See Editorial Page
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Snow flurries
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LAAA, NO. Ann Arbor, Michigan--Thursday. January 22. 1970(
Ten Cents
Enhf Pnn
TE~n Cent'
rItI v e
Daily News Analysis
The latest regental revision of
the proposed bylaws on the role
of students in University decision-
making has left one thing rea-
sonably clear: the regulation of
non-academic student conduct will
remain a point of contention for
quite some time.
In the redraft, released Tues-
day, the Regents deleted a key sec-
tion which would have given stu-
dent governments the sole right to
enact regulations governing non-
academic conduct.
In their commentary, the Re-
gents instruct the University's
schools and colleges - presum-
ably the executive committees -
to "work out their own rules."
But this is precisely the pre-
sent status of non-academic rule-
making, and students, who have
conduct issue
been attempting for six years to
alter this, are not likely to accept
it quietly.
Student Government Council
President Marty McLaughlin pre-
dicts a concerted student attempt
to keep the original bylaw word-
ing "so that the faculty doesn't
have a chance to accept this dele-
gation of authority."
But many faculty members,
meanwhile, are confused about
what they will do with a power
they are not sure they want.
Both the faculty's Senate As-
sembly and SGC supported the ori-
ginal bylaw draft - including the
delegation of non-academic rule
making to students.
This bylaw draft, which also
dealt with the other aspects of
the students' role in decision-
making, was assembled by an ad
hoc committee of students a n d
faculty and submitted to the Re-
gents last summer.
But the controversy over regu-
lation of student conduct began as
far back as 1964 when SGC be-
gan its attempt to assume sole
authority over such regulations.
At that time, Council was
working under the restrictions of
a "Council Plan," and any amend-
ment to the plan required regental
But in 1964, the Regents began
to indefinitely delay the approval
of proposed amendments. SGC, in
turn, treated the amendments as
having been passed.
Council subsequently asserted
that it had the sole right to re-
gulate non-academic student con-
duct, and proceeded to pass a set
of its own rules.
But the SGC rules were never
officially recognized by the Re-
gents, and many schools and col-
leges continued to maintain rules
governing non-academic conduct.
In 1966, the shortlived "student
power movement" prompted Har-
lan Hatcher, then University pre-
sident, to appoint a commission
which would propose new rule-
making structures for the Uni-
versity community.
In its report, which was sub-
mitted in March 1968, the "Hatch-
er Commission" proposed that a
campus-wide representative body
cf students, faculty and admin-
istrators-the University Council
SUC-make rules governing on-
campus, non-academic activity.
The UC proposal, in a somewhat
modified form, was retained in the
student-faculty bylaw draft.
While UC would formulate rules
which affected the entire Univer-
ity community, the authority to
make most regulations concerning
student conduct was delegated t<
"appropriate s t u d e n t govern-
Mleanwhile, in summer 1968,
President Robben Fleming in-
structed the schools and colleges
to submit a set of non-academic
conduct regulations which would
exist until the recommendations
Af the Hatcher Commission were
implemented in the revised bylaws.
But- the latest revision of thy}
proposed bylaws has greatly in-
reased the likelihood that these
"interim rules" will be retained
indefinitely, because the same
bodies which assembled the in-
t erim rules will now be left with
the permanent authority over non-
academic conduct.
It is, of course, conceivable that
the executive committees in each
school and college might in turn,
delegate the authority to regulate
non-academic conduct to student
But several college administra-
tors say they consider this even-
tality rather unlikely,
Engineering Dean Gordon Van
Wylen says conduct regulations in
the engineering college will prob-
ably be written jointly by students
and faculty.
"I think if you can work these
things out between students and
Faculty with mutual trust and un-
derstanding, then you arrive at
better solution and with a better
relationship between the two
groups," he ;says.
Literary college Dean William
Hays was out of town yesterday
and could not be reached for com-
ment. But Associate Dean Alfred
Sussman feels that LSA students
will be g r a n t e d considerable
authority in regulating their con-
"The LSA executive committee,
in my experience, has been sym-
pathetic to a reasonable delegation
Af responsibility to students," he
SGC President McLaughlin feels
that one effect of the regental
revision will be "to set the stu-
dents against the faculty."
"The Regents wanted to avoid
a confrontation, so they passed
the buck to the faculty," he says.
"Now we have to convince the
faculty to refuse to accept the
authority to regulate non-aca-
demic student conduct."
Two incidents of "political vandalism" occurred yesterday
morning when Students for a Democratic Society sponsored
confrontations with military recruiters and a recruiter from
the Allied Chemical Corp.
In what an SDS spokesman termed "the beginning of the
attack on military recruiting," about 15 people swept through
Placement Services offices in the SAB where Marine and
Navy officers were recruiting.
The protesters destroyed papers and threw a can of black'
enamel paint on one officer's face and clothing. Within
- --minutes they had fled, leav-
ing the slogan "Free the Ann
Arbor Six" in red paint on a
b k'.Chief Warrant Officer Joel
'Robertson of the Navy, who was
00 covered with the paint, was taken
to University Hospital for treat-1
f ment and was released yesterday
afternoon in good condition.
Director of Placement Services
Evart Ardis termed damage to
Placement offices minimal.
By HARVARD VALLANCE Also, yesterday morning in the
A proposal to open sociology Clhemistry Bldg. about eight radi-
department faculty meetings to cals confronted Allied Chemical
students was blocked by the fac- recruiter Patrick Hickey, spraying
ulty yesterday after three repre- his room with pesticide and dump-
sentatives of the Sociology Stu- ing a dead bird and several fish
dents' Union refused to leave a on his desk to protest the com-
closed session. pany's manufacture and distribu-
The departmental meeting was tion of the pesticide DDT. }....,~
abruptly adjourned without any No information was available,
action on the proposal when the last night on whether the Univer- * t
students refused to leave at the sity, the Navy, or Allied Chemical Anti-pollutioii tal
request of chairman Albert Reiss, would press charges. Engineering Prof. Donald Gray speaks on the role of engineers i
so that the faculty members could Prof. R. C. Taylor, associate En0ineein r.Blnghty seaksuesthe fineer
'deliberate in secret, chairman of the chemistry de- 150 people in Aud. B last night. The lecture was the first of a se
"It's too bad," said Prof. Mi- partment, said that no disciplin- environment. See story, Page 8.
chael Flynn after the meeting: ary action could be taken until-~_ _ __-_ _--_
"The odds were strong that it Chemistry Chairman Charles G. 4 G
would have passed, but I wouldn't Overberger returns from a semi-.JUSTIFIA BLE HOMICIDE:
bet on it next time.", nar Saturday, and the department
The student group's motion to can arrange a meeting with an !
open the meetings was coupled A 11 i e d Chemical representative
"vith a "lesser priority" request to and the Office of Student Affairs.
seat three undergraduate students Last night Barbara Newell, act- J uye e aspl
with full voting privileges at all ing vice president for student af-'
faculty meetings. fairs, said her office would not act
Both proposals were passed until the facts of the case are in-
Tuesday by a 6-1 vote of a joint vestigated by University security B la c P a nh e r
student-faculty advisory commit- officers.J
tee. The committee of five stu- ' No charges can be preferred
dents and two faculty members until the demonstrators are ident- C ck id H
was created by the sociology de- ified. Though security staff took CHICAGO( - An coroner s illed in the raid on Hamptons
partment last year. photographs of participants, Chief jury returned a verdict of justifi- West Side apartment.
Three students had been grant- Securty Officer Roland J. Gains- able homocide yesterday in the Police said they seized 19 wea-
ed permission by Reiss to speak ley said yesterday his staff had deaths of two Black Panther lead- pons in the flat.
on the proposals before the faculty "not a clue" to go on. ers who were fatally shot in a The jury deliberated more than
but, according to Reiss, a mem- Military recruiters were only police raid Dec. 4' five hours before returning the
ber of the union had verbally able to describe the group that h jverdict.
sagreed that the matter was to be attacked their offices as wearing The jury of prominent Chicago- After the verdict of justifiablet
debated and voted upon in a "army-type jackets with scarves ans said the 14 Chicago policemen, homicide was read by Dr. Andrew
closed faculty session. pulled up Aver their noses." One who participated in the raid were J. Toman, Cook County coroner,
However, the three student rep- recruiter commented that there "reasonable" in using firearms Clark's mother rose and said, "It
resentatives, Bob Jackson, Sue were two girls in the group. against the Panthers because they was not."
Pick and Steve Grobe, said they, Taylor said there were no in- believed the weapons "were nec-, Hampton's mother said she
had not been informed of any I dications that the same group of essary to prevent death or bodily I would make no further comment.
such agreement. people was involved in both inci- harm to themselves." Later, James D. Montgomery, a
When Reiss "asked them to dents. - Fred Hampton, 21, Illinois Pan- lawyer representing the Panthers,
abide by the agreement to leave ,However Gainsley believes the ther leader, and Mark Clark, 22, said he would take further legal
See PROPOSAL, Page 8 See DEMONSTRATORS, Page 8 ;Peoria, Ill., Panther leader, were action.
Coddedrw 0mixe rsuns
-Daily-Jim Diehl
Baits tenants last night
ed to initiate a rent si
against the University,
ginning with the rent payr
due January 30.
The Baits Tenants U
formed last week, also voted I
filiate with the Ann Arbor
ant's Union (AATU) and u:
mously endorsed putting its
in the Ann Arbor union's e
The new Baits union is a
tohbe recognized by the Univ
as the collective bargaining a
for the housing complex and
seeks rent reductions and o
improvements in the, housi:
'The tenants have realized
just don't get what they pay
said Chet Kulis, newly elected
sident of the Baits union.
A 12'x12' room at Baits reni
$122.50 a month while a Un
sity-owned Northwood apart
t with a kitchen, more space
1 more privacy rents for $95 a mi
plus utilities, he said.
-- "The rent strike has be
Eulis declared, and handed
January rent check to Norm
kelstein, AATU steering comn
"This is just the beginnir
tenant organizing in Univ
housing," added Steve Burgh
general coordinator of the A.
Director of University Ho
John Feldkamp said last n
that "very many problems in:
have stemmed from its havinr
tepresentative group." He
however, he "couldn't judge'
ey effect of the Baits affiliation
y the Ann Arbor union.
in Feldkamp added that colle
ers f unpaid bills is handled thr
the Student Accounts Office,
_ not the Office of University I
p ing. He said he believes tha
fice "would eventually wit-
n- credits."
a The AATU is "optimistic"
ity possible academic reprisals
ny holding credits for withho:
es. rent can be proved illegal. ;~
er kamp believes this is based
ed pretty shaky grounds." How
ne he says the strikers should
ty the procedure if they think
ye Within the next two weeks
f-AATU plans to meet with stu
d, throughout University housig
wd.organize tenant groups. How
ins at Baits last night AATU r
he sentatives emphasized thatj
he ing the union does not mean
d ing the rent strike.
;he E f t~Y!
in cleaning up pollution to about
ries on maintaining the natural
The raiding officers said th
were met by gunfire when th
attempted to serve a search wa
rant for a cache of weapons'
Hampton's apartment. Panth
contended that police fired wit
out provocation and killed Ham
ton as he slept.
During the 12-day inquest co
ducted by Martin S. Gerber,
lawyer serving as special depu
coroner, the jury heard testimo
from nearly two dozen witness
Coroner Toman stepped aside afti
black community groups demand
the inquest be headed by someo
not connected with the coun
The witnesses included the fi
black and nine white police o
ficers who participated in the rai
Among other witnesses were t
police crime laboratory technicia
who examined evidence from t
apartment and a pathologist a
his assistant who p e r f o r me
autopsies on Hampton and Clar
The chief chemist with t
coroner's office testified yeste
day that he found no evidence<
alcohol or barbiturates in Ham
ton's blood. Panthers maintain
Hampton was heavily druggedr
the time he was shot.
George M. Christopoulo saidY
performed blood tests on two sep
rate occasions and both tim
found no evidence of drugs
i Hon~rnin't hlnrnrl
Baits: Luxury slum?
may alte
The Tenants Union may be forced to make significant
changes in legal strategy as a result of four eviction case de-
cisions issued yesterday by District Judge Pieter Thomassen.
Thomassen's rulings - not to consider questions of rent
reduction - were based on a change in landlord's strategy.
Jack Becker, attorney for D. A. Rankin, Apartments' Limited,
and Ann Arbor Trust, sued only for possession of apartments,
not for possession and back rent as in previous cases.
The Tenants Union is planning to appeal yesterday's
decisions on the basis of what they believe to be an incorrect
interpretation of an amendment to P.A.
perty Recovery of Possession Act.
297, the Real Pro-
Union members said yesterday
they are considering a shift in
legal action to secure rent reduc-
tions. Although no formal policy
changes have been made yet,
members indicated that one likely
route would be to file to suit
against the landlords for breach
of contract.
This would mean the Tenants
Union would become the plaintiff.
The section of P.A. 297 deals
with tenants' rights in possession
cases but deletes a clause from
the previous statute requiring the
court to determine the amount of
rent due. i
Thomassen has declined to com-
ment on yesterday's proceedings.
In earlier eviction cases, land-
lords have asked for possession
and full back rent. Most of these
cases were decided by jury trials,
and the majority of them result-
ed in rent reductions for tenants
after testimony indicated land-
lords had not lived up to the terms
of their leases.
Tenants Union members said
yesterday, however, that Thomas-
sen ruled that if the landlord is
FBI arrest
m urder eas
nounced that three men were being
held in Cleveland yesterday on
charges of violating federal laws
in connection with the slayings of
United Mine Workers Union lead-
er Joseph A. Yablonski, his wife
and daughter.
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
identified the three men as Paul
Eugene Gilly, 37, a suburban East
Cleveland housepainter; Aubran
Wayne "Buddy" Martin, 23, a
Cleveland laborer; and Claude
Edward Vealey, 26, a resident of
the Cleveland area.
In a statement issued simul-
taneously in Washington and
Cleveland, Hoover said Gilly and
Vealey were arrested yesterday --
and Martin already had been con-
Commimity leaders have given
a mixed response to Ann Ar-
bor's new human rights ordi-
narnce which imposes stronger
penalties against discrimination.
While Mayor Robert Harris
considers the ordinance "prob-
ably the best anti-discrimina-
tion code in the country," others
are concerned that the new Hu-
anRihts Comsionn .done
discriminatory p r a c t i c e was
committed, a newly-created De-
partment of Human Rights can
petition Washtenaw C o u n t y
Circuit Court to order the per-
son to pay a fine of $1000 per
The department, responsible
to the city administrator, han-
dles investigations of discrimi-
nation charges and can request
the subpoena of records and
witneses. nfrced t he h i
com and Ann Arbor NAACP Commissioner Paul Wasson
member Dr. Albert Wheeler of sees few desirable elements in
the medical school agree. "The the ordinance.
ordinance spells out in much "The human rights depart-
better terms the whole anti- ment should not be responsible
discrimination laws," says Lar- to the mayor and city admin-
com. istrator but to all the people
Others are not so positive. of all the sectors of the com-
Mrs. Mildred Officer, a mem- munity," he says.
ber of the present HRC, fears Outgoing HRC Director Day-
that the community may not. id Cowley contends the ordin-
have ttheopportunity to voice ance places too much emphasis
p- I
r O
.Page Thre
Democrats in the U.S.
House of Representativesj
have o v e r w h e 1 m i n g 1 y
agreed to attempt to over-
ride President Nixon's ex-
pected veto of the Depart-I