i CITIZENS AND THE ENVIRONMENT See Editorial Page 5k 4 tii FRIGID High-S Lowc-0 Cloudy. cold L'oI LXXX No. 92 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 21, 1970 Ten Cents Regents ask weakerOS policyb( By JUDY SARASOHN consent" of the policy board was and expend such monies subject to "It seems to me the crux of the the same time he "must also have would determine his role and that the oth The Regents released yesterday changed to require "advice" only. normal University business proced- argument of authority comes leadership qualities which enable of the board. the mat a draft of key portions of bylaws ! The authority of the policy ures." down to two assumptions," said him to be an important influence "If we can work out a de facto Office 8 on the role of students in decis- board to set general policy f o r The bylaws concerning the role Fleming, "either one assumes that in making policy for the office practice within the office when Flemi ion-making, calling for a major OSS was advised to provide for of the student services policy board the board and the vice president and elsewhere." everything is fine, but if a new themase re-orientation of the powers of the vice president and the board are in opposition to reports made will be continually fighting, in vice president takes the bylaw e be the proposed student-dominated 'jointly" to set general policy. by the faculty-student search com- which case a bylaw will make no Gnent to the original draft which literally then there will be the exe Office of Student Services Policy ! Eliminated a section which mittee for the new vice president. difference, or one assumes the Howe'obligatrin drres t trouble," he said Board. gave students the sole power to The committee, which nominat- two will work harmoously. to "follow and execute" the board's The SC president said he wasHowe The'regental changes generalize enact regulations governing non- ed five candidates for the post The Regents wrote in the re- policy decisions munsure what "jointly" means and current] the function of the policy board academic conduct. interviewed candidates under the draft, "As a matter of adminis- that he would have to be assured Job hav and limit the board's power to set ! A clause which would have assumption that the vice president trative practice no vice president "They (the R e g e n t s) say that the wording could not be used will app policy binding on the new vice pre- the Regents seat, without v o t e ultimately selected would be re- who wishes to have a harmonious throughout that the vice president against the board when it came cers wh sident for student services. A but with full speaking privileges, sponsible to a student-dominated working relationship with his con- should work the right way but into conflict with the vice presi- The binding policy board was recom- two students designated by SGC policy board. stituency will appoint as unit di- that they'll allow him to work :ent. constitu mended in the original student- to represent students during their Fleming said yesterday the Re- rector one who is known to be anyway he pleases," said SGC "If the board and the vice presi- sole po faculty committee draft submitted deliberations was deleted. gents revised the bylaws requir- unacceptable." President Marty McLaughlin. :ent indeed work jointly then demic d to the Regents in September. ! A clause which would allow ing the policy board's consent for In their decision to have the McLaughlin said he found the what happens when a conflict can by the R The Regents proposed the fol- SGC to levy dues by student re- v i c e presidential appointments board and vice president "jointly" bylaw revision "unacceptable" and not be resolved?" asked McLaugh- ferred t lowing changes: ferendum and collect those dues and delegating policy-making au- yn apparent attempt to reduce the lin. "Do we lock them in a room leges an ,et policy, the Regents wrote that ,oe fteplc or ool rbe 0 The vice president for stu- through student fees was deleted thority to the board because they power of the policy board to only and let them fight it out?" problem dent services' obligation to ap- and replaced with authority only believed the original draft down- the vice president "must enjoy advisory status. McLaughlin said he feared that At pr pointdirectors of the various units to receive funds "appropriated by graded the integrity of the vice a harmonious working relation- McLaughlin said he believed it an irreconcilable conflict would schools in the office with the "advice and the Regents on a per capita basis president. ship with his policy board." But at would be the vice president who nerely be resolved by Fleming and 'ended d Eight Pages )ard er vice presidents, taking ter completely out of the" *or Student Services. ng said last night that in of a conflict, it would in- resolved by himself and cutive board. ver, the five candidates y being considered for the e not indicated that they peal to the executive offi- en a conflict arises. section giving properly ted student governments wer to legislate non-aca- iscipline rules was deleted regents, who said they pre- o let the schools and col- id students work out this themselves. wsent, the faculties of the and colleges have open- isciplinary authority. LSA assembly TU recognized as ~proposes parity for ad board By JIM McFERSON The LSA Student Assembly last night urged broad initia- tives toward increased student representation on the literary college administrative board. Passed by a nearly unanimous vote, an Assembly pro- posal calls for: -The addition of six voting students to the administra- tive board. The board is presently composed of six faculty, members; --Termination of faculty disciplinary hearing boards in' non-academic matters and substitution of all-student boards; -Creation of half - faculty, half - student disciplinary shearing boards to decide all " a e academic dishonesty cases. 7 111 1_ The proposal will 'be presented 4 j, j, jat next week's meeting of the ad-! ministrative board. The proposal's passage con-' eien u an i stituted a .reversal of the Assem- It bly's previous position. Last weekr the Assembly had endorsed the. position of an administrative ,senteneed ;board subcommittee recommend- i~f t~ iing the creation of four student seats on the administrative board District Judge S. J. Elden yes- and student parity for all hearing terday handed down the second boards. sentence in the contention trials However, under pressure from stemming from the Sept. 25 LSA A s s e m b l y vice-chairman Bob Bldg. sit-in. Defendant Nora Good- Grobe, an open meeting was call-j eyne was sentenced to seven days ed last night for re-consideration ,dn jail, a $40 dollar fine, $200 in of the subcommittee's proposal. A court costs ,and 15 months p'o- counter-proposal was made by bation. Grobe which was the basis for the In lieu of paying the $240, 'final statement passed last night. which the defendant said she Among the nearly 40 people at- could not afford, Miss Goodeyne the meeting were several members' began serving an additional 45 of Student Government Councilj days in jail yesterday. (SGC) who argued that passage' y Before sentencing, Elden com- of the subcommittee's original mented that, "I must take into proposal would hinder current consideration the severity of thejSGC attempts to revise parts of offense but this must be equated the Regents' bylaws pertaining to with the fact that the defendant's student decision-making. action was based on sound judge- "I can't speak out too strongly 'ment and that she believed it. against this." said SGC member However, when one's choice in Mike Farrell. "If this proposal is this matter is against the law, one passed now it will hurt the stu- must be willing to pay the penal- dent's position with the Regents ty for his offense." The bylaws are in a' crucial stage Attorney Don Koster, appear- right now and passage of this' ing in place of defending attorney proposal could really hurt." Neil Fink, requested that M iss Grobe had predicted that adop-'u Goodeyne be permitted to serve [ion of the faculty proposal wouldF her sentence on weekends or on hinder efforts to establish the con-t 1a work crew. Both motions were ,ent that faculty members shouldt denied, however, not be allowed to sit on student Eight other persons convicted on disciplinary boards in cases in- the contention charge were sched- volving non-academic behavior. .1 uled to be sentenced yesterday. Assembly chairman Ken Lasser b Due to an apparent disagreement disagreed, arguing that the addi-u over the interpretation of the state tion to the administrative board d appeal statute, the sentencing was i>f four students with voting privi- a nnefren rar untl Ttdeltit To 1R nnre .t, c. nimnlrfian+orsir, -Daily-Jim Judkis J ohl anD d his thing- John Hartom stands next to his light-motion creation "Homage to Carlos" which won him a 25 dollar prize in the undergraduate art show, which opened yesterday on the third floor of the Rack- ham Bldg. IHartom was a organizer of the show, which will be open to the public free of charge from 5 to 10 p.m. daily. CHA NGE IN STA T US: bargaining Assoc. Apts. to ne satiate ; . By CARLA RAPOPORT The manager of Associated Apartments yesterday became I the first local landlord to re- cognize the Ann Arbor Ten- ants Union as a collective bar- gaining agent for all Associat- ed Apartments' tenants who request the union to represent them. Meeting yesterday with two Tenants Union members, the! Imanager, J. Michael Forsythe agreed to bargain "collectively with the Tenants Union about par- ticular problems that affect all" such tenants.A , Associated Apartments manages ' 50 multiple living units. About half of the Associate Apt. tenants have given the union approval as their bargaining agent. Commenting on his decision, Forsythe later said, "I am will- ing to meet with the Tenants Un-' ion for individual tenants prob-< lems, when the tenants request the TUs help, as well as discuss problems common to all the ten- ants they represent. However, the Tenants Union will not have the authority to bind tenants to Le the final compromises they reach a through negotiations. They will Timothy Leary waves c have only a negotiation power.'' ioh eaywvsc Forsythe also said he would not was convicted of illegal negotiate rent reduction with the Texas, jury. Tenants Union. The union however- -'v"- did not find this a dissatisfying OBJECT TO C fact. A TU member explained, "We have plenty of issues to talk about, such as grievances procedures, the 8-month lease, and damage de- posits." In a letter to the union a few months ago. Forsythe he would' recognize the Tenants Union as - agents for his tenants who re- guested the union to represent thrm on an individual-not group By RUSS G --basis. The union then contacted As- A meeting schedul sociated Apt. tenants and asked be held at 120 Hutchins for permission to become their a movement supporti bargaining agent. The TU mem- School. bers presented signatures of these Organizers of the tenants to Forsythe at yesterday's meeting. examine both the ext At that time Forsythe said, with the current grad "Property owners have d e a l t support for their drive n through managers and agents for The students apparentl years and tenants can certainly to grades in the school1 do so by proper authorization." they feel such evaluation; Reacting to the new recognition, are outmoded in prof TU group leader, Dave Christeller schools. "I just don't see t said, "We are extremely pleased. vance of a grading systen Before we could only have been professional school," said legal counsel for individual ten-wk, f the niz ants. Now we can negotiate a wack, one o e organers whole new lease for the tenants we "The artificial differenti represent with a bargaining com- grades is out of step with t mittee made up of tenants from of being aprofessional," See TU, Page 8: ed. SeeTU,_Pag ____ The Law School initia -/ study of pass-fail options 1 day when the faculty a: P agT regram for this semester. Th gi iment provides for a rando agent Administrator may vote re board on ' booksto: By ROBERT KRAF The composition of which will manage the Bookstore may be chan the administration's tive to the boardf privileges.' Under the bookstor proved by the Regents ber, the "Bookstore Po was to be composed dents, three faculty me one non-voting admin However, the recent which granted the postponed unti TI 'uesay, Jan. 28, at 10:30 in District Court. reges was an important gain. See ASSEMBLY, Page 8 ', DECISION-MA KING ROLE TOWITZ exemption from the four per cent that the chance of securing t h e the board state sales tax, was made with the exemption would be substantially 'University understanding that the admin- enhanced if all three of the Uni- ged to give istration's representative would versity's constituencies - facul- representa- have full voting powers. ty, students, and administrators- full voting The change in the administra- were involved in managing t h e tor's status was set forth in a brief bookstore. 'e plan ap- written by law Prof. L. Hart Although granting the admin- last Octo- Wright, which formed the basis of istrator voting privileges ultimate- licy Board" the University's request for the ly requires regental approval, of six stu-I tax exemption. The brief was writ- Wright made the change with the *mbers, and ten early in December. understanding he was supported istrator. Wright says he stipulated in by the ad hoc committee of stu- state ruling the brief that the administrator ! dents and faculty that drafted the bookstore would have a vote because he felt bookstore plan. -~--._____- - - --- -- - I Wright says he asked law Prof. ERobert Knauss - who was in- strumental in drafting the book- store plan - to secure the ap- proval of the committee. He says Knauss told him later that he had r=leared the change with a suffici- ic reor ent number of people. However, each of the commit- tee members now indicates he was So, operating as an "internal advisor" never consulted on the change and with that mandate in mind, the com- but was first informed of it last mittee's rejection of parity is not too sur- Thursday - over a month after prising. As McLaughlin pointed out, the request for the tax exemp- "They're operating from the status quo." tion was submitted. But as Litwack and Buttrey pointed out, dKnauss was out of town yester- the report was not aimed at the stu- day and could not be reached for dents. Buttrey calls it an attempt to get comment on the discrepancy. things moving, "intended to point out the volved in drafting the bookstore desirability of student participation to pl n ft nteryoosn-r the faculty." plan .say they are not very con- here tyesud"saeiniucerned about the possibility of Where the students come in is unclear, granting a vote to the administra- -Associated Press. try convicted onfidently yesterday noments before he ly transporting marijuana by a Laredo GRADES: ARLAND and TOVA KLEIN ed by four freshmen law students will Hall tonight in the hope of organizing ng a pass-fail grading in the Law 7:30 p.m. meeting say they plan to ent to which there is dissatisfaction ding system and the possibility that might be gathered. y object Students hit acaden By ROB BIER Daily News Analysis As controversy continues to grow over the proposed Office of Student Services, policy board, another disagreement has arisen over student participation in Uni- versity affairs. That issue is rejection by the Senate Assembly's Academic Affairs Committee, headed by classics Prof. Theodore Buttrey, of parity in student representation on araemic affairs nommittaee, Tn a final to the rejection decision and the reason- ing behind it in his minority report. He maintained that the committee had not been able to arrive at a definition of "faculty committees" and thus had no basis for its stand from that angle. Beyond that, the minority report ques- tioned the proper role of the academic affairs committee. "If faculty committees are concerned with decision-making pro- cesses which directly affect student lives, then it i imnrnner to term these commit- because systems essional he rele- m in a Ted No- s. ation of the idea he add- ted a ast Fri- pproved 1 p ro- e exper- am sam- .d and ake one Ho+use pane lt stud ollutior The state House Conservation and Recreation Committee will consider tonight a major bill on conservation which would empow- er the attorney general, local gov- ernments and private citizens to sue any public or private program unnecessarily harming or threat-, ening the environment. The Natural Resource Conser- vation and Environmental Pro- tection Act, drafted by University law Prof. Joseph Sax, would au- Influential members of the ple of interested secon third year students to to