Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by s+udents of the University of Michigan asi es la vida Making movies with 'U' I ll~lC~~l+ ll 1l6~ Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in ol reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHER )NESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1970 A1tizens and the environment ' STOP environmental pollution, man must attack it on as many fronts as isible. Traditionally Michigan has concen- ated on a legislative approach. L a w s ve been passed to limit specific types pollution and set up licensing and ad- inistrative agencies. Meanwhile the legal approach has re- ived relatively little attention from the gislature. To collect damages from pol- tion or stop an activity degrading the vironment citizens must prove direct 'rsonal injury. On many pollution prob- .~ns, such as pollution of Lake Erie, this often impossible. The Legislature now has an opportun- p to fill this gap in the state's laws by ,ssing the Natural Resource ConservaL. )n and Environmental Protection Act . 3055) recently drafted .by Prof. Jos- >h L. Sax of the Law School. AX'S PROPOSAL allows the Attorney General, local governmental bodies td private citizens to bring suit when ey believe any public or private pro- am or product is or will unnecessarily irt the quality of the environment. If .e court finds the claim justified, it may ue an order prohibiting the destruc- ve action r limiting it. The plaintiff must prove that adverse fects to the environment will occur. To ntinue his operations, the defendant is Quired to show there are no adequate ternatives and that what he proposes do or is doing is of such importance to e public that it should be permitted, spite its consequences for the environ- ent. In complex cases, the court may point a "disintersted and technically talified" officer to take testimony and dch a conclusion. Sax's proposal also protects the rights existing licensing agencies. Although .e court may grant an injuntion to pre- nt "irreparable injury" it cannot make Ly other decision until licensing or ad- inistrative agencies have acted. T h e aintiffs in the injunction case are au- orized to intervene in any administra- ve proceeding by filing a statement arriing of possible environmental de- adation. In reaching its decision, the licensing ;ency is required to consider impair- ent of the state's natural resources and prohibited from authorizing a program ich "does or is reasonably likely" to image the environment as 1 o n g as a easible and prudent alternative" exists. ELL RESEARCHED a n d carefully written, the Natural Resources Con- rvation and Environmental Protection t will create a comprehensive law for pplementing existing means to protect .e environment. The need for such leg- ation is manifest. The state's method of regulating pollu- on varies from one type of degradation another. For air and water pollution, .e Legislature has already passed good gislation. In contrast the state still uses ws over half a century old to regulate ,sticides. As Sax has pointed out "We h a v e a ,tchwork of laws, some excellent, some obsolete, without any coordinated means to assure proper protection of our nat- ural resources." The concept of citizens suing to protect the public interest has been recognized by the courts for years. In the 1950s a Wisconsin citizens group successfully challenged a proposed hydroelectric de- velopment on the Namekagon River. Michigan itself permits citizens to sue "in the name of the State of Michigan" on behalf of the public to enjoin houses of prostitution and gambling dens. Why can't the same right be extended to pro- tecting the environment? It seems clear that regulatory agencies may fail to consider all the information and perspectives they should have before issuing licenses. Sometimes a shortage of staff members hampers operations of state government. More important how- ever, is the possibility of industries and agencies growing into a cooperative rath- er t h a n a regulatory relationship. Al- though the state may require officials to be responsible for protecting the public interest, citizens must have the right to aid themselves in court when the bureau- cracy becomes insensitive to t h e i r de- mands. The bill also attempts to avoid unwar- ranted litigation which .might otherwise flood the courts. The court may allocate economic burden associated with the case on those who bring in unreasonable cases. TATE OFFICIALS and t h e public muststrongly support the Natural Re- source and Environmental Protection Act before it can pass the Legislature. Oppo- sition from utilities and some govern- mental agencies has already developed. Gov. William G. Milliken's administra- tion should endorse the bill as written and include it in the State's program to improve the environment. The act also provides badly needed as- sistance for Attorney General Frank Kel- ley in carrying o u t his responsibility to take legal action to protect the resources of the state. GETTING THE BILL out of the House Conservation and Recreation Commit- tee is the first step in passage. The public can help by writing to members of the committee. They include Representatives Thomas J. Anderson of Southgate, War- ren N. Goemaere of Roseville, William B. Fitzgerald and David Holmes of Detroit, Jelt Sietsema a n d Stanley J. Davis of Grand Rapids. Also on the committee are Representatives Raymond B a k e r of SFarmington, William J. Ballenger III of Ovid, John D. Payant of Kingsford, Wayne B. Scakett of Portage, Clifford A. Smart of Walled Lake and Raymond J. Smit of Ann Arbor. Tonight a hearing on the bill will be held in the State Capitol. For too 1 o n g the state has failed to realize the full potential of citizen ini- tiated court action to preserve natural resources and improve the quality of the environment. -PAT MAHONEY " E UNIVERSITY of Michigan proudly invites your group-alumni, profes- sional, educational, service, civic-to see the 1970 annual film "'A Concerned Generation' "and the members of that generation- students at the University of Michigan- tell their own story. What they have to say may not make you comfortable. But after you watch and hear what they really are about-in all their sincerity caught up in the American dream and as likely as any to make it come true." * * * THE UNIVERSITY yesterday premiered its latest cinematic effort, a slick paean to the "social concern" of this generation of students. The basic argument, developed about as subtly as Mayor Daley's "What Trees Do They Plant?", is that the major- ity of students are not protesters but in- stead divide their time among worthwhile social projects, studying, and goodrwhole- some fun. Although the film was billed as "students speaking for themselves," the two main commentators were a housemother and literary college assistant dean James Shaw. The only student interviewed at length was Black Student Union president Ron Harris on black studies, after all, it is supposedly a film about student concern with America's social problems. Harris, fortunately, ex- pressed all his considerable doubts about the black studies program which the nar- rator pointed out so proudly. One girl was allowed to express her dis- satisfaction with the educational process and ask for more relevancy in the Univer- sity. But the others said very little, since they were asked questions such as how they like coed dorms or teaching disadvantaged attention they deserve, the movie based its argument on the assumption that the large, silent majority of students is devoting it- self to change within the system through worthwhile projects. This is a nice thing to believe, and it probably will make all the alumni very comfortable indeed. A special pitch was made for alumni mothers by Mrs. Peterson, the kindly gray- haired housemother who smiles benignly when asked about open hours and other suggestive topics. Mrs. Peterson assured the alumni that those stories are gust not true. "It's natural for boys and girls to be together," she explains gently. "Most of the kids use good judgment and don't over- do it." The movie does not mention the exist- ence of apartment life, but concentrates on the image of "the dorms of our youth" -now co-ed but. just as well-regulated as ever. MRS. PETERSON and Shaw both apolo- gize for the students, reminding alumni that kids are after all young and idealistic. 'They'll realize someday," says Mrs. Peter- son wisely. Shaw throws in the specter of the atom bomb and the reminder that there has been no depression to teach this generation the hard lessons of real life. All in all, it's a fun movie. Its premises are all false, of course, not because all students are revolutionaries, but because so many are apathetic and participate in nothing except weekend parties. But the University relations office couldn't say that, so° they came up with something re- spectable and cheerful too. It's showing again in Thursday, at 4 p~m. in Rackhamn Lecture HFall. Go, and take your friends. If you like "What Trees," you'll like this too. *, "A Concerned Generation" kids. No students were allowed to touch on some of their favorite subjects, like the war, the military-industrial hierarchy or American imperialism. Not one radical was allowed to talk. AS A MATTER of fact, although the movie daringly showed two or three quick shots of the ROTC disruptions and the bookstore strike, the smooth-voiced nar- rator never mentionedwhy students pro- test. He said nothing about ROTC or the bookstore; instead he mentioned in passing last year's campaign against academic re- quirements. Humorously, the narrator ex-' plained how the children were campaigning to end the requirements that had years earlier been approved by other students.: (This is not true. Students have never been. and are not empowered to pass final judg- ment on academic decisions of the faculty) The film dwelled on constructive social projects like the tutorial program em- phasized the amount of time student put into helping other people-"These students are helping to prevent pollution in Crystal. Lake!" While it is fine to give such projects the 4*' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Breaking down the Engineering Mentality To the Editor:' THE PROIFOSED Observatory St. extension is symptomatic of a general disease of our society which Gene Marine, in his book America the Raped, calls the "Engineering Mentality." Before the engineering students who are reading this start foaming at the mouth, I want to explain that +there is a distinction between engineers (people who go into en- gineering as a profession) and Engineers (people of many profes- sions, including some engineers, who have a certain narrow way of looking at problems and their solutions). As Marine defines it, the Engin- eering Mentality ". . .is the simple, supposedly pragmatic approach of taking the problem as given, ig- noring or ruthlessly excluding questions of side effects, working out 'solutions' that meet only the simplest definitions of the prob- lem. It is an approach that never seeks out a larger context, that re- sents the raising of issues it re- gards as extraneous to the engin- eering problem involved." IN THE CASE being considered here, the problem is one of poor traffic circulation in the campus area, and particularly around the Medical Center. The city planning commission's proposed solution to this problem is one that we have come to ex- pect and consider natural and reasonable-atnew road. The pro- posal is to extend Observatory St. to Forest Ave. near South Univer- sity Ave. This new road probably will improve traffic flow-for at least a year or two, but as has been amply shown in Los Angeles and San Francisco, new roads are outdated almost as soon as they are built. The reason for this is that the building of new roads is a typical "Engineering Mentality" solution; the problem is taken to be one of inadequate roads for the existing or projected future number of automobiles, and the obvious solu- tion is more and wider roads. The possibility that a much larger problem is involved is not even considered-the possibility that our unchecked population growth and automobile-oriented transpor- tation system might be creating the problem is banished from the farthest corners of the minds of all good Engineers. SO NEW ROADS continue to be built, which are soon outdated, be- cause, as Marine points out, the decision to build or widen a road is essentially a policy decision that more cars are wanted; if the road space is there, it will be filled. And of course once that road is filled it becomes obvious to the Engineers that a new and better road is needed - which in turn encourages more cars. The only way to break this cycle is to decide at some point not to build the "needed" road. If the road is not built, there is a definite limit to the number of cars that can move easily in a given area. Driving eventually be- comes so difficult that people find other means of transportation (manvatnr+ntcin Ann Aror traffic and institute an efficient bus system. The University's petition to have East University closed to traffic between North University and South University is a step in the right direction. Of course many city officials will insist that Ann Arbor hasn't enough money for a new bus sys- tem, but if the amount of money being wasted on new roads and more parking lots (which could be used for parks instead) were put into developing a good bus sys- tem, there would probably be money left over. UNTIL THE BUS system is in- stituted, I would suggest to the residents of the campus area a novel idea-try walking; it is real- ly rather enjoyable, and you have the added peace of mind of know- ing that you are not contributing to the air pollution problem in the Ann Arbor area. -Philip Cantino, EnAct Jan. 18 Trashing To the Editor: IN TRUTH, not very much can be said about the trashing of the ROTC building. The act stands pretty much by itself; an attack against the military of the United States. The act defines its own politics. Smash ROTC, Free the Ann Ar- bor Six are more than just slogans painted on the wall of the build- ing. They are political demands, and demands express needs. ROTC must be destroyed not at the final stage of the revolution, but at the beginning stage because ROTC is right here right now. The function of ROTC is to train officers for the U.S. military. Officers to di- rect wars of aggression against Vietnamese and black people in- side the United States are trained on this campus and other cam- puses across the country. The Ann Arbor Six are members of the Black Berets who will stand trial for felonious assault of a po- liceman. The charges stem from a raid on the Black Beret's head- quarters by the Ann Arbor Police. The police raid is an act of ag- gression against the black com- munity, and black communities around the country are moving in- to a state of war with the rulers of the United States. These are the same rulers who sent the 101st Airborne into Detroit during the riots in 1967. These are the same rulers who sent police to assas- sinate Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. These are the same rulers who sent troops into Chicago dur- ing the Democratic National Con- vention. TRASHING IS one way of fighting back, a low-level way, but stil a physical response to the ag- gression by the United States. One window breaks, the war goes on ,two windows break, the war goes on, three windows break, the war goes on. The people start breaking more windows and the war still goes on. The people get angrier, they organize, they build, they put down their rocks and be- gin to look for better weapons. The people find better weapons, Ad board To the Editor: THE STUDENT ASSEMBLY has undertaken consideration of sub- stantial voting student representa- tion on the Administrative Board. The Ad Board is presently com- posed of six faculty members with members of the administration and students of the L.S.&A. College sitting in on an ex-officio basis. The Assembly will propose that four students participate in the policy making board and that they receive parity on the smaller hear- ing board. This signifies a culmination of previous efforts by the Student Steering Committee and presently by the Student Assembly to per-: suade the Board to accept students as actively voting members. The Ad Board represents the collec- tive 'L.S.,&A. faculty and is the body that handles the administra- tive affairs of the college. The precedent for student membership on L.S.&A. College committees was set last year when the College Cur- riculum Committee admitted three students from the Student As- sembly. REPORTEDLY there is (some) concern on the part of some As- sembly member that this drive will interfere- with the efforts of SOC to establish the right of students to hear cases where rules of the college are violated. To date, cases of this nature have been referred to the hearing boards of the vari- ous colleges, or alternatively, to the Central Student Judiciary, at the discretion of the University. The greater number of Assem- bly members, however, feel that parity on the hearing board in the L.S.&A. College as well as sub- stantial membership in the policy making branch of the Ad Board, contributes meaningfully to the principle ofestudent involvement in the University. INSOFAR AS SGC has made'it clear in the past that the admin- istrative affairs of the ,L.S.&A. College are not within its purview, Student Assembly has taken the initiative to propose increased stu- dent involvement in the L.S.&A, College committees. In doing so, the Assembly hopes to demonstrate the obvious advantages and feasi- bility of student participation, whether it be on a parity or a majority basis. -Ken Lasser Chairman, Student Assembly Jan. 19 Buses, To the Editor: LAST TERM and this term I have had to spend considerable time riding between Central Campus and North Campus via the University buses, and I find it very incovenient to have to walk to the front of the bus to see where it is going when it is not.necessary. The great majority of people using these buses come directly from the Central Campus area and thus approach the bus from the rear. Because of the cold weather the bus drivers prefer to have the students board via the rear door as then the front door can remain closed. ON OCCASION some of the bus drivers put a sign in the window. next to the rear door telling where the bus is going. I hive appre- ciated this'service in the past and wish that it could become a man- datory part of your ,service. This {could take very little effort on the part of the bus driver and would be helpful to a great number of passengers. --Divid S. Berto Jan. 15 Media 'bia To the Editor: THE AMERICAN NEWS media has vehemently denied Vice-Presi- dent Agnew's assertion that .the media is biased and unfair in its presentation of the news. If Mr. Agnew is wrong, why would Joel Block's editorial on "draft reform" ever have appeared in the Jan. 13 issue of The Daily? Block accuses President Nikon and Secretary Laird of treating the American youth like niggers by announcing the end of student and occupational deferments. Sen- ator Edward Kennedy proposed the same plan in a December article in the New York Times. Did The Daily blast him? During his campaign in 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy told stu- dents on several campuses that he felt student deferments should be ended. Did The Daily blast him? If you do not criticize the Kenne- dys, why rake the Nixon Admin- istration for an identical plan? IN HIS FINAL sentence, Joel Block says they draft must be abolished. The Nixon Adminis- tration must be Block's best friend; onthe front page of The Daily issue in which Block's editorial ap- peared is the report "The admin- istration will present proposals ..., for implementing a volunteer army." Doesn't Joel Block even read The Daily? .-George T. Wilson, Eng '70 3 Too good for the Senate 'a 'OR THE PAST FEW years, there 'has been just one good thing about the ate Senate: Roger Craig, the Democrat om - of all places - Dearborn, who instantly amazed the entire state with s s'ocial conscience and "radical" ideas. Unlike the rest of his so-called Demo- atic colleagues, Craig has been more an a token liberal. Unlike them, he did >t talk about the grape boycott and the ight of {migrants; Craig went on a fast dramatize the situation. Craig w a s nong the first to condemn the war and fe military-industrial complex. He has en a leader of the ill-fated campaign r women's abortion rights. In fact, aig may have introduced more ignored defeated legislation than any other. nator in state history. But Craig has finally had enough. The ate Democratic Party convention last dekend was the last straw. Although he as considering running against Gov. illiken, Craig does not w a n t to offer mself to a party which refuses to back presidential primary. He found no sup- "People on the inside aren't letting the people on the outside in. Until they open up the p a r t y it just doesn't matter," Craig explained, adding that he hoped other candidates might follow him and leave the party without a challenger for Milliken. CRAIG, OF COURSE, will be the only Democrat to make a real protest of the party's aversion to t h e primary, a product of the fear of strong factions -~ like the United Auto Workers - that they will lose their influence. Some other Democrats may express disappointment, but that's all they'll do. There is no place for people like Roger Craig in state politics - or national poli- tics, for that matter. They are too few to make a difference, and Craig is tired of batting his head against the wall. "I don't mind being a kamikaze pilot, but I have to go in a direction that makes sense," explained Craig. "If I were really changing the world, I'd be willing." ,, -~9'B ~&I I EVVI ~ Iwg~"J