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January 20, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-20

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Tuesday, January 20,

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, January 20,

back lower
voting age

Americans migrate to Caniada

(Continued fron Page 1)
gress has not authorized the ac-
celerated draft of so-called delin-
Chief Justice Warren E. Burger
and Justices John M. Harian and
Potter Stewart voted to overturn
the conviction pending before the
court but for other reasons. _
In a separate thrust at draft
boards the court agreed to hear
the appeal of a Kentucky man
who questions the process of de-
termining conscientious objector
status. This case, of Joseph
Thomas Mulloy, 25, of Preston-
burg, will be heard this spring.
Still on the court's docket is a
draft case in which the power of
boards to reclassify protesters to
IA is under serious attack. Doug-
las, Black, Brennan and Marshall
took the position in the G u t -
knecht case that boards do not
have congressional authority to
reclassify, for punitive purposes,
young men who were exempt or de-
ferred. '
This view may not command a
majority. White, who agreed with
the liberal foursome that the ac-
celerated induction of a man al-
ready IA is not authorized, did
not join in their view of reclassi-
fication. ,
The court's second major rul-
ing yesterday was a warning that
blacks may not be kept off juries'
for racial reasons. But this was,
coupled with a refusal to dismantle
Alabama and Georgia laws which
civil rights lawyers claim work
as instruments of discrimination.'
Justice Stewart said even over-j
wlvelming proof of black under- I
representation on someSouthern
juries and school boards is not
grounds for invalidating laws that '
limit service to "intelligent" or
"well-informed" citizens.
"Whether jury service be deem-.
ed a right, a privilege, or a duty,"
said Justice Stewart, "the state
may no more extent it to some of
its citizens and deny it to others
on racial grounds than it may in-
vidiously discriminate in the of-.
fering and withholding of the elec-
tive franchise."

OTTAWA tIP-Paul Rosen, 30. a
former U.S. citizen, tells why he
moved to Canada:

(Continued forn Page 1) "The doctors are less arrogant,
It will be up to the student- the policemen more polite, the
youth caucus to help make sure customs men more civil. You can
these reforms go through," a d d s stil find a parking lot downtown.
De Grieck, one of the initiators of "It's simply a more civilized
the caucus. place to live."
However, F'rank Shoichet, anzo- He is one of many thousands of
theri YD member and an initiator U.S. academics who have moved
of the caucus, believes that "whe- across the border in the last dec-
Lher the 18-Year-old vote will pass ade-so many, in fact, that they
is highly dubiouse" filled 84 per cent of Canadian
university appointments in a
The caucus, which held its first uige yea, m.
meeingat he onvntin, assingle year. ,
Yeeting at the convention, was They are part of a major trend
developed chiefly by campus YD in migration in the 1960s.
members in order to "give youth Rosen says Canada puts much
more voice in the party," says importance on the plights of Bia-
Shoichet. frans and little on ownership of
During the two days of the con- an aircraft carrier.
vention, some 80 students gather- Rosen, who learned about Ot-
ed to discuss their goals for the tawa from a colleague at New York
party. University, now teaches political
The youth-student caucus' will theory at Ottawa's Carleton Uni-
-liffer from YDs in that it will not versity.
be bound to the party; and will At the beginning of the decade,
work outside the party to achieve perhaps 11,000 Americans a year
its goals, if necessary. were moving north. Last year's
"We're not going to do every- figure probably will match the
thing the party wants us to," days 20,422 arrivals of 1968.
D, G k;'There is no sign of a slowdown

One was from a U.S. naval of-
ficer getting his discharge in San
Francisco. He wanted to know
wvhether Atomic Energy could use
his experience, gained on a nuclear
submarine, in retaliation protec-
tion methods.
Lipin forwarded the application
to the Clark River, Ont., plant,
The applicant, who comes from
New Jersey, already has sent his
wife and children to live in Arm-,
prior, an Ottawa ;Valley town be-
tween Ottawa and Chalk River.
The youths who evade the draft
or desert military service by com-
ing to Canada get more publicity,
but other landed immigrants are .
more significant for Canada.
Among the 8,266 U.S. citizens
going into the labor force in 1968.
almost half were professionals-
university professors, teachers,
engineers, scientists. Alnmost 1,000

to Canada with $1,000 but the
average U.S. citizen comes in with
$4,Q00. The 1968 group brought t
$90 million in cash or assets to
Canada. The San Francisco naval
officer is coming after completing
his military service, George Schu-
mann, 42, who came to British
Columbia two years ago from
Wells, Nev., last spring sent his
son back to serve when the boy
received a U.S. draft call.
Schmuaan has invested $110,000
in a cattle-feeding and slaughter
business on the Nechako River in
British Columbia.
Carol Buck, a striking brunette,
came from New York City in 1966
to study at McGill University in a
Montreal. '
The safe streets of Ottawa and
Montreal charmed her. Like Rosen,
she is impressed by the absence
of drunks and panhandlers. "It's

--Associated Press
~Nioreriaj .i tropas Iecd rel[uorees '
Nigerian Federal soldiers feed Ibo refugees at Awoomama, between Owerri and Uli= in the former
secessionist state of Biafra. Relief workers say the federal troops have be'en helping with relief in
a number of places before the relief teams arrive.
NiXOn nominates Judge Carswell

of these were "owners, managers, when you go back that you get
officials." . cultural shock," she says of New
The average immigrant comes York.
Use Tail Ci *sfied

(Continued from Page 1)
that freedom-of-choice plans are
acceptable only when they actual-
ly bring desegregation.
As a judge in Tallahassee, Cars-
well ruled against attempts to
force theaters to sell tickets to
blacks and to force the reopening;
of municipal swimming pools that
had closed after a black "wade-s
in." He also ruled against segre-
gation at the local airport.
Marvin Capland, director of the.
Washington. office of the Leader-
ship Conference on Civil Rights,I
yesterday said he assumes his of-
fice will be opposed to Carswell's
nomination for the Supreme Court.
Sen. Richard S. Schweiker (R-I
Pa.), who voted , against the
Haynsworth nomination, said he
would vote to confirm CarswelW

The senator said in a statement property I inherited from my
issued by his office he is satisfied father and my grandfather."
with the thoroughness of the Jus- He identified the firm in which
tice Department's investigation of his wife held an interest as El-
the nomimee, berta Box and Crate Co. Some
den. Robert P. Griffin of Mich- students joined the strikers in the
igan, the GOP whip, whose op- wage dispute, and a state judge;
position to Haynsworth was a enjoined the strikers from cross-
major blow to the administration ing a property line at the plant
in the earlier controversy, issued ,site.
a guarded statement of approval. The strike ended after several
Griffin did not say how he will . w ka

L36 rs C: .a .... U .. .a . v ec,.. a .a v s
The group's goals include gain- "I've hid a great many appli-
ing veto powers over the selec- cationsfrom U.S. citizens in the
Lionof nmines to theState last seven or eight months,'' said -
tion of nominees to. the I vaten
Board of Education and state uni- Sam Lipin, personnel coordinator
versity boards, implementing the for Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd,.
reforms passed last weekend,. and in I probably have seven or eight;r
developing a better understanding m nry. box today."
of minority group problems.
"We're going to have to find H ' ace
liberals and radicals who know H ospital face ' FREE Service and Delivery
how to act-people who are fed up
with the existing situation in the la c of blOOd --NO DEPOSI T R EQUIR EE--
party," he adds.
Members of the caucus are cau- University hospital needs a CALL:
tiously optimistic about the con- minimum of 200 pints of blood
vention's reforms. to ease a critical shortage. At
"We got just what we expected present blood is only available Nl
---a commitment in words. It all for emergency patients. All6 7
depends on whether the commit- potential donors are urged to . 'r662-5671
ment is carried out,' says Shoi- call the local Red Cross chapter SERVING BIG 10 SCHOOLS SINCE 1961
chet. at 971-5300 to schedule ap-
"The farces of change are grow- pointments.
ing." De Grieck agrees, "but if the_._. _® __.-..-..- ._._..- ... _
Democratic Party doesn't open up __;
even more in the next few years,
-there will probably be a signifi-
:cant third party movement."E .n / ttN61"


"The reports thus far have been
ver"y favorable, and I hope the
Senate will be able to confirm the
nomination without delay," he
Causwel ssaid yesterday he had
no business holdings.
. But he said his wife had "some
interest' in a Tallahassee firm
Istruck by black millworkers last
year in a wage dispute.
Asked about his personal hold-
I gs, Carswell rej1jed, "Ihave my
home and a few parcels of real
Contract Ratified

W li,g g a ge ,tS 'tttti Wt,
increase smaller than they sought.
Asked if he thought the dispute
might center into his confirmation
by the Senate for the Supreme
Court, Carswell replied, "I find
that would be incredible to'
fathom, really."

V V! tYl .:i! VU 1!

Forner Prof. Johnson



dies at age
Clarence T. Johnstan, 97, pro-
fessor emeritus of geodesy and sur-
veying at the University, died
Saturday evening at his home.
Survivors include two sons,
Clarence N. Johnston of Streat-
or, Ill., and Dr. Franklin D. John-
ston of Ann Arbor, who retired
last year as professor emeritus of
internal medicine and land chief
of the University Hospital Heart
The late Prof. Johnston, a Uni-
versity alumnus, retired in 1941
after 30 years of service. He had
been chairman of the former de-
partment of geodesy and surveying
and director of the Davis Engin-;
eering Camp, now called the Camp
Davis, in Wyoming.

of 97


w The Washtenaw County Build-
ing and Construction Trades
A memorial service will be held Council, bar-gaining agent for 281
at 3 :30 p.m Friday, Jap. 23, at
the Muehilig Funeral Chapel with dozen unions, last night ratified
the Rev. Terry N. Smith, of the a 27-month contract with the Uni-
First Congregational Church, of- versity.
ficiating. The ' contract, involving no
He was widely known, in the fringe benefits or grievance is-
field of hydraulics, including ir- sues, provides for an across-the-
rigation, drainage, and the admin- board hourly wage hike of 44
istration of water resources. He E cents, retroactive to Jan. 4 of this
was the first secretary of the Wyo- iyear. An additional 37 cents in-
ming board of registration for crease will become effective March
engineers, the first such board in 14, 1971 continuing until the con-
the United States. tract expires March 31, 1972. '

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