602 PANHELLENIC-Marty Mosher-761 -3661 'I If your department has no representative at present, or you can't reach him, contact Frank Cajka (764-9144) or Dave Damm (769-1296), co-chairmen, Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee, I "TI-w AkI.AII°J " n