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January 08, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-08

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Page Eight



City Council delays

nusin in novatins ndreicted

VA)e 01n 110usin15 code a -w-
v t osg SEATTLE - The year 1970 will : tracts, builders and unions will be
(Continued from Page 3) to paint a building in the winter, usher in a "housing revolution" forced to comply with federally set
President Albert Samborn opposed There was also a question whe- involving assembly-line efficiency, hiring goals for minority groups."
this clause because they believed ther the city had sufficient sub- modernization of building codes Along with construction inno-I
it would penalize the owner for contractors to correct the viola- and practices, and better employ- vations that may be expected in
the city's negligence in not in- tions in the allotted time per- ment opportunities, a University 1970, Pearson said, there will be a
specting the dwelling within 10 iod. authority predicts. modernization of building codes
days. All these are being looked into' Prof. Karl G. Pearson of the 'and practices through state and
However, city officials believe it by council's committee on hous- Graduate School of Business Ad- regional land-use controls - re-
would be highly unlikely that a ing ministration told members of the placing "the present labyrinthian.
buding which harbored health Iuring the council meeting, Washington State Real Estate Ed- maze of diverse, conflicting, and
and safety hazards would not be Mayor Robert Harris urged coun- ucational Foundation r e c e n t I y superannuated local codes, baffling
inspected within the 10 day period. sil members to eliminate the pen- that such changes would be forced and bewildering in their costly
Council also passed an amend- aty .rovisions for imprisonment. by economics. proliferation."
ment defining the specific amount "You'd :eve: ace a ranalrd im- As the sales and earnings from
of time that can elapse before ten- prisoned," he says The year 1970 will roll up the factory-built housing soar to new
ants could place their rent in a curtain on assembly-line speed heights he suggested, corporate
private or city-operated escrow and techniques through factory- conglomerates will increasingly in-;
account, built housing," said Pearson, who vest in the growing housing field
If the building's certificate of {1 pi directs the University's real estate "Along with the investment at-
compliance has been suspended :][ * t L LIeducation program. He explained: traction of factory-built housing
for najor violations 'presenting "The year will show that fac- will be the lure of real estate in
hazards to health and safety, the tory-built housing is the only way general as a hedge against infla-
owner would have 30 days to cor- to beat the high cost of construc- Lion, a tax shelter, and a relatively
rect the violation before rent with- U-..U. tion, providing as it does lower high rate of return," Pearson
holding could begin. For minor labor costs and year-round in- noted.
violations, not constituting s u C h stead of seasonal housing produc- "Small investors will surge en
hazards, the owner would have Vtion. Factory-built housing can masse into real estate investment
60 days before rent could be paid I.ed be made comparable to conven- trusts - the mutual funds of real

L -s '- v- v v - -

son said, adding: "Their shares
are traded on the organized se-
curities and over - the - counter
markets, giving the small investor
liquidity and diversification. They
respond to the thinking of the
small investor that inflation is
now a fact :of life, and that only
real estate investments can ef-
fectively stay ahead of the erosive
forces of inflation."
Pearson discussed some prime
investment areas:
"Real estate investment trusts
will train their investment eyes on
suburban real estate, realizing that
the shift to suburbia will accele-
rate, and that the richest invest-
'ment opportunities will lie in new
suburban shopping centers, tied in
with new housing developments
and office complexes, and that
the intense bidding for suburban
sites will make for increasing value
enhancement in suburban land.
"Resort real estate will come in-
to its own as a major investment
opportunity, by reason of longer
vacations and higher incomes, the
provision of the new big jets and
lower group air fares, and the


into escrow.t
A provision penalizing persons (Continued from Page 3)
guilty of code violations by a fine any number of University build-1
of $5 per day per violation and ings," he said.
possible imprisonment of up to The walkout will also affect the
90 days would take effect if the heating plant at the University'sc
corrections were not made within Dearborn Campus w h e r e two
60 days for major violations and operators plan to either resign or
four months for minor ones. stay away from their jobs. And at
Council was concerned that it the University's Willow Run lab-t
would be a nuisance for single- oratories, six heating operators
family dwellers to face the penal- plan to participate in the walkout.
ties for minor violations - like The University's latest offer
not fixing their heating. The code comes two days after the union
however had to be apply to single- rejected an earlier package be-l
family. as well as multiple dwell- cause it felt the wage increase
ings to qualify for funding from was too small.
U.S. Department of Housing and Both teams of negotiators re-
Urban Development, fused comment on the details of
Another problem was the poten- the package. However, a source
tial difficulty in correcting minor close to the negotiations disclosed
violations within the allotted per- that the University has raised its
iod cause of inclement weather. wage-per-hour offer to within ten
It would be difficult, for instance, cents of the hourly wage requested
by the union.
The union negotiators, in turn,
have agreed to extend the aura-
tion of the contract from 24
months to 27 months.,
hold foirm alThe old contract between the
union and the University expired
Dec. 31. Negotiations have been
underway since early November.
discussion IWhen no agreement appeared
within reach last week, the Uni-
(Continued from Page 3) versity asked the State Employ-'
Presently, employes who believe ment Relations Commission to
they have been discriminated provide a ,mediator.
against can take their complaints According to Director of Uni-
to their union, their supervisor or versity Relations Jack Hamilton,
the personnel office. the mediator met with both sides
Discussion also focused on Monday and concluded that they
whether the University should use were too far apart to benefit from
an outside agency, such as a pub- mediation.
lie review board, to investigate The University's original offer
complaints, There was also con- was presented to the union that
cern about whether there is a sat- night' without the support of the
isfactory means for receiving im- union negotiators, and was over-
mediate complaints on discrimi- whelmingly rejected.
nation. , On Tuesday, James Thiry, man-

tional homes in design, materials,
and appearance."
Pearson also suggested that 1970
will see builders banding togeth-
er in collective bargaining w i t h
construction unions, their hands
"further strengthened by pools of
strike insurance."
"Larger cracks will be made in
the wall of union resistance to
factory-built housing for on-site
assembly," Pearson said. "We will
also find the construction -unions
under tremendous pressures to ex-
pand their membership to minor-
ity groups, and this will help to
relieve the critical shortage of
construction labor.
"To be eligible for federal con-

estate - providing i m m u n i t y
against the double taxation in-

erent in corporate stocks and sales implications of our 'legal
bonds. Real estate investment black market' - the black travel
' trusts are even now enjoying re- market with its potential of 22
turns of 14 per cent and better, of million new customers.
which only 2 per cent is chargeable "Of the many growth areas in

to their inexpensive operations.
They are often borrowing four to
five times their equity, and profit-
ing by leverage between the rate
they pay on loans and the rate
at. which they reinvest these bor-
Real estate investment trusts
will be a major new source of
funds for building and rebuilding,
and will fill the vacuum caused by
the current credit crunch, Pear-


real estate, the Pacific Northwest
in 1970 will be the most reward-
ing, because of the growth of its
trade with Japan."
4d # s
>"+aY T .," LMT..} JC T4 'M"R
wj *W

ReAwoo& 9 Ross 1208 S. Univ.

Both Hamilton and HRC mem-
bers agreed that racial discrimina-
tien existed in hospital security
jobs. Hamilton said the University
was taking care of the problem.
Joseph A. Diana Jr., assistantj
controller of the University of
Michigan, will become vice presi-
dent for finance and management
of. the State University of N e w
York at Stony Brook.
The appointment, effective late
in the winter, was announced last
month by Dr. John S. Toll, presi-
dent of the university center on
Long Island.
Diana. 45, joined the U-M ad-
ministrative staff in 1951 as pro-
ject coordinator in the Engineer-
ing Research Institute.' He held
several posts in that institute and
its successor. the Institute of Sci-
ence and Technology.
I n 1960 he became assistant to
the dean of the medical school
for business affairs, and in 1966
he was named secretary of the
medical school's faculty. He be-
came assistant controller this year,
and in that post he has worked
directly with the cleans of U-M's
18 colleges and schools and with
directors of other University units.
fConti )wd frn'm Pnae 7)
skiing, arts and crafts, and drama.

ager of employes and union rela-
tions, and the University's chief
negotiator, requested that the
State Employment Relations Com-
inission send a fact-finder. This
is a step taken in labor contract;
disputes usually when the state
mediator is unable to bring about'
a settlement.
Negotiations were suspended
pending the arrival of the fact-
When the University presented ;

a new offer yesterday morning, the'
union negotiators indicated infor- 619 E. LIBERTY
mal acceptance. Mayotte then
scheduled a ratification meeting J
for tonight.I
Cancelled oRejected aDeclined
We also write motorcycle and motorscooter insurance.
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Bill Manser
graduated in 1967
with a B.S. degree in
Industrial Engineering.

After an intensive training program,
Bill became an IBM marketing
representative. His job: selling
computer systems..
His technical background is valuable
Many of Bill's customers are
involved in scientific and engineering
applications. "That's where my
engineering degree really pays off.I
can come to grips with technical
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Marketing is solving problems
But, as Bill points out, there's a lot

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Then I have to analyze his total
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Only after weeks-sometimes
months-of analysis do I recommend
a specific computer system that will
answer his needs.
"One of the best things about my
job is thatI get to deal with people at
the top. Company presidents. Decision-
makers. And my work helps them
make multimillion-dollar decisions.
"Thave a partner and we operate
as a two-man team. IBM believes that
small teams generate- more and better
ideas. So doI."
Visit your placement office
Bill's is just one example of the
many opportunities in marketing at
IBM. For more information, visit your
placement office.
An Equal Opportunity Employer

Jan. "15: Davey Tree Company, KDent
Ohio, good exper. in landscaping, out-
door work, good pay with room avail.
* * * *
Interview for Permanent work in Ja-
pan with Sandoz Pharmaceuticals to-
morrow, Jan. 9, sign up at Gen. Divi-
sion, 3200 S.A.B. Business opportuni-
ties for Japanese nationals.
Engineering - Placement Meeting No.
1: "Engineering Market and Placement
Services." Salary ad demand trends and
how to use the Engineering Placement
Service. First of four meetings. Primar-
ily for seniors and graduate students,
but open to all interested. Professor J.
G. Young. January 9, 1970, 4:00 p.m.
and 7:30 p.m. in Room 325, West En-
gineering Building. (Afternoon a n d
evenig meetigs will be the same.)

. . .

"My engineering degree helps me sell computers:'


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